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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 362 KB, 878x1526, 298539_1201780130_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13873919 No.13873919 [Reply] [Original]

Extremely rough draft
What other links should be included
Suggest improvements
Not currently intended as the OP
There wasn't any thread up currently
May be only time I post without being in a pastebin

Previous Threads: >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg
Current Thread: >>>/lit/sffg

September: Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang
Current: https://mega.nz/#!qt8RwCaT!G1qXcuMD1lEgJnpRFk0POXQXcnc9Y3_n9YgZBq6lfM0
Previous: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP
List: https://pastebin.com/b1GM4etd

CHARTS: https://mega.nz/#F!ywtXwYjC!LXU3e7knFpZK_dnHeC9ixA

====NEW BOOKS====






Calibre ready SFF collection, ~567GB. MEGA.
2000s is also in the thread but is torrent only.
Why is it so large? Because there's so many of the same work in various file formats and the magazine scans are easily most of the total size.

If needed may write a simplified and specific IRC guide to how I think it ought to be done.

I don't use this, but a lot of people do.


>> No.13873926
File: 152 KB, 853x543, 16DD5EFB-312A-4CB9-A458-3602CD150BF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for consult did nothing wrong.

>> No.13873940
File: 105 KB, 800x800, NAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reccs for a shorter standalone that's not fucking soi yet not cringe like Lawrence's work? Now that's it's colder I wanted to start reading again. Thanks.

>> No.13873963

sanderfag a hack

>> No.13873973

dammit, looks like the obsession's going to be cooking this time around. I was hoping that would wait for november

Anyone want to try that recipe game again? just throw out an ingredient and I'll post a recipe

children of blood and bone

>> No.13873988

This is /sffg/, so I'll have to go with Dragon Fruit.
Good luck.

>> No.13874068
File: 1.68 MB, 2147x3056, Drifting Dragons - c001 (v01) - p065 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommended for you:
A company of adventurers hunt down dragons for fun, profit, and lunch in an airship. Fantasy setting.
Example recipe page as image.

>> No.13874120

You know what? I'm going to do that, and I'm going to go crazy with it

>1 white dragon fruit, scooped and cubed, plus the skins of two more
>3/4 pound ground pork
>1/4 pound dried scallops, rehydrated and crushed, liquid reserved
>2 cloves garlic, sliced
>1 shallot, sliced
>1 inch ginger, cut into matchsticks
>2 birds eye chilis, sliced, seeds removed
>1 tsp sriracha
>1 heavy pink hawaiian red lava salt (optional, but recommended)
>1/4 cup cornstarch slurry
>1/4 cup dark rum or cognac

>heat some oil in a heavy pan or wok until it just starts to smoke, then add sriracha and cook quickly until the oil turns red.
>add the ginger, shallot and chilis and sautee for about 30 seconds, then add the garlic and sautee for another 30 seconds
>remove the aromatics, add some more oil and add the pork, cooking while breaking it up with a spatula until you get lots of tiny, crispy bits
>add the aromatics back in, along with the scallops and scallop liquid and cook, stirring, until the liquid starts to evaporate
>add the cornstarch, just a little bit at a time until the sauce achieves a nice rich consistency. When it's just where you want it, add in the dragon fruit and cook, stirring, just until the edges soften and the fruit is warmed through
>spoon the mixture into the dragon fruit skins and reserve while you prepare the piece de resistance
>in a small pot, heat the liquor until simmering, then use a match or grill lighter to light it aflame
>pour it over the dragonfruit while still aflame, and serve

nice try tohru

>> No.13874130

>white dragon fruit
Yellow or nothing, pleb.

>> No.13874144
File: 1.76 MB, 2147x3056, Drifting Dragons - c003 (v01) - p142 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well alright then.

>> No.13874145

white is important for the visual contrast anon. you can do one part yellow to two parts white, but beyond that you won't get the right look.

>> No.13874157

just joshing you anon. This looks like an interesting read. Thanks for the rec

>> No.13874165

You're welcome.
I assume you don't have access to madokami, so if you like it and you have trouble finding after what's on nyaa, I can upload it. Just let me know.

Apparently there's going to be an anime of it as well.

>> No.13874177

Doesn't seem like white dragonfruit flesh would contrast super well with the pork unless you really browned it.

Seems a bit similar to Dungeon Meshi.

>> No.13874179

>tfw madokami is a shadow of its former self

>> No.13874222

Admittedly, dragonfruit is a hard ingredient to do savory. I could imagine wrapping it in ham, but where's the fun in that.

In this case, I'm trying to use the dragon fruit the same way tofu is used in mapo tofu – as a palate cleanser to beak up the spicy gravy. This dish after all is kind of a mix of mapo tofu, xo sauce, and some nameless flambeed tropical treat.

arguably, the mapo tofu I based it on would be infinitely more delicious without the dragonfruit weighing it down, so if I presented this to alton brown I'm pretty sure he'd have the chairman judo-throw me straight through the wall of kitchen stadium and into chelsea market below

>> No.13874238

How spicy should my mapo tofu be?

>> No.13874243
File: 233 KB, 500x850, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13874253

>mapo tofu
>has neither of the most important flavor ingredients of mapo tofu: sichuan peppercorn and doubanjiang
I mean it sounds good, but the dried scallops suggest something else.
>Admittedly, dragonfruit is a hard ingredient to do savory
Yeah, and your recipe didn't sound bad. I'd go for something cold and refreshing, though. Maybe chunks of it in a ceviche.

I find that excess spice/numbing makes it more addictive to eat.

>> No.13874271

We Savory Flavors Fanatics General now, the new /sffg/.

>> No.13874276

>Suggest improvements
Holy shit tl;dr
Don't put EVERYTHING in a pastebin, people never read those.
Keep past threads like we used too, being able to simply click them is more convenient most of the time.
Remove NPR recommendations. Remove Scalzi.
Shrink the rest of the categories, put everything but main recommendations in pastebins or remove them.

>> No.13874283

the gravy itself should be just hotter than you can handle. The entire point of the tofu is to make it bearable

I was trying to build the dish a bit differently from mapo tofu admittedly. As I said, it's a mix of that with xo sauce and some random flaming fruit dessert. Another part of the reason is that I actually haven't cooked with doubanjiang before and didn't want to fuck up the dish by including an unreasonable amount. There's already enough variables in the dish that I'm guesstimating

>> No.13874293

You can get good pixian doubanjiang on amazon. Pretty neat stuff with a really deep flavor.

>> No.13874315

As it says, it's an extremely rough draft.
I wasn't going to put it as the OP, but no new thread was made for a while so I figured I may as well.

>being able to simply click them is more convenient most of the time.
Some people have 4chan stuff installed to just click to open links as they are.
If you left-click quickly it'll highlight the line and then can right-click to open.
You can also use the warosu link to open the links easily.

>Don't put EVERYTHING in a pastebin, people never read those.
Yes, I agree that people don't like to open external links, why is why I tend to put the max character count, 3000, in a post.
I have a pastebin I made on 4chan with ~200k views and another with ~100k views.

>Remove NPR recommendations. Remove Scalzi.
I would prefer not to.

>Shrink the rest of the categories, put everything but main recommendations in pastebins or remove them.
Is your objection entirely that you don't find it to be aesthetically suitable for your taste?

I don't see it as harmful. That being said, as I've posted, I'm not trying to take over the OP. This may just be a one-off.

>> No.13874336

Hmm, yeah, I forgot the links need to all be on separate lines. My mistake.

>> No.13874339

Redpill me on Stephen King. Is he any good?

>> No.13874354

I refuse to engage with you.

>> No.13874358

>I would prefer not to
Why not? The NPR recommendations are literally the most generic stuff that came out this year, and hardly anything that would be discussed or recommended in this thread anyway.

>Is your objection
My objection is quality > quantity. People looking for recommendations want a clear answer, not a long ass list to filter through themselves.

>I'm not trying to take over the OP. This may just be a one-off.
I like the general idea, but it needs to be scaled down.

He gets slightly more hate than he deserve because he's popular but generally he's not good. His novel Cell are among the worst books I've ever read.

>> No.13874373

Just to be clear, the "I would prefer not to" is the same as its source.

>hardly anything that would be discussed or recommended in this thread anyway.
All the more reason to have it.

