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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 452 KB, 516x709, Screenshot_2019-09-20 Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13852171 No.13852171[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, /lit/? When are you going to throw away all your classic books?

>> No.13852179

saw this on pol earlier. really wonder what's innere. i bet some of it's shit, wish that were local, i'd love to sift through em.

>> No.13852210

Did he delete his account, lmao?

>> No.13852211
File: 45 KB, 449x600, 1521123824823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet it's all shit. Call me old fashioned, but I find it hard to believe a school library is actually throwing away good books. The OP pic has /pol/ written all over it though. That's the typical type of stuff you see to perpetuate the never ending "Two Minutes of Hate" thing they got going for them.

>> No.13852215

The tweets never existed to begin with. It's edited.

>> No.13852219

>"start with Sophocles"
based "start with the Greeks" posting

>> No.13852225

This shit triggers me immensely

>> No.13852233


>> No.13852235

I hope it's fake.

>> No.13852247

Lol, no it doesn't you faggot stop with the LARP
>a bunch of fake tweet above a photo of some penguin classics (of which millions of other copies exist) in a dustbin

get the fuck over yourself you annoying pseud

>> No.13852251

It’s not. Middle class white women are a menace to all that’s good. They must be stopped

>> No.13852254

Why does this make me so angry?

>> No.13852255

mang, i have so many discarded books from the library. that's bullshit. i have a FINE/NEW copy of Morgante that was discarded by the library. i have a few becketts, and what have you, various ex library books, all discarded for no reason. all still in excellent condition. so, these morons definitely tossed a bunch of potentially good books away. even in the post the guy is talking about getting rid of sophocles and faulkner. that's enough for me to wonder if there are a few worthwhile things inside.

>> No.13852272

Kek. She seems to be a middleschool/highschool teacher. To think that parents pay their kid's tuition to have some mentally ill tranny throw out hundreds of dollars of perfectly good books.

>> No.13852276

Because you're wh*te.

>> No.13852277

Do you dumpster dive? Or do you know someone who works there? My local library is garbage anyways.

>> No.13852281

íve recently got a lot of cool shit from from amazon, they were all discarded library stuff

>> No.13852283

i just look around for local library "sales". they often get rid of classics for 50 cents a piece so they have more room for erotica and dvds. i wish i were kidding. i really wish i were kidding.

>> No.13852285

not him, but libraries give these books away. so much of my personal library comes from books that my local library sells for anywhere between 10 cents to one dollar. every year kids read classics but at the end of the year discard them because they only read it for class. those are probably the books being discarded in the OP image.

>> No.13852288
File: 367 KB, 588x539, dumb bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she unironically unironically retweeted both this and the OP image

Never mind the JQ, we need an answer for the WQ.

>> No.13852299

Honestly, it's not really "middle class white women" but mostly this stupide PC culture that come from USA. In France (i'm french) everybody including "sjw" think classic lit is good and it's normal to see that in a school library.

>> No.13852300

there are a lot of gets in this thread i notice.

>> No.13852302

Yes, it does. If you're going to get rid of a bunch of books at least consider donating them. Pretty sure someone else would be more than happy to have them.
Also, the tweet isn't fake. I don't care if a bunch of /pol/tards are getting butthurt about it. Throwing away perfectly fine books and boasting about it on social media is downright fucking dumb.

>> No.13852303

holy macaroni

>> No.13852304

I remember when a bunch of leftwing publications freaked out about Archive.org and called it Fascist or something because it was recording articles that they wanted to delete. I think Vice was the main one

>> No.13852307
File: 29 KB, 333x499, 51shOc-LGmL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engaging, relevant, culturally diverse
how can anyone unironically use such meaningless plastic bugman speech?

>> No.13852310

meant Archive.is obviously. force of habit

>> No.13852311

Blessed post

>> No.13852313

Because he love book *

>> No.13852316

i know, i was a little freaked.

