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13838988 No.13838988[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do sinners suffer so little?

>> No.13838992

how do you know they suffer little?

>> No.13838996

Pleasure =/= not suffering
Eudaimonia =/= happiness

>> No.13838998
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, Horton hits a ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you let them. God wants you to inflict suffering on them

>> No.13839008

Often they suffer more, but are willfully blind to their own suffering as a way of maintaining their worldview. If you spend time to get to know chronically degenerate people, it's astounding how dysfunctionally dissatisfied with themselves and the world they actually are, in spite of facades. They just don't properly understand how to cope with life in a healthy way, and probably aren't even capable of understanding, sadly.

>> No.13839021

They suffer in middle-age and later tremendously.

>> No.13839031

They do suffer.
Too many dopamine rushes end up reducing your well-being

>> No.13839049

I don't know, anon.

>> No.13839068

1) They do suffer
2) Not everything you think to be sin is actually a sin and Christian dogma is wrong

>> No.13839069

Suffering comes with time.

>> No.13839073

because "curses, like chickens, come home to roost."

>> No.13839124

100% cope responses ITT

Because there is no god or sin.

>> No.13839136

This is the best response. A lot of hedonistic people that appear to be happy because of their degeneracy are often extremely miserable. Ironically because of their degeneracy, though often they aren't smart enough to make that full connection.

>> No.13839146

>though often they aren't smart enough to make that full connection.
To be fair to them, very few people know what makes them unhappy

>> No.13839147

>burn in hell for eternity because you're not smart enough to avoid sin

>> No.13839154

Based god dabbing on the retarded

>> No.13839163

This is how the impoverished wretch can laugh at the wealthy man who lives to a 100, every day of his life free of the poor man’s burden

>> No.13839164

is somebody feeling left out?

>> No.13839170

Indeed. Luckily, some manage to overcome it
The simple can practice virtue as well. We all have different struggles to deal with

>> No.13839176

>"Y-you're not really happy!"
>"Yes I am."
>"N-n-n-n-NO! You're just to stupid to know you're really suffering!"

Jesus fucking christ you mental vacuum

>> No.13839178

In your opinion, people who live decadent lives are happier than others?

>> No.13839184

There are plenty of people who look happy on the outside but who later kill themselves.

>> No.13839193


There is no such thing as 'decadence'. It's a concept spouted by mullahs to bomb little girls for going to school, etc, and you are a scumbag for perpetuating it

>> No.13839202

Pulling anecdotal evidence out of your ass is not an argument

>> No.13839203

In your opinion, people who live the "liberated" lifestyle are happier than others?

>> No.13839204

"I am happy" is also anecdotal.

>> No.13839211

You were claiming that everyone who looks happy or claims to be happy are indeed happy. This is not truly the case.

>> No.13839218


>> No.13839226

because you're a gay christian

>> No.13839232

There is a difference between you telling me that you are happy or not, and you telling me that what others you don't know and have never met or talked to say of themselves is false
You have a basis for the first, not for the second, and thus need a stronger argument if you expect not simply to be laughed at

>> No.13839235

I was not. I was ridiculing the argument for the rubbish it is

>> No.13839239

imagine those two girls occupying each side of your dick and knowing people are analyzing the happiness you get from your dick being sucked

>> No.13839240
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People who are free lead happy lives.

>> No.13839242

imagine being those girls

>> No.13839257

>ur opinion r silly
>me opinion not silly
What you're trying to do only works if everyone already agrees with you and if you've ever read Plato you would understand that that isn't the case.

>> No.13839260

The data points to people being less happy anyway

>> No.13839272

this, don't misunderstand it. pleasure seekers are having a great time until one day they wake up wondering what the fuck happened.

>> No.13839279

Pretty dumb coping mechanism

>> No.13839281

People like to shit on Buddhism for its teaching of kamma, but at least it doesn't allow for the levels of Christian cope present in this thread.

>> No.13839288

>positng whores over murderers philanderers and carpet baggers
have sex

>> No.13839291

it's a cycle. getting pleasure requires some amount of balls while being christian helps you cope with a shitty life, so christians say fuck having balls i'm gonna have a shitty life because i have no balls.

>> No.13839294

It's almost as if whatever Leftist Utopian bullshit you're swallowing... is just an excuse for acting like an asshole...

>> No.13839301

that videos makes me sad desu. They live as long as humans but this miserable on spends its life in dilapidated pen for tourists probably.

>> No.13839308

elephants hate white people

>> No.13839315

That's the musth den. You can see from the leakage from its head that it's in a state of musth, which means its testosterone goes through the roof and he's constantly horny and angry. It has to be there in a reinforced pen because otherwise it'll attack everything and everyone that comes close, including people and other elephants or large wildlife. If they cant get elephant pussy they apparently start raping rhinos as well.

>> No.13839317

>people shouldn't be free of burden
>if one suffers, everybody should

>> No.13839327

no elephants are racist and hate white people there are many videos of this

>> No.13839335

would think a communist like you would understand that pleasure seeking circuits are perpetuated by the "bourgeoise" on the growing zombified consumerist underclass. Impoverished wretches drink soda, eat shit and play skyrim for 6 hours after working at their dead end job to cope, they don't use petty insincere Christianity.

>> No.13839337

Actual sinners generally suffer as a result of their sins. However based on the image you posted I suspect that your idea about what an sinner is is deeply flawed.

>> No.13839347

I've endured years of abuse and violence perpetuated by material and financial shortcomings many people find absurd. I've been to more "liberated" homes and have seen the smiles on their faces and lightness in their voice, untethered from want.

Don't tell me the enlightened man is free from want, when some are not born to be enlightened, some cannot be passive to their mother's suffering complete absence in exchange for providing to her children.

You can laugh, mock, humiliate, dismiss, deny as many others have done, but you can't tell me I'm wrong until you've met true wanting.

