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/lit/ - Literature

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13856085 No.13856085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>if god real why bad thing happen

>> No.13856088

It's a valid argument. And you don't have an answer.

>> No.13856089

If God is a real then why are you wasting your time making crappy threads instead of worshiping Him?

>> No.13856090

This but unironically.

>> No.13856096

>2000 years and christcuckolds don't have a sound response to the evidential argument from evil
>they shitpost to cope with this fact
Enjoy your ban

>> No.13856097
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>God works in mysterious ways.

>> No.13856100
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>if bad thing happen then why God no real?

>> No.13856103
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God created us in his image
Therefore god is a giant piece of shit

case closed boys

>> No.13856105

>God works
God is a NEET.

>> No.13856112

He's a greedy capitalist. He owns everything and sits back idly while we spend our lives toiling to survive.

>> No.13856117

>if evolution real why come monkeys still around

>> No.13856320

This but unironically

>> No.13856322


>> No.13856370
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Suffering is NECESSARY.

>> No.13856377
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Does anyone ever explore the converse of this idea? The idea that God must be real, because good things are in the universe? One of the reasons I believe in God is that I have felt such incredible moments of joy in my life, and these seem, to me, to point towards a good and just Creator who is the author of happiness. Is there any exploration of this idea in literature?

>> No.13856381

If by god you mean the christian god, then its a completly valid argument since he is supposed to be all loving and caring. Other forms of god like the pagan ones make more sense, since they don't realy care about people one way or the other, just like nature doesn't care.

>> No.13856384

Idk, that guy could be a cunt sometimes. If the guy really cared then would the path to salvation be the wide one?

>> No.13856440

>That one time god made a bet with the devil where he killed a guys family and showed that the guy would still love him

>> No.13856446

I can't believe that the milennia old problem of evil was solved by a wojak poster on /lit/. What denomination do I have to convert to now that you've figured it all out?

>> No.13856463

there are countless 'sound responses' throughout history, you are just a fool who expects to be spoonfed

>> No.13856466

>It's not my job to educate you, the answers are out there
kek, can Christcucks come up with something more original?

>> No.13856523

if yaveh is real, then why does yaveh needs to be worshipped

>> No.13856533


>> No.13856564

it doesn't need to be responded to. god does what he wills and you just need to deal with it. he could send us all to hell, including all the good people and it wouldnt change that he's god. you should be grateful that there is even one good thing in this world