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13828759 No.13828759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>had a large KFC binge last night
>woke up today at 9.30 am after 8 hours of sleep which maybe wasn't enough
>browse internet on phone in bed
>browse internet, drink coffee, do chores
>start reading an extremely high pseud-cred novel; it's pretty good so far, although it is obviously unforgivably long and was written for people with much less to do
>go to gym
>somehow it's already late afternoon
>go in to central London for my usual walk; feel demoralised by the officeStaceys
>read 30 pages of a pop-his book at a library
>now drinking coffee
>not sure what I'll eat tonight

Today was very, dare I say it, age-inappropriate.

I feel so tired. I won't be able to lift heavy at the gym if I'm anything like this.

I saw a Costa Coffee sign and thought "Coaster Coffee". Coffee for people coasting in life.

4chan has polluted my mind in multiple ways and a few ways are: constantly being on the lookout for vaguely masculine attributes in women and then thinking "Trap"; paying attention to men's hairlines.

I haven't watched any NFL this season and not even the highlights. Partly because wasting time makes me feel guilty but also because it feels more than ever like a gameshow in its death throes. I like sports but Murrikans can't tell when something is hideously contrived BS.

For over 2 years I have been at a level in lifting where bad sleep has blocked me from becoming stronger. I haven't figured out how to want to give up coffee.

I haven't done anything intellectually non-trivial in my life.

I am thinking of writing the definitive work to both sum up and put the full stop on this pathetic period of my life. I am not worried about pathetic e-book sales and nobody reading it. That's fine because I could still admire it. What worries me is writing as much as I can and realising that I only have 20 - 90 pages of things to say.

>> No.13828786

>>start reading an extremely high pseud-cred novel; it's pretty good so far, although it is obviously unforgivably long and was written for people with much less to do
Such as?

>> No.13828842

Yeah, tell us what the novel is. Other than that entertaining and interesting post, keep it up.

>> No.13828942

londonfrog if you put all of your diary entries into a book and published it i think it would be pretty good. of course i think it should be rewritten in a readable format (no >meme arrows) and the language spruced up a little

>> No.13828998

Someone already did, but he seems to have decided to stop compiling nay more volumes. From my notepad
LondonFrog collected posts
Vol 1 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/11COSgkBImgCih0bTbjHakz__Upnjd8dv/view

Vol 2 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D3uPE8_Ti1hWsydaBCNIHz2ZoS4ABbxw/view
Vol 3 - ?

>> No.13829042

I'm dying

>> No.13829173

LF returns... with a bang! Good evening, buddy

>> No.13829191

Haven't seen you in a while LF oo

>> No.13829274

still binging on salt and sugar?

>> No.13829616

Hey Big London, haven’t seen you in a while but that may be because I have been working a night shift job (US time zone) and taking a few classes. Anyway, interesting post. I wonder what makes you think the NFL is dying? It’s true their viewership and attendance numbers are down, but they are still far and away the most popular sport in America. Even if NFL does decline somewhat, viewership will probably persist at baseball levels for many years to come.

>> No.13829650

holy shit, someone finish this

>> No.13829662

Oh no, first the COOMER posting and now this faggot is back. Where are the mods? I'm leaving.