>> No.13839350

are you being sincere about pleasure right now or are you gaslighting?
because if you are being sincere i want to talk to you as a human being.

>> No.13839355

Aren't you suffering your sins right now? Envy, lust, whatnot?

>> No.13839357


>> No.13839360

Ofc I am being sincere, tell me what you think.

>> No.13839365

you're being sincere that you think
>pleasure seeking circuits are perpetuated by the "bourgeoise"

>> No.13839391

Yes, that is literally what is bashed over your head every day anytime you look at an advertisement.

>> No.13839393

Do you think real pleasure is determined by what you see in media?

>> No.13839404

Not clear on what you mean, the media agitates and encourages desires.

>> No.13839408

Real sin, the seven deadly sins rather than the stupid stuff, brings nothing but pain. Envy, lust, greed, wrath, sloth, gluttony, greed, have destroyed more lives than can be imagined.

>> No.13839413

How do sloth and pride destroy lives?

>> No.13839423

Sure, but do you think the media DECIDES on what gives you pleasure and what doesn't? And with that you come to the conclusion that pleasure is bad because you think the media chooses what gives you pleasure?

>> No.13839432

youre just mentally ill, like all degenerate hedonists are

>Don't tell me the enlightened man is free from want
he is
>when some are not born to be enlightened
no such thing
>some cannot be passive to their mother's suffering complete absence in exchange for providing to her children.
enlightenment is not passivity
>You can laugh, mock, humiliate, dismiss, deny as many others have done, but you can't tell me I'm wrong until you've met true wanting.

>> No.13839434

Not that anon, but what a way of missing the point, holy crap. Are you using rhetoric to push your argument, or just plain dumb?

>> No.13839438

you can tell it's an African elephant because of the large, fan-shaped ears, rounded head, and the way it tries to steal the dropped phone at the end

>> No.13839451

If you had lived a life of sin like I have, you would understand that it IS suffering compared to what I feel now

>> No.13839459

What argument am i making?
I dare you to elaborate.

>> No.13839463

lol you haven't sinned you fucking loser

>> No.13839464

Sloth: by sitting around as a NEET expecting your life to get better only to waste your years. By ending up poor and helpless without accomplishments.

Pride: By leading to excessive narcissism and arrogance that leads one to behave brashly and foolishly by isolating yourself and leading to a sense of entitlement.

>> No.13839479

Clean skin is truly the most attractive feature. I suspect it is what elevates 2D girls above 3D girls.

>> No.13839482

>me: god has such gladness every time he sees from heaven that a sinner is praying to Him with all his heart, as a mother has when she sees the first smile on her baby's face!
>later has a massive wank to gilf gangbang porn

>> No.13839487

If the most basic cornerstones of humanity like protecting your loved ones from suffering is hedonism, then the enlightened free from hedonism aren't human.

>> No.13839491


>> No.13839492

No they don't decide it, they exploit what people already desire. The problem is not that the desires exist, but that they are being pushed to the limit.

>> No.13839495

I see where you're going. Look, we've all been in that phase of the "socratic method", you don't answer anything unless you think you can fool the person you're talking to.
It works in academia with brainlets that believe they're smarter than they are, but don't expect to use it anywhere else. Not even in the korean crochet forum.

>> No.13839497

so some are hedonists because if mental illness, but there's no such thing as a man not born to be enlightened?

>> No.13839504

So you accept that it's what people already desire?
I mean you're doubleposting like some massive fucking faggot cunt but i'll pretend that didn't happen.

>> No.13839505

No fuckface what argument am I making?
You're not saying anything at all besides typing lots of words like you're an actual homosexual with zero danger of getting knocked unconscious.

>> No.13839521

Lol thats not me, and yeah, I was never saying that desires are in themselves bad.

Consider the orgiastic tinder sex competition that exists now and could not have possibly existed without the power of corporations + atomization. I think what I was getting at originally is how weird it is to see a leftist shit on poor people as coping for not eating up the same slop ideology promoted by Hollywood and silicon valley.

>> No.13839530
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>No fuckface what argument am I making?

I really don't want to play this game, faggot, it's fucking annoying and you would not answer anything, just keep making questions. Nevertheless, I'm going to please you anyway to see how far this goes.

Based in what you stated before, that media does not decide what gives you pleasure and what does not; and even if it did, it would not be a bad thing. Sounds like a pseudo-libertartarian argument to me, but whatever.

Now tell me where i'm wrong.

>> No.13839541

I think it is interesting how the hedonists think "people who disagree with hedonism are just coping" is a brilliant argument.

>> No.13839542

yeah they're agents of hell as evident by their unnaturally ghostly pale skin who want to disrupt nature and the natural way and turn the realm into an incinerator

>> No.13839544

It's an Indian elephant. Happened in my backyard. I was there. Don't ask me what i was doing though.

>> No.13839546

>People like to shit on Buddhism for its teaching of kamma
what i thought that was the most widely accepted and known idea corrupted sure but well known

>> No.13839551

To say that excess of materials is bad is probably true. To say that all material is bad is paradoxical.

>> No.13839559

Yea i realized that.
Anyway i agree with you on the first part, but why associate leftists with corporations?
If anything, the right-wing ensure the propagation of this "tinder sex competition" via capitalism.
Don't get me wrong, I recognize there's a leftist brigade which brainlessly supports corporations but to put the blame of capitalist cultural self-destruction on people who have "leftist" views like anti-abortion, welfare etc makes no fucking sense at all.
>media does not decide what gives you pleasure and what does not
So you agree with me, now what?
>even if it did, it would not be a bad thing.
Ok you have no idea what the fuck you are saying.

>> No.13839561

I'm not a hedonist, the complete opposite in fact. But to believe that people who do not live ascetic lives must be unhappy, in the true sense of happiness, is gigacope. Life isn't this simple and such a view is not compatible with a holy life.

