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13829062 No.13829062 [Reply] [Original]

Today is Mexico's Independence Day. Share your favorite Mexican writers, novels, short stories, poems, etc.

>> No.13829329

No lol

>> No.13829381
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>> No.13829391

I never read Carlos Fuentes but he seems awesome.

>> No.13829695

Fuentes' Terra Nostra is an apotheosis for the entire hispanophone world, and a genuine masterpiece.

Sor Juana's verses verge on sublimity. Gutierre de Cetina's ouvre is the epitome of Spanish golden age literature. Vasconcelos and his latin microcosm is admirable. Alfonso Reyes has exemplary prose for any tongue. Fernández de Lizardi penned the height of picaresque texts in Mexico. Rulfo is a precursor to García Márquez and unfortunately eclipsed by the latter's (deserved) popularity, but his Pedro Páramo is a masterwork in terms of narrative and national ethos

And I still concede mexican literature is relatively lacking.

>> No.13829751

yea it's kinda lacking but when you get into it there are many good works and authors you wouldn't have discovered otherwise through the mainstream

>> No.13830386

Imagine your entire identity being based off of getting colonized

Mexicans have no literature or art that isn’t cringe and any decent piece of architecture in Mexico was built by Spaniards and the only decent composer was 100% white (Ponce)

>> No.13830396
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>> No.13830403

>Mexicans have no literature or art that isn’t cringe
More like you don't know any Mexican literature or art that isn't cringe.
> and the only decent composer was 100% white (Ponce)
Still Mexican, though.

>> No.13830406
File: 226 KB, 1590x1062, valerialuiselli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls do not lewd my mexican waifu

>> No.13830419

she left Enrigue, the whore. he's the better writer, anyway.

>> No.13830555
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>> No.13830571

very original comment, you should be an author.

>> No.13830733

Roberto Bolano is probs my favorite mexican author along with Jorge Luis Borges desu.

>> No.13830745
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>> No.13830753

kek you joke, but Bolaño is probably Mexican in the same way Nabokov is American

>> No.13831061

Obviously Juan Rulfo (?)
Inés Arredondo
Daniel Sada
Juan Vicente Melo
Salvador Elizondo
Mario Bellatin
Sergio Pitol
Valeria Luiselli (kind of)
Julián Herbert

>> No.13831076

>ctrl +f "Álvaro Enrigue"
>0 results
Are you faggots even trying anymore?

>> No.13831102

You gotta be shitting me anon. There's no way you're so stupid.

>> No.13831106

Yeah well he's shit.

>> No.13831123

t. hasn't read Terra Nostra

>> No.13831163

I like Dante, Calvino and Hugo, Mexican lit rocks!!!!

>> No.13831177


>> No.13831185


>> No.13831320
File: 175 KB, 1400x933, David Toscana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a really fucking stupid statement. IF you want to brag about composers, you should check Silvestre Revueltas and Agustín Lara before saying shit about mexican composing. Also, all the folklorical classics are real masterpieces. And the identity of mexicans from colonization was an identity of the XIX century, not from today. Identity comes from actual native material and spiritual culture not from bullshit xenophobe shit like much of America's identity (first the british, then the irish, then the latinos).
If you still think mexican art/literature is shit, just check this artists/writers: Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Siqueiros, Remedios Varo, Juan Rulfo, David Toscana, Mariano Azuela, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Manuel Payno, Jaime Sabines, Xavier Villaurrutia and the list goes on.

>> No.13831325

I thought north mexicans were white?

>> No.13831400

the region was originally settled by (((marranos))) fleeing the spanish inquisition

>> No.13831414
File: 65 KB, 200x338, RH33904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved this book.

>> No.13831420

it's indeed kino

>> No.13831424

Read it last week, soo awesome

>> No.13831530
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>not rating Juventino Rosas

>> No.13831556

I hate Mexicans but this is just dumb. The Spanish did to Mexico what the French did to the Anglos.

>> No.13831562

>I hate Mexicans
Why do you hate me, Anon?

>> No.13831568

Immigration, plain and simple. The Mexicans below the border are fine by me.

>> No.13831578

Well, that's where I am, in Mexico, I'm not parasiting any foreign land. I'd shoot every central american illegal on our southern border if I could o to help you with your (and now our) problems but muh human rights.

