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File: 272 KB, 1280x799, 2019_16_tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13853530 No.13853530 [Reply] [Original]

>On Sept 19, Lewis and Tolkien had a legendary conversation with another colleague and future Inkling, Hugo Dyson. They spoke late into the night, arguing about faith and theology and history. When the topic turned to “myth,” Lewis evidently made the comment that myths were “lies breathed through silver.”

>While you or I may respond with a counter-argument, Tolkien went home and wrote 148 lines of heroic couplet from the Myth-Lover (Philomythus) to the Myth-Hater (Misomythus). The poem came to be known as “Mythopoiea” (Myth-Maker), and is an apology for the value of myths to tell the deepest truths of human experience.

C. S. Lewis BTFO

>> No.13853590

did Tolkien ever write anything about Atlantis? I know he was adamant about 'muh work is not allegory' but Numenor is clearly Atlantean.

>> No.13853598
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>and future Inkling

>> No.13853599

still not an allegory, do you know what it means?

>> No.13853604

How can Lewis say that? I thought he was a Christian. Does he make an exception for the Christian myths?

>> No.13853616

i dont care. Did he write anything about Atlantis?

>> No.13853632

you're too low IQ for this board, fuck off

>> No.13853642

just answer his question you faggot, no one hear but you enjoys splitting hairs over the term "allegory"

>> No.13853651
File: 69 KB, 669x254, Atlantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did Tolkien ever write anything about Atlantis?

It's funny you should say that. Tolkien did work on an ambitious science fiction story involving time travel which had Atlantis as a central theme/location. Look up 'The Notion Club Papers' to find out more. Verlyn Flieger has a great chapter all about it in her 'Interrupted Music: The Making of Tolkien's Mythology' book.

Also, Tolkien had crazy Atlantis dreams (nightmares?)

>> No.13853658

>How can Lewis say that? I thought he was a Christian.

He hadn't converted yet at that point.

>In the Fall of 1931, the theist C.S. Lewis was moving steadily toward a conversion to Christianity.

>> No.13853663

thank you m8. The dreams are particularly interesting.

>> No.13853666

Lewis was Anglican, while Tolkein was Catholic. For all the similarities, they are really quite different perspectives.

>> No.13853833

why bring up terminology you don't even understand? fuck off

>> No.13854994

Its an analogue of Atlantis not an analogy

>> No.13855198


>have a dream about drowning, interpret it as Atlantis-themed

What a drama queen. He'd get along with Jordan Peterson.

>> No.13855228

Lewis was a proto-redditor.

>> No.13855341

>While you or I may respond with a counter-argument, Tolkien went home and wrote 148 lines of heroic couplet from the Myth-Lover (Philomythus) to the Myth-Hater (Misomythus).
Based Tolkien
How could Lewis ever recover

>> No.13856203


answer his question

>> No.13856238

He died before Tolkien, these two events must be related.

>> No.13856364

Uh, well, maybe Tolkien's celebrated stories are nothing but lies breathed through FUCKING FINNISH MYTHOLOGY. Ever thought about that before you deify your anglo swindler?

>> No.13856369

>breathed through silver
What the fuck does that even mean? If he weren't a famous writer people would acknowledge this as god damn nonsense.

>> No.13856397

He means those lies are given undue legitimacy through their use by poets and philosophers.

Still a bad argument given the genealogy of myths prior to their artistic/rethorical use.

>> No.13856427

What the hell does Homer have to do with silver?

>> No.13856436

No one takes the Finnish criticism seriously. Enough with the meme.

>> No.13856448

It's a precious metal. Think golden plated toilet.

>> No.13856449

Nobody cares about your mythology, finnigger, snow-türk, Jannizair in denial.
Tolkien took your retard scrambled pseudo-stories and made them into something of literary value you should thank him every day.

>> No.13856461

>too brainlet to understand the basest of symbology
Silver is symbolically the purest and wholesomest metal. Look It up. Something Something colloidal silver something something kills bacteria etc.
Every symbology agrees on this.
If You breath a lie (unwholesome! Boooo!) through silver, you "clean" it. It becomes a "lie" said for worthy reasons and to spread an healthy message.
It is obviously a brainlet opinion still Because myths aren't lies, myths are myths.

>> No.13856471

>those responsible for our mythology knew germ theory
fucking retard

>> No.13856472

Didn't Numenor get blown the fuck up? Sounds more like an allegory to Crete if you ask me.

>> No.13856475

So? A gold toilet has just as much to do with Homer as silver, and you don't breath through toilets regardless of what they're made of. Am I the butt of some joke here? Are you guys providing nonsense to explain nonsense or something and affecting that it is coherent or intuitive?

>> No.13856491
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>You will NEVER read The Lost Road

Tolkien also had dreams of Faery, which are likely the source of his descriptions of the shores of Aman and especially Tol Eressea.