>> No.13852322

i dont remember which authors exactly but they blocked german ips from this project gutenberg site that holds ebooks
>The most famous among the three authors mentioned in the lawsuit, Thomas Mann, died in 1955, so his writings will enter the public domain in Germany in 2025. The fact that the publishing house is trying to stop Project Gutenberg from distributing works written between 1897 and 1920 (listed in the court documents above) shows how absurdly long the term of copyright has become -- the first modern copyright law envisaged just 14 years' protection. The lawsuit also underlines that it is always the longer copyright term that trumps a shorter one, never the other way around.


>> No.13852331

>If you're going to get rid of a bunch of books at least consider donating them
That's the point, they don't want the knowledge in this books to spread.

>> No.13852335

american leftists have lost any coherent ideology beyond 'triggering the chuds'. they also seem to pride themselves on being philistines and rejecting high culture for pop music, YA and superhero comics.

>> No.13852336

>t. pleb who looks away in erect shame while niggers harass women in the subway
>s-she obviously doesn't mind

>> No.13852338

what manner of wizardry is this

>> No.13852344

where did that come from? lmao....oh no no no no hahahaha could this be projection?

>> No.13852346


>> No.13852355

seriously, if you don't hate niggers and jews in this modern era, you shouldn't even bother reading anymore. you have no mind.

>> No.13852356

>American be capitalist
>Ruin capitalism
>American be leftist
>Ruin leftism
>American be anti-racist
>Ruin Anti-racism by transforming it in anti white.

Why are you like that ?

>> No.13852358

Our SJWs tried to ban Céline though. Thankfully they failed.

>> No.13852366


>> No.13852370

we need 44s now

>> No.13852372

That's quite different though, that's copyright memery. Archive.is makes copies of webpages as a record of the internet(like warosu for /lit/). A lot of publications don't like this because it makes it easier to point out their hypocrisy or inconsistency, which they could otherwise hide somewhat by deleting old articles.

>> No.13852373

huh? nice dubs btw
wtf stop it with these dubs

i don't like niggers, but that anon was doing some really creepy projection. responding to some post about books with erotic thoughts about niggers. where did he pull that from? oh yeah, from his own mind

>> No.13852379


>> No.13852382

For some reason "sjw" love Niezschte but he was a lil bit sexist, no ? I don't understand these people...

>> No.13852383

we already got em
America is the problem, not capitalism in itself. Capitalism would be much more bearable if there was no America.

>> No.13852391

How you imagine capitalism without america ?

>> No.13852395

More gets in here than a ddos atk. Also, I feel like homeschool is the only option left. I dont really have too much experience with private schools, but I'd imagine it's a very case by case basis. I graduated HS in 2010 and shit was already messed up since elementary school. I blame dubbya with his no child left behind BS.

>> No.13852398

If Charlie Manson had been French, he would be rightfully acknowledged as a poet and profound philosopher.

>> No.13852401

Capitalism is such a vague fucking term that it's annoying when people talk about it like it's a force of nature that always does the same thing. capitalism in 1800 in America, in the New deal, in Nazi Germany, in modern Germany, all very different things, because the state has a huge impact on how capitalism operates. The Marxist assumption that you just start from the economic mode and explain everything else from that point is cancer to understanding anything.

>> No.13852404

Basically, less vulgarity (no McDonalds, Disney, Marvel etc), higher quality products, no development of advanced psychological marketing techniques, no ubiquity of advertising etc. Also greater sense of responsibility for the environment.

>> No.13852407

I bet you can't define neither what is Capitalism nor America.

>> No.13852409
File: 250 KB, 1032x295, crossfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich countries are throwing books away
>meanwhile, in my shithole country, I can't find the works of Bruno Schulz, The Book of Sand by Borges, The Toilers of the Sea by Victor Hugo or The Ambassadors by Henry James because no one likes to read and the crisis shitted on everything even more

>> No.13852413

pay denbts

>> No.13852414

I don't get it. What do you mean ?

>> No.13852420

you should decolonise your mind by reading more YA with protagonists that share your skin color

>> No.13852421

Those are all the result of people trying to increase profit.

