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13872862 No.13872862 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books about life in the managerial gynocracy?

>> No.13873106

my diary desu

>> No.13873134

What’s this? Depressed your managers are women?
Why to you money cucks keep looking around to blame at every possible thing except the root of the problem?

>> No.13873259

>Why to you money cucks keep looking around to blame at every possible thing except the root of the problem?
Is butterfly ESL

>> No.13873270

It's far more engrained than that. Why don't you just go to the newest religion thread and post the same six images again?

>> No.13873276

No, jumping to conclusions.
I am a little ticked off from my day. How’re you?

>> No.13873277

you idiots, can you not see you’re promoting it?

>> No.13873289

>says the guy who posts the same six woo-jacks everyday

>> No.13873300

You have no idea what managerial means in this context, do you?

>> No.13873313

>1.11 MB
Read a book on how to resize images first.

>> No.13873331

>managerial gynocracy
I know the words, but now tell me what “managerial gynocracy” means in this context. You want a book out of it so bad.

>> No.13873338

That other thread was deleted but I want to point out how "coomer" is 100% Global HR shit. So the thing about men that women hate, it's cool to hate that now, because memes? Fuck you.

>> No.13873341
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>> No.13873346

Tell that to the guy who posted it the first time.

>> No.13873351


>> No.13873367

No. THIS context. You aren’t OP, are you?

>> No.13873391

good goy, take your medicine.

>> No.13873403

What fucking medicine? The government persecutes the shit out of people who make porn. Don't you remember that thing Obama did, Chokepoint?

>> No.13873416

No, I'm just pointing out your retarded assumption that "managerial" had something to do with the position of manager in a company, instead of governance.

>> No.13873420

shut the fuck up you stupid fucking cunt. once again, you’re displaying your rank ignorance of anything remotely literary. yesterday it was not recognizing a single Austrian writer and mistaking Rilke for Mises because you saw the word “Austrian” and had your brain short-circuit. today you confused the managerial state as defined by James Burnham and Sam Francis with hating your manager at Burger King. you are so unbelievably full of yourself when you clearly know so little. it is grating to see you posture on this board during these spats with other anons trying in vain to educate you out of perennial dilettantism. shut the fuck up if you have nothing of substance to contribute.

>> No.13873468

Why do you have a trip? Maybe i havent been around long enough to know the secret /lit/ club, I see no reason for it other than to have a false sense of being special

>> No.13873503

those poor jewish pornographers just want sex positive fun for everyone!

>> No.13873514

>Don't you remember that thing Obama did, Chokepoint?

didn't go far enough, as porn is still legally available in US soil.

>> No.13873520

sorry your universal castration bug race shit is a nonstarter, you fucking quisling. how much are the archons paying you, anyway? did they say they'd take you beyond the veil? you're going to be fucking food, idiot.

>> No.13873522 [DELETED] 

My post was in the form of a question. How was I to know OP was lame ting the Hillary Clinton’s presidency? Kind of stupid when you put it that way, hmm?

>rank ignorance
And anon displays his by not answering the fucking question

For you

>> No.13873531

shitlibs actually love porn and prostitution because it is 'sex positive' and 'empowering' and dovetails well with their consumerist hedonistic values, but nice try coomer.

>> No.13873532

My post was in the form of a question. How was I to know OP was lamenting Hillary Clinton’s presidency? Kind of stupid when you put it that way, hmm?

>rank ignorance
And anon displays his by not answering the fucking question

For you

>> No.13873598

based post, but don't talk to butterfag -- you're only encouraging it