> People looking for recommendations want a clear answer, not a long ass list to filter through themselves.
Sure, specific people want specific answers and they post about it in the thread and are given specific answers. This is intended to be for everyone. If that was the case, no recs ought to be included in the OP because it's not specifically for anyone and the charts shouldn't even be made because they aren't specific enough. Otherwise it's just some random anon pushing their taste.

>> No.13874848

Is 1984 considered science fiction?

>> No.13874863

It's most certainly science fiction.
Naturally though anything deemed worthwhile by the literary mainstream is stripped of any genre affiliations in popular perception.

>> No.13874878

Turns out Joe Abercrombie has done multiple Ask Me Anythings on Reddit. I guess that means that certain posters here will have to disown him and never read him again.

>> No.13874889

>Mark Lawrence is cringe
>Reads Chinese comic books
The absolute state of this board

>> No.13874910

I keep seeing people talk about litrpg. Is there actually any good litrpg that's worth reading?

>> No.13874922

>Retard bait logic
You can't be a big guy and not do the occasional ama. It's part of the social media marketing you have to do if you want to keep being published and your name isn't Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.13874926

Do you like the idea of using videogame mechanics as a plot device for the novel? Including when characters stats increase from doing stuff or they when level up?

Whether you do or not will determine a lot of whether you like it.

As well as if you like RPGs in general and their tropes.

There could be ones you like, but it's unlikely.
As I went through the charts, I saw a couple that might be ok, but I haven't followed up.

>> No.13874932

I tried reading one about a toy bear and had to give up 5 pages in. I don't know if that was a good example of the genre though.

>> No.13874933
File: 56 KB, 718x648, 1557701571936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the litrpg thread, and no, there isn't

>> No.13874944

I don't know if you've seen this, I've posted it a couple times, and once in the thread, but here are my opinions on the matter.


You can use [LitRPG] to go from one to another with a search.

>> No.13874951

Maybe eventually I'll follow up on some, but always so much else, so many distractions, and so many seemingly higher priorities that probably really shouldn't be.

>> No.13874958

Thanks, most of these look shit.

>> No.13874961

Oops, I forgot I didn't do the same for the 2nd chart for the []s.
I guess I should add those probably.
Oh well.
Time to sleep.

>> No.13874968

Remember, you don't have to wake up. Just sleep forever and ever

>> No.13874974

No. it's not considered science fiction. But it is. The technology behind the telescreen did not exist in 1949 when the book was published ergo it's sci-fi. However: I would argue this is a minor element in the overall scope of 1984 so I don't get too annoyed when it's considered more speculative fiction.

>> No.13874983
File: 45 KB, 600x420, moon-monsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sci Fi:
> The ancients were so advanced!
> War is terrible. Space is terrible. Space war.
> What happens when we get techno powers?
> What happens when the machines turn on us?
> Uh oh, utopias are really dystopias!
> Oh wow, aliens - and for the first time!
> These creatures aren't what they seem...
> We were the aliens after all!
> Time is weird. Let's swim in it.
> Relativity is weird. Everyone you knew is dead!
> Immortality is great! No wait...
> What if God was one of us?
> The Adventures of Tough Guy Space Gigolo
> The Adventures of Power Girl Cyber Queen
> The Adventures of Regular Kid in Big Space Trouble
> Sequels!

>> No.13875044

>“Science fiction is about laws. ‘This is what happened, no one can change it...Fantasy is about truth, which is relative.”
How reliable is this perspective?

>> No.13875070

> Bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish...
> That's the way you do things lad, when you're making shit up as you wish!

>> No.13875085

Scifi is just an aesthetic, remember that all fantasy and magic was at one time the accepted science. "What if a wizard invented immortality potions" was just as plausible then as "what if a scientist invented immortality drugs" is now.

>> No.13875149

>“Science fiction is about laws. ‘This is what happened, no one can change it...
If you've ever wondered why sci-fi's popularity is in the gutter and has been for decades it's because of this mentality right here.

>> No.13875163


Conan is white

>> No.13875306
File: 68 KB, 672x372, dont forget about palmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd be hard-pressed to find consistent analogues for real sci-fi themes in fantasy. Also, classical mythology or pre-scientific revolution science isn't as close to modern fantasy as you seem to think. Immortality is a good example, but I off the top of my head I can't think of many others.

Even if you can think of a vast list of fantasy equivalents to sci-fi concepts that explore them better than sci-fi, some themes are decidedly the realm of science fiction: time, a non-religious answer to questions of creation, climate change (although arguably I'm sure this could be presented through allegory), consciousness and neuroscience. I would be deeply sceptical that the emotions invoked by authors like Watts or Egan could be matched in fantasy works.

Despite the derision of >>13874983 (who does make some fair points), sci-fi can definitely do some unique things that fantasy can't.

>> No.13875367

>a non-religious answer to questions of creation
By "non-religious" you mean "non-Christian".

Every single sci-fi book I've read was Gnostic or pantheist, which is still religion.

>> No.13875460

You just did, my man :^)

>> No.13875574

>All the more reason to have it
Absolutely not. What's the point of having different communities if they all recommend and read the same books? The fact that this place have its own, different, canon compared to Goodreads or Reddit is a good thing and something that should be encouraged by the recommendations.

The masterworks links are acceptable because they're very general and historical. But the selected recommendation charts should be returned to the OP to complement the general recommendations.

>> No.13875605
File: 265 KB, 997x879, Eggman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the Stars when? My impatience getting out of control, it's consuming me.

>> No.13875770
File: 285 KB, 1000x1473, martians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read The Martians, by Kim Stanley Robinson? I finished the Sexual Dimorphism story recently, and I thought it was great. It held my attention for a few days afterwards, at least. The ending is really quite beautiful, even if strange. I was wondering what opinions others might've had on it?

At the risk of sounding romantic, I'll write my opinions. Personally, I think the protagonist’s relationship with his love was really quite tragic. The story wasn't very long, but is succeeded in making me care about the protagonist, and it was really awful to see how utterly cast aside he was by a woman he loved so much that he even described her as a goddess on earth. He hits her, which leads to him hating himself, when he should rightfully be hating her, after she practically tortured him by refusing to dump him, whilst openly flirting with his future replacement, and then she psychologically rubs his face in the dirt with that answering machine message. Then, even though she was clearly the villain in the story, she gets to move on, and to be happy with her new man, whilst our protagonist still sees her as the same goddess as before, which denies him the ability to forget her. It is her senseless cruelty, and lack of remorse, that allows her to be happy, but our protagonist’s love, and guilt, denies him that same thing. It’s a story in which the protagonist would be infinitely happier if he were just worse at loving people, which is tragic. The sociopath gets to be happy, whilst the empath ends up sleeping on the beach in a greatcoat, then performing what is essentially attempted suicide, all because he loved a woman more than she loved him.

Really, I want to know whether this story is playing on some specific personal weaknesses of mine, or if it’s actually as emotional as I’m feeling. Give me your opinions. Opinions on the other stories would also be appreciated. I thought Arthur Sternbach Brings the Curveball to Mars, and Green Mars, were very interesting. The latter has made me wish I could become a professional Olympus Mons escarpment climber.

PS: please don’t bully me

>> No.13875989

First of all, let me start by saying that I support any and all improvements on the sticky, so long a they are actually, you know, and improvement. However, you seem to be one of the, thankfully few, faggot who don't understand that there's a reason people come here instead of arrfantasy.
There's a reason why we have the word "modularity". You don't want all of your files in the same folder and you don't want all of your links on sticky. Over 50 lines is imply unacceptable.
NPR not only includes books "we haven't read", but is also almost entirely filled with books almost no one here would enjoy (expect for jordan poster and a few others, and there's like a 30% chance that you are the jordan poster).I have never seen the scalzi website before, but upon a cursory glance I agree with the other anon that it should be removed.
No one will ever care about writing section, magazines and blogs should be in a misc pastebin, downloads should include no more than 3 links, and no we don't care about what you use.
Selected fantasy and selected scifi were like the only charts that everyone seemed to like. Why would you remove them, and instead add charts that are completely based on your personal taste, and has nothing to do with this general, besides being speculative fiction? Those charts were like the ideals starting point for newfags, including Wolfe, Vance, Peake, Le Guin, and I think Dunsany. What sort of a fucked up childhood did you have to think that recommending a reading list of an author that isn't even that liked here is a better idea? That
Last time it took me a week of screeching for the new sticky to stick. And you are about to ruin it.
I hope we can come to an understanding, because otherwise I will have no choice but to screech again.