>> No.13839567

pleasure isn't a bad thing.
just because the assholes are doing it doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.13839578

>But to believe that people who do not live ascetic lives must be unhappy
What is being said is not that people who do not live ascetic lives must be unhappy. What is being said is that "people who live dissolute lives must be unhappy", which is true. The human brain has limits.

>pleasure isn't a bad thing.
Pleasure is not a bad thing, but over indulging in pleasure is.

>> No.13839581

The duality of man

>> No.13839589

Where did I say you should overindulge in pleasure?
The entire point was against christian "pleasure is bad" bullshit which creates fucking retarded autists.

>> No.13839596

>don't properly understand how to cope with life in a healthy way
i dont either but im better at it

>> No.13839597
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>> No.13839605

actually i love pointing stuff about themselves or their motives out to people and the reactions are gold when theyre ignorant, doesnt have the same reward in writing tho

>> No.13839608

People are not saying "pleasure is bad, avoid all pleasures", people are saying overindulging in pleasure is bad.
That's how Christianity, Stoicism, Platonism,etc work.

>> No.13839609

>So you agree with me, now what?

I've never agreed or disagreed with you, i was saying that you missed the point that the other anon was trying to make by misguiding him with deceiving questions, and i asked if that was rhetoric to try to purposefully misguide him to believe something, or was it that you're just dumb and unintentionally missed his point entirely.

>Ok you have no idea what the fuck you are saying.

I was trying to state what your said before, not my own beliefs. You were the one asking me to do it.

>> No.13839625

If you really think having sex with a different women every weekend is happiness, then try it. You will learn the hard way that it isn't as great as its cracked up to be. Yes, its physically stimulating, but it leaves you with a deep emotional void. But again, for some people its necessary to experience it to understand that.

>> No.13839627

Obviously this is not true. It's what you do with the freedom that matters. A lot people seek pleasure with their freedom and it leads to despair, because the pleasure does not usually coincide with fulfillment.

Pleasure is not by itself bad but in excess it is, and if you use it as an escape it becomes an unhealthy coping mechanism to mask sadness.

So I guess you are right in a way, because the lifestyle of "degeneracy" is a potential result of being free, but leading that lifestyle causes you to become less free in the way you operate. Dependent and with an identity around a coping mechanism. If you misuse freedom it transforms you in the end and you become a slave.

>> No.13839633

>I've never agreed or disagreed with you
So what is your point?
I mean if you're going to say something then just say it fuckface all I'm gathering from what you typed is you're trying to do what you accused me of aka playing the rhetoric game.

>> No.13839645

The world's most famous PUA became a conservative Christian who forbids the discussion of sex outside marriage in his forum.

>> No.13839653

>So what's your point.
>all I'm gathering from what you typed is you're trying to do what you accused me of playing the rhetoric game.

Yes, that's entirely my point. Either your dumb or playing dumb. What is it?

>> No.13839657

that's because they're fucking retards who spent their entire life trying to get laid while not gaining a real skill.
getting women isn't a skill, it's a byproduct if you're skilled at anything.
becoming a conservative christian is a good cop-out when you realize you're fucking dogshit at everything and you want to feel good about yourself

>> No.13839660

So wrong its stupid
Dopamine receptors burn out leaving you fucked up in the brain finding less and less enjoyment from things as time goes on
True freedom is imposing your will over your instincts and desires so when you earn those dopamine rushes you feel good and still have achieved something

>> No.13839663

>Yea i'm playing the rhetoric game while accusing you of doing so
Okay i get it.
You're gaslighting it's obvious, seriously just shut the fuck up and go jerk off to tranny porn because that's the level you're operating on.

>> No.13839668

35Plead my cause, OLord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.

2Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help.
3Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.

4Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.

5Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of theLordchase them.

6Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of theLordpersecute them.

7For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.

8Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.

9And my soul shall be joyful in theLord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.

10All my bones shall say,Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?

11False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.

12They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul.

13But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.

14I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother.

15But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not:

16With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth.

17Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions.

18I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people.

19Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.

20For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land.

>> No.13839672

>when you realize you're fucking dogshit at everything
He was the world's most famous seduction coach. He was good at something. He was world class at something.
The guy who wrote "The Game" also abandoned the promiscuous life and became monogamous. He is a fairly famous journalist.

>> No.13839676


21Yea, they opened their mouth wide against me, and said, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it.

22This thou hast seen, OLord: keep not silence: O Lord, be not far from me.

23Stir up thyself, and awake to my judgment, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord.

24Judge me, OLordmy God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me.

25Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we have it: let them not say, We have swallowed him up.

26Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me.

27Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let theLordbe magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

28And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.

21Yea, they opened their mouth wide against me, and said, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it.

22This thou hast seen, OLord: keep not silence: O Lord, be not far from me.

23Stir up thyself, and awake to my judgment, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord.

24Judge me, OLordmy God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me.

25Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we have it: let them not say, We have swallowed him up.

26Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me.

27Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let theLordbe magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

28And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.

>> No.13839677

Because sin means "don't do that! I need y'all be like sheeps, so all the things that can cause disonance between all of you or can make you unproductive are forbidden unless you want to suffer forever after you are dead", this means some people are smarter than other, they like to take advantage of other people and current systems, while you blindly follow a moral system made by some sandniggers 2000 years ago like a good cuck

>> No.13839678

And yet you keep evading my question.

>> No.13839682

>sin like a madman in your youth
>repent just in time before maturity hits
>use your skills acquired in sin to secure a mate
>become conservative Christian and acquire a following for being an upstanding guy
>die and go to heaven

Smart move. Christianity is really "being a jew for those who aren't jews."

>> No.13839686

That is a pretty dumb post.
It is a mixture of the writing style of a woke teenage girl on twitter with an edgy teenage boy's idea about morality.

