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File: 200 KB, 560x600, Eris_Antikensammlung_Berlin_F1775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13867205 No.13867205 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Discordianism?

>> No.13867221

Based af.

>> No.13867230

It's a heresy

>> No.13867263

It’s a good example of “lol random” humour pre internet

>> No.13867265
File: 90 KB, 469x498, 102A7B38-FC9F-41C6-AE59-911AB0D7A1C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just means it’s working.

>> No.13867708

The lack of understanding of your "lol random" in your reply is not doing justice to your intelligence anon. You can do it better.

>> No.13867712

Prelude to kekism

>> No.13868975

Funny you mentioned kekism since almost every single Discordianist I've ever seen is an antifa walking meme. They make Eris look bad.

>> No.13869034

Turns out fascism isn’t in line with Discordianism. Who could have guessed?

>> No.13869102

Yeah but Stalinism is. Who would have guessed?

>> No.13869107

Neither does anti-fascism, jerk. Actually any kind of political perspective excepting the extreme cynical anarchism is allowed into the Eris cult.

>> No.13869128

Robert Anton Wilson began my red pilling. He wrote several essays, including an excellent one in Cosmic Trigger vol. 3, about Androphobia, a term for Misandry which he coined. The original Discordians were based and followed the truth even when it meant rebellion against the right OR the left. But these kids today calling themselves Discordians are just poseurs for the most part, afraid to even THINK certain things, much less allow them to be talked about.

>> No.13869132

I find a huge contradiction because anti-fascism implies a humanistic approach to politics and it's (theorically) against radicalisation of the right wing in the mainstream spectrum. Discordianism doesn't. At all. Discordianism gives a fuck about humanism, because it only seeks for chaos and satire. Am I wrong?

>> No.13869139

> discord
Fuck of tranny

>> No.13869141

butt hurt fly


>> No.13869143

Antifa aren’t Stalinists. Stalinists can be antifa
It’s pacifism? It’s extremist centrism and lapdog to power? I didn’t get that vibe from it, but I admit I haven’t read enough of it. Explain how they like to aid authoritarians in their imperialistic or genocidal goals

>> No.13869163

>Explain how they like to aid authoritarians in their imperialistic or genocidal goals
They don't. They just indicate the faults ofwhoever is in charge and make fun of the superfluous political power. For a discordianist, politics are futile. Radical centrism could fit pretty well.

>> No.13869170

So they’re antifa, and it hurts the fragile fascists feelings

>> No.13869189

full of trannies

>> No.13869190

Following your logic, they are anti antifa as well. Your desire to make them part of your autistic 'troop' gives me amusement. The ideological categorization of Discordianism outside an animalistic chaotic anarchism is wrong.

>> No.13869202

If Erisianism taught me anything it is that when you define yrself by your opposition to something then you allow what you oppose to define you, and you eventually become that which you oppose. Indeed, like the gay basher who is secretly gay, the fash basher who claims to hate hate just wants an excuse to hate, to indulge in what he is ostensibly opposed to.
I knew some of the original Discordians, St. Mungo was a friend of mine. They would have had no patience with "anarchists" protesting in favour of globalist corporate-supported policies which direnfranchise local populations and increase Capitalists' power over society.

>> No.13869212

Couldn't agree more with you. I used the concept of anarchism because I lack vocabulary in English and I wanted to explain him how wrong he was.

>> No.13869226

Trannies are into it, so it is probably bad

>> No.13869284

Understood, fren!

>> No.13869473

founded by Lee harvey oswalds brother? dude is way more interesting than RAW. Bob is an attention whore and has too many cheesy Bush and Reagan jokes for my liking

>> No.13869522

Discord is a bitch

>> No.13869543

x-tier, not /lit/ related

>> No.13869547

see Operation Mindfuck

>> No.13869636

Sci-fi, religion, biblical debates etc... Don't belong in the board then. You're uninformed and reading your reply was annoying as what you thought when you saw my thread and your misconception told you what it was all about.

>> No.13869684

Following; they roll with the wind. Fascists do not.
They are anti-fa. Which isn’t an even organization

>> No.13869710

Why do you dislike fascism so much, butts?

>> No.13869843

That's what you don't get. They roll against the wind whichever this is. Their social role is to break the form, to separate the individual from it. Like the gombrowiczian philosophy sugges. They satirise the form. If there's a Discordianist in, let's say, an anti-fascists encounter, this guy's going to disagree voluntarily just to satirise the form. It transcends this political bullshit, is it that difficult to understand for your bidirectional mind?

>> No.13870841

which book is it? sounds interesting.

>> No.13870943
File: 34 KB, 500x305, F7B7A9D7-0557-4709-BD7F-D616381B67D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would an anarchist dislike authoritarian genocidal misogynistic statists?

>the gombrowiczian philosophy sugges.
The what? If Discordianism is about switching from Libertarian to authoritarian, Dionysian to Apollonian, just for the sake of social antagonism, I suppose I’ll have to distance myself from it.
>political bullshit
I am an anarchist and I transcend the political of statecraft. I promote the *polis* political of socialism. A none state of free flowing collectives and individuals. I thought Discordia might be a nice fit, but have not read enough of it yet to know.

I’m not sure. Likely Principia Discordia

>> No.13871115

>gombrowiczian philosophy
You read it well. Read something written by him, it's a very good author.

>> No.13871152

Oh. Been meaning to get to Ferdydurke. Thanks

>> No.13871501

It's from the good old days, when humor used to be more than whatever 4cucks, Retarddit and other normalfaggot hiveminds shat out regularly.

>> No.13872651


>> No.13872654

Principia Discordia was great. Read it twelve years ago. Did acid and had sex soon afterwards too. It was the peak of my teenage hedonistic bliss. I have since attained the hipster holy grail and ascended to the godhead and descended for a season in hell and would consider myself mildly antifa. I think Bob would take a Reichian view against the conservative party. Anyway, this thread is gay. Needs more memes and tits and weed jokes.

Check out Historia Discordia (just came out -- the most complete bible of the religion)

Also Erik Davis is good.

Also IOT

>> No.13872671
File: 112 KB, 640x675, eris_of_the_month-20170519-eris_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys faggot

>> No.13872934

Gay meme. Almost as gay as butters

>> No.13873083
File: 518 KB, 1080x1080, BA23C269-57CC-4161-BCBD-36D87AB7D9F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needs more memes and tits
‘ere ya go, mang. For your rec.

Men are gay, Im lesbian.

>> No.13873157

Discordianism is more akin to zen and anarchism. A more serious subgenius. A less serious chaos magic. Such is discordianism. I am a pope and so are you.