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13875435 No.13875435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your political beliefs about how society should operate (if any?):
What is your rationale for any religious beliefs, or lack thereof, that you hold (if any?):
What philosophical leanings do you have (for example: towards or away from materialism, solipsism, dualism, etc):

>> No.13875442

Also, please tell me what rationale you have for those positions?

>> No.13875532

I'm a moderate. I like to find common ground with my many friends, who are also moderates


>> No.13875553

I am a fairly conservative person with libertarian and constitutionalist foundations. I distrust institutional authority, resent bureaucracies, incessantly (and encourage others to) exercise free speech, tease and trivialize identity politics, do not believe in God but am an active Christian apologist, despise the recent evolution of technology and actively resist its integration with out bodies (earbuds, alexa, etc.), have not used social media since 2012, and spend my free time reading, writing, and solo traveling, fantasizing about and plotting my retirement on a remote rural property surrounded by trees and a creek.

>> No.13875588

>What are some of your political beliefs about how society should operate (if any?):
Socialist, communitarian. In terms of parliamentary democracy my preference would be something like a more radical version of a Blue Labour/Red Tory govt a la the philosophy of John Milibank or George Grant.
>What is your rationale for any religious beliefs, or lack thereof, that you hold (if any?):
Agnosticism. A mix of sympathy and antipathy for Catholicism.
>What philosophical leanings do you have (for example: towards or away from materialism, solipsism, dualism, etc):
Skepticism, moral non-realism which nevertheless fails to cancel out my sentimentality and pathos.

>> No.13875591


>> No.13875615

Gee, you must be fun at parties

>> No.13875618

>political position
>religious belief
Agnostic theism
>philosophical position
Dialectical materialism

>> No.13875633

>What are some of your political beliefs about how society should operate (if any?):
>What is your rationale for any religious beliefs, or lack thereof, that you hold (if any?):
Pantheistic Atheism
>What philosophical leanings do you have (for example: towards or away from materialism, solipsism, dualism, etc):
Historical Immaterialism / Irrational Idealism

>> No.13875637

you must be real interesting to talk to when everything i say you bend to and offer a devils advocate thats not even provoking rather a smoke screen to your lack of knowledge,understanding, or intelligence on any matter other than consuming

>> No.13875654

Haha, guess we'll have to agree to disagree then


>> No.13875695

i should have seen this coming, how could i be so foolish

>> No.13875710

It's alright, don't be so hard on yourself


>> No.13875722

god damnit this doom full hell will be the death of us you

>> No.13875728

wow hillarious meme haha I bet he's read hegel too

>> No.13875735

minarchist, the entire world should be run like new hampshire. taxes should be leased to the state through liquor and investment monopolies and reconfirmed every 25 years. local municipalities should handle their own taxes and utilities and education. federal taxes should be paid for defense and disaster support and possibly courts. The government at the federal level should maintain a moral distance, and only step in when states and municipalities ask for their assistance.

>> No.13875740

I'm not really political. I think that polemics get into the way of pursuing truth, polemics don't pursue truth, they simply pursue toppling the other. Politics are inherently polemic. I'd say moderate left, though, according to tests.


Naturalist yet dualist. Nietzsche, Foucault. Godless yet idealist, my idealism resides in the sensible world, and that's one big hurdle in the way of my personal happiness.

I'm really curious how would you define the main tenets of this one. I'm aware that the world is a huge dissonance and many things are contradicting each other, but this just sounds like throwing together two diametrically opposing terms. I'm not making fun of anything, legitimately curious.

>Skepticism, moral non-realism which nevertheless fails to cancel out my sentimentality and pathos.
I really think that even the highest degree of moral non-realism you may enforce upon yourself is eventually to come at loggerheads with the current order of things one is thrown and then reared into. No need to fight it.

>> No.13875946
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There are two positions: Recognizing Hegel or ignoring Hegel. I recognize Hegel.

>> No.13876034
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Anti-cosmopolitan, anti-financial, anti-Marxist, anti-rational, anti-scientific, anti-pacifist, anti-materialist, anti-atheist, anti-feminist, anti-egalitarian, anti-individual, anti-modern, anti-democratic, anti-bourgeois.

>> No.13876111

none, if pressed enlightened absolutism
>religious belief
atheist LARPing deist
>philosophical leanings

>> No.13876136

Liberal, patriot, realpolitik
Guess i'm an apatheist, nominally Orthodox Christian
Empiricism and idealism
I disagree politically with everyone i know and a friend of mine says i stand for absolutely nothing. Such is life in eastern Europe

>> No.13877582

>What are some of your political beliefs about how society should operate
The way I see it, modern society is predicated on the implicit and constant consent of those who live in it. I believe that citizens have a right and responsibility to shape the course of the state they live in. Therefore, inequality and injustice are not something that should be allowed to exist unless it has some social good. To some extent, I accept arguments from Capitalists about the benefits of the free market, the profit motive, etc. but I categorically reject any moral arguments in favour of it. I see it as a tool that can and should be tampered with or discarded outright when it doesn't serve the public good. In general, I think that things that are important (utilities, healthcare etc.) should be under public ownership to a large degree.

In short, I'm a social democrat.
> What is your rationale for any religious beliefs, or lack thereof, that you hold (if any?):
I'm an Atheist. I'd love to be religious but what I see around me is preventing me from taking religion seriously. The jist of it is that religion runs counter to modern life. Religious ideals are something that's quite distinct from taking part in modern society, and almost always loses out to secular principles when it comes to being a driving force in people's lives. Most religious people merely indulge in religion once in a while. Moreover, when religion does play a role in life it's when these freaks - especially in America - seethe about random nonsense with faggots and trannies. An absolute farce that I want nothing to do with.
>What philosophical leanings do you have
The question is too broad. You'd need to be more specific.

