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/lit/ - Literature

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13836627 No.13836627 [Reply] [Original]

I need to get out of America quick what is the most /lit/ country/city to move to? This country is full of midwits who don't know what is in their interests and the people at the top just want to eat everything up. There is zero class concioussness, the so called left vs right spectacle of in this country that gets nothing done makes me sick, everyone here eats up corporate propaganda, and it is rare to find anyone that has the courage to find their own understandings of things that gets past the hegemonic patterns of thought. I'm sick of the corporate culture and the tastelessness that pervades everything. There is a double digit iq clown as president and I am noticing everything is slowly falling apart. I need to get out of here before I get eaten up as well. I need to go to a country/city with literary people and a real leftist spirit help me out frens.

>> No.13836636

How’s highschool going

>> No.13836645

>I want to be an American abroad
No you don't and the rest of the world do not want you there either.

>> No.13836655

Wrong as fuck. As an American you get EASY pussy in all of asia, latin america, africa, some european countries (particularly ireland and england).

>> No.13836660

I have yet to see an intelligent post that uses the term "midwit" seriously

>> No.13836666

You've been told your whole life you can do or be anything, but it's simply not true. Your bloodline and the place you were born are immutable parts of your being. You just have to accept that.

>> No.13836667

you're not convincing anyone burger

>> No.13836673

>You have to like people to have sex with them
Your US cultural Protestantism is showing.

>> No.13836683

It's the truth, I'm sorry.
I'm a Catholic why do you think I'm in Ireland rn nigga

>> No.13836693

I'm sure you'd be happy in any European neo-liberal hell hole.

>> No.13836703

What's a comfortable city I can move to after I graduate? I'm a stem major from one of the better universities in Florida, but I'm just sick of all the hicks, ticks, and humidity. I have west coast aspirations but I realize how unrealistic that might be. I want to live in the desert; Texas has been sounding appealing lately

>> No.13836734
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>the so called left vs right spectacle of in this country that gets nothing done makes me sick
>I need to go to a country/city with literary people and a real leftist spirit help me out frens.

so you simultaneously loathe and reinforce the left/right dichotomy? great job retard

>> No.13836737

You're recommending Dublin, which is hardly the thriving heart of Catholicism in Ireland (nor is it particularly thriving elsewhere in the country these days), of course drunk girls who will never have to see you again are willing to fuck you like bus drivers are willing to give you directions. Of all the places in the world, Dublin is not a good place to brag about getting laid as a tourist. It ranks up there with getting laid as a tourist in Bangkok or Portland, Oregon. If you're looking for hideously empty experiences which cost too much, get laid in Dublin.

>> No.13836753

>calls himself Catholic
>brags about how easy it is for him to get pussy in third world countries and in ireland/england

not only are you not Catholic but you're also a degenerate retard hypocrite :')

>> No.13836803

The left of the US is laughable

>> No.13836809

Seriously. Completely toothless

>> No.13836810

the left was cringe from day 1 in any country :)

>> No.13836857

Nothing wrong with leftism

>> No.13836883

Germany or New Zealand

>> No.13836894

>it is rare to find anyone that has the courage to find their own understandings of things that gets past the hegemonic patterns of thought.
The lack of self awareness is staggering.

>> No.13836898

>not only are you not Catholic but you're also a degenerate retard hypocrite :')
Like all Novus Ordo "Catholics."

>> No.13836901

>No you don't and the rest of the world do not want you there either.
The rest of the world hates American tourists. American expats are based.

>> No.13836907

>reee we're not winning quickly enough

>> No.13836913

>a strong functioning civilization has a laughable left wing
ill give you one guess as to why that is

>> No.13836915

Stay in your containment country.

Also, it’s gojng to be similar pretty much everywhere in the anglosphere. I would recommend finding a town with a community of people you can jive with. It is kinda hard to do, but if you can take a road trip in summer, start perusing.

