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/lit/ - Literature

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13842981 No.13842981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you incels think you have the ability to write about life when you haven't even kissed a girl?

>> No.13843011

Hey alright.

>> No.13843016

I didn't kiss girls, they kissed me.

>> No.13843019
File: 49 KB, 390x640, 43DF51C5-FC1F-4A6E-A45B-D32C0B2D948A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch please

>> No.13843025

what's the point of kissing

>> No.13843043

I've kissed a girl and I still suck at writing. What does that tell you?

>> No.13843047

maybe its time to kiss men and try writing again

>> No.13843050

I've kissed both. Girls tend to taste better because of their lipstick. Boys just taste like hot breathe.

>> No.13843067

you know whats funny, I kissed my first dude about two weeks ago and it was interesting. definitely more tongue

>> No.13843075

were you a better writer after kissing boys

>> No.13843076

This thread got real gay real quick

>> No.13843083

Every great writer has tried sucking dick at least once.

>> No.13843085

Not really. Maybe I need to do it.

>> No.13843087

>tried sucking dick
I tried to suck my own dick but failed does that count?

>> No.13843093


>> No.13843094

yeah thats how all the postmodernist writers started

>> No.13843098

Pessoa. Your now on suicide watch OP.

>> No.13843103

No you need to deepthroat another man's 9 inch cock to understand the literary spirit.

>> No.13843105

based quick witted anon

>> No.13843112
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>> No.13843132

Thank you 2x2
I now see why we made that discord
This board is infested with failures

>> No.13843140

maybe you were the real tranny all along

>> No.13843221
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I've never kissed a girl.
I've never hugged a girl (that wasn't from my immediate family during birthdays or christmas or something)
I've never held hands with a girl.
I'm 28 years old.

>> No.13843229

Same (I've had sex though)

>> No.13843233

literally just fuck a pros

like honestly what do you have to lose

~100 years ago it was relatively common for young mean to lose their v plates this way

>> No.13843235

faggots need not apply

>> No.13843241

I'm afraid that if I have sex I will end up staying in tune with today's pozzed culture and stop noticing every jewish politician or cultural engineer there is.

>> No.13843245

this comment exemplifies why you are a handholdless virgin

>> No.13843250

But the same can be said about you. The fact that you cannot see what I see, perhaps if it's misguided, either way, proves that I do have something to lose by having sex.

>> No.13843251

I'm not gay. In fact hugging and kissing women is hella gay so is handholding. Just bend em over and jam it in.

>> No.13843256

What do you think this is, /b/? You can’t be autistic and understand literature, you have to have some measure of emotional intelligence and social awareness.

>> No.13843258

go back to /pol/

>> No.13843262

go back to your mother's womb little manbaby

>> No.13843265

I don't think that you're being honest there. How could having sex possibly prevent that?

>> No.13843279

only incels hold such views as I do

>> No.13843280

He's delusional and psychotic.

>> No.13843282

there's more to it, like being old and remembering all the girls that you didn't bang because you were too shy and you still remember them years after

>> No.13843288

goo goo goo goo gagaga.

>> No.13843292

Why don't all the incels just have anonymous sex with eachother and get it over with?

>> No.13843308

cause then we'd all be rendered inneffective and jews, thots and the rest will pass us by completely unhindered

>> No.13843314
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rather than inneffective I meant to say blind, it's not like we have any potency at all kek

>> No.13843316

>will pass us by completely unhindered
Aren't they doing that already? It's not like you're doing anything to stop them.

>> No.13843327

yeah i corrected myself here >>13843314

>> No.13843331

Even still, does your awareness provide any benefit?

>> No.13843336

yes, happiness

>> No.13843350

Well, good for you then, I guess. Genuinely.

>> No.13843349

well happiness is a big word, but I guess if the option was to be aware versus not being aware I'd choose to be aware

>> No.13843355

We should leave, anon

>> No.13843371

They do mass shootings, that's literally what incels are known for.

>> No.13843377
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yeah when I think about it I'm really fortunate. I mean I've had a normal life like anyone else but very few can claim to be content with their lot; even if the world is the way it is (at least awful in my eyes) I still feel like I'm right where I need to be. How many people are there that are so destitute that they need to drown out their sorrows with addictions?
Sex is a form of addiction if you think about it. Originally I couldn't have sex because I was a giant pussy and couldn't talk to women. But now I realize that not having sex has allowed me to be able to see the jewish NWO.

>> No.13843385

I'm the rare type of incel that cannot even harm a fly. Do not worry.

>> No.13843393
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>But now I realize that not having sex has allowed me to be able to see the jewish NWO.
You don't believe that you could do both?
>Sex is a form of addiction if you think about it.
I'm sure that it is for some people. People certainly form addictions to masturbation. But just on it's own, I don't believe that sex is an inherently bad thing.

>> No.13843395

That's what they all think until their schizophrenia activates at age 25 and they kill dozens.

>> No.13843397

>You don't believe that you could do both?
Haven't you heard? only incels that need to have sex think the way I do.
>I'm sure that it is for some people. People certainly form addictions to masturbation. But just on it's own, I don't believe that sex is an inherently bad thing.
perhaps but I'm not going to gamble with myself.