>> No.13875997

Mid 2020 I'm sad to report. I vaugely remember reading Ada was taking sme more time to polish it all up which I think it a good thing as I personally felt book 3 was a tad weak.

Right you are, well said. There's some Dharmic stuff in Watt's Echopraxia but that's the only other example I can think of.

>> No.13876102

Bully Stick
You didn't cook it last time either faggot.

>> No.13876109 [DELETED] 
File: 533 KB, 1236x662, lord of the rings chapter five.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chapters 1-5 covered so far.

>> No.13876294

>Last time it took me a week of screeching for the new sticky to stick
If I could give a fug I would have changed it back to the original template to mess with you, but I just couldn't give a fuck anymore.
Don't feel you acting autistic had anything to do with it sticking.

>> No.13876312

Why is Jeff Hayes such an autistic faggot?
He could be making some great audiobooks, but he chooses to only do litrpg shit.

>> No.13876318

i wish i was him...

>> No.13876323

It has everything to do with it sticking, I have tried to be reasonable for months, but the thread slave faggot refused to engage in a discussion, but as soon as I sperg out and start creating threads on my own, it sticks

>> No.13876389

No one wants the responsibility to create threads. I did it for years, my successor slave did it for a few months then quit. It's why you don't have new threads being made before the general reaches page 11.

>> No.13876422
File: 1.29 MB, 940x1290, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a smart move on his part. he carved out a niche for himself and his team and capitalizes on it. Also Soundbooth Theater does not charge as much as other bigger voice-acting companies such as Podium or Penguin because they don't have too. They have steady work and they are seen as "the guys" when it comes to someone selfpublished wanting to have their books narrated. They don't do litrpgs exclusively but that's where the money is for their company due to them having a good reputation in the field. If you are a small indie that hasn't hit the big leagues to afford lets say Nick Podehl or Luke Daniels via Podium your only option is to talk to Solo voice actors via one of the few platforms that facilitate it or talk to Soundbooth Theater.

>> No.13876595

>Mid 2020 I'm sad to report
Fucks sake. I agree with you about the polish, I just want it finished, polished and released now.

>> No.13877013

>First of all, let me start by saying that I support any and all improvements on the sticky, so long a they are actually, you know, and improvement.
What would you consider an improvement over how it previously was?

>PR not only includes books "we haven't read", but is also almost entirely filled with books almost no one here would enjoy
I think you're wrong.

>30% chance that you are the jordan poster
I don't like Robert Jordan.

>scalzi website
The link doesn't really have anything to with Scalzi. It's the authors talking about their own books.

>No one will ever care about writing section
Yeah, that'll be removed.

>magazines and blogs should be in a misc pastebin

>downloads should include no more than 3 links
To be seen

>no we don't care about what you use.
Nice foreshadowing.

>Selected fantasy and selected scifi were like the only charts that everyone seemed to like

>Why would you remove them, and instead add charts that are completely based on your personal taste
Technically I didn't remove them, they are simply in the charts mega now. I've already moved the scalzi out of the Recs and the masterworks were already in the OP. The NPR isn't really a "chart" so it would be silly to be it in the MEGA. I see no problem with being exposed to what you wouldn't normally look at.

>Those charts were like the ideals starting point for newfags
Why should I only be concerned with newfriends? I'm not.

>What sort of a fucked up childhood did you have to think that recommending a reading list of an author that isn't even that liked here is a better idea?
I find it interesting that you believe these two to be correlated.

>Last time it took me a week of screeching for the new sticky to stick. And you are about to ruin it.
I hope we can come to an understanding, because otherwise I will have no choice but to screech again.

I hope you are being serious.
I await the text version of this:
This was originally a vocaroo from a different board but that's long since expired.

>> No.13877040

>What's the point of having different communities if they all recommend and read the same books?
Have you studied to the different communities to know how much of a difference there is or is that just your feelings?

Even if it were the same, the people are different, and that makes all the difference.

> But the selected recommendation charts should be returned to the OP to complement the general recommendations
Yeah, no. But as I keep saying, I don't intend to be making the threads.

>> No.13877049
File: 56 KB, 959x958, 1562427903331-sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discussing voice actors on sffg
>It's the litrpgtards
Of course

>> No.13877083
File: 46 KB, 308x475, 35606041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this? I thought The First Law trilogy was sort of okay so I grabbed this since it is next generation of characters from The First Law. Am I being crazy that feminist, anti-capitalist, Marxist shit is being laid on way too thick in it. The first series seemed pretty apolitical, but he seems to want to make a point with this one. The story is okay, and I can deal with most of this stuff, but I am tired of reading about this bitch's menstrual cramps.

>> No.13877089
File: 45 KB, 778x512, 1527930424365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mommy gib milkies

>> No.13877091

Jesus Christ, this better be a one-off, a horder's house is neater and easier on the eyes. And no previous thread links. What a cluster fuck.

>> No.13877096
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1440, JoeAbercrombieRacingThruPlots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13877103
File: 606 KB, 1024x1024, 1552902856172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scalzi link
>tHiS MaChIne MoCKs FaSCisTs

>> No.13877109

Yes, look at the previous threads.

>no previous thread links.
Previous Threads: >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg

All the threads back to 2015 when they started using sffg in the subject.

>> No.13877119

I assure you that posts like this and others only makes me want to playfully escalate, so you're being counterproductive if you actually care.

>> No.13877121

Thanks I don't come to these threads often, and wanted to see what the consensus was.

>> No.13877137

Unlikely to be found reading just a couple posts from a few random anons.

>> No.13877155
File: 99 KB, 1024x831, 1551697530020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D-dont criticize me or I'll do the thing again
Can't tell if charfag or that anon that's always sperging out about frogs

>> No.13877212

It may surprise you to know that time, logical explanations of creation, consciousness, and neuroscience are the ORIGINAL FOUNDATION of most magical and religious practice.
Proof by induction the structure of the universe, careful study and experimentation with mind altering meditation and medication, geometric analysis of the heavens and earth, dissection and speculation on the purpose and function of organs, inter dimensional travel, moving beyond the boundaries of time and space, building elaborate machinery, etc... All 100% wizard-core.

Rogue AIs, spaceships, time travel, nuclear warfare, aliens, etc... are all magic/religious in origin, just with a coat of paint over them. Where do you think the ideas of most modern technology came from?

>> No.13877696

What do you guys think about Brandon Sanderson?

Should I watch his creative writing lectures?

>> No.13877708

>What do you guys think about Brandon Sanderson?
Fun times.

>Should I watch his creative writing lectures?
No idea. If it's something that interests you, then you ought to at least sample it.

>> No.13877860

If you want to learn to write like a shitty hack I guess

They're the same thing. As far as our current scientific knowledge is concerned, FTL travel is no less fantastical than a wizard casting a teleportation spell. Fantasy and science fiction exist within the same spectrum, and they're not necessarily on opposing ends of it either. ie both are similar tools used to similar effect. Fantasy tends to play off of that darkened part of our minds where the unexplainable is transformed into myth, while scifi does the same thing with aspects of the psyche that deal with things in a more tangible way, though it's reasonings and conclusions aren't necessarily any more "real" than the other.

Fantasy is science fiction in a metaphysical sense
Science fiction is a form of fantasy

>> No.13877906

>Have you studied to the different communities to know how much of a difference there is or is that just your feelings?
I do use Goodreads enough to notice what's popular among the general population, and what's pushed by the site. The thing is that the population is shaped by what's posted. An OP recommending a certain kind of books will in time draw fans of that kind of books.

>> No.13877937

>An OP recommending a certain kind of books will in time draw fans of that kind of books.
Doubtful. That's more more about the posting and how posters react than anything else. That's why the chartanon keeps pushing his charts and keep posting certain series and over and over. Does that make more people read them? I don't know. People are going to do what they want to do regardless. That's not even considering that the people would have to coming here in the first place from wherever. They certainly can't see the OP from where they are.

Has popular regard warmed to xianxia, LitRPG, and similar? You tell me.

>> No.13877950

Sanderson wrote a short essay on his own works as deconstructions, in which he quite convincingly showed that he actually have no idea what a deconstruction is. You will probably learn more from watching his lectures than from spending half a year in the writing thread on this board but be aware that you run the risk of become just one among millions of Sanderson copies trying to become big name authors using world building and magic systems.