>> No.13836916

in the 60s maybe. Anyone who seriously identifies as "left wing" in this time is mentally ill, or in a position of power intending to moralize lower classes

>> No.13836949

pyongyang, caracas, havana. i would go for havana, anon.

good luck to you

>> No.13836962


>beginning of the New Left, the whole problem with the modern """left"""

Read history immediately.

>> No.13836968

are native americans /lit/?

>> No.13837133

You just described evry coublntry except you think it's only your country because yours is the only one under the microscope. The real answer is the woods.

>> No.13837178

Move to Poland or Hungary

>> No.13837184

Move to Poland, Hungary, or Austria, that’s where I’d like to go

Also don’t move to France, Germany, England, or Sweden.

>> No.13837545

Which of their languages are the easiest to learn? Also give me the names of their best writers I've read a lot of Austrian lit (Bernhard, Musil, Rilke, Roth, Broch) but not much of Polish or Hungary.

>> No.13837562

You are the midwit Americans described in the OP. If you think anything other than a leftist coalition will actually do anything of substance you are retarded.

>> No.13837574

>If you think anything other than a leftist coalition will actually do anything of substance you are retarded.
Like what? Give free abortions to whores and import the third world? Let felons vote? Give weed to children? Stfu.

>> No.13837582

That's a yikes from me

>> No.13837597

complete retardation

>> No.13837603

Try to act like you don't wan this American dick, you're just being tsundere. Last time I went abroad too many people wanted to bang me for being American.

>> No.13837604

Move to hell. It's only a bullet away. KEK

>> No.13837614

Real question, for the anons that want to "escape" the United States, do you have the qualifications to actually emigrate over? Can you get a visa? What are you going to do to work? What can you do that the citizens already there can't? I remember when Trump actually won, I knew quite a few people in school that told everyone they knew they were moving to Toronto or Vancouver, but it never happened. Tough it out anon and you can use this time in your life to grow and become an even better person. Good Luck. ^^

>> No.13837634

I can tell you most of the people expressing these statements are recent college graduates in a shit ton of debt over their studies of Babylonian scripture at a $50,000 a term college.

It's easy to feel deeply fucked, because the whole system is against you. The capitalist debt machine has utter predominance, and will devour anyone who falls into its trap.

These people feel hopeless and because they are probably not well traveled due to their class and financial situation have no other option but to blame their country of origin. It doesn't help that the US is going through all kinds of nasty political convulsions and cultural changes that nobody knows how to make sense of.

>> No.13838667


>> No.13838761

Vienna probably

>> No.13838881

> I need to go to a country/city with literary people and a real leftist spirit help me out frens.
Probably some first world capitalist country.

>> No.13838889

France is the most leftist ofc.
But they hate americans and theyre getting invaded by muslims like the rest of the eurocucks.

>> No.13838891

Op is the midwit Americans described in the OP.

>> No.13838904

OP if you were a midwit you wouldnt be asking which leftist country to move to, youd be making money.

>> No.13838908

Why not France and Germany?

>> No.13838914

You should try being French or Italian some lifetime.

>> No.13838920

>As an American you get EASY pussy in all of asia, latin america, africa, some european countries (particularly ireland and england).
Because bugmen see you as a commodity to acquire for imaginary status points in their manhives. Not to mention whorish women had had dozens of dicks before you, some HIV-infested Somalian one included, as part of their acquiring commoditized attention to alleviate the horror of an abandoned daughter in a dysfunctional family.
But that's OK, US pragmaticism tells everything is fine as long as the Murimutt received the pragmatic please of penis in random vagina.

>> No.13838929

Nowhere in the world is better as far as /lit/ goes, but if you're looking for a change in perspective, I recommend somewhere with a vastly different culture. If it needs to be first world, perhaps Japan or Korea. If not, maybe try Madagascar or India.

If you're looking for protection inside your leftist echo-chamber, definitely anywhere in Western Europe will be comfortable for you.