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/lit/ - Literature

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13832185 No.13832185 [Reply] [Original]

>This thinker does not promote optimism, positivity or a proactive attitude to life and is therefore just edgy and worthless!

>> No.13832188


>> No.13832189
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>if you didn't resolve my existential crisis, you're edgy and wear a hat

>> No.13832200

japanes cant draw feet

>> No.13832203

No, not exactly you fucking simpleton.

Are you 5 years old? You can't handle something making you feel bad? Fucking child.

>> No.13832211

No you brainlet i can handle everything I simply chose not to poison my mind with fucking depressive memes with no real intellectual value written by an adult who forever remained a edgy 16 years old kid. 99.999999999% of "pessimist literature" is fucking pathetic and should never have been published.

>> No.13832218

>I simply chose not to poison my mind
So you choose to live in delusional ignorance to avoid feeling uncomfortable? You're a child.

>> No.13832222

You are living in delusional ignorance. Being depressed ISNT being wise, It's the exact polar opposite.

>> No.13832228

Why do you fucking idiots always associate pessimism with depression and misery? I'm not depressed, I'm not miserable. Pessimistic literature is not worthless just because you're a weak natured faggot who can't handle ideas that don't tell you life is a magical happy lala land made for you and if you're a good little boy then good things will happen.

>> No.13832232

And you have descended to ad hominem and complete drooling incoherent retardation. Just as always.
Think about your life.

>> No.13832240

this thrad is making me pssimistic

>> No.13832259

Run away like the coward you are, go sit in a corner with your positivity and ignore the world around you

>> No.13832379
File: 455 KB, 1200x800, Nietzsche187c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me slap you
I'll slap you so hard

>> No.13832381

Nietzsche is a hack for scared little faggots to cling to "muh define your own meaning". Get a grip.

>> No.13832468

Cope more. 99% of your books are shit written by complete adolescents who weren't bullied enought in high school, and you gulp down their tears and their incel smegma to the gallon.

>> No.13832484

See how far your blind positivity gets you. The first roadblock in life will destroy you.

>> No.13832488

I've had 30 years of road blocks and I'm still going. I'm sure You weren't even waterboarded by bullies in your high school bathroom, absolute faggot.
You and Leopardi Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.13832497


Spinoza did exactly this. He's basically what Nietzsche would have been if Nietzsche was smarter, braver and not insane.

>> No.13832517

>I've had 30 years of road blocks and I'm still going
Yes because your brain just tunes out anything negative, you have no concept of real life, you just live in a daze chasing one happy experience to the next.

>> No.13832570

If you're a pessimist and a large group of people or the system are against you you tell yourself that its pointless to get angry and is best to try to work on yourself.
So for that reason, being an optimist is an act of self preservation.
But when the problem is systematic and you ignore it then being an optimist you're doing yourself a disservice.
It is then in your best interest to join a group that has your best interest and be either a leader or follower based on merit.
Because followers are just as important as leaders and there is no shame in that.
Then you evangelize other people going through the same issues you are to join your cause.
Then you can stand a chance to enact change and can feel like a true optimist.
But you must do so a whole not as a loner otherwise you become suicidal/homicidal.

>> No.13832899

Mediocre feet

>> No.13832924

>optimism, positivity, a proactive attitude to life
he's literally a Stoic

>> No.13833012

>Yes because your brain just tunes out anything negative
What would You know about perceiving the world around You exactly? You hate it, You lack curiosity for it. You are a depressed brainlet; 100% fat and ugly, just like your friend Leopardi who chose a 10/10 waifu he had no chance with and seethed about It for the rest of his life.

>> No.13833020

>you're a pessimist and a large group of people or the system are against you you tell yourself that its pointless to get angry and is best to try to work on yourself.
There's no reason for a pessimist to work on himself since It's worthless anyway.

>> No.13833034

Leftists are stereotypically ugly, and as such hate structures and order because they promote sustainable conditions for beauty to flourish.
Atheists are overwhelmingly leftists. Even without considering any metaphysical or philosophical points, one has to be cautious of their ill will.