>> No.13878017
File: 28 KB, 528x502, Author Consensus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sffg/ Author Consensus idea

This spreadsheet would be open for anyone to edit without signing into any sort of account.

When putting "y" in a cell, it turns green. When putting "n", it turns red.
Of course any value to it would be if it were used and not abused.
Data validation is on, so only "y" and "n" can be entered into those cells.
The names can be changed to whatever to keep track of yourself and post in the thread using whatever if you want to.
Authors can be added by anyone and anytime and I can easily have them sorted alphabetically again.
This doesn't scale, but I wouldn't be expecting more than a few dozen people at the absolute most to be using it, so that isn't a concern.

A form version could be used instead, but that would be a lot more cumbersome.

>> No.13878042

I'm not aspiring to become a fantasy writer like him, I have different goals in mind which will take some time to accomplish, slowly working my way up.
What about that "masterclass" website? is it worth anything for good lectures about writing?

What makes him such a shitty hack? I've only read one book by him I think but that was long ago

>> No.13878130

Next time the thread is archived and no one makes a thread for a while, the following is the current form of what the OP will be:

September: Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang

CHARTS: https://mega.nz/#F!ywtXwYjC!LXU3e7knFpZK_dnHeC9ixA
THREADS: >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg
MORE: https://pastelink.net/sffglit

>> No.13878170

>anti-capitalist, Marxist shit
given how the worker revolt actually panned out it's a little more balanced than that.

>> No.13878197

>red squares on Wolfe
I see it have already been tampered with.

>> No.13878301

That's just me putting random choices as a demonstration.
It hasn't been made available to anyone

>> No.13878361

It's fantasy for bugmen.

>> No.13878759
File: 135 KB, 1080x1331, 1555691379459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to start reading the Wheel of Time. What am I in for lads? Do note that I've read other lengthy series such as ASoIaF, Stormlight Archive and Dune, so I ain't afraid of reading a ton of fantasy, but I just want to know if it's worth the time investment.
For example, I regret reading Stormlight but I enjoyed Mistborn a lot. Also Dune was fucking awesome and I actually enjoyed the last 3 books more than the first 3.

>> No.13878803 [DELETED] 

>I will define science fiction, first, by saying what SF is not. It cannot be defined as “a story (or novel or play) set in the future,” since there exists such a thing as space adventure, which is set in the future but is not SF: it is just that: adventures, fights and wars in the future in space involving super-advanced technology. Why, then, is it not science fiction? It would seem to be, and Doris Lessing (e.g.) supposes that it is. However, space adventure lacks the distinct new idea that is the essential ingredient. Also, there can be science fiction set in the present: the alternate world story or novel. So if we separate SF from the future and also from ultra-advanced technology, what then do we have that can be called SF? We have a fictitious world; that is the first step: it is a society that does not in fact exist, but is predicated on our known society; that is, our known society acts as a jumping-off point for it; the society advances out of our own in some way, perhaps orthogonally, as with the alternate world story or novel. It is our world dislocated by some kind of mental effort on the part of the author, our world transformed into that which it is not or not yet. This world must differ from the given in at least one way, and this one way must be sufficient to give rise to events that could not occur in our society—or in any known society present or past. There must be a coherent idea involved in this dislocation; that is, the dislocation must be a conceptual one, not merely a trivial or bizarre one—this is the essence of science fiction, the conceptual dislocation within the society so that as a result a new society is generated in the author’s mind, transferred to paper, and from paper it occurs as a convulsive shock in the reader’s mind, the shock of dysrecognition. He knows that it is not his actual world that he is reading about

>t. PKD

>> No.13878819

“I will define science fiction, first, by saying what sf is not. It cannot be defined as "a story (or novel or play) set in the future," since there exists such a thing as space adventure, which is set in the future but is not sf: it is just that: adventures, fights and wars in the future in space involving super-advanced technology. Why, then, is it not science fiction? It would seem to be, and Doris Lessing (e.g.) supposes that it is. However, space adventure lacks the distinct new idea that is the essential ingredient. Also, there can be science fiction set in the present: the alternate world story or novel. So if we separate sf from the future and also from ultra-advanced technology, what then do we have that can be called sf?”

“This world must differ from the given in at least one way, and this one way must be sufficient to give rise to events that could not occur in our society -- or in any known society present or past. There must be a coherent idea involved in this dislocation; that is, the dislocation must be a conceptual one, not merely a trivial or bizarre one -- this is the essence of science fiction, the conceptual dislocation within the society so that as a result a new society is generated in the author's mind,”

“Fantasy involves that which general opinion regards as impossible; science fiction involves that which general opinion regards as possible under the right circumstances.”

“Thus "good science fiction" is a value term, not an objective thing, and yet, I think, there really is such a thing, objectively, as good science fiction.”

(reposting because wew was that last one not the full quote)

>> No.13878834

I was going to try to use Zoho for the spreadsheet since they made a lot of changes and to avoid Google, but it turns out to openly share a spreadsheet on there now requires a paid subscription. Disappointing.

>> No.13878857

Bad bait
As always PKDis right

>> No.13878897
File: 1.70 MB, 828x1313, 395F6C0F-8214-484F-A4FE-84A47389D92B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out

The Rise of Athena by Carmen Pho on kindle when you have a chance.

As the world hurdles towards a singularity defined by corporate authoritarianism, and unchecked technological innovation, lives intertwine to tell this story of a future dictated by the all powerful artificial entity Athena. Despite appearances, things are often not what they seem, and lurking within the code that defines this new being something lies dormant, waiting to be activated with the right catalyst. Tamas just wants the truth, and so does Remy, but their individual quests for answers seem to expose much darker secrets covered up in the folds of the corporation, secrets Leslie seems to already know deep in her broken soul. Will the two find suitable explanations? Will any of them find the closure they seek? Will it even matter? The Rise of Athena takes a look into a world ruined by the mistakes of rich men, and never turns back on its post-apocalyptic tour de force.

All good things come to pass, as too with the age of man.

>> No.13878928

1-6 are a fantastic take on the Tolkien story. 7-11 (mainly 9-11) are a bit of a slog. 12-14 wrap up the story wonderfully. It has perhaps the best world building in all of fantasy, and some of the strongest and most memorable characters I've ever read. It's fairly wordy at points, but if you can get through the slog (9-11) it's a must read for sure.

>> No.13878967

I listened to the Darkness that Comes Before and the second book in the series.

It's pretty great kind of grim fantasy. Has a bit more of a historical fiction type feel with politics playing a role, and the battle scenes are top notch. However, the technology seems a little anachronistic, with Roman legion type armies fighting heavy horse with stirrups and ridiculous charges into massed pikemen that Hollywood has tricked people into thinking was common.

It has magic and demons but no other races.

One protagonist is a Maud'Dib type hero but I am 50 hours in and not sure if he's a good guy.

The only shortcoming is that the female characters lack depth and basically exist to fuck and get raped.

Then I'm reading the Red Knight which is much more historical fiction style. The author is a military vet and reenactor. The plot starts slow but once it is going it is pretty great.

Then for sci-fi I'm reading the new Red Rising. It's soft fantasy sci-fi. Kind of a ridiculous premise but once you get over that it has a lot of narrative propulsion and great plot twists and characters. The 4th book was the weakest since the first, but the fifth has been solid so far.

>> No.13878990

>It has magic and demons but no other races.
Just wait till you meet the elves. and the orcs Reminder Akka is a good boy who did nothing wrong.

>> No.13879008


>> No.13879037

>THREADS: >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg
You stupid faggot. Thread slaves don't always put sffg in the subject. Sometimes they put it in the name field.

>> No.13879056

still better than mark lawrence anon.

>> No.13879058

That's dumb, but you're right.
Just need to add
to fix that then.

>> No.13879076

Whoops, that includes all posts and not just OP posts.

>> No.13879085

Akka is the only good one.

Cnaiür keeps raping bitches to hide that he's gay.

Khellus seems good sometimes, but also like a psychopath half the time.

I liked the Imperial general but he's becomes more and more of a cunt.

Pretty sure Moenghus is a bad guy.

>> No.13879101

This post reminds me. What are some more books that portray a "flawed Utopia" like the Culture, Seven Surrenders or the Golden Oecumene? A place where life is generally decent all around but where you can see the rot seeping in if you start prying the surface of it.