>> No.13831600
File: 230 KB, 1024x778, jose-emilio-pacheco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

José Emilio Pacheco 4ever

>> No.13831612

Basado y rojopillado :)

>> No.13832192
File: 84 KB, 1000x933, amparo-davila-060118-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amparo Dávila is top-tier creepy and weird fiction.

>> No.13832409
File: 777 KB, 612x2286, aztec poetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a poem from Nezahualcoyotl, the most famous king of the Aztec city-state of Texcoco and who was an intellectual polymath, both desinging aquaduct and dike systems and writing poetry and being a patron of the arts.

>> No.13832723
File: 997 KB, 1457x1790, mesoamerican history summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I have a mega of Precolumbian resources, esp. for Mesoamerica here mega.nz/#F!vtQ2EIKK!Z7R8gN5vTsfalKDn18jOmw . I also have an art drive (mostly mesoamerican) here drive.google.com/open?id=15iey5ZMTHflLHbMVGPRsyBLKLcHGCsKb which will eventually get folded into that mega

reddit.com/r/history/comments/9jwhhu/silly_questions_saturday_september_29_2018/e72toxp/ is a post by a dude I coordinate with on Mesoamerican stuff which has additional resources (booklists, suggested artists/channels etc; the askhistorians post list esp. is a good starting place)

also here's a bunch of prior posts of mine

>Daily aztec life desuarchive.org/his/thread/5446429/#5466013 and OP here desuarchive.org/his/thread/5529489/#5529489
>Info on sacrifice fireden.net/v/thread/472484567/#472498581, specifically for the last link there with the 20 post series, see also fireden.net/v/thread/468469029/#468479573 as a disclaimer
>Info on Aztec warfare: archived.moe/k/thread/39206407, an updated version here I never finished here: fireden.net/v/thread/461820979/#461904652 and desuarchive.org/k/thread/42148105/#42180011
>Info on on metallurgy, watercraft, and briefly on politics and administration: desuarchive.org/his/thread/4232340/#4233526, way more info on politics here pastebin.com/h18M28BR
>Info on why the Conquest of Mexico was extremely lucky and how itt easily could have failed desuarchive.org/his/thread/5526254/#5526329 and shorter version: fireden.net/v/thread/441551507/#441565260
>An overall summery of Mesoamerican history: desuarchive.org/his/thread/4176613 Albeit the posts posts 11 to 16 in the main reply chain is made obsolete by desuarchive.org/his/thread/5285820/#5290147; also pic related
>A brief overview of city sizes, hydraulics, sanitation, and botany: desuarchive.org/his/thread/5506706/#5528682 and a longer version I never finished here: desuarchive.org/k/thread/39546199/#39557233
>A debunk of Aztec gods being white/Montezuma thinking Cortes was quetzalcoatl + the spread and variations of mesoamerican feathered serpent gods: desuarchive.org/a/thread/193107477/#193118717 ; though I wasn't able to finish, you can see what would have been my final post here: https://pastebin.com/0wPxh1MF

>> No.13834222

Josefina Vicens is an excellent novelist. A few months ago I read her two novels (Los años falsos and El libro vacío) and was amazed by her psychological insight and construction, especially in the former.

>> No.13834226


>> No.13834234
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Whoa I was just getting all curious about Mesoamerica recently and desperately looking for these kind of intro/thumbnail sketch starting points before jumping into real nigga books about it

Thanks man, gonna look over all this when I get home

>> No.13834351

no problem anon, feel free to also email me at saintseiyasource@gmail.com if you have questions (especially since knowing which books to jump into when the mega has hundreds is sort of duanting), though i'll warn you I'm really bad at replying on a timely basis so if you use a throwaway be sure to check it every few weeks/months or set it up to auto-foward to your real address

>> No.13834542

ALso i'll say if you do want a good foundation before getting into real academic books on them, reading all the posts in that askhistorians post pastebin in the plebbit link will you give you a pretty solid foundation

and the mega and that booklist also has a lot of the actual books you'll want to reead as well, thoiugh since the booklist isn't organized yet with discriptions you can't really rell whjat's vouched or not vs what he added out of personal interest, but, again, I can do my best to give you specific suggestions as well if you email me

>> No.13834826

>> and the only decent composer was 100% white (Ponce)
>Still Mexican, though.
Arriba los güeros, cabrones.