>> No.13843404

but I'm 28 so you just blew yourself the fuck out.
It's okay anon, I realize that me not having sex gives me a vantage that allows me not only to see from my own eyes but to see where you too are coming from. Because I have never had sex, kissed a girl, held hands with ones or even hugged one (that wasn't of my immediate family) I am able to see that you are incapable of reaching further into reality and seeing the jewish agenda behind every social order that exists to-day. I do not blame you, for I too see what the social agenda of anti-racism is meant to do, which is meant to engineer a disgust towards it for people who do have sex.
I know that I am disgusting to you, but I don't blame you, I blame society and more than society I blame jews

>> No.13843413

>Haven't you heard? only incels that need to have sex think the way I do.
Hmm, sounds like you're probably taking to heart too much of what people think. Unless you're referring to something very specific, in that case I probably don't know what you're talking about, sorry.
>perhaps but I'm not going to gamble with myself.
Like I said, whatever makes you happy. I give you the benefit of the doubt. People often get too mindful of how others conduct their lives. I'm sorry if I have.

>> No.13843432

Because I've personally experienced the brutality and saw the beauty of life that you never will while you live in your safe and controlled environment, parroting buzzwords from media pieces and their political views like you're doing now.

>> No.13843434

Just go to a nazi rally.
Theyll hook you up.
I mean they want white people to have kids right?

>> No.13843436

>Hmm, sounds like you're probably taking to heart too much of what people think. Unless you're referring to something very specific, in that case I probably don't know what you're talking about, sorry.
Let's see. When I expose my views, people tell me to have sex, as if that were to correct my viewpoints. I indeed have not had sex, which leads me to conclude that they do have some merit to what they're saying.
After all how does something completely unrelated, such as knowing about the jewish NWO agenda, become relevant to one's virginity?
I'm only lead to conclude one thing, which is that having sex must definitely lead to a sort of blindness, or at the very least, a different vantage, a vantage where one does not see jews.
>Like I said, whatever makes you happy. I give you the benefit of the doubt. People often get too mindful of how others conduct their lives. I'm sorry if I have.
It's okay, we're discussing about the merits of (not) having sex after-all

>> No.13843444

>When I expose my views, people tell me to have sex, as if that were to correct my viewpoints.
I'm pretty sure they just do it to get a rise out of you. It is what most people do on this website.

>> No.13843451

I have never seen someone tell a pop culture drone to have sex.

>> No.13843464

Perhaps whomever is saying already assumes that they do. It would be a moot point and likely wouldn't get the same reaction.

>> No.13843579

>that smug when i probably have the highest bodycount on /lit/
feels good man.

>> No.13843590

>highest bodycount on /lit/
Which weapon do you use? Knife or do you strangle them? What do you do with the bodies after you count them?

>> No.13843621

Exactly. They assume a pop culture drone has had sex, yet they don't do that for me? From where does this discrimination come from?
The fact that, at the very least, when it comes ot me, it reflects reality, it tells that there may be something to it.

>> No.13843639

>Which weapon do you use?

>> No.13843646

>considering each one

>> No.13843679
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Based Pessoaite logic.
Everything in its right place.
There not all to blame man. Just the ones who breed fear into the species. Don't be too salty about the past. Your out of their trap, how do you feel about coming back to warn the trogladites?
Its not sex itself. Its just being addicted to it. People crave erroneously crave the validation of little o others while what they really want is validation from the big Other- which they have constantly if only they could see it. Thats what remaining alive is. I'm personally what I refer to as a Silenite [follower of Silenus] so sucide for me is not needing any validation at all. Think of Roy from blade runner on the slave morality
>Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? Thats what it is.. to be a slave.

A parting gift for the thread:

>> No.13843695

You use your pussy as a weapon to kill them?

>> No.13843708

what is this?
>Its not sex itself.
perhaps but I will not gamble with myself, like I said. Either way I have much to lose and nothing to gain if it turns out that sex indeed will alter my views towards this world.

>> No.13843719

Why should we think that we need to experience everything everyone else experiences to write good literature?

>> No.13843753

Maybe sex would cure your schizophrenia, probably not though.

>> No.13843761
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How can you write about life without having stabbed a man to death?

>> No.13843764

just hold out for those wiz powers fren

>> No.13843824

If you banged them it probably wouldn't have been that great. Sure you would have a few more notches on the old belt, but this way you can sort of romanticize what might have been

>> No.13843952

Same on all counts.

Why? Is herpes some kind of trophy?

>> No.13843973

When I was 16 a girl gave me a note in class that said she liked me and it completely went over my head and I didn't understand it. I realized it 6 years later when I smoked weed one day.

>> No.13843991
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I ask myself this question everyday

>> No.13844002

just two more years anon

>> No.13844018

His name?
Friedrich Nietszche

>> No.13844050

Herpes is nothing nbd

>> No.13844077

Holy fucking based

>> No.13844501

where we going? back to your place?

>> No.13844556

I don't?

>> No.13844558

that sucks but hold on anon

>> No.13844643


>> No.13844744

I had the exact same experience a while ago. Men are revolting.

>> No.13844796

This poster is a jewish psyop or a nick fuentes acolyte.