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13864072 No.13864072 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished reading this book. It's so good I finished it within a week. This book effortlessly debunks all forms of racism. From biological racism to cultural racism to sexism to ethnic racism to linguistic racism.

>> No.13864081


>> No.13864084


>> No.13864086


>> No.13864092


>> No.13864093

Lmao this book debunked vile homophobia as well.

>> No.13864096


>> No.13864113

Only egotistic individualists are capable of not being racist, every single member of a given community has preventive instincts against outsiders and it's a natural thing. If you value some people more than others you're discriminating, everyone has values, thus everyone discriminates.

>> No.13864115

>debunks evolution
Nothin' personnel, racists.

>> No.13864169

Haven't read it but do you really need a book to debunk racism? It should be patently obvious to anyone who's thought about notions of racial superiority that it's all absurd. What does it mean for a race to be better than another? Smarter, stronger, gentler, taller, shorter, fatter, leaner? Smarter by whose set of criteria, etc? On top of that our racial categories have been fluid throughout history and even today we can't come to a consensus. Some say Italians are white; others don't agree with that. Ethiopians and Nigerians are both black despite significant genetic differences. Even within Ethiopia there are significant genetic differences between those from the highlands and those from the lowlands.

>> No.13864203
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everything aside. if one group of people of significant size (i said group because many say that race is unscientific) was proven to lack in certain aspects and be different in others, what would be the best solution?
A. create a huge conflict that wastes massive amount resources for nothing
B. do actions (such as spreading hate and tension) that will eventually create a conflict
C. leave everything be (perhaps prevent option B), eventually they will fit in society and their differences will become a valuable resources or will disappear
D. try to fix those problems with a more direct approach (former examples of this were unsuccessful because of bias and lack of science)
E. take a middle approach between option D and option C (that's mostly what is happening right not)

>> No.13864238
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Post some of the arguments. I don't believe racism can be debunked. Whether or not one chooses to treat people differently based on their racial traits is totally up to the individual. Racism isn't objectively wrong or right, it just is. It's natural.

>> No.13864265

Or F: segregation and live separately - might also fit into A

>> No.13864280

Anti racism is a weapon as much as racism is. It never truly goes away.

>> No.13864290

Segregate according to what? Skin tone? That wouldn't necessarily make sense. There is so much genetic variation among black Africans that it's possible for a black person and a white person to have more in common genetically than two black people.

>> No.13864313

Of course people will fall between the lines, but who gives a shit. The vast majority of people are still either white or black and not mixed. No one will be 100% happy with any solution.

You can go by skin tone, that's a quick and simple way with a strong 95% success rate (source:my butt) in determining whether you're looking at a black or a white guy.

>> No.13864325

What for, though? I'm white and a couple of my closest friends aren't.

>> No.13864348
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I envisioned something like pic related, but I'm open to suggestions.

>What for, though?
Friends come and go buddy, it's part of life. You can still viist

>> No.13864349
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>> No.13864356

It has bad methodology.
It explicitly sets out to prove a conclusion.

>> No.13864374

middle class white liberals need a sense of purpose, anon. What else would they do if it wasn't for the imperative to atone for racism, to uplift and integrate the minorities into the system and eventually make them into neurotic liberals much like themselves. it is them, not working class black men in detroit or New Orleans,who are the intended audience for Ta Neshi Coates' latest article in The Atlantic. Conservatives massively overestimate liberals, they are not radicals, but people who have given up, the decrepit remnant of the great liberal protestant tradition, whithered down to a narcissistic enjoyment of their own dread and middle class guilt, unable or unwilling to change the system in any significant way.

>> No.13864459

American blacks are usually only 65% African and the rest is white and Native American.

>> No.13864470

>What does it mean for a race to be better than another? Smarter, stronger, gentler, taller, shorter, fatter, leaner?
Yes, it can be any of those or even something else.

>> No.13864474
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who gives a shit? they're black to me and to themselves. This nitpicking is pointless and has literally no purpose. for my brilliant scheme i refer to pic related in post >>13864348

>> No.13864651

I bet your friends and you are culturally similar despite race which is why it's works. South Africa is great example of where segregation worked well as was actually better for the natives than what has followed.

>> No.13864664

Americans are so embarrassing, if you're going to be racist at least be knowledgeable. There are more races in the world than white-mutt Americans and black-mutt Americans. There are even pakistani natives that are whiter than some "white" Americans.

>> No.13864671

Waiting for some of this effortless debunking

>> No.13864684

literally .001 % of the american population so who gives a shit. it falls into the so few so who gives a shit category which is very useful

t. guy you replied to and not an american

>> No.13864705

more like "How to milk whitey for his white guilt and get some attaboys from the neolibs"

>> No.13864747

>to uplift and integrate the minorities into the system and eventually make them into neurotic liberals much like themselves.

It's not even the White Man's Burden, Progressives don't view the blaqs as people, they're just objects in the overarching Whig morality play. Just as ancient civilizations consulted the Oracle, or practiced augury, or whatever, the Progressive consults the General Social Survey. Did you know that black people are disproportionately less likely to go hiking, for example? Yet another instance of the racism of Our Society. The blaq is a measure of the extent to which Our Values are realized within society, a sort of Fisher Kang if you will, if Our Values are not being realized, we need a National Conversation to rectify this grave injustice. And yet they aren't actually a character in the Narrative, just an abstract object that is acted upon by Whiteness.