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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 300x299, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1385734 No.1385734 [Reply] [Original]

Why do french sociologists and philosphers write so damn complicated?
I'm not talking about their ideas, just about the style. I have been reading some texts of Alain Touraine and Michel Foucault and they are a pain in the ass to read. There are sentences that could be rewritten perfectly and it would be more understandable without affecting the coherence of the ideas.
It's just a matter of the french scholar language or it's because they want to sound obscure? I never had any problem with english or german thinkers.

>> No.1385746

suck it up

>> No.1385757
File: 116 KB, 659x870, Foucault, Michel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Foucault such a charismatic motherfucker?

>> No.1385759

>I never had any problem with ... german thinkers.

Hegel, Marx and Heidegger receive similar criticism to the ones you epouse of the French.

>> No.1385763

I think it is incompetent translation

>> No.1385770

Well, I still have not read anything seriously by Hegel or Heidegger (only short excerpts).
Max Weber and Nietzsche just worked fine for me. I enjoyed Marx's Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy btw.

>> No.1385779

because he wrote about sex and power

>> No.1385786


>not complicated style
oh u

>> No.1385790

This is usually the reason, I had a philosophy book that translated much of the Ancient Greek philosopher's works into archaic English (the book was published in 2008). There's no need for such theatrics, it simply obfuscates the message.

>> No.1385957

cause it's easy to be metaphysically promiscuous

>> No.1385973

That's a problem I have with most philosophers in general, regardless of nationality.
You'll be going perfectly normal then bam, some sentence that is more complex then a fucking jigsaw puzzle.

>> No.1385987
File: 17 KB, 220x375, 220px-Rohde_Gersdorff_Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck French philosophers. Germany, bitches.

Pic related: Nietzsche and friends being cooler than you.

>> No.1386010 [DELETED] 

Clarity isn't valued in the continental tradition. They're not trying to make ironclad logical arguments, they're trying to present a worldview in its totality. They're not saying "here's what you should believe" they're simply showing you something neat. The german idealists

>> No.1386015

Nietzsche would probably have an aneurysm if you called him a 'German philosopher' to his face.

>> No.1386023

At least I would inspire him to write another few paragraphs about how retarded people are.

Even though I'm not a woman OR German, so idk if I would even get an honorable mention.