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/lit/ - Literature

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13873588 No.13873588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Calling something "pretentious" is the most brainlet thing I can think of. Most people who use it are midwits who think not understanding a work of art means that the work is wrong. It's a complete joke to think that a work of art should be mocked for trying to communicate ideas that are complex, because trying to discuss deeper themes is now a bad thing.

If you call something pretentious, chances are that you are a fucking mongoloid

>> No.13873628

what a pretentious post

>> No.13873640

What a pretentious reply.

>> No.13873805

But most of the time people say something is pretentious because someone is trying to sell something shallow/simple/unoriginal as deep/complex/original, thus "pretending to be something it is not"
anyway, most of the time people who claim something is "pretentious" either
1) have no clue what pretentious actually means
2) automatically dismiss something they didn't like at first try as utter shit
whatever, just stop using the word pretentious, it's pretentious.

>> No.13873854

It's okay to read DFW anon, we were just teasing you

>> No.13873998

Do you really believe you aren't pretentious?

>> No.13874263

>Calling something "pretentious" is the most brainlet thing I can think of.
>Most people who use it are midwits
Brainlets aren't midwits, midwit.
Your post is pretentious. It tries to have a grandiose message while falling flat on its face right at the start. Try again another day.

>> No.13874272

Pretentiousness is not being able to enjoy some pulp trash occasionally.

>> No.13874274

People who try not to be pretentious are so fucking pretentious. Nobody cares about your self-regulating virtue signaling.
But on the other hand, people who try to be pretentious just to appear like they aren't pretentious enough to not be pretentious are even more pretentious. No one cares that you can make things meta.

>> No.13874284

I for one believe that The Fast and the Furious movies are high satire.

>> No.13874303

Use sage, newfag. You single-handedly revived this almost-dead thread. You are just as bad as the pretentious pseuds who are able to write paragraphs without ever saying anything, the bait-posters and the off-topic posters.

>> No.13874313

Anybody who cares at all about looking pretentious is a faggot. This includes you. Do you have nothing better to do with your time than worry about what is and isn't pretentious? Are you so spineless that you worry about what others think of you?

>> No.13874372

Another favorite of the midwits is "tryhard".

>> No.13874385
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The designated blogposting board is /r9k/. This goes for OP too.

>> No.13874435


>> No.13874460

Somebody called you pretentious, didn't they?

>> No.13875112

Pretentious lit is just kitsch. It's no different from Dogs Playing Poker or Jesus at the United Nations. Instead of making the statement "look how cute I am" or "look how holy I am", it's making the statement, "Mom, look how smart I am".

There's nothing wrong with kitsch but you shouldn't be surprised that it has a limited audience.

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