>> No.13877599

The only moral system is some sort of sortition based approach.
Vaguely christian platonist.

>> No.13877602

Whiteheadian aesthete with Marxist political leanings. And I guess I am some sort of weak atheist.

>> No.13877609

>incessantly (and encourage others to) exercise free speech, tease and trivialize identity politics,
t.Calls people racial epithets on the internet

>> No.13877615

>more specific
There are many philosopher. Have many different opinion. What philosopher think has the best opinion?

>> No.13877735
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>What are some of your political beliefs about how society should operate (if any?):
I think advancing past indigenous ways of live was a big mistake, but what is done os done.
I admire nationalistic governments and despise capitalism and what it does to people and to the enviroment. I don't care about race, but deep down I have some aesthetic concerns, like, I imagine I'd feel bad having ugly kids with a beautiful european girl /:
>What is your rationale for any religious beliefs, or lack thereof, that you hold (if any?):
I don't think about religion that much and it's very hard for me to have faith. I do feel amazed sometimes when I think about nature though. Bees, ants, the inner working of cells...

Basically I'm stupid and don't read nearly as much as I should

>> No.13877766

Tankie, not really tho

I'm in the enviable spot of not needing it. Pagan just for shit and giggles

I find myself especially drawn to Derrida, (especially when it comes to his later ethical turn) although Meillassoux kinda shook my anti-realist belief

>> No.13877770

>political philosophy
Very funny as always, op. If I hear words about any promising ongoing coup I will let you know.
Wasn't raised as anything. Ended up humean skeptic/maybe-deist.
Honestly I was sort of a materialist in my retarded popsci phase. I credit some essays by Heisenberg and Schrodinger for first getting me out of that framework. From then I wasn't in any system but I guess I lean toward neutral-monist realism. Memed into reading Whitehead currently and it's all very interesting so far.

>> No.13877857
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>political beliefs
Power for Power's sake. Everything else is consequential. I'm a Communist(, currently).

>religious beliefs
Believing in God, is consequential to the belief of "Power for Power's sake". If Power is everything, then the most powerful is everything. This is God.

>philosophical beliefs
Summed up in my political / religious beliefs.

I do believe, that the principle of Power has manifold consequences, I am unaware of. This is the reason, for which I err in the details.

>> No.13877893

What the hell is pantheistic atheism?

>> No.13877921

Weird, could have sworn communism holds classless society as an ethical ideal. As simply a means for power you have to agree it loses some punch.

>> No.13878015

what in your dog's balls enlightened mind communism is?

>> No.13878027
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I agree. Communism, as I see it, is an effective method to eleminate subversion; it subverts the subversion, by conducting the revolution, which executes the revolutionary. It's a means to an end.

In fact, the suversion of the subvertive is the evidence of omnipotence, i.e. Power. Power is allmighty. It's not static, but a self-reinforcing dynamic. The World, currently via Life, currently via the Human Species, is an evolution to God.

>> No.13878034

See, here: >>13878027

>> No.13878038

The whole universe isn't God.

>> No.13878109

The whole universe is god, which doesn't exist.

>> No.13878155

ttry two maek thigns a bit betr so natl soclist maeb oar atl east easteric hit solerism
god israel so I guinness kashmiri sweaterism
teh turd positron impliged buy teh philosphies of cyclm und R KZ

>> No.13878218

Thanks, very interesting.
>subverting the subversion
An apt perspective. Perhaps a theodicy can be constructed along these lines.

>> No.13878221

I like to think of myself as being on the left-wing of social democracy.
I was raised a catholic, and have become an agnostic. I'm interested in religion and theology though, I don't think I'll stay agnostic forever. I'll either become an atheist or go back to catholicism. I'm also interested in eastern religions, particularly buddhism, but I admit I know little about them for the time being.
none in particular

>> No.13878256

wow you're me. but what is me?

>> No.13878269



>> No.13878284

No fucking clue anymore
There does seem to be some sort of consciousness inherent to and behind reality but I don't want to associate it with the abrahamic god.
Politically? I'm not sure that I really even understand what the issues are anymore, everything is so clouded and it feels like no one is really honest about anything. I'm sure things appear much different to the people actually in the know (whoever that is).
I don't like communists or progressives though, much too annoying

>> No.13878334

The chad nice moderate. You cannot even get angry at the guy, and he will draw you to him with his pure conviviality alone.

>> No.13878342


>> No.13878353
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Hey OP what about YOU gave us your answer first? What about OP starts making an effort for his threads.

>> No.13878370

Well that's unhelpful

>> No.13878377


>> No.13878433
File: 18 KB, 145x218, from hell 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neo-Luxumbergist, small c conservative on some social issues

Dialectical Materialism

Lapsed Anglo-Catholic

>> No.13878447

Thank you.

The Islamic theodicy is constructed upon "Divine Providence"; whatever happens, happens, as Allah wills it; hence, it is good. The Creator's will is the creation, the dynamic of power. This theodicy, being reality, blights subversion. This is an approach at a theodicy.

I'm not a Muslim, btw. But the Islamic interpretation of the God and his World is, admittedly, elegant.

>> No.13878481

>Fake cunt

Also all you retarded poser with your 'ideology' and 'beliefs' should try going /out/ sometimes
You eat and you shit and then you die

>> No.13878544

It's called the "le cult de OP is a faggot". I'll post the manifesto right after OP proves ITT that he's straight

>> No.13878630

Fully Automated (gay) Luxury (space) Communism.
Centralised execution, descentrilzed direct deliberation.
All run by Nuclear Power (first fission, then fusion).


Dialetical Materialism on the streets,
Cosmical Absurdism on the sheets