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13834833 No.13834833 [Reply] [Original]

>extremely high verbal IQ
>Low actual IQ

Anyone else?

>> No.13834873 [DELETED] 

Opposite here
>110 verbal IQ
>130+ in everything else

It doesn't really bother me, I don't socialize much outside of 4chan.

>> No.13834888

Delete this

>> No.13834905

verbal iq doesn't exist
math is grammar with numbers and equations
you just chose to get smart in language
logistic/analytic intelligence = linguistics and arhytmetic
social and memey creative intelligences aren't linguistic

>> No.13834924

I fucking relate so hard man.

>30 k vocabulary
>Straight As and Bs in communications field
>Can eloquently compose 2-3 LinkedIn post for a major corp in a single work day
>Can imagine audio visual manuscripts for promotional videos in literaly minutes that corps hire external partners to solve
>High creative IQ (soundcloud with 750 followers)
>Colleuges are boring, obtuse and pedantic inside the box thinking retards (literally arrive at the conclusion to some communication task/problem that they have to spend 3 meetings mulling over in plenary)
>Have read all of Nietszche/Marx/Deluze/Heidigger/Aristotle/Pythagoras and understood its implications to a profound degree
>Literally paraphrased Goethe in high school before I knew he existed
>Shit at math
>Cant into statistics with more than two variables
>5 feet 7
>Addicted to alcohol

Feels bad man

>> No.13834938
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>another iq thread

>> No.13834941
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I know that feel too, but instead of alcohol it's porn addiction

>> No.13835418
File: 122 KB, 1000x987, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creative IQ

that's not a thing

>> No.13835426

So you're a normalfag basically