>> No.13839688

>and go to heaven
well, maybe

>> No.13839692

It doesn't mean is false though

>> No.13839696

lemme help you out here.
if you're good at something you'll have a natural confidence that all the PUA shit teaches you to project. just because people try to "hijack" it doesn't mean at the end of the day when they are all alone they won't know they're a fucking scam and they didn't deserve any of it and that they're a piece of dogshit.
you can fake it to other people but you can never fake it to yourself.

>> No.13839702

Yes, it is.

>> No.13839703

I'll be honest I don't even know how i'm going against right wing talking points but do you want to know how i know you're a faggot irl?

>> No.13839711
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>> No.13839718

For someone to be the most famous PUA coach in the world, he has to be good not only in seduction, but also in marketing/teaching.
The guy who wrote "The Game" is a fairly famous journalist, even before writing "the Game"

>> No.13839723

>Dopamine receptors burn out leaving you fucked up in the brain finding less and less enjoyment from things as time goes on
>True freedom is imposing your will over your instincts and desires so when you earn those dopamine rushes you feel good and still have achieved something

>> No.13839735

Excuse me for doubting your word, next time someone tells me I write like a girl and think like a teenager I have to know I'm wrong, thanks.

>> No.13839739


This. Man will let you down but only God is truly eternal.

>> No.13839745

Based and redpilled

Everything else is just superstition and just world fallacy

>> No.13839761

What the fuck? Not everything is literally addictive. As long as you keep things balanced you're gonna be happy, what you need is the freedom to keep it balanced. Someone who represses all his desires isn't free, and neither is someone who indulges all of them.

>> No.13839768

>next time someone tells me I write like a girl
Not like a normal girl, but like a "woke teenage girl on twitter". There are many girls who don't write like idiots.

>and think like a teenager
Like an edgy teenage boy, there are teenagers who do not think like that.

>I have to know I'm wrong
Well, yeah. Reading Aquinas would help you with that, as well. Or Plato. Or the Stoics. Or Aristotle.

>> No.13839775

meanwhile, the dutifully pious live boring lives avoiding great times until one day they wake up wondering what the fuck happened. gotta exploit your youth when you're young because you can't like you're 20 when you're 45

>> No.13839781

>Not everything is literally addictive
Sex, sugar, alcohol, drugs, etc are.

>As long as you keep things balanced you're gonna be happy
Moderation leads to a much more "ascetic" life than you probably think. What most people think is a moderate life is not a moderate life.

>Someone who represses all his desires isn't free, and neither is someone who indulges all of them.
Reducing (reducing and repressing are not the same thing) your desires is how a human being can be free.

>> No.13839793

I'm not him, but the way of life you are proposing is not a very good one. Over indulging in pleasure diminishes your mood levels.
Pleasure is not happiness.

>> No.13839815

thanks for proving my point

>> No.13839823

t.ex hedonist

>> No.13839822

I know who he is fuckface.
People in the media are skill-less this is a fact. I mean you worship some fucking impotent bald guy this has alot more to do with your problem than anything else.

>> No.13839825
File: 103 KB, 900x670, maslow-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex, sugar, alcohol, drugs, etc are.
The first post in this chain by slut butterfly was "People who are free lead happy lives". While it does mean free to choose to indulge, it does not imply indulging.

>Moderation leads to a much more "ascetic" life than you probably think. What most people think is a moderate life is not a moderate life.
The human mind is designed to want pic related, most will find happiness by having it fulfilled, and while it is more than many have, it is not excess by any means. We don't have full control over our minds, we can reduce our desires yes, but at its root this core of needs will always exist and for a very good reason.

>Reducing (reducing and repressing are not the same thing) your desires is how a human being can be free.
Free of what, and to what?

>> No.13839837

I mean you think you're getting me mad but I'm already mad at the state of the world if you're not mad you're just vulnerable. You think you have an edge but in reality we're not that different even though we probably are given that you post anime reaction pics so you're definitely a step or two lower, but if you ever decide to rise up you'll realize that we're fighting against the same powers that are fucking us in the exact same way.

>> No.13839841

>People in the media are skill-less this is a fact.
Aren't you moving the goalposts?

>> No.13839849

How? I was saying the entire time that he was someone without any real skill.

>> No.13839854

Nah I'm talking with you, save me from eternal damnation with the wisdom of ancient and medieval philosophy, synthesize their thoughts like the big boy you are, go on I'm waiting.

>> No.13839859

Nice bait. Those who are a slave to their godly passions are happy.

>> No.13839870

>The first post in this chain by slut butterfly was "People who are free lead happy lives". While it does mean free to choose to indulge, it does not imply indulging.
You were arguing that not everything is addictive. I got examples of things that are addictive.
"free to choose to indulge" does not lead to a happy life if you actually do over indulge.

>The human mind is designed to want pic related, most will find happiness by having it fulfilled, and while it is more than many have, it is not excess by any means. We don't have full control over our minds, we can reduce our desires yes, but at its root this core of needs will always exist and for a very good reason.
Two things:
1- This is not an answer to my point that moderation leads to a more ascetic life than most people think.
2- Maslow's pyramid is shit without a strong basis.

>Free of what, and to what?
Free of distress. Free of external things that can control you or your mood.

>> No.13839871

I think its the other way around, capitalism isnt self-destructing because of abortion and the welfare state, its causing them because its nature is to self-destruct. Leading to atomization and disintegration of social bonds that paves the way for those ideas. This tends to coincide with leftism because destruction of social structures is an essential part of it.

Basically, check out that Marx quote about free trade.

>> No.13839875

there is suffering by which the soul profits (think Job and St. Anthony) and suffering by which the soul is punished.
unrepentant sinners receive very little of the former and the latter always comes in a timely manner.

>> No.13839878

And when I pointed out that both of them have real skills, you are trying to argue that "being a good teacher or journalism writer" are not "real skills".

>> No.13839893


>> No.13839900

how are people able to be successful in creative activities even with deficiency in self esteem and friends

>> No.13839903

Sins/vices are bad for yourself. That's why they are vices.
When your father tells you to not use drugs he is saying that for your own good, not for some conspiracy.

