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13862988 No.13862988 [Reply] [Original]

>claims to be anti-tech
>uses the internet to go on 4chan to talk about being anti-tech
Why are Ellul/Ted-fags so retarded? Are they simply blind to irony?
pic unrelated

>> No.13862997

i also hate females but i still want to be cuddled and loved by one.
hypocrisy isn't bad, no thing is 100% bad or evil.
we use a "good" part of technology: mass communication (it isn't actually good but for this purpose it works) to share anti-tech ideas because on the whole, technology is bad.
if we destroy technology and go back to primitive society i'll never post on 4chan again

>> No.13863004

It's better they're here shitposting than absconding to a cabin in the woods where they will eventually begin sending mailbombs to people. Realistically, i would say they have a greater interests in "rescuing" society from technology rather than just themselves. the old
>we could improve society somewhat
>and yet you participate in is, how fascinating
isn't much of an argument. Realistically though, they should just join the Amish or some African tribe.

>> No.13863035

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E62iA6KCIQ lmao

>> No.13863092

Most are pretty young and have no money or opportunity to go live in the woods like Ted, so they are forced to live in the technological society, where its impossible to survive in without the use of technology. You cannot just have no internet, since most jobs and schools require you to have access to it. So this "argument" of you is completly retarded and anyone that uses it deserves to get mail from a certain cabin in montana.

>> No.13863097

Otherwise they couldn’t spread their ideas, moron

>> No.13863107

>they are forced
Are they though?

>> No.13863110

If you think this is a smart argument, you aren't.

>> No.13863165
File: 505 KB, 1920x1080, timecop_1994_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates earth
>still breathes

>> No.13863220

People are retards who like to posture and pretend they believe certain things but when the time comes to actually make an effort bail out.