>> No.13852424

A certain type of unscrupulous and muddleheaded people known as Americans

>> No.13852428

unless you have the incorrect skin color

>> No.13852429

What's your country ?

>> No.13852430

You literally have the features in all capitalistic countries.

>> No.13852442


You really European, African and Asian would make a more "humanist" and "good" capitalism than america ?

>> No.13852446

The funny thing is that The Toilers of the Sea was translated by a black guy in the 1880s.

>> No.13852462


>> No.13852472

Wait until this guy learns about the Chinese.

>> No.13852473


>> No.13852499

Based whoa poster

>> No.13852503

Based dubs poster

>> No.13852529

I'm probably in the minority here but I actually agree with them. I'd like to see more books from women, queer folk, and PoC in the canon. I think we're missing out on a lot of great literature simply because it wasn't written by straight white men.

>> No.13852533

kek shut the fuck up

>> No.13852537

Do you just say anything that you wish were true?

>> No.13852542

there are lots of faggots in the canon, especially in the past couple centuries, theyre overrepresented for their percentage of the population if anything. Women idk. As for PoC the western canon doesn't have much of them because western civilization has been mostly white people for its entire existence.

>> No.13852546

It's true that you're a nigger

>> No.13852547

you're a sexy woman and you are giving me a blowjob NOW

>> No.13852552


>> No.13852568

Why dont these people ever have examples of this "great literature" that we apparently can't read in this day and age simply because of "shelf space?" Am I the only one that sees how retarded this whole situation is to begin with?

>> No.13852577

I'm sleeping right now. Your post is just a nightmare.

>> No.13852579
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>> No.13852586

Still better written and more entertaining than woke PoC fem lit.

>> No.13852595

I don't have any examples because they're not in the canon. That's my point.

>> No.13852602

Bloom's canon has 4 women that he puts in his top 26

>> No.13852610

You're just proving my point. There should be 13 women in his top 26.

>> No.13852612

bronte, dickinson, austen, woolf?

>> No.13852617

Which ones should be though? You wanna make room, make room for what? Otherwise you're just saying the books need to be removed from the "canon" for simply being "white books."

>> No.13852618


>> No.13852620

that's actually not true due to the natural inferiority of woman. this generally prevents them from producing great works of literature.

>> No.13852628

George Eliot, Dickinson, Austen, Woolf

>> No.13852634
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, EE1lCTyXsAAOgPu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets identify what we can

>> No.13852644

>George Eliot
that does make more sense than Bronte

>> No.13852648


>> No.13852655

The clearest one in front is The Ox-bow Incident

>> No.13852657

The Ox-Bow Incident - Walter van Tilburg Clark
Hiroshima - John Hersey

>> No.13852680

>dump all public domain literature so schools pay through the nose for brand new Woke books at inflated prices.

>> No.13852691

They don't write good enough books because their perspective is too narrow. Queers can't think beyond their dick, women are solipsist and most PoC just aren't that bright

>> No.13852694

based and equalitypilled

>> No.13852706

that would be a crass injustice. it should be 13.494 men and 12.506 women

>> No.13852709

>checking amazon
>1used, 550€

>> No.13852713

I guess if you just throw it in a shredder it's not technically bookburning.

>> No.13852716

This is just edgy nonsense with the purpose of being shocking. But to speak on the idea that the greeks and classic literature at large are no longer relevant due to their "lack of diversity" is silly. A lot of the ideas (if not most) are relevant to any human regardless of gender, race, etc. People would know this if they actually read what they're criticizing.

>> No.13852717

>check libgen
>infinite copies, free of charge

>> No.13852728

Such an opportunity to obtain some books for free.

>> No.13852736

Every time I visit this board there's always some inane tweet that is so inconsequential to the world at large that you're all getting your collective panties in a bunch over. Outside of said tweeters echo chamber, nobody cares. Except you of course people you have far too much time on your hands.

