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13872599 No.13872599 [Reply] [Original]

I guess this has been answered before, but what books should I read to learn more about the Trinity (and its logic and explanation) and the problem of evil? Trying to learn some basic teology. Thanks!

>> No.13873016


>> No.13873044

Have you tried the Bible?

>> No.13873297


Summa theologica

>> No.13873329

The whole key is understanding what Logos is. It makes perfect sense that they're separate yet the same once you've read about Logos.

>> No.13873347

>Trinity in the bible

>> No.13873397

De Trinitate by St. Augustine.

>> No.13873410

>1 John 5:7
>7And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.
Maybe you should try reading it before posting cringe.

>> No.13874486

Start with Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and from there move on to the Problem of Pain by the same author.

>> No.13874515

People shit on it but I like the explanation that St. Patrick gives.

>> No.13874827


Ok listen up. The Trinity is a myth. The truth is that alien Jesus (a sentient and self aware being) entered a black hole and came back alive. Death became alien Jesus’ slave (like the genie from Aladdin) and He went through the cosmos fixing what was broken (because he is such a great guy). Humanity is a species currently being tested and will be corrected once poop hits the fan and alien Jesus summons the power of a black hole.

The Father and the Holy Spirit are just the black hole reflections of alien Jesus. After all black holes are information reservoirs (having swallowed those unworthy) and test the informational integrity of whoever enters them.