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/lit/ - Literature

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13861087 No.13861087 [Reply] [Original]

who are the most /lit/ musicians?

>> No.13861095

Roy Montgomery.

>> No.13861101


>> No.13861104

Holly shit i fucking love Anne Frank. This isn't even a meme, I've read her diary four times and I bought the definitive edition, the one that has all her photos and I carry it in my backpack every where i go

>> No.13861114

Neofolk artists like Death in June, Current 93, etc.

>> No.13861119

david lee roth

>> No.13861140

Jim Morrison got me into Blake and philosophy when I was 14. I don't think he was exceptional but he was a poet admittedly.

>> No.13861143
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my n word Hector

>> No.13861144
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>Within literature, what I’ve found to be resonating are works of Bukowski, Cioran, Celine, Houellebecq, Kafka, Lem, McCarthy, Vonnegut and so on.

>> No.13861180


>> No.13861205

How the fuck did he do it, his lyrics are so powerful I am not being ironic at all, he said he just pieced them together with fragments that just popped into his head. I don't know how to do it I have never written anything as evocative and piercing as those little fragments all over ITAOTS

I was about to give an example of what I mean but then I realised I could literally post any of the lines from Two Headed Boy pt 2 and it'd be sufficient. I don't understand poetry I don't understand how to put anything in words in a way that doesn't sound embarassing and sentimental.

>> No.13861211

A+ music

>> No.13861373

Fun fact : Oblomov is one of his favorite novels. Great dude.

>> No.13861393

Mark E Smith, Paul Simonon, Jeff Magnum, Rory Gallagher, Patti Smith, Bob Dylan, Stefan Burnett, PJ Harvey, Martin Shkreli

>> No.13861397

Pop/rock - Dylan
Classical - Monteverdi
Jazz - Duke Ellington

>> No.13861398

I have the cd in my car and listen to it every time I drive pretty much

>> No.13861400


>> No.13861406

Lisa Germano literally sales books for a living.

>> No.13861470
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Will Toledo

>> No.13861519

joy division

>> No.13862007



>> No.13862020

I dig the minutemen but what do they intend to convey by claiming that Dylan wrote propaganda songs?

>> No.13862033
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Elliott Smith

>> No.13862074

>Jeff: Oh yeah, but I decided it's shit and put it aside. I go through this all the time, though. I'll have all this crap written and I think it's just shit so I'll discard it, and then I'll play a few things for friends and they'll say, "Oh, that's fine," and I'll say, "Oh, really? What about this? This one's really fucked up-- just tell me if it sucks..." And they'll say, "No, it's good!" And then I'm like, "God! I've got half a record done!" [laughs]
>At this point, Jeff goes into a long monologue describing some of the images and reciting some of the lyrics in the songs, which include a hermaphrodite girl and a boy whose consciousness shrinks to a small point and birds start being born out of his face. The lyrics are terrible and beautiful in the way so many of Jeff's lyrics are, but these are definitely a bit more story-like and disturbing than his usual fare. They have been edited out at Jeff's request.

He is as insecure as you are, you need to hear feedback from trustworthy people like he does from his friends

>> No.13862472

>File: esmith.jpg (132 KB, 520x747)
correct answer

>> No.13862485


>> No.13862498
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>> No.13862509


>> No.13862549

Aesop Rock

>> No.13862563


>> No.13862674

Dude its the Anne Frank Guy!! XD

>> No.13862681

whoever your favourite musician is

>> No.13862839

Simon Finn
rap is not music

>> No.13862859
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Leonard Cohen

>> No.13863071

this but unironically

>> No.13863080

>semen stains the mountaintops

>> No.13863639
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this guy

>> No.13863665
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he has the most /lit/ aesthetic

>> No.13863692

>Roy Montgomery
How can you say that since his music does not have lyrics? Do you know him personally?

>> No.13863823

Pleb question right there.

>Ill At Home is a masterpiece. The guitars simulate drums? What do the lyrics talk about? How did you come up with this composition? Truly kakfian...
>Thank you. Yes, guitars do the percussion. The song is a hybrid of Kafka, Dostoevsky and Goncharov (the latter known only for a novel about someone who took a hundred pages or so to get out of bed:"Oblomov"). I suppose it tries to capture that feeling when the everything seems to be collapsing in upon you, no matter what you try and do to break out of it. I don't know why I did that one to be honest.

Could go on and on.

>> No.13863834
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Emil Amos/Holy Sons; ignore the rest of this pleb shit

>> No.13863861
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what Berlioz do you recommend

>> No.13863866

everything. but you can start with the Fantastic Symphony, Harold in Italy, and the Requiem.

>> No.13863871

Nick Cave is the only answer.
Anybody who says either Bob Dylan or Jim Morrison are plebeians with taste inherited from their parents.

>> No.13863880

thanks. I actually have a copy of Requiem but my record player has been out of commission for years

>> No.13863967


>> No.13863974

Predictably edgy coming from a Nick Cave listener.

>> No.13863977

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Joanna Newsom

>> No.13863979

neutral milk hotel suck

>> No.13863987

New York is such a good record. Lyrics for days.

>> No.13864090

great composer, great picture

>> No.13864185
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Predictably uppity coming from a Bob Dylan/Jim Morrison listener

>> No.13864199

Lisa Germano hates 4chan. I know her. But yes, she's real living literature.

>> No.13864224

>Lisa Germano hates 4chan. I know her.
Why wouldn't she, I assume she's a normal humain being and all...

cave so extreme man xD

>> No.13864378


>> No.13865102

Based, although I never read the lyrics to tell you the truth

>> No.13865181
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No one posted based van yet? Ight ill do it

>> No.13865372


>> No.13865402
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Elias is the few good parts of /fa/, /mu/, /hm/, and /lit/ combined.

>> No.13865426

Nick Cave. Tom Waits. Leonard Cohen.

>> No.13865431

This. I'm surprised no one else has mentioned Joy Division. Ian Curtis had /lit/ as fuck taste (Kafka, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Burroughs, Ballard), and frequently referenced his favorite literature in songs.

>> No.13865458

I lost interest in Iceage after they became a Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds knockoff. Have they gotten better?

>> No.13865459

Worse. They peaked at 18-20 y/o in true punk fashion.

>> No.13865466

plowing was their best album though. i agree that beyondless is their worst but even it's not half bad.

>> No.13865500

Plowing Into the Field of Love isn't bad at all, but I felt it was such a massive downgrade from You're Nothing I stopped caring about Iceage. They were at their best when they mixed together post-punk with the raw aggression of hardcore punk, and Plowing Into the Field of Love really lacked that aggression.

>> No.13865584

Lulu is his best tho.

>> No.13865892

I agree, rap is literature.

>> No.13866735

holy based

>> No.13866914

guy sounds like a total fucking pleb frankly.