>> No.13839905


>> No.13839908

>"free to choose to indulge" does not lead to a happy life if you actually do over indulge.
True, which is why I emphasized the choice to act rather than the action itself. That is because being forced not to indulge or not even having the capacity to almost always leads to doubt and insecurity. How do you know you truly have no desires when you never ever got the choice to reject them?

>This is not an answer to my point that moderation leads to a more ascetic life than most people think
Even assuming the pyramid isn't the be all end all, most people wouldn't call it excessive, which makes it moderate, and yet an ascetic life is far far less than the pyramid, not even fulfilling the first level most of the time.

>Maslow's pyramid is shit without a strong basis
It works for most people.

>Free of distress. Free of external things that can control you or your mood.
This is where we differ. You can never be free from the control of the reality you live in, which stretches deeply inwards to the very particles that make up your mind and body, and the macro things that control you like the government. It's nice to believe that anyone can become a monk capable of burning himself alive with no distress, and yet in reality he needed the external use of drugs to allow for the performance.

>> No.13839909

read the book of Job

>> No.13839911

No i get what you're saying in terms of "disintegration of social bonds".
What i put to you is that these "social bonds" don't matter beyond "rituals" that we perform when we are around each other.
People are fucked up and evil I think everyone on 4chan can acknowledge that, thinking that people can "truly" be good to one another isn't too different from the "leftist ideology" that you claim to hate.
We can have abortion, welfare state etc without any of the bullshit like pretending to genuinely give a shit about each other. We just have "rituals" where we are decent/indifferent to one another in public.

I mean you talk about society like people can genuinely care about each other but even you don't believe this bullshit.
Do you actually care that much about your family, much less wider society? If so then good for you but not all families are the same and to have some state-sanctioned "love" is retarded dogshit.

I'm not a "communist" per se. I believe we should give everyone as much of an equal OPPORTUNITY to participate in society and let the chips fall where they may. It's not about giving a shit about anyone, I don't believe in caring about any "minority" in the sense of actually caring about them, in that why should we give a fuck about strangers regardless of their "status". Don't open your heart but there should be an atheistic ambivalent cold hard equality established across all lines.

>> No.13839929

Ok now you're moving the goalposts.
I already said media skill means jackshit, it's not a real skill like being able to play an instrument, knowing how to fight, dancing, carpentry etc.
He has no skills, if you want to idolize some loser whose only skill is to manipulate losers like you then go ahead i don't give a fuck.

>> No.13839941

>True, which is why I emphasized the choice to act rather than the action itself. That is because being forced not to indulge or not even having the capacity to almost always leads to doubt and insecurity. How do you know you truly have no desires when you never ever got the choice to reject them?

Not being able to over indulge >>>>>> being able to and indulging.
Lindsay Lohan would have a better life if she lived in Singapore.

>Even assuming the pyramid isn't the be all end all, most people wouldn't call it excessive, which makes it moderate, and yet an ascetic life is far far less than the pyramid, not even fulfilling the first level most of the time.
You don't understand what I'm saying.
A moderate sex life is not what most people think it is. A moderate sex life is not being completely celibate, but it is also not what most people think it is. This has nothing to do with Maslow. This is Aristotle.

>It works for most people.
Maslow is arbitrary crap.

>This is where we differ. You can never be free from the control of the reality you live in, which stretches deeply inwards to the very particles that make up your mind and body, and the macro things that control you like the government. It's nice to believe that anyone can become a monk capable of burning himself alive with no distress, and yet in reality he needed the external use of drugs to allow for the performance.
We are arguing over different things. But out of curiosity, in your opinion, there is no way to increase or reduce your desires?

>> No.13839949

You are the one moving the goalposts.
You: "They have no real skills".
Me: "Well, they have skill X, Y, X"
You: "Those skills don't count"

I think it is interesting that "writing" is not considered a skill in the literature board.

>> No.13839978

I said the entire time those skills are fucking dogshit and worthless.
You are playing the rhetoric game to be able to deal with how much time you spent on this guy. Have fun idolizing a loser with no real skills you probably mirror that in yourself.

>> No.13839984

You said it after I mentioned they did have those skills.

>> No.13839998

>we're fighting against the same powers that are fucking us in the exact same way.

What powers are those? How do you even know that? I was just making a question about whether you were using rhetoric or just being retarded, nothing more, nothing less. When i gave up on getting an answer to that i just started to fuck around.

>> No.13840003

No i said the entire time that media manipulation skills aren't worth dogshit.
But listen, you are FREE to believe and follow whoever you want. I'm just telling you theres no endgame in idolizing a loser with no real elemental worldly skills, but feel FREE to do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.13840019

Because I know your life isn't going too well given your responses and anime reaction pic.
I'll leave it to you to find out for yourself who the powers are because you are obviously so invested in "LOL FUCK THE LEFT IM RIGHT ALL THE WAY" that i'm not gonna put any energy into talking sense into someone who is so hurt in his life he won't even listen to someone who wants to reach out from the other side

>> No.13840020

>Not being able to over indulge >>>>>> being able to and indulging.
Which is beaten by being able to and not indulging.

>A moderate sex life is not what most people think it is. A moderate sex life is not being completely celibate, but it is also not what most people think it is. This has nothing to do with Maslow. This is Aristotle.
Aristotle didn't have mass data. There is a reason sex life is a major part of health. On what basis are his \ your standardization of moderate truer than most people's?

>We are arguing over different things. But out of curiosity, in your opinion, there is no way to increase or reduce your desires?
Of course there are ways to reduce your desires, but as long as your brain exists, desires also exist. Show me a single man who was free from desires his whole life long. Even in monasteries it just so happens that corrupt politics and sodomy are over-represented.