>> No.13879111

Mortu and Kyrus in the White City

>> No.13879122

I just looked into it and I have no idea what I'm reading, thanks.

>> No.13879136


>> No.13879244
File: 55 KB, 718x648, JojoBaeyne(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes him such a shitty hack
He writes like a teenage girl, about teenage girls, for teenage girls. His prose is non-existent, his characters are hollow, he clearly watches way too much anime, and every novel spends 200+ pages reiterating the workings of his autistic magic systems.

>> No.13879256

joe abercrombie is shit regardless of where he does an AMA

>> No.13879273

that shit hasn't been good since the blade itself

>> No.13879283

Sorry Carmen, /Sffg/ is a capitalist general. Pls shill in outer lit

>> No.13879326

Kellhus makes sense when you understand what it means to be a Dunyain. Conphas is a hilariously spoiled brat.

>> No.13879357

The only difference between YA and adult fantasy is having older MCs and using a thesaurus to make some words bigger

>> No.13879423

Cnaïur spoiled him with his fat cock

>> No.13879427

I just finished reading a 6600 page webnovel and have achieved 80 iq enlightenment. Ask me anything

>> No.13879431

This is good bait. I can see those two litrpgtards actually believing this

>> No.13879438

We'll see how this goes.
100 authors to start with.
permissible values: y,n,m,p

The following are guidelines, you don't have to follow them entirely.
y = green, yes. You like them and you'll read more from them.
n = red, no. You don't like them and you won't read more from them.
m = yellow, mixed. You like some of their works and dislike others and don't know if you'll read more from them.*
p = gray, pending. You don't know quite yet what you think of them even though you've read some from them.**

*In my personal case, this is often from liking a number of their short stories but not liking their novels.
**Unsure if I should include this, rather than just leaving them blank.

Anyone can add new authors. If it's exactly the same value, it ought to automatically reject the input to prevent dupes. Don't try to reorganize the order. I'll see about it later on. The existing authors and my column are protected to mitigate vandalism. You can have your column protected as well if you want, but you'll have to send your gmail address to sffglit@gmail.com to for me to add you. I'll also protect any name added at the top afterwards as well without you needing to do anything.


>> No.13879445
File: 458 KB, 1000x1000, 1552087762594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we reading uncrowned tomorrow?

>> No.13879449

Nice try, FBI

>> No.13879457

no im waiting until the next one comes out then ill just re read the whole series

>> No.13879458

They're going to be reading it in the thread over on /tg/

>> No.13879471

Why does tg have a thread?

>> No.13879503
File: 10 KB, 250x242, 64D39F0F-FA4A-4192-B9C9-F48F3A9B8D6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because that's where you belong

>> No.13879523

>nooo stop liking things

>> No.13879565

I don't care what you are into. I'm into a lot of things you probably wouldn't be interested in. The difference is that I don't bring all that shit up here where it doesn't belong.

>> No.13879647


>> No.13879668

It's a published novel, you faggot.
You can get banned for the shit you are pulling. You are telling people that a published novel doesn't belong in the fucking fantasy book general.
I hope you know over the 10 years I've
been on /lit/ a lot of fags like you got th "user was banned for this post" so others can know what not to do.

>> No.13879716
File: 137 KB, 463x264, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13879723

>the 10 years ive been on /lit/

jesus christ thats pathetic

>> No.13879763

Different anon.
I started using 4chan when it started and I was already 18 at the time.

>> No.13879764

I know please end me. I can't leave
If it wasn't for sffg 5 years ago, I might have an hero'd by now. Being a genre fag in old /lit/ was an uphill battle. Everyone looked down on you.

>> No.13879774

>tight pussy 2 is till Oct 22nd
I can't wait for pussies to be loosened.

>> No.13879778

In old lit people were using tripcodes all the time everywhere as well. So many different people. The most I did under a single tripcode was around 700 posts I think, but I used several.

>> No.13879794

>sanderson's young adult shit show is going to come out before the next stormlight book
>2 YA books are released before the next stormlight
I am done with sanderson. He just want the kiddies now.

>> No.13879908

He's over 50% done with the next Stormlight. He said after finishing Skyward he had too much of the sequel dancing around in his head to start on the next Stormlight book so he quickly knocked out Starsight and is now working on Stormlight #4.
Dude pumps out way more than practically any other author in the genre, cut him some slack.

>> No.13879924
File: 260 KB, 1430x1709, Screenshot_20190924-173053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hidden gnome publishing
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Holy shit it's like the litrpg version of the Navy seal pasta
Pic very related It's where you need to go back to

>> No.13879970

>Dude pumps out way more than practically any other author in the genre, cut him some slack.
The guy is prolific, but all of his books suck. If I wanted quantity over quality I'd just chop my dick off and read webnovels.
T. Have read 11 Brando Sandersu books

>> No.13879977

Has anyone here read this collection of Jules Verne?

Do you think it's a good translation/collection?

>> No.13879984

If you've that read many that suck, clearly either you are lying or you hate yourself.
At the least you clearly show that you are being disingenuous.

>> No.13879991

He doesn't write over the top flowery bullshit like a bunch of authors write. That shit's way out of style bro, it's not 1945 anymore.
His stories, characters, worlds, ideas, are all top notch. His writing is a bit dry. You've read 11 of his books and you're bitching that he's taking too long for the 12th book that you'll buy day 1 and love, so stfu you faggot ass nigger.

>> No.13880001

help me make a decision /lit/. to preface; money is no object to me, i banked over 3/4 of a mill after taxes in 2018.
ive read the first two Malazan books and really enjoyed them. i also just found out about the dopeass hardcover editions. do i drop the hammer and scoop up those copies for ~$7,500? the series really that good?

>> No.13880010

His 3 WoT books, 3 mistborn, 1 from the follow up trilogy, 3 stormlight, and the Cosmeme short story collection. They all sucked. My problem is that once I start a series I have to finish it.

>> No.13880025

A fool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.13880026

>T. Absolutely SEETHING cosmemefag
When you graduate past YA you'll understand

>> No.13880029

>My problem is that once I start a series I have to finish it.
You have my condolences.

>> No.13880046

>in /sffg/ mocking others ability to read

nigga please all fantasy and sci fi is schlock, dont act like any of it is better than the others. its all shit.

>> No.13880070

It's a rough life. Still have to finish Malazan and the second Mistborn series at some point now. My girlfriend swears it's better than the first, but everything I've read from him follows the same basic formula, so I'm not hopeful.

>> No.13880076

What's the cut off point?
As soon as you read the first word are you doomed to read everything in the entire series?

>> No.13880083

Remove NPR recommendations and half of other crap, this is not r/fantasy you tranny mongoloid.

>> No.13880086


>> No.13880116
File: 154 KB, 1500x1500, 4kbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13880148

You have to be a special kind of retard you to put theguardian.com reviews inside pastebin.

>> No.13880154

Two reasons why:
1. Whims
2. Because you're so oversensitive.

>> No.13880169

If I decide to read the first book I am damned to complete the series, no matter how horrible it is or how many years I must wait between sequels. God, the Demon Cycle got really painful there towards the end. The one exception is that if I suspect that it's going to be shit before going in, and I correctly anticipate the nature of said caca, I am allowed a single chance to escape.

>> No.13880170

Look at the guy who can't stop posting about how obsessed he is in hating Sanderson. There are many special kinds of retard on the tattered remains of 4chan we're stuck in.

>> No.13880178

>tfw been on /lit/ since Day 1
Just don't respond to newfags, dude. All you do is enable and encourage their childish behavior. This is a strong reason why mental illness is allowed to spread and prosper.

>> No.13880181

You don't honestly think that's just one anon, do you?

>> No.13880182

Last question: Why didn't you quit after mistborn?

>> No.13880185

No, we're reading Uncrowned on Thursday, when it releases.
Take me to your timeline

>> No.13880194

At the time when they posted it, it was already the next day in much of the world.

>> No.13880214

Going in, I didn't realize the entire series would revolve around the wet spot in a teenage girls panties, or that he would autistically restate his magic system several times in every single book. Now the book troll owns my first born until I finish it.

>> No.13880220

You're in luck.

>> No.13880316

Naw only brownbear Sebastian and butterfly among a few others tripfagged.
I still kek when I remember how butterfly accidental their trip and everyone was shit posting as butters.

>> No.13880335
File: 143 KB, 1040x1000, 1311909294996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tons of others.

