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File: 54 KB, 760x507, street-preachersevangelismmissiongospelstreet-preaching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13825800 No.13825800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are they so much more pretentious and obnoxious than atheists even?

>> No.13825806

Because the preachers force them to go out and bother people. It's how it works. How it spread and doesn't die. Some day I'll run over them at a family planning center.

>> No.13826021
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 1565415000272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a bizarre flip ~2015 where all the neckbeards became Christian.

>> No.13826031

cuz they be based and U be debased, REPENT

>> No.13826296

Is this picture funny because he doesn't fit societal standards of beauty?

>> No.13826300

It's funny because to rebel you have to have traditional values in current year.

This post is funny.

>> No.13826305

I saw one or two guys once a semester at my uni and just laughed. Bitches were calling for them to be banned every time and doing the stupidest shit. You can just ignore them, they're no louder than cars or the general chatter.

>> No.13826416

they trigger the ones who actually are spiritually dead and they know it. because if you ironed out your religious and spiritual metaphysics even if you are agnostic they would not seem threatening

>> No.13826424

In my hometown there was always this street preacher arguing with the same group of people, day in day out.

I went back for the first time in about five years, and they were still going at it. It's honestly pretty commendable.

>> No.13826476

sounds pretty cozy. friends in a way

>> No.13826483

I love that they always carry a little stepladder with them to preach from. There's a certain absurdity to it, as though they think that it doesn't count unless they're elevated about a foot off the ground.

>> No.13826490

Yeah, they were pretty cordial about it. They always shook hands afterwards.

>> No.13826662

>being a rebel by supporting the current president and the religion of the establishment
How daring and brave.

>> No.13826668

Because of their German ancestry

>> No.13826670

Gluttony is a sin and abomination. One cannot be a glutton and a Christian. The christian life is one of penance and mortification.

>> No.13826674

Protestants are not Christians.

>> No.13826676

Unironically this

>> No.13826684

The USA is meant to be rebellious originally and to this day has the highest crime and prison rates of any nation once adjusted to population ratios of other nations so yeah, it is rebellious to not be rebellious. The presidency was never meant to be respected outside of times of war. At all. It's a pointless position in it's original design and actual design. Even back during more religious times we had drugs and brothels and killed more often than we do now ironically.

You're beyond confused about things in other words. Religion is for literal boomers fearful of death and children forced into sunday school, traditionally.

>> No.13826692

Catholics are just pagans with gnostic terminology. Protestants are christfaggots though, obviously, to a fault. Too forgiving and unbridled.

I don't care just saying.

>> No.13826702

Low IQ post.

>> No.13826758
File: 367 KB, 1600x1492, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both right

>> No.13826759

I don't think this guy is very serious.

>> No.13826764

>being a rebel by supporting the current president and the religion of the establishment
Well, Judaism is an eternal sin / rebellion / revolution against God and mankind...

>> No.13826808

Cosmic cope mostly. They believe that their god created us out of nothing, and that we ought to thankfully rejoice this fact. Of course, this is build on an assumption of being and non-being being seperate, which is a distinction that only exists in our own heads. In reality, being and non-being are states within the same endless process, which robs us of a teleology, and therefore a purpose to work towards. The believer hates to be reminded of this, and so he made up in his mind a scheme of thankfulness and unthankfulness, and a moral system which rewards and punishes this. Again, all of this is a coping mechanism for an existence without an end point. I guess some people are so desperate for a solution to the riddle of life that they'll grab onto anything that gives them this, no matter how ridiculous and contradictory to everything we know about existence

>> No.13826866
File: 46 KB, 400x419, 1549598991836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They believe that their god created us out of nothing
No they don't, have you even read the Bible?

>> No.13826931

>implying dirt has a soul
I feel sorry for the ground now. Fug.

Not him.

>THE bible

>> No.13826932

Now that’s what I call mental gymnastics.