>> No.13840033
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>Even in monasteries

>> No.13840034

Not the guy you are talking to but obviously they are not worthless because they can and are being used in the context of modern life. If someone can build a career using them then this is demonstrably true. The worth of skills is relative to the context in which they exist in

>> No.13840043

>A moderate sex life is not being completely celibate, but it is also not what most people think it is. This has nothing to do with Maslow. This is Aristotle
Not him but how much sex should we have according to Aristotle?

>> No.13840055

>in the context of modern life
Of course manipulation is a useful skill in modern life.
But it only takes you as far as you're willing to accept everyone else manipulating you. Just give it a shot and see the rabbit hole it leads you into.

>> No.13840080

ITT: people philosophizing about sticking your dick in women as cope for being incel

>> No.13840083

Are you for real? This is your answer? I'm saying that too in my post you retard!, and no I'm not saying is a conspiracy, and we are talking about sins not about vices, don't try to act smart.

>> No.13840096

based pröös

>> No.13840103

>you are obviously so invested in "LOL FUCK THE LEFT IM RIGHT ALL THE WAY"

I am not though. I didn't said anything related to politics neither for you to make that assumption. I was just stating that you missed the point of the other anon entirely, either purposefully or unintentionally.

>> No.13840120

>Which is beaten by being able to and not indulging.
We are comparing the other two conditions. That is, where a vicious person would live a better life.

>Aristotle didn't have mass data. There is a reason sex life is a major part of health. On what basis are his \ your standardization of moderate truer than most people's?
"Mass data" doesn't go against Aristotle. Difference in opinion between the likes of Plato and Aristotle and modern people on morals is not due to "mass data".
Aristotle was far smarter and thought much more about what is moderation than "most people".

>Of course there are ways to reduce your desires, but as long as your brain exists, desires also exist. Show me a single man who was free from desires his whole life long. Even in monasteries it just so happens that corrupt politics and sodomy are over-represented.

What we are discussing is if we can reduce our desires. You agreed that we can. Reducing your vicious desires will make you freer than indulging on them.

>> No.13840122

You were not saying sins are worse for yourself.
Sins and vices are the same thing.

>> No.13840127

Follow the conversation with me and that anon, nothing was missed. He is someone who is on the same side as you except he's willing to have a reasonable conversation. You got triggered because you felt "OMG MY GUY IS BEING ATTACKED" and went into your rhetoric game of trying to get me "triggered".
But you didn't know that I am more than ready when it comes to politics and the state of the world and I'm more than willing to engage in proper dialogue. But you aren't, I mean you want to deny that you're right-wing (even if only by default)?
It's true you haven't given any of your stances away because you haven't said anything of worth you're just trolling but do you know that you're really trolling yourself by denying yourself the reality of the world?

>> No.13840136

Life without fulfillment is suffering. And the necessary condition to get fullfilment is hard work.

>> No.13840137

this made me laugh more than I care to admit

>> No.13840141

Manipulation, or influence, has been useful for all of human existence. The use of it in media is just another form of it. My contention was with the claim that it's not useful - which it clearly is. Whether or not it's a good thing to do is something we probably agree more on.

There's no escaping the manipulations of others, and the better one understands that the better off they will be. It is not moral to condemn manipulation, and doing so only serves to make you weaker.

You must accept manipulation as a part of life and become capable with it. Only with capability can moralizing have any practicality. So maybe you know how to influence others, but you strive for win-win situations, helping yourself and others in the process. That by itself is extremely valuable.

>> No.13840149

>I'll leave it to you to find out for yourself who the powers are
To everyone reading this thread this screams 'im bullshitting and have no actual answer as to who these powers are'.

>> No.13840156

Thank you my virtuous brother

>> No.13840161

So, consider the average high class man. Highly intelligent, highly attractive, of good financial basis. Among his many endeavours he engages in sex with his girlfriend almost every day, he eats healthy but luxurious foods, and allows himself a high standard of material living filled with luxuries such as fancy clothing and powerful electronics. Is he worse for wear for indulging in all these things? Would he be better off casting them all away, and what would he now spend his time on, aside from his career which already give 8 hours of his day to master of his chosen path?

>> No.13840178

Of course manipulation is a part of human existence but it's not a real skill. The fact you're defending a "master manipulator" who in the end felt GUILTY is telling of yourself.
The only reason people give a fuck about this guy is because they're sub-par human beings this is a fact because no "master manipulator" ever feels guilty. Either way they know they are just professional liars and in any situation where people know this they are basically redundant human beings.
I mean you're giving away so much about yourself you don't even know it.

>> No.13840186

The fact that you're double-replying tells me ALOT about yourself, but 2bh i already knew this about you.
I'll throw you a bone start with corporations.

>> No.13840211

Im not that guy I just find it incredibly annoying when someone takes the time to write a bunch of posts and then when asked to explain what his actual idea is he says some cryptic shit or refuses to explain at all.
Ok, what exactly is your problem with writing a brief paragraph explaining the basics of what you mean? Why are you opposed to this?

>> No.13840214

>You got triggered because you felt "OMG MY GUY IS BEING ATTACKED"

C'mon men, i would be surprised if people didn't called me nigger here, why the fuck would i feel attacked about your opinion?

>He is someone who is on the same side as you

I've never stated my side. On the topic that you were discussing i don't know if i even have an answer. But i saw what you were trying to do with his argument, to misguide him with trick questions to trap him in some logical contradiction or some moral argument. I'm starting to suspect, though, that it was just inertia to you, you weren't even trying to do that; it's just the only way you know how to argue.

>I mean you want to deny that you're right-wing (even if only by default)

Yes, i am denying it. I don't like the dichotomy between left and right, i find it reducing. Nolan's chart or the so called "political compass" are a little more "sophisticated" and have more popularity nowadays, but i find that those two are still biased to the libertarian right. Political philosophy it's more complex than that. You should know this by reading a book from time to time.