>> No.13880365

I didn't think it was that great. Found Savine and Brock annoying for the most part, Brock for obvious reasons and I didn't really get the point of Savine, really did seem like it was all 'Rich white woman got problems too' type character. All the others I liked, even if Broad for example seemed a bit dill.

>> No.13880372

THAT'S the fucker I remembered, that abortion reject would shit up /r9k/ too

>> No.13880382

Shit I forgot about sunhawk and deep&edgy
I wonder if they an hero'd yet?

>> No.13880389

D&E is still posting.

>> No.13880398

That being said, I think this was the tripcode. Let's see.

>> No.13880407

Seems it was. So, yeah, the odds of it actually being him are rather low. I forget which was his most recent.

>> No.13881091
File: 508 KB, 861x325, Traitor Son Cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about this series /sffg/ is it worth a read?

>> No.13881179

No matter how much money you have it's still a waste to spend 7,500 oilbucks on like a dozen books.

>> No.13881187


>> No.13881231

Depends. Do you mind a bit of anachronism and gender parity? It’s a fun enough series, but it might set off your tism.

>> No.13881278

I'm not knowledgeable enough about the middle ages to get too autistic about anachronisms to be honest. I just like the premise, I want to read about mercenaries fighting monsters and creatures like that.

>> No.13881668

Fuck off.

>> No.13881677


>> No.13882008

you sound poor. it's less than 1% of my total inocome from a single year, for a dopeass collectors edition set that are limited to 552. you sound like youre just mad that you cant afford to dump 7500 on a set a books, probably because that's about 90% of your yearly income.

>> No.13882024

How do you feel about phrophecies in fantasy? (and maybe sci-fi).

I'm writing a story that involves a prophecy, seems I need it to make the characters follow a path they would otherwise completely ignore for selfish reasons.

>> No.13882047


Ice and Fire does the whole prophecy stuff really well.

>> No.13882176

I bet you have an apple phone, Mr Sheep.

>> No.13882189
File: 394 KB, 584x622, this kills the lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the cookfag anon?
I gave him "bully stick" twice (one time last thread, one time this one) as an ingredient and up to now he can't respond.
You better don't talk about cooking or ingredients in here again, flavoursanon.

>> No.13882190

im rich, not an idiot.

>> No.13882210

Invest that money in stocks, then take the dividends to buy your books.

Also amateurtip, when doing something like that you look at the resale value (are the books going to be worth that or more in 20 years?). Malazan is an acquired taste, you might like it, but literary fags who pay big bucks to buy collectors' edition might not. It's your money, up to you. Years ago (also 20) I used to go crazy about cover designs and the hardness of said cover. Now that I've gone digital I could care less.

>> No.13882226

The value of a dollar does not change based on how many you have. Unless the value of the books have potential to rise further it's a waste of money. Of course you're free to do whatever you want with your money but you will look kinda stupid.

>> No.13882339

Then you’ll enjoy it.

>> No.13882376

what is wrong with lawrence? I liked the broken empire series

>> No.13882387


It doesnt. It doesnt even have a fucking ending.


Prophecies suck dick its just a gay spoiler i cant even imagine why'd you put it in

>> No.13882400

Well you are retarded
It has all the tropes I like, and I still despise it

>> No.13882514

>this is tomorrow
>I still have half of the book I'm currently reading to finish
It looks like I will be reading Friday night, sorry I won't be able to meme with you.

>> No.13882578
File: 219 KB, 843x1200, 76-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you wanna prehistoric kino about cavemen with stone age weapons brutally slaughtering cryptids and Cthulhu-worshiping frog men and serpent men and there isn't any aside from a REH story or two

>> No.13882589
File: 63 KB, 300x456, liulightning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just offered me pic related.
What am I in for?

>> No.13882607

Yeah it's fun just don't treat it too seriously.

>> No.13882644

>just don't treat it too seriously.
The mark of quality.

>> No.13882666
File: 355 KB, 765x566, JoeAbercrombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that shit hasn't been good since the blade itself

Like /b, Abercrombie was never good

>> No.13882673

based and redpilled

>> No.13882688

Is the ape his gf? Is he saving her so he can fug when they are done fighting?

>> No.13882696
File: 1.46 MB, 311x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13882718
File: 191 KB, 800x899, 1569335541996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I make a wuxia chart?

No, he'll probably just go out for a beer with his ape-bro after they've fucked up that serpent-cunt.

>> No.13882762

You're gross. Don't reply to me ever again.

>> No.13882790

The second Mistborn trilogy is my favorite of all his output.

>> No.13882807

Nothing, it's just hatememers

>> No.13882897

>Should I make a wuxia chart

>> No.13883034

I absolutely hate magic prophecies, any fantasy that's trying to make a point about "destiny" or whatever loses me.
What does work for me is stuff with fake prophecies, characters making prophecies come true to help them to some goal and even the odd subverted prophecy (although this one's fairly played out).
The stuff I do like with prophecies played straight keeps them as a background detail or uses them for a reveal without focusing too hard on them.

>> No.13883041

It's pretty slow moving but I enjoyed the first two, I got bored somewhere in the third or fourth book because it turned out there's only so much of medieval warfare but with some fantasy enemies I could take at once.

I imagine if I read them as they came out I'd love the series. I liked the first book of Cameron's new fantasy series too but I haven't touched the sequel yet.

>> No.13883044

You do you.

>> No.13883107

Is the Stormlight Archive any good? Never read any of Sanderson before.

>> No.13883189

Red Queens War is the ultimate pleb filter

>> No.13883240

I liked the first two books I read from it but people are less hot on the third.
It's decent if you want to read a pretty standard epic fantasy series where every novel is 1000 pages plus but doesn't really stand out from the pack.
IMO it reads like a single or maybe dual protagonist concept that was later expanded to include the other ones thus I found that I was constantly waiting for the plot to get back to the chapters I was interested in.

If you want to give Sanderson a try the first Mistborn book is kind of a perfect summary of his shtick, it's fairly self-contained so you don't have to worry about carrying on with the series if you like his style and do want to go try Stormlight.

>> No.13883375

Thanks, I'll check out Mistborn.

>> No.13883439
File: 1.38 MB, 2004x1400, 1567863809289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to know what you want, try writing it.

>> No.13883560

You'll have to convince me to finish Red Mars before I read anything else by KSR

>> No.13883561

i'm not looking to buy them just to resell them.

yall niggas is dumb as fuck im not buying them as a future investment that i can sell. the entire subt. edition cost my less than 1% of my yearly take home
i mean shit at your point literally anything you buy is a waste of money unless it has a higher resell value. cars, clothes, electronics, fuck all that dont bother buying any of it its just a waste.
you sound like someone whos scrapped pennies together for just one more package of ramen so you didnt go three days without eating last week, only two. youre so mizery that i bet even if you came into something like a hundred mil you would be adverse to spending two dollars on a roll of toilet paper because the 27 cent roll does just fine. pathetic and poor.

>> No.13883647
File: 85 KB, 193x261, 1547703131427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some fantasy novels set in an unapologetically set in a patriarchal society where women aren't allowed participate in war or politics? AKA, a novel set in a plausible world

>> No.13883664


>> No.13883703

Masterful bait to entrap them.

>> No.13883705
File: 3.83 MB, 2048x2400, harmonic promotions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13883727

I know. If you like it, you are a pleb.

>> No.13883732

Reading A Fire Upon the Deep what do I think of it?

>> No.13883774

wow this pic takes me back

>> No.13883780
File: 43 KB, 317x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good?

>> No.13883837

looking for a sci-fi book that starts as a modern story and somewhere early out of absolutely no where two warring alien factions hyperjump into earths atmosphere and essentially use earth as their war grounds

ideally the planet ends up destroyed by the midway point and its now about a human or group of humans trying to make their way in a galaxy they never realized existed

also, if it doesnt exist i guess ive found the setting and basic plot of my next series of novels

and none of that hitchhikers faggotry.

>> No.13883844

>looking for a sci-fi book that starts as a modern story and somewhere early out of absolutely no where two warring alien factions hyperjump into earths atmosphere and essentially use earth as their war grounds

>> No.13883906

Sounds like the plot of the game Xenoblade.

>> No.13883913

Xenoblade Chronicles X specifically

>> No.13884066
File: 230 KB, 1154x2048, 1505237563797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayooo niggas.
Read anything (non-fantasy) interesting lately?

