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File: 42 KB, 358x600, Leon_Benouville_The_Wrath_of_Achilles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13861451 No.13861451 [Reply] [Original]

how do fellow litizens deal with the overwhelming desire to harm and kill others?

I do a little writing from time to time, it really helps

>> No.13861462

I don't know dude, like I was homeless for a year and I never wanted to kill anyone.

>> No.13861499

Depends how serious the urge. Integrate your shadow...bro...

>> No.13861503

why not

>> No.13861514
File: 211 KB, 1152x768, 4457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs

>> No.13861536

Because there are just some things out of your control. Allowing petty urges to bridle a desire to avenge the iniquity of persons with authority over you, or those who cannot or simply will not accept or understand you, is a waste of energy and vitality. No matter how bad things get, you can always do your own shit.

>> No.13861547

why would you want to seriously do that? like whats your reasons

>> No.13861551

I angrily sodomize twinks and practice muay thai

>> No.13861553


it's completely irrational. most violence is. that's why I'm asking how other people deal with it

>> No.13861562

Get checked for an amygdalic brain tumor

>> No.13861574
File: 3.89 MB, 2752x3941, A_seated_male_nude_with_his_head_bent_forward_onto_his_folde_Wellcome_V0048993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never liked the way Achilles feet looked in this painting. Too crude. They appear malformed from years of tight dress shoes -- certainly not the condition one would expect the feet of a Homeric hero to be in. His toes look like those an idiot high school sports captain.

>> No.13861591

Terrible analysis

>> No.13861600

Correct me then.

>> No.13861655

I just fantasize about the act of murder, this is usually enough for me. Never fails to bring a smile to my face.

>> No.13861671

>They appear malformed
They do not.
There’s clearly something wrong with your feet

>> No.13861672

overcome your psychosis

>> No.13861680

Butterfly confirmed for having cramped inward-bending toes from wearing high heels that are too small for xer.

>> No.13861686

The problem I had is why are his genitals so small? They should be at least the size of his fist, that's normal right? Or do I just need to check my privilege?

>> No.13861692

He's a grower, not a shower.

>> No.13861694

Masturbating stretches out your dick (not good)

>> No.13861701

I don't mean the penis though I mean mostly the scrotum. As far as I know your scrotum doesn't enlarge when you masturbate unless you have a serious medical condition.

>> No.13861707

Also in ancient Greece a small penis size was revered in pretty much the same way that large cock size is revered in our modern society. The reason being that small penises cause much less anal trauma.

>> No.13861718

So greeks liked small dicks because they were pederasts?

>> No.13861731

having a big dick and balls only became regarded as desirable in modern times where women's tastes dictate the order of society

>> No.13861750

I don't think so, northern europeans saw big dick as desirable. But then they weren't homos.

>> No.13861751
File: 401 KB, 800x699, 1465659650278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>northern europeans
>weren't homos

>> No.13861754

They fucked men but that wasn't gay it was just a way of showing who was boss. And anal tearing made it better because by making the man bleed during anal sex you showed that he bled like a woman and was therefore less of a man. That's not gay, it's based (and fashy).

>> No.13861767


smoke weed

>> No.13861775

I'd rather smoke jews

>> No.13861804

by killing duh

>> No.13861839

The only thing I smoke is fools like you on the basketball court.

>> No.13861883

stop shooting people on the basketball court tyrone, or you'll end up in criminal court next time

>> No.13861904

We have male-oriented entertainment for a reason. Take up a sport or something.

>> No.13861914

Join the military. Don't let them know you're a murder hungry maniac. Get sent overseas. Kill innocent women and children, possibly rape them. Clap while a bald eagle sheds a single tear for your sacrifice.

>> No.13861929

I do not wear high heels, xir.

>> No.13862081
File: 99 KB, 833x1029, 1569083065045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a genuine tendency for homicidal ideation, likely a result of my borderline personality disorder. I fantasize about killing people, read about serial killers, contemplate extravagant homicidal plans, etc. I probably wouldn't ever go through with any of it though. Probably. There are various small things I do to cause others suffering which sate my urges. If I can inconvenience or harm someone in a slight way, I will, at any chance, not usually out of spite; I just take pleasure in the suffering of others. It's one of the only things I can take genuine pleasure in. It's difficult. I have little regard for my own life or those of others. I do little dangerous things like crossing the street without looking and mild reckless driving. I often contemplate suicide but am hesitant out of my own uncertainties about reality. I suppose to answer your question, I don't exact;y know how to cope with it. I used to cut myself, but I don't even hate myself anymore. I just hate the world, not the world itself, my world. I wish that I didn't exist and no one existed who knows of me, and then I would be free, because other people have always constrained me and I disdain their very presence, even knowing that they're thinking about me. Reading doesn't help, at least philosophy; it just further rationalizes my own worldview. It's clear that nothing matters, that there's no real reason why I shouldn't kill someone; saying otherwise is just cope. Escapist fiction of various mediums is really the only thing that slightly helps me. I'm not a good writer, and being conscious of the process of creating the story kinda ruins it.

>> No.13862347

i like anal trauma tho