>But you didn't know that I am more than ready when it comes to politics and the state of the world and I'm more than willing to engage in proper dialogue.
>Do you know that you're really trolling yourself by denying yourself the reality of the world?

Tell me, what is the current state of the world?

>> No.13840232

>sins are vices and because of that sins are bad for you

So this is the power of theistcuckery, whatever retard, thing is, I said some people follow a moral system made by some sandnigger 2000 years ago, and you told me that I need to read something that might be older and some medieval shit, funny uh?

>> No.13840238

I never defended Neil Strauss. I defended knowing and being capable of manipulation/social intelligence with a caveat that it should be used for good (which is your issue with Neil). We already went over the whole "real skill" thing. You are missing the point.

>> No.13840257

Imagine being a third by-proxy.
If you don't even see the problem with corporations I don't know what to say to you. Don't expect me to spoonfeed you, do your homework.
You aren't apolitical. Everyone is skewed to a certain side as you clearly are, you even ADMIT to denying it.
If anything you're engaging in libertarian tactics of disengaging from political views and resorting to rhetoric battles.
Feel free to say ANYTHING that reveals any of your views if you aren't so scared to engage in a proper dialogue, and i'll have a conversation with you.

>> No.13840265

You can see it plainly in today's world, where any criticism of anything is met with your same attitude "oh my god why do you care what others do, they're happy". Then you see them reap the fruits of that and the façade fall.

>> No.13840271

>If you don't even see the problem with corporations I don't know what to say to you. Don't expect me to spoonfeed you, do your homework.
pathetic. You can't write a single fucking paragraph explaining your view, but youll continue to post and post attacking the other anon.

>> No.13840273

>Is he worse for wear for indulging in all these things?

>Would he be better off casting them all away, and what would he now spend his time on, aside from his career which already give 8 hours of his day to master of his chosen path?
Improving himself as a person.

>> No.13840275

No it doesn't matter if it's used for "bad" or "good". You just revealed your elementary understanding of morality.
Pick-up artists have zero understanding of the real world, the bald guy was a shitty noname journalist before his pickup dogshit. Either way, manipulation is a low level skill especially when it's backed up with nothing especially in the person you're defending.
I feel like shit even talking to you 2bh but i have to respond because you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.13840279

The topic here is: "are sins/vices bad for you?"

>> No.13840284

>the bald guy was a shitty noname journalist before his pickup dogshit
He was a prominent music journalist.

>> No.13840293

Pretending you're on the higher ground when you KNOW you're a retarded cunt. You obviously want/need help but you're never going to get real advice from me by acting like a smug piece of shit when you're clearly retarded.

>> No.13840297

LMAO no are you fucking stupid.
If some ugly bald loser getting laid gives you inspiration then whatever I don't give a fuck.

>> No.13840311

>You aren't apolitical

Yes, i know. I didn't said i don't agree with a political current. I think you can be apolitical though, but i know that it isn't my case; i have strong political convictions, but i don't think that those can be explained with a false dichotomy like left and right.

>Feel free to say ANYTHING that reveals any of your views

If you need to know, I think the current system is fooled by the presupposition that all problems can be solved by fixing an aspect of its social or economic regulation, what Evola called the "socio-economic fallacy," I remember correctly. The system will not get fixed unless it recovers the vision of the transcendent aspects of life, and neither the "right" or the "left" concern itself with that.

>Everyone is skewed to a certain side as you clearly are, you even ADMIT to denying it.

That argument it's like freudian psychoanalysis, you can't just argue against it because then you are "repressing". It's really hard, but people can be apolitical, i saw it with my own eyes.

>> No.13840315

>Don't ask me what i was doing though.

Fondling his giant leathery balls?

>> No.13840327

It's ok dude, when someone refuses multiple times in a row to give even a basic explanation of what they think, we all realize that you don't actually have anything coherent to say or are scared of being criticized or something. It's fine.

>> No.13840374

>I think you can be apolitical though
No you can't even if you're pretending to be while pretending not to be.
LMAO why the fuck are you pretending fuckface.
All the pseudo-spiritual bullshit that you got from being an autistic loser on 4chan doesn't mean anything at all in the real world.

Seriously did you even go to uni? I feel like I'm speaking to a 30 year-old uneducated retarded cunt who got all his information from browsing 4chan. You're so fucking stupid i feel i'm losing my brain cells talking to you. My advice is go to university do something politics-related, get exposed to different viewpoints and get forced to write essays on what you really think because at this point you're obviously a fucking retard who's just spewing out the brainAIDs you got from hanging out on 4chan. Then we can have a conversation.

>> No.13840386

>It's ok dude
>It's fine
Ok you gay fucking cunt be hurt lmao you stupid fucking retard

>> No.13840388

the topic here is: "In a religious context, sin is an act of transgression against divine law and is not the same as a moral fault or weakness in someone's character, illegal and immoral activities, especially involving illegal sex, drugs, etc.

Things are flying over your head, I'm serious

>> No.13840406

Really it's fine that you can't write a single paragraph even vaguely explaining what you mean, you clearly aren't made for this sort of thing.

>> No.13840418

>Nope an eternity of writhing in hell isn't good enough. Every minute of their earthly lives has to suck too

Top Ressentiment, chief.

>> No.13840433

>Really it's fine
gay cunt
stay retarded

>> No.13840449

Because the idea of sin is bullshit. It’s the believers who agonize over everything and suffer.

Embrace indifference.

>> No.13840454

Id rather be gay than incapable of saying literally anything. You've reverted to middle school behavior and are just embarassing yourself.

Unless you'd like to say something about how corporations are related to the 'powers that be' or whatever your phrase was. I'm sure you have a sophisticated analysis.

>> No.13840460
File: 63 KB, 498x599, Voltaire-lisant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LMAO why the fuck are you pretending fuckface.
>All the pseudo-spiritual bullshit that you got from being an autistic loser on 4chan doesn't mean anything at all in the real world.

I agree with some of what Evola wrote, not all of his work.

