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13824028 No.13824028 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that explain why people is so incredibly stupid nowadays?

>> No.13824045
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>why people is so incredibly stupid
heh, check mate, christcuck

>> No.13824055

>What are some books that explain why people is so incredibly stupid nowadays?
You don't need a book that explains why you are stupid. You need a book that explains grammar to you.

>> No.13824060
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>> No.13824071
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its too late for that, christcuck. you've already lost!
>*teleports behind you*
>*shatters your fairytale worldview with FACTS an LOGIC*
heh, nothin personel

>> No.13824077
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>> No.13824906

People have always been stupid. All that changed is who idiots like you idolize.

>> No.13825332

That Krauss one is especially ironic because no one but other scientists actually reads the works they publish. In fact, it could probably be said the the majority of the academic "output" of universities today is only consumed by other universities, that almost no one actually reads anything written by an academic of any kind. He seems to think that the sciences are somehow better than philosophy because they're "looking at the structure of the universe" or something, but fails to recognize that science as such only does that on the back of a (imo failed) philosophy. Should the baseline of his field be discredited, all his work will have been for naught, but at least the philosophers of science can pick up and move along. What the fuck does astrophysics get you if your entire foundation for doing such work has to be junked?

The rest of them, especially Nye and Tyson, can really be ignored immediately. They are spokespeople first and foremost, not scientists and certainly not philosophically literate. But to my knowledge, Krauss has/had a real scientific career, and isn't known for simply being a pop scientist. Given this, it seems to show that even half-way legitimate academics are completely worthless at doing anything outside their own little sub-sub-field anymore. There's no (real, worthwhile) appreciation for the work of those outside one's department, let alone in the world at large.

Patrick Deneen talks about this phenomenon a bit; it used to be the case that a university was a place for academics to work and live together, both with each other and with their students. This closeness and proximity fostered interdepartmental communication, leading to further insight. Now, everyone is so atomized that no such dialogue can be had, it seems. And further, there used to be a common foundation even among academics; I refer to classical education. Then, even the scientists could talk about Greece and Rome and the greats of the classical world. What now would qualify as a foundation for discussion? What thing(s) would any academic (or even just person) actually know?

In short, read Deneen.

>> No.13826564

Interesting. Will do.
>People have always been stupid
True but I feel like now more than ever everyone is so naive.

>> No.13826602

Polity of the Lacedaemonians by Xenophon

>> No.13826610

People have always been retarded, but never had instant international communication at the tip of their fingers

>> No.13826624
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>> No.13826864

Imo everyday people are more arrogant about their intelligence now than ever. The popsci explosion has now made having more knowledge on something worth more socially than having a deeper understanding of something. I think it is for the better, for people that have the mental capability to explore understandings will swept to the peaks on the backs of the psueds.

>> No.13827215

you got a superiority complex, loser

>> No.13828274
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Because you're not part of the elite, a secret society, Phi Beta Kappa or an academic society that promotes the field that you specialize on (i.e. a learned society).
What? Did you seriously believed that you could just find someone smart in a crowd? Go outside.

>> No.13828349

Unlike you of course, with your memes and irony.