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/lit/ - Literature

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13848028 No.13848028 [Reply] [Original]

>He hasn’t read the book that’s taking the /lit/ world by storm

>> No.13848032

I'm gay btw

>> No.13848036

Nobody's read it yet, its 1100 pages.

>> No.13848039

I like ducks

>> No.13848045

Hello Gay, I'm Steven.

>> No.13848051

I read a description and it sounds like quintessential burgerpunk. The rambling thoughts of a bored housewife, holy shit when will burger minimalism finally fucking die

>> No.13848054
File: 350 KB, 341x499, Penn_Jillette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female author

>> No.13848071

She’s an angry legbeard
Will not read

>> No.13848077

over 1,000 pages of rambling drivel from a fat neurotic jewish w*man retard? no thnx

>> No.13848430

I'm probably gonna read it. She's only two degrees removed from Joyce; there must be some Platonic emanation making this at least decent.

>> No.13848480

>Female author
You’re god damn right I haven’t read it and I never will

>> No.13848573

The novel is written in the stream of consciousness narrative style, and consists of mostly a single sentence, running over more than 1000 pages.

>> No.13848577

Another shill thread, fuck off.

>> No.13848579


>> No.13848584

I’m about 130 pgs in and it’s pretty cool.

>> No.13848586


>> No.13848602

Hi Steven, hi Gay.
Robert here!

>> No.13848605

>writing a 300+ pages novel after Beckett and Bernhard and Bousquet and Lispector
I must be naïve, but I do not understand the point.

>> No.13848623

>female author
I'll pass

>> No.13848628

>have sex

>> No.13848654

Why does this keep getting shilled? Fuck off

>> No.13848680

>jewish, femoid author
>jewish literary prize
>thick as shit
Yeah I'd rather kill myself than read that crap.

>> No.13848991

Reeks of "viral marketing" on the no-name Canadian publishers part. Some publicist cranking out /lit/ posts as part of her 12-hour daily grind for $30kCAD/yr

>> No.13849053

>the fact that
This phrase repeated for 212,000 words.

Literally longer than Moby dick, but all filler

>> No.13849080

Lispector is so overrated

>> No.13849101

Didn’t like Lolita?

>> No.13849134
File: 83 KB, 982x161, ducks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with being a female author as long as you don't write like one. Ellmann writes like one. Like a puffy bed with four full pillows on a sunday afternoon

>> No.13849193

Looks riveting. I just ordered ten copies.

>> No.13849216

I tried to the amazon preview but I don't a fucking thing. I don't get it. How did Booker it?

>> No.13849255

Man Book notoriously pretends like literature stopped advancing right before Beckett, so I’ve never been wildly impressed with any of their biased selections, but there’s the larger fact that I’m fairly up-to-date with the literary workd and I only learned about this book in connection with the prize as opposed to, say, someone like Sally Rooney’s whose books got a lot of hype up front. Makes me a little suspicious.

>> No.13849488

Is this book actually ABOUT anything? People are just saying it’s a book and it’s good.

>> No.13850064

>Baking a multitude of tartes tatins for local restaurants, an Ohio housewife contemplates her four kids, husband, cats and chickens. Also, America's ignoble past, and her own regrets. She is surrounded by dead lakes, fake facts, Open Carry maniacs, and oodles of online advice about survivalism, veil toss duties, and how to be more like Jane Fonda. But what do you do when you keep stepping on your son's toy tractors, your life depends on stolen land and broken treaties, and nobody helps you when you get a flat tire on the interstate, not even the Abominable Snowman? When are you allowed to start swearing? With a torrent of consciousness and an intoxicating coziness, Ducks, Newburyport lays out a whole world for you to tramp around in, by turns frightening and funny. A heart-rending indictment of America's barbarity, and a lament for the way we are blundering into environmental disaster, this book is both heresy—and a revolution in the novel.
Sounds like a book written by a confused person. Can't imagine she has anything interesting to say in the novel.

>> No.13850069

>When are you allowed to start swearing?
woman lit

>> No.13850086

It's pretty good, pushing stream of consciousness to new heights.

People who can't take women seriously are probably sad because women don't take them seriously.

>> No.13850096

these word combinations are gross and they make me feel gross reading them.

>> No.13850194

Why doesn't my imaginary woman-hating bitter incel pathology act up when I read Woolf, Shelley, and to some extent McCullers and Emily Bronte? I mostly like women and women mostly like me, but it's obvious that the number of women who have been able to write a really good novel is in the single digits. And there's a certain house style that it seems every published woman must use that makes you feel like you're sitting in a community center creative writing course listening to the journal entries of a bookish librarian who two-hands her coffee mug every morning, and it makes mediocre male writers sound like Hemmingway

>> No.13850201

Yeah, to me it's like a fat woman telling you that the cookies she baked are 'so yummy'.

>> No.13850721


>> No.13850775

Cool story bro. There’s a Bolano thread active for you.

>> No.13850783

It’s not even stream of consciousness though.

It just looks like an old artist trying to write her way into the canon with the usual modernist behemoth.

>> No.13850790

Holy shit, it’s like it was written by a bot

>> No.13850798

Slow down you guys, i’m not even down with Jerusalem (which is shit but still seems better) !

>> No.13850864

>consists of mostly a single sentence

I have no problem with women being modernists. Woolf is probably the best writer in that style anyway. I do have a problem with the one sentence gimmick. There is nothing you could say at length which would not, if someone was copying down what you said, be transcribed with full stops. You need them. Replacing them with commas only reduces clarity. Removing them is just an annoyance masquerading as experiment

>> No.13850886

holy fuck you really do not know what quintessential means

>> No.13850905

I usually don't read booker prize winners, a brief history of seven killings being the exception.

>> No.13850911

That’s a mighty questionnable exception right there.

>> No.13850915

Women unironically have nothing interesting or insightful to say. The fact that saying this objective truth is even remotely controversial just proves that we are living in the worst possible timeline.

>> No.13850929

The nausea and boredom thing about cats is true though. I always thought it is my body fending off the toxoplasmosis, or me starting to feel it. Actually a good observation by her.

>> No.13850938

>f*male writer

no thanks

>> No.13850944

get a grip brother

>> No.13850949

I read it before it won, I should have said.

>> No.13850950

I "bought" it. I liked the first paragraph or whatever. The rest looks booooring

>> No.13850964

I've been thinking about picking up Milkman and The Sellout.

Tell me why I shouldn't /lit/?

>> No.13850994

You shouldn't pick up the Milkman because you have already read about miserable Irish families a hundred times and renaming them "sister-in-law" or "brother's friend" instead of Molly and Paddy doesn't actually change shit.

You should ignore The Sellout because 80% plus of its jokes rely on American political/pop culture references and your ignorance of them will stop it from being funny.

>> No.13851001

can't wait to read another pile of shit shoved down people's throats by the new york literati

>> No.13851018

I'm tired of those quirky titles. I do not read books with titles that could also be the names of indie bands.

>> No.13851024

Worst booker prize winner? My money's on Wolf Hall.

>> No.13851041

The Goncourt selection is actually even worse this year. What is this world we’re sharing, brothers ?

>> No.13852673


>> No.13853385

You should pick up Milkman because it's hard to find an account of Ireland written by someone with no interest in the political situation and who isn't really asking for your sympathy. The style is an accurate simulation of actual neurotic brain workings without veering at all into lazy stream of consciousness shit.
Nah, The Sea will whup all comers.