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/lit/ - Literature

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13856134 No.13856134 [Reply] [Original]

How many of these have you read /lit/?

Ulysses, Finnegans Wake
In Search of Lost Time
The Man Without Qualities
The Wings of the Dove, The Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl
The Magic Mountain
The Death of Virgil, The Sleepwalkers
Arcades Project
The Three Critiques
The Recognitions, JR
The Tunnel, Omensetter's Luck
Molloy-Malone Dies-The Unnameable
Gravity's Rainbow, Mason & Dixon
Anti Oedipus, A Thousand Plateaus, Difference and Repitition, The Logic of Sense
The World as Will and Idea
The Phenomenology of Spirit
Das Kapital
Aesthetic Theory
The Human Condition
Understanding Media
The Rhetoric of Fiction
Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature
The Order of Things
Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Process and Reality, Adventures of Ideas, Science and the Modern World
The Anatomy of Melancholy
The Wastebooks
Montaigne's Complete Essays
Religio Medicidi, Urne Burial
Shakespeare's Complete Works
The Lusiads
Johnson's Essays
The Divine Comedy
The Decameron
The Canterbury Tales
Paradise Lost
Gargantua and Pantagreul
Tristam Shandy
Gulliver's Travels
Don Quixote
Anna Karenina
The Waves, The Lighthouse
Wuthering Heights
Jane Eyre
The Aeneid
The Iliad, The Odyssey
Moby Dick
Ada, or Ardor, Pale Fire, Lolita
The Counterfeiters
The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, Absalom Absalom, As I Lay Dying
The Flanders Road, The Grass
The U.S.A. Trilogy
Auto de fa
Against Nature
Zeno's Conscience, Further Confessions of Zeno
Wittgenstein's Mistress
Under the Volcano
The Radetzky March
At Swim Two Birds, The Third Policeman
Journey to the End of the Nigit, Death on Credit
The Book of Disquiet
This Business of Living, The Moon and the Bonfires,
Locus Solus
The Unconsoled
The Tin Drum
The Leopard
The World of Yesterday, Beware of Pity
Extinction, Correction, The Limeworks, Gathering Evidence
Austerlitz, The Rings of Saturn, The Emigrants
Bleak House, David Copperfield, The Pickwick Papers
Life: A User's Manual
Conversation in the Cathedral
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Tomorrow in the Battle Think on me
Baltasar & Blimunda, The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
The Narratives of Empire series
The Sea of Fertility tetralogy
Snow Country, The Master of Go, Thousand Cranes
The Makioka Sisters
The Tale of Genji

>> No.13856143

Killed myself before I even finished reading that long ass list

>> No.13856158
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>Haven't read any of these yet

>> No.13856161


>> No.13856164

The Magic Mountain
The Decameron
Gulliver's Travels
Don Quixote
Jane Eyre
The Odyssey

>> No.13856169

Kokoro and The Tale of Genji

Do I win anything?

>> No.13856182
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it means I am dumb

>> No.13856189

Gravity's Rainbow
Dropped Moby Dick right after the part where he gets hired by the company
Dropped The Iliad on page ten because the edition I got was barely readable (small font)
Never bothered with the rest
Currently reading Infinite Jest

>> No.13856201
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No it doesnt fren! It just means you have not read them yet! Having not readed a book isn't something to be ashamed of; however, not reading is.

>> No.13856208
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>Having not readed a book isn't something to be ashamed of
Are there any books anybody here is ashamed of reading?

>> No.13856231

Don Quixote and I didn't even finish it. Although I have some of those books, I'll read them sooner or later.

>> No.13856239

shit list dude

>> No.13856240

I read twilight

>> No.13856244

Biely's prose is repetitive to the point of neuroticism

>> No.13857567

your diary desu

>> No.13858673

No biggie. I have read only 6 and I've been reading for 6 years, also studying lit. A lot of this stuff is obscure or difficult (at least regarding the investment of time). You definitely could read some stuff soon, though, such as the books listed from Divine Comedy to Lolita, they're really important and useful for further reading and learning (and, most importantly, great reads by themselves).

>> No.13858690

most of the literary books. I couldn't care less about philosophy/politics.

>> No.13858809

4⅙: half a Critique (Aesthetic Judgment), Gravity's Rainbow, The Order of Things, two thirds of Tristram Shandy, Against Nature. I have perused another Critique (Pure Reason), Difference and Repetition, The Logic of Sense, The Phenomenology of Spirit, Capital, Aesthetic Theory.