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/lit/ - Literature

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13845902 No.13845902 [Reply] [Original]

>God tier
Austria, Ireland
>Top tier
France, America, Italy
>Good Tier
Spain, Portugal, Brazil, England
>Ok tier
Japan, Germany, Russia, Greece, Argentina, Poland, Hungary, Norway, Sweden, Canada
>Bad tier
China, India, Africa, Australia, Korea, Finland

>> No.13845908

And these are ranks for...?

>> No.13845923

well it's a post on lit, so maybe about the literature of those countries?

>> No.13845928


>> No.13845929

if you can’t tell you don’t belong here

>> No.13845939

Ireland? Why Ireland?
I'd also argue that Japan, Russia and Norway are too low, while Hungary Brazil and Argentina are definitely too high.

>> No.13845940

You're nuts if you think Russian lit is just ok, or in the same tier as Canada.

>> No.13845947

England and Russia should be in the top category. Greece and Japan belong in good. Spain, Portugal and Brazil have no business being in the good category, move them to okay or even bad.

>> No.13845965
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>Ireland in god tier
>t. mick

>> No.13845972

Anglos are gonna seethe lmao

>> No.13846021

> Austria God Tier
I know I'm missing something here...

>> No.13846030

>United States

>> No.13846042

As much as I hate to admit it France should always be at the top of these types of list, in its own category. No other country's output of quality literature comes close to matching theirs.

>> No.13846043

Are Anglo-Irish mongrels included in "Ireland"?

>> No.13846058

No, France should be alone in the top category. Under that should be England and Russia.

>> No.13846089



>> No.13846103

Austria might have the best degenerate expressionist speedfreaks, but I think we all know the Irish are just aliens planted here to study language viruses.

>> No.13846129

>God tier
Name 5 good Austrian novels.

>> No.13846136

I agree. France is on another level.

>> No.13846167

The Man Without Qualities
The Death of Virgil
The Notebooks of MLB
The Radetzky March

>> No.13846199

They have consistent quality output but not a single giant on the level of Shakespeare, Dante, or Goethe. The closest I can think of is Ballsack for spearheading realism.

>> No.13846205

Fag has never read the pillow book. Jap lit is at least upper mid tier

>> No.13846216


>> No.13846218


My high school teacher called the Piillow book Japanese Gossip Girl.

>> No.13846221

lol the Irish are claiming Anglo-Irish Britons as their own again, they never stop!

>> No.13846223

Racine, Moliere, Flaubert, Proust, Hugo, Stendhal. The only reason people don't think of France as having literary giants is because they have so many of them.

>> No.13846227


Joyce is easily the GOAT of the modernists

>> No.13846230

No depth in Ireland. I understand you love Joyce n all...

>> No.13846238

De Troyes. Rabelais. Racine. Mallarmé. Flaubert. Etc, etc.

>> No.13846240


Where is the Netherlands?

Spinoza is the most important writer of all time.

>> No.13846248

>Racine, Moliere, Flaubert, Proust, Hugo, Stendhal
None of these people are as profound or influential as the 3 I mentioned before. Who the fuck even reads Racine who's not a Frog?

>> No.13846257

But have you read it? Nice poetry from depressed jap hotties wondering about death and shit? Your teacher is a fag or a woman.

>> No.13846276

>Heaven tier

>> No.13846304

first based post in thread

>> No.13846361


Wilde, Swift, Sterne, Yeats, Shaw

>> No.13846372
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>God tier
>Ireland and Austria but not Italy and France
>Germany, Russia and Japan in ''ok tier''
You are either a contrarian or a mick.

>> No.13846425

Flaubert is. He is cruelly underrated on this website. Madame Bovary is the absolute pinacle of realism literature.
Racine doesn't work in translation, so yes it's normal only frogs read it. It's Shakespeare, less profound but better written.
Beaudelaire is probably the "french giant" worldwide, but indeed it's not Shakespeare or Dante. Goethe does not play on the same level.
Also sadly it's not translated but Les Deux Étendards BTFO religious literature.

>> No.13846442

>Beaudelaire is probably the "french giant" worldwide
A literal who to most people not into /lit/
>Goethe does not play on the same level
Absolute bullshit. Dude pretty much singlehandedly shaped the course of literature of the past 2 centuries.
>Madame Bovary is the absolute pinacle of realism literature.
And realism is mostly shite

>> No.13846586

I did put Japan on an upper tier. They're above every other country I didn't bother mentioning.

>> No.13846593

raymond roussel

>> No.13846597

Low effort post my dude. People not into lit never read a single line of shakespeare outside of school. Talk about giant.

>> No.13846598

We have never produced anything of value. His talents came from Portugal

>> No.13846613

But they all know Shakespeare, the sms can't be said about those frogs. Plus tge normies consume large quantities of mass media that is heavily influenced and inspired by Shakespeare.

>> No.13846634

>God tier
>not russia
Anon quickly kill yourself

>> No.13846717

You're deluding yourself spending too much time on /lit/.