>> No.13852739

yeah there has been absolutely no move to 'decolonize' the university curriculum. Just irrelevant tweets

>> No.13852742

i mean yes, but how are you not doing the exact same thing again?

>> No.13852750

>a school throwing out its classics is "inconsequential to the world at large"

>> No.13852765

In their defense I was the same way before I starting dating a woman who actually comes from twitter culture and relates to it. She told me a lot of it is literally for shock value and not to be taken serious. Also everyone except those outside of twitter understands this.

>> No.13852767

Oh, so they put the books back?

>> No.13852783
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>> No.13852788

and that made you think it was less gay? how whipped were you

>> No.13852809
File: 316 KB, 1536x2047, 1529022726228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hardly any different than 4chan, except there's no anonymity so people approach the foolery there with this degree of seriousness that they shouldn't. How often are you running across a post here where the person is clearly not serious but defends their stance as if they are? Be it trolling or whatever.

Some group of crazies in whateverthefuck town burning good books is irrelevant to the outside world. Not because the books aren't important, but because it was done to trigger you (successfully, at that).

>> No.13852811

The bigger problem in general is that over focusing on a canon of specific works can easily led to other, potentially even greater works being doomed to the dust bins of history as everyone focuses on reading/listening/watching the canon instead of exploring previously unnoticed works of these eras.

>> No.13852816

yeah but it's a cliche that the 'ironic racism' on 4chan is actually mostly just real racism. I'd assume the same is true for these literature decolonizers

>> No.13852819

>Not because the books aren't important, but because it was done to trigger you (successfully, at that).
Do you really, REALLY, think that is why they did this?

But let's say that is the reason. What then is the proper response? To do it more than them? To just look away as they do it?

>> No.13852828

yer a bitch. you should kill yourself.

>> No.13852836

Great works can not be kept out. The general consensus of English as a language didn't keep Chaucer out.

>> No.13852845

No more of this cow! Please!

>> No.13852851

>Do you really, REALLY, think that is why they did this?
Yes, people do real life stupid shit and post it to twitter just for the retweets. I disagree with the initial post we're responding to that implied we shouldn't react to fuckery on twitter, but he was absolutely right. >>13852736
>Outside of said tweeters echo chamber, nobody cares.
This is just how twitter people create their content and I don't take it seriously. Let it become some sort of epidemic then I'll get worried.

>> No.13852861

This picture physically hurts me
t. engineer

>> No.13852882

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 14/88

>> No.13852883
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>> No.13852892

what a surprise.

>> No.13852926

The people who posted the tweets might (might) have done it for that, but if you think that's why it happened then you're helplessly naïve.

>> No.13852945

>twitter nobody screencap thread
Kill yourself OP

>> No.13852960

They can if they don't appeal to the style popular at the time, aren't all that accessible to the mainstream or saw only a rather limited release to begin with (perhaps one of the greatest novels of all time was published in the mid 90s in Albania by some tiny underground press but only like 250 copies were made, the author bit the dust just three years later and nobody ever bothered or had the resources to translate it).

>> No.13852980

This is the same argument for African aid. "What if the person who cures cancer starved to death."

But let's say that you're right...What's the solution? Just a culture-less, deracinated free-for-all? Capitalist meritocracy for the arts?

>> No.13852986

Isnt europe extemely culturally diverse or did she not think hard enough?

>> No.13852997

Uhg. That doesn't count because they're WHITE.

>> No.13853007

You don't understand. People are angry because they throw book in trash... Wtf who do that ?

>> No.13853021

Lot of gays in Western canon, and a decent number of women (especially in the English canon). But the preponderance of whites has to do with the fact that Western culture was predominantly white until fairly recently. Complaining about too many whites in the Western canon is like complaining about too many east Asians in the Chinese canon

>> No.13853025

you aren't BAP, stop posting like that. or maybe you are BAP. either way you're a homosexual

>> No.13853064

I'd agree, at least for people of color there probably won't be many "great" authors for a while, simply due to the lack of colored people in the western world given decent educations. I think, for general education, a "global canon" might be better than simply the "western canon." While I think the western canon is great and shouldn't be tampered with, students should have the option to also read classics from across the world- China, Japan, India and Iran (the middle east as a whole) have excellent canons of their own that people are often not exposed to.

