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/lit/ - Literature

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13875842 No.13875842 [Reply] [Original]

I was wrong... Anon, I was wrong, I mislead you. This is a great book. It might be the greatest novel* of the past ten years

>> No.13875869
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>> No.13875875
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I wonder if she'll be happier as a bag lady.

>> No.13875878

>she privated her accounts
I guess the public sphere is nothing but discord and bots at this point

>> No.13875885

"i'm looking for a two to five year relationship with a man similar enough to me so we feel like we have a special, secret kind of bond, but different enough so we have things to talk about. hopefully he has been, but is not currently severely depressed. an interest in writing, reading, literature, and/or existential philosophy is important, though i feel stupid saying that. doesn't have to be much taller than me, definitely not shorter or fatter. atheist or agnostic. likes to spend time apart. likes to go on car trips without destinations. wouldn't call himself an 'activist' or spend long amounts of time with people who call themselves 'activists.' probably doesn't like dancing, bars, or sports. quiet but not boring. laughs easily. doesn't take me or him or life in general seriously, yet has a capacity to earnestly experience emotions, and is aware of this paradox. average sex drive. gives compliments. dark hair is good. would probably not like that i have written all these things about what i want him to be like, but would also understand and tease me about it later. eventually i'd like to get an apartment together"

Well, /lit/? Are you Mr. Megan Boyle material?

>> No.13875894

A woman over 28 talking about what kind of man she'd ideally like to be with is like the worst most fucked up incel on /r9k/ talking about how he wants to bang celebrities

>> No.13875909
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what's the point in getting an apartment together if it's going to last 5 years tops

>> No.13875959
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i'm pretty certain she visited one of the prior threads

>> No.13875965

That's from her first poetry collection, published when she was 23. Other authors who debuted at 23: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Carson McCullers, Robert Walser, Yukio Mishima. She beat David Foster Wallace by a whole year!

>> No.13875991

OkCupid flashbacks...

>> No.13875998

You say that, but I prefer those days over
>I'm fun and fun and want a man who likes fun. Food!!! Outside :) Travel :P

>> No.13876056
File: 1.23 MB, 1665x1238, megan boyle and girlfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]