>> No.13846940

>A literal who to most people not into /lit/
Wtf where do you live. Everyone knows who Baudelaire is here (I'm not french). The state of american education I guess

>> No.13846996

James Joyce, WB Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, Seamus Heany, Flann O' Brian, Patrick Kavanaugh, Oscar Wilde, Bram stoker, George William Russell, Samuel Becket, Brendan Behan etc etc etc...

>> No.13847018

Joyce Beckett Yeats in an country about the size of Pennsylvania.

Though for whatever reason the Irish are good at lit and poetry, but not at philosophy: why?

>> No.13847123
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>> No.13847130

based rousselposter.

>> No.13847154

post your list, nerd

>> No.13847166

Yeah, I don't know what he's talking about. Baudelaire is even known in Asia.

>> No.13847180

You don't get to make general statements about the lit of countries you don't speak the language of. No, shitty translations that capture about 10% of the original do not give you enough insight.

>> No.13847219

>You don't get to...
He just did, cunt.

>> No.13847280

>God tier
France, Ireland
>Top tier
Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland
>Good tier
Switzerland, Romania, Belgium, Argentina, Mexico, Portugal
>OK tier
Spain, Francophone Caribbean
>Shit tier
America, UK, Japan, Russia, Scandinavia, Netherlands, Africa

>> No.13847497

t. monolingual

>> No.13847821

>>Shit tier
Now I see why you disagreed--bad taste

>> No.13847935

Very little worth reading. Weininger, Schnitzler, Zweig, Bernhard...mostly minor writers and platitudes
Swift, Sterne, Goldsmith, Beckett, Yeats, Berkeley, Stoker, Shaw were anglo protestants. So was Lord Dunsany. That leaves them with Joyce, the two Moores, Mangan, AE, Wilde, and Banville. Not bad, but not best tier imo
High tier
Dont know enough, Dante and d'Annunzio are enought to make them high tier
Underrated due to Europoor anger, but Idk if it'd be high tier. Melville, James, Hawthorne, Salinger, are great. So are Emerson and Hemingway and Fitzgerald. Produces some great writers but suffers from a lack of strong literary culture.

UK is best tier, and even was worshiped as it is its still underrated. You'll be reading some obscure, never assigned text and discover a masterpiece. Who ever reads de Quincey's last papers or Southey's Life of Nelson? Or Browne's Urn Burial? Or the border ballads?

>> No.13847988

>Germany above Russia
what delusion is this

>> No.13847998

Musil, Broch, Rilke, Kraus, Roth, Trakl, Wittgenstein, Jelinek, Handke, Hofmannsthal, Bachmann
>anglo protestants
Leopardi, Boccaccio, Eco, Calvino, Pavese, Svevo, Moravia, Buzzati
Gaddis, Gass, Faulkner, Dickinson, Dos Passos, Whitman, Nabokov, Bellow, Hawthorne, Updike

>> No.13848030

Is this the thread where the scrape the bottom of the barrel to come up with bunch of authors nobody has ever heard so we can show how patrician we are for picking contrarian choice?

Because in that case I choose... hmm let's go with Albania. Don't even reply to me, I got the wikipedia article ready.

>> No.13848066

There is not one obscure author in this thread

>> No.13848114

>Musil, Broch, Rilke, Kraus, Roth, Trakl, Wittgenstein, Jelinek, Handke, Hofmannsthal, Bachmann
minor writers
cope boy

Most of the writers under Italy and America are minor writers

>> No.13848149

No they aren't

>> No.13848166

canada is bad tier

>> No.13848672

We have Leacock. Anything else written by a Canadian worth reading?

>> No.13848715


>> No.13848728

What do you mean to imply with this? That the Gaelic family of languages is secretly an alien language virus?

>> No.13848735

I don't have the literary knowledge to make an accurate list but I know enough to say England, Russia, Japan and France should all be at least in the top two tiers and Canada should be in dog shit tier. I know you want to be a special snowflake pseud with special unique tastes, but come on.

t. Canadian.

>> No.13848736

Ignore the replies, Munro and Service

>> No.13848746

Didn't know baseball was popular over there

>> No.13848750

Not him but you just sound shallow. I'll think I'll pass

>> No.13848850

Who or what is Service?

>> No.13848938

Robert Service

>> No.13848954

Thanks. Are any of his novels worth checking out?

>> No.13850118

Hello xD Russian books is God lit , coz Russian is the best lang for lit (multiple thinking ,ultra wide range of words, every word isnt random)

>> No.13850149

Finland should be god tier just on the basis of its language. Every other language is shit tier compared to it

>> No.13850177

Lul u really think Rus suck at lit

>> No.13850227

Mein Kampf :DDD

>> No.13850230


>> No.13850251

>Not rating Reve, Couperus, and Nescio

>> No.13850264

t. Honkbalneger

>> No.13851013

..and they are all shit compared to Shakespeare. Boring classical windbags. Frogs btfo again

>> No.13851028


go back to r/books

>> No.13851075

>top tier
>food rankings

>> No.13851114
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>Bad tier

>> No.13851220

Any mention of Brazil automatically means the poster is Brazilian. Irrelevance is the natural state of Brazil.