>> No.13853122
File: 153 KB, 1294x478, 1568830643524-fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up woman/nigger/fag that cant bench his bodyweight

>> No.13853139

It depends on the ideas presented.

If it's largely based on the person being queer/black/whatever's in vogue, then I think it's superficial and signal-boosting.

>> No.13853143

1x bw ohp, 1.5x bw bench, 2x bw squat, 2.75x bw deadlift. Retard

>> No.13853146

But that is already a thing. You can study Muslim, Chinese, Indian, etc lit in uni

>> No.13853150
File: 94 KB, 976x549, _98493925_lola1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that your local african marxist and feminist classics professors would rather destroy the classics than allow them to remain white
(around 45:00)

>> No.13853152

No its not. They already said the kind of stuff they're throwing out Brainlet. For all the elitist snobbery some people try to affect towards pol, pol is right way more often than the try hards on this board.

>> No.13853157
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>> No.13853174

Where is the list of books?

>> No.13853177


As a library grunt I can tell you that it is quite common every year for any library to throw out books.
They become worn, or are not wanted by the reader, and there is only so much room.
Storage is not an insignificant cost for any library.

There is a procedure to make sure nothing unique is thrown away, and most books are offered for sale to the public or to auction houses, but a bin of old books to be discarded is not an uncommon sight...

>> No.13853188

I'll gladly read the Ugandan equivalent of Homer, the Argentinian equivalent of Dante, the Oceanian equivalent of Shakespeare as soon as it actually exists

>> No.13853190

Homer is already nigger-tier, so you don't need to look up a Ugandan version

>> No.13853203

>dude let's just get rid of all the books that disagree with us
still don't understand how people think Nazis were right wing

>> No.13853215
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Same. For the sake of Capital we must destroy the Greek autopatriarchy.

>> No.13853219

The thing is, most of the great non-white writers of the 20th century were obsessed with the Western canon. The Western canon is European in its content and outlook, but it’s objectively great in terms of its form. So while the canon can’t teach you how to think, it can certainly teach you how to write, and write well.

>> No.13853283

You're basically saying Poe's Law is true without the self-awareness of knowing that posting transgressive and provocative content in and of themselves makes things worse. Idpol nonsense first started on tumblr, but it was just trolling at first, but then, some people took the cisscum, xe/xer/xir, "triggered", etc. shit seriously, who became the first sjw's. The reason why the new PC picked up momentum was because these ironic posts were made on mainstream social media platforms whose userbase couldn't tell the difference, whereas if they were posted on 4chan which is more or less isolated from the rest of the internet, it would've stayed as an inside joke.

>> No.13853293

I do love Apuleus. Does it count as respect to diversity?

>> No.13853362

2 hours of cringe

>> No.13853463

>tfw I will be sitting here enjoying my Rabelais no matter what
Thank god we don’t have to deal with this bs in France. Bitches all worship Flaubert and Proust.

>> No.13853489

I wish there was free book day like this where I lived

>> No.13853513

Given they are right, why is foregoing the Royal jelly That is the canon such a good idea for those who oppose the powerful?

>> No.13853573


I dont get this "problem"
Did ANYONE here NOT read The Color Purple, To Kill a Mockingbird, 12 Years a Slave, or I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings etc etc in school?

Even now we have Precious and James Baldwin

We've had poc literature in schools and movies for a long time now, they're already part of the canon

>> No.13853579

Come on, anon, step it up.





It's not cheap, but there are all the volumes you want in Amazon. Mas, também conheço os problemas de ser um literato num país de bosta como o nosso - até agora não encontrei um único livro do Pynchon nas bibliotecas de qualquer cidade onde estive.

>> No.13853650


>> No.13853701
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Mολὼν λαβέ