>> No.13884070


>> No.13884114

For all you Miles Cameron fans here, Dark Forge was pretty good. Better than Cold Iron by far. Less degeneracy, more magic, more plot, and a better love interest.

>> No.13884119

do they stay at war for the whole book or does it move to another central location? because that's what's putting me off cba with reading another book long war rn

>> No.13884137

It’s mostly a war book, but it only really takes place in 3 locations. Then it goes back to the city

>> No.13884140

I kinda liked the comfy average day to day stuff in the first book

>> No.13884176

doesn't exist, and if it did it'd be a feminist strawman.

>> No.13884199

The Damned Trilogy by Alan Dean Foster is kinda similar
Galactic Center Saga but it's only one alien faction and they are actually self replicating space robots that killed their creators.

>> No.13884207

Are there any good star wars books that you don't have to read 10 other books to understand. I want some sci-fi that's not up its own ass with deep metaphorical crap about humanity and AI

>> No.13884226

Is uncrowned gonna outsell harry potter?

>> No.13884386

good looking out, ill put those on the list.

>> No.13884486

Updated the /sffg/ Author Consensus sheet since have 5 raters now. Can see percentage similarity to your ratings versus others and the overall stats for each author.

The similarity formula is the total number of agreements (both like, both dislike, both mixed etc) out of the total. The total is agreements+disagreements. Not sure how helpful this is, but it's something. May try to do something better later depending on how it goes. Also need to find an easy way to automate it.

There have been a few attempts at vandalism and I don't know how to handle someone editing again since there's no way to verify it's the same as before, but that's just how it is.

>> No.13884498

imagine trying to create a taste consensus whilst being such a pleb that you don't even like KJ Parker

>> No.13884519

You know what's worse?
Imagine thinking it isn't just a single other person posing as several others to push their taste.
Even more so, imagine not trying to pull others down as your default way of thinking.
This is 4chan, we all want each other to suffer.

>> No.13884593

Anon I don't Wanna do this sheet stuff can you just add an extra red at sanderson?

>> No.13884598

You're not fooling anyone, anon. If you want to spend the neetbux you've been saving by spitting on the same crusty onahole for the last 5 years on some cringey fantasy books then just do it and stfu. We don't care.

>> No.13884623

Here's a compromise for you.
Sure, could do each author individually as a daily poll, but I don't know if that'd be much better. Feel free to take initiative in doing so. I'm rooting for your success.

>> No.13884644

Unironically my novel which I'm working on, except it's fantasy (or at least it's happening on a fantasy / low technology world) where the gods are ayyliums battling over the planet.

>> No.13884680
File: 372 KB, 711x947, 1551569033565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the guy who reads Chinese cartoon books written for kids
The fiction chapters of Fanged Noumena. Acid trip science horror.
Chart op is obv 1st column
>China Memeville
>Lev Grossman
>All asians and commies are green
The author list is incredibly incomplete and your taste is shit besides. I will not be participating.

>> No.13884699

>Chart op is obv 1st column
Considering I just changed it from saying "Owner", yeah.
You got "China Memeville" wrong. He's red.
>All asians and commies are green
Also got that wrong?
You may need to be checked out for color blindness. Seriously.

>The author list is incredibly incomplete
Obviously. You expected it to have 1000s of authors? I could do that within a minute, but I don't think that would help.

>I will not be participating.
That's simply less representation for your own beliefs then.

>> No.13884702
File: 114 KB, 800x1157, fronds_redux_by_quintvc_dbuas03-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole Second Apocalypse thing is top notch fantasy to be completely honest. Many people might get turned off by its lengthy passages and philosophical ramblings but that's what made me enjoy it in the first place, and part of why I liked God Emperor of Dune as well.
I'm on the 6h book now (the Unholy Consult) and so far it's been an enjoyable slog of slogs. Oh, and there are other inhuman races. It's mostly a unique take on the classical fantasy races. The innumerable legion of ''orcs'' are rape gnolls, the wise immortal ''elves'' are immortal alright, but insane as fuck, the big bad dark lord is a literal rape and torture futa monster with wings and a 'pendulous' cock, and all the minions of evil are flesh and carnal version of more fantasy elements.
The only thing I never liked is not EVERYONE in the books is an asshole and a smug sonavabitch, except best boi Inrau.

>> No.13884767

Then you changed it. I opened it last night and Memeville was green as were all asiatics and libshit authors

>> No.13884790

Yes, it was green because the data validation messed some stuff up with the timing of the data entry. There are 815 authors now, which is still woefully incomplete, but hopefully slightly more suitable for your preferences.

>> No.13884797

For that reason, I removed the data validation.
Also less than 815 in a bit, seems I messed a few dupes.

>> No.13884798 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13884806

It's been up in this thread for a while.

>> No.13884809

What is?

>> No.13884816

Oh shit I had just thought to check and got excited.

>> No.13884827

I really liked the third, felt very comfy reading it.

>> No.13884831

What the fuck, the one time I actually buy a book and it's been up for hours on /lit/ and I still haven't gotten it because of timezones

>> No.13884836

it's good. his historical fiction is better.

>> No.13884876

There you again with the the tribalism of identity politics.

>> No.13884895
File: 181 KB, 800x1143, 1569107316935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chart fags at it again
Can a thread, like, be about books and fantasy / sf instead of bitching about charts for hundreds of posts?

>> No.13884897

Look up the Gor books by John norman. More sword and planet, but I bet they'll be right up your alley.

>> No.13884902
File: 127 KB, 724x1086, 1555300876245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish a powerful man of gor was right up my alley if you know what I mean

>> No.13884916

Reply to this post discussing a book to prove your sincerity.

>> No.13884922

Yep. Australians, Chinese, and Japanese have it currently legally.

>> No.13884924

Thanks, but I've already read them.

>> No.13884941

>Be liberal faggot
>Complain about identity politics
No, because he doesn't actually read. He just makes lists of things all day to assuage his autism.

>> No.13884982

You are the one doing it, not me.

>> No.13885099

>start reading new book
>every single character has a Gaelic name
ahh fuck this

>> No.13885103

i didn't enjoy uncrowned. it was boring and barely anything happened.

>> No.13885110

Anon please

>> No.13885123

How long is uncrowned? Are you a filthy speedreader?

>> No.13885142

>not putting what the spoiler concerns, so it could be literally anything about anything

>> No.13885150

I'm not reading uncrowned until he publishes the book after it. I'm at that shitty point between remembering and not remembering enough of the previous books and I want to re read all the others first so I'm just waiting until I've pretty much forgotten everything

>> No.13885210

Trannys seething because the leftists fell into trumps trap today

>> No.13885289

I've removed the protection
I recommend using a tripcode for dispute resolution.
Having it where no one can edit their own column won't work out.
For the 4 other current raters, let me know if what your preferences are.
If you want it locked again, let me know in the thread, or email me with whatever account.
If you rate a lot and are serious about it, I strongly recommend emailing me with a gmail address so that your column can still protected and you can freely edit it.

>> No.13885391

Akka did literally nothing wrong.

>> No.13885408

What happened today to get xem to drop xeir dilators?

>> No.13885411
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Not even when he impregnates his daughter and gets her hooked on elf coke?

>> No.13885420

Last post about this for the thread, probably.

If you want any of the following tripcodes to use, email me.
If you want a custom one of anything that is 5 characters or less, let me know.
These are all at the beginning, but they don't have to be.

If you want to make it yourself:

>> No.13885748

Do trannies really feel they can pass as female when they this manly? They clocking themselves.

>> No.13885788

Fuck no. What is it, anon?

>> No.13885813

harp of kings, going through a bunch of new releases so I might end up putting it off whilst I read the rest first if it doesn't hook me

>> No.13885826 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 1969x1792, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any of you daddy-o's float some T. E. D. Klein epubs for a nigga?

>> No.13885829

>kiwi farms
lmao you absolute loser

>> No.13885850

Can any of you daddy-o's float some T. E. D. Klein epubs for a nigga?

>> No.13885854

Nah because she wanted all of it. Now that’s what I call female agency.

>> No.13885969

"The infants alone generated enough thanergy to take out the entire planet. Babies always do- for some reason."

"I was tired of being two hundred corpses," she said simply.