>No you can't even if you're pretending to be while pretending not to be.

I met people that lived in small islands in rivers, absolutely isolated from law and politics, living in huts and fishing. Some of them had families, others not even that. Most of them don't read or have cable. It's a really lonely life, but sure as hell they are distanced from politics. It wasn't intentional also, it's not like they went there to "make a political statement"; you know it just happened.
If that's not an apolitical life, i don't know what it is.

>Seriously did you even go to uni?
>My advice is go to university do something politics-related, get exposed to different viewpoints and get forced to write essays on what you really think because at this point you're obviously a fucking retard who's just spewing out the brainAIDs you got from hanging out on 4chan.

Yes, i actually ending my degree in philosohpy. I wrote essays about things i like and things i don't. And taking into consideration that i live in a third world country, i read mostly things i don't enjoy. When i set myself to read Evola it's not because some 4chin meme, but precisely to get a different viewpoint of what university actually teaches me.

Now, I'm going to be honest, the reason I keep writing you back is because I'm already looking at you like a puzzle that I want to solve, so answer a question for me so i can "wrap this up": it's painfully obvious that you go to college, so what do you think of it?

>> No.13840484

abstinance is easier than perfect moderation

>> No.13840487

So now it doesn't matter how it's used? That's not what you were saying before. We could talk about morality if you want but apparently it's now irrelevant.

This arguement is pointless now. First manipulation/social intelligence (which is more accurate) is not real skill (despite the fact that it's demonstrably useful) and now it's a "low level" skill - except social interaction is incredibly nuanced and is one of the PRIMARY skills a human will use in their lifetime.

Once again, I don't like PUAs or Neil Strauss but there is obviously something to be learned from them. I'm running out of things to say because your posts are beginning to devolve

>> No.13840497

oh so you are gay can't say i'm surprised with your constant baiting. you can't even link corporations and "powers that be" LMAO holy fucking shit you might even be for real in your broken homo brain
>I met people that lived in small islands in rivers
where is this?
>Yes, i actually ending my degree in philosohpy
which uni?
> I'm already looking at you like a puzzle that I want to solve
Same here brother, given that i've insulted you and haven't bitched out like that other guy.

You realize that of course politics isn't applicable to island people because they aren't tied in with the wider world? They would be tied into the politics of that island but not that which doesn't affect them?

>> No.13840521

You can't link corporations and power structures either, or you would have done so by now.

>> No.13840533

>So now it doesn't matter how it's used?
LMAO are you fucking retarded bitch
Your view of "good" and "bad" is retarded much like yourself that was my point. Of course it matters how it's used but you're a fucking idiot so let's not even talk about morality because you'll fuck it up by being a retard.

Social skills are important but they are secondary, the people who focus on them are fucking retards much like yourself. Because you will obtain them by being good at things and having to deal with the world, it's retards like yourself who want to "hijack" it because you're fucking incompetent retards.
You think my posts are "devolving" but you don't realize how exhausting it is to talk to stupid fucking retard cunts like you.
Where the fuck is neil "bald bitch" strauss now? I mean for real you're still idolizing that guy you should end your life because you're as retarded as that ugly bald fuck is.

>> No.13840542

>can't link corps and power structures on his own
LMAO retard
Are you a homosexual?
Don't answer it it's a rhetorical question.

>> No.13840554

>let's not even talk about morality
yeah let's not talk about yet another subject, not because you're incapable of doing so, but because youre above the discussion
fucking lol

>> No.13840562

You've shown no evidence that you can, you haven't written a single coherent statement about it. I can tell you that i understand quantum physics, guess what that's worth if I don't explain it? Nothing.

>> No.13840581

>You've shown no evidence that you can, you haven't written a single coherent statement about it
is the sky blue? prove it.
that's the same level of questioning.
it's obvious to me that you are a milky homosexual who got bullied alot in your formative years.
HEY i bet you can't prove otherwise but it's okay it's evident that you like sucking dick it's in your culture
>I can tell you that i understand quantum physics

>> No.13840589

Hmm. Social skills are secondary? Conversations you can learn, yes, but if you want to be move up in society, or do sales, or meet a certain person they are essential - another good use is pissing off some asshole on 4chan. lol ;)

>> No.13840591

>where is this?
The Paraná river. It's a really extensive river that goes through Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.

>which uni?
Not telling. It's not a small uni but in my country nobody studies philosophy anymore, so it's a poorly frequented career. I'm not taking any chances.

>You realize that of course politics isn't applicable to island people because they aren't tied in with the wider world?
That's an apolitical life, they have no politics in those islands because they live in small fragments of lad scarped in the river, and if you dare to set foot on there they will probably shoot you if they feel like to. It's not easy, but it's possible. You can be apolitical. I'm sure similar phenomenons can be found in Europe or USA, but you will not find it in college.

>> No.13840595

You are getting frantic. Just one paragraph, that's it. I know you have it in you.

>> No.13840601

be honest how many dicks have you sucked?

>> No.13840609

it's secondary unless you're a sub-par unskilled homosexual ;)

>> No.13840614

None. I will give you a template, maybe talk about how corporations influence political lobbying, or the media outlets they own.

>> No.13840620

HAHAHAHHA you're getting there keep going dicksucker

>> No.13840649

Seeing homosexuality everywhere and being too insecure to offer anything that might be criticized are symptoms of well...

>> No.13840671

talking in this vernacular might be criticized as symptoms of well...
no but seriously keep going dicksucker you're doing good

>> No.13840689

It's ok that you think constantly about sucking dicks even when nobody brought up anything remotely related to the subject. You dont have to hate yourself. You should work on your ability to express your ideas though.

>> No.13840694

>not realising that hedonism is only self targeted violence
>shackled to vices these people will never be free
>they will never know what it means to be alive

>> No.13840715

NAH SERIOUSLY BRUV, you're doing good, what political lobbying keep going dicksucker