The Reverend Daughter fell calm and limp, as was natural for one being ritually drowned, but when she realized that she was being hugged she thrashed as though her fingernails were being ripped from their beds.

Damn, it was definitely offputtingly SFW (I say this as someone who despises the term but am using it because I find a lot of this book to be emblematic of what a lot of people specifically mean by their use of it) but Gideon the Ninth is rocking me by the end of it.

>> No.13885984

wow SJW* :|

>> No.13886190

Mistborn is pretty good as a starter, but the first Stormlight book is also the best. Way of Kings would have been worth reading even if the series had never been continued.

>> No.13886196

Why, is it kike nonsense full of trannies and dykes or something? You have to do that these days to get into the Hugos at all.

>> No.13886227

There are definitely some very good moments in the first Stormlight book, it's probably Sanderson's best book. It had a seriousness that two following Stormlight books didn't have. I attribute this to Sanderson shifting focus to Shallan and other meme characters like Lift that are full of terrible forced humour, where poo jokes, butts and other juvenile subjects are the height of character humour. I ended up DROPPING the 3rd one for literally half a year because of the never ending Shallan personality disorder shtick and the hard to believe terrible love triangle that he wrote.

>> No.13886288

hi anon, just saw this. There's multiple reasons for this, but here are the two main ones

>1: by the time you posted, I was always either already finished or close to it and as I said the first time, I only do one a night
>2: I don't know what a "bully stick" is, but it's pretty obvious you mean a penis. I'm pretty sure the only troll suggestion I've ever taken playing this game was vulture bee honey (note: vulture bees make their honey from meat). If you want to entice me at least be creative with your trolling attempts.

so yeah, fuck off.

who is she cosplaying? If it wasn't for the purple eyes I would have guessed Jade

I haven't heard of it, so no

It depends. I don't like chosen one stuff, but I appreciate it when a prophecy is just simply an ambiguous telling of things to come, especially when it's just specific enough that you can figure out how it's going to be subverted (e.g. "no man shall slay you")

>> No.13886293

Apparently not the last post.
Forgot to link the published version, which is often easier for people to look at, but can't edit using it.

>> No.13886297

Tsubasa Hanekawa from Bakemongatari

>> No.13886440

Do they hold congress with goats, cows and other farm animals to keep with the theme?

>> No.13886588

Severian is a ____.

>> No.13886589

Proper cunt slayer

>> No.13886592

Brain addled basedboye

>> No.13886596

real human bean

>> No.13886598

overrated meme

>> No.13886603

Someone needs to do a shoop of him as Goose.

>> No.13886648
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, the cosmere is vast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe BRANDON SANDERSON has a foot fetish. My reason for believing this is because I have a foot fetish so I pick up on things most humans do not. Take for instance the ever shitty House of Cards. Now, I do not like this show (House of Cards) but I did sit through 4 seasons of that crap hoping it would get better, and in that time I noticed numerous examples of blatant foot fan service. It is a good fetish to pander to because it occupies a gray area due to the lack of nudity, which is why its perfect for a guy like BRANDON SANDERSON. Reading Mistborn, I can't help but notice how many times we are reminded of Vin's cute bare footedness. She's barefoot on the roof, toes clutching the edge. She's barefoot on cobblestone, only to walk on marble. Vin walked to his bed BAREFOOT, making no sound. Of course the obvious explanation (for the mundane majority of men) is that Vin is a Mistborn -- a thief -- and strives to remain quiet. She has to make lots of sacrifices due to the magneto magic of BRANDON SANDERSON'S world, such as never wearing toe rings or anklets (unless they are wooden or something) but I do not believe this is the sole reason for the foot prose on display in these books. The author (BRANDON SANDERSON) has fueled my spirit with his depiction of Vin. I have a hard time getting through the pages when I keep seeing examples of her beautiful foot-based dexterity, yet its these very passages that push me further on. I see visions of Vin toying with Elend, giving her man a royal footjob that any king would crave with her expertly trained toes. I think about Vin embarrassed, painting her toe nails to match her dress while Zane watches from the window. I think about her wearing glass slippers to show off her new feminine toes at the balls! Oh what a sight to behold! I am not even on the third book so I can't begin to imagine how much footy goodness is still to come. Anyway, these are my reasons for suspecting BRANDON SANDERSON has a foot fetish.

>> No.13886658

Should have went with Tarantino who has a extreme known foot fetish. Also, looks like you edited a copypasta, so ok, I guess.

>> No.13886693
File: 28 KB, 600x374, E3D9FDAA-B162-44E9-9EB2-0A0A04F75313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out.

I’ve had a few short stories published and self published a couple collections, so I definitely feel like I’ve accomplished some things. But, man, lately I feel so burned out.

My gigantic fantasy epic I’ve been working on for the last fifteen years just feels overstuffed and bad. It used to be a big motivator for me—no matter what happens I’ve always got this novel. No matter what people say about me, how depressed I feel, or how hard it gets financially, I’ve got this amazing fantasy novel in the works.

I’m finally coming to terms with the fact that the story has good stuff in it and creative ideas, but it just doesn’t have the character depth needed for a good book. So, I’ve scrapped it.

It felt like a relief at first. Good, I thought, now I don’t have this enormous burden hanging over me making me feel guilty when I’m screwing around or getting drunk when I should be writing.

But, I also kind of feel empty. That driving force is also gone.

I need help getting through this. I need to start a new project, and I’m just not sure where to begin.

>> No.13886696

Who are you LARPing as?

>> No.13886760

Vance or Martin I think

>> No.13886769

>few short stories published
Were you paid for them?

>self published a couple collections
In what way?

>last fifteen years
So, since you were 12?

>I need help getting through this.
This isn't the place for that.

>> No.13886770

>Were you paid for them?
Why do you care

>> No.13886774

Because anyone can publish. There have been multiple "magazines" that have "published" people on /lit/ alone.

>> No.13886849


fucking elves

>> No.13886864

>Tarantino who has a extreme known foot fetish

yeah for little girls. the man is a pedophile
Got strafe Hollywood


good job anon. I slaughter my own works and start over time and time again. Good writers do that.

>> No.13886871


>> No.13887157


>> No.13887383

Eh, dykes, yeah. But I don't mind that, I think all the characters are great by this point. It's mostly shit like... the narrator being in on jokes... or the protagonist swearing in 'creative' ways like a tumblr user... All the lesbian shit is great to be honest.

>> No.13887411

Is everyone reading uncrowned?

>> No.13887430


What yalld talking about

>> No.13887436


Finished it 12 hours ago

It sure was.... a book

Did not feel as satisfying as the previous 2

>> No.13887571

250 pages......
Literally a 2 hour book

>> No.13887590

okay mr big brain

>> No.13887759

Gideon the 9th

>> No.13887863

What the fuck is this uncrowned you cunts keep talking about. Someone gimme a quick rundown.

>> No.13887873

Comfy coming of age xianxia, but not written by a bugman so the protagonist isn’t a soulless mass murdering sociopath.

>> No.13887883

hmm sounds a bit gay.

>> No.13887888

Literally nothing wrong with killing ur enemies

>> No.13887895

Out by their roots!

>> No.13887904

Finished it just a few minutes ago.
Pretty good I'd say. Less blowing out of dragon cunts than I would have hoped for but some bigger overall plot related developments which is welcome.
Also it's not machine translated garbage. Which helps a lot.

>> No.13888000

Competently written adventure novel with asian themes commonly found in wuxia or xanxia works.
That's literally it. The individual books are hit or miss but overall its decently entertaining.

>> No.13888067

How about Harry Potter. Good books right?

>> No.13888082

Never heard of it.

What is it about?

>> No.13888117

Child abuse mostly

>> No.13888134

Don't know. Haven't read them.
I have watched the TV series about Cormoran Strike, based on her crime fiction novels though.

>> No.13888280

At some point very early in the story your main character will have made a choice that will change the rest of the series. The driving force that sets them on their path.
Go back to that choice, and have them go down a different path, and see where that leads.

>> No.13888281

I need something to listen to at work. What's a good fantasy audiobook to listen to that is lengthy, not too verbose, and a good original story? Any recs?

>> No.13888287


>> No.13888288

The entire Drizzt saga. Terribly dull to read, but Victor Bevine does a 10/10 job with the narration. Also there's like 30 books in the series.

>> No.13888296

FUN FACT: Wulfgar was originally the main character but he was basically forced to change to Drizzt because of fan reaction.