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13822159 No.13822159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Claims gender is performative
>also supports gender reassignment surgery, even though this implies that there is such a thing as innate biological genders
Why is this cunt taken seriously again?

>> No.13822165

Sex isn't gender

>> No.13822178

"Of course gender identity is socially imparted, which is why boys raised as boys want to be girls instead, despite being raised to be boys and being ostracized for changing their gender. Makes perfect sense."

>> No.13822316

Hi I'm John and I hate Pussyowners because that's seriously how my conception of gender works. I call my son a pussy all the time even though he doesn't have one, but this in no way implies I'm unwittingly letting gender be a distinct, performative category. Nope. Just about genitals. Boy I hate pussy so much. Not women, I don't believe in that: just pussy, which I vehemently dispise. No homo though, fags go to hell. Yep.

>> No.13822323

TERFs are high IQ

>> No.13822335

Then why call it gender reassignement surgery? What are the surgeons even reassigning?

>> No.13822339

>Then why call it gender reassignement surgery?
Huh I dunno. Ask OP.

>> No.13822351

Why do people think only TERFs dislike trannies? You dont have to be a feminist to be disgusted by them

>> No.13822372

The criteria for the categories being socially imparted doesn't mean that any individuals position within said categories is. Society providing you with a list of literary types isn't tantamount to it picking your favorite book.

>> No.13822378

>being socially imparted
being itself socially imparted*, I'm talking about the criteria being imparted, and not the critera for imparting


>> No.13822380

She doesn't. Trannies hate Butler because she wants to undo gender while these liberal pussies just want to be *accepted* for their *identity*

>> No.13822381
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>supports gender reassignment surgery
>implies that there is such a thing as innate biological genders
There's no contradiction here. No one refers to a sex change as "gender reassignment surgery".


>> No.13822382

nobody thinks that which is why TERFs often get hit with the horseshoe maymay and lately have bad optics via their handful of conservative allies you goober

>> No.13822386

>Trannies hate Butler

>> No.13822390

I am legitimately saddened that I will never get to read the future's equivelant of a 4chan shitpost about why the American Empire was so fucking dumb. You have no idea how much my soul aches over the knowledge that no matter what, I will never be able to read some academic for tomorrow's tome explaining to the reader the simple misconceptions and bizarre lies told to keep the political facade going were, in fact, believed by many.

My bet is their answer to why downright comical things like "transgenderism" or "multiculturalism" are taken seriously is going to be summed up by
>plastic in the water
like we do with lead for the Romans, because the idea that people actually believed this shit is too silly to be taken seriously.

>> No.13822393
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>> No.13822400

No, the point isn't that gender tropes aren't constructed, it's that feminists claim that one's adherence to and identification with a particular gender is a direct result of how one was raised, which clearly can't be the case of trans people exist.

>> No.13822417

its really just a cultural marxist program of social engineering bent on destroying culture and reducing humans into an homogenous herd of pink haired consumer cattle, it doesn't need to make logical sense.

>> No.13822440


Why would these be at odds? One can support gender reassignment surgery as an action but be at odds with the nomenclature for it.

>> No.13822442

>cultural marxist

>> No.13822445
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I don't understand how gender dysphoria is worse than just being really ugly. I am ugly as fuck/borderline disfigured, and am pretty sure it has rippled throughout my life and hurt many opportunities, and I used to waste a lot of time being distraught over it. But that actually has external consequences (it's proven that attractive people are higher paid, and looking an attractive person makes your fucking pupils dilate and like them more, etc.)

Trannies, while maybe not looking or being perceived how they would like, are still not reviled as long as they just act CIS. You can't just act not-ugly. Ugly uprising when? Never because this shit is all just a cumbrain LARP and even trannies themselves still support attractiveness hierarchy.

>> No.13822448


Dumb nazi pls leave.

>> No.13822453

why do all 'trans people' just so happen to be poorly socialised autists who were obviously raised by videogames, anime, pronography and internet subculture?

'gender roles' were made technically superfluous by industrialisation and birth control, 'gender' as it currently exists has long been constructed by consumer marketing and mass culture, both as we all know controlled by liberals and globalists interested in a world of interexchangable docile units who don't think for themselves

>> No.13822474

>I don't understand how gender dysphoria is worse than just being really ugly
Because it's a mental illness with a cure. The cure to being ugly is plastic surgery as well if you're really mentally in extreme pain as a result.

>> No.13822482

It's sex reassignment

>> No.13822501

I think it is a social illness fostered by an overly permissive society, internet echo chambers, loss of religious values, constant biased ideological propaganda on the mass media and easily available internet porn frying people's reward circuits

>> No.13822521
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this might hold water if plastic surgery was a sure thing and people didn't still get BOGGED on a regular basis. I have already been turned down by a plastic surgeon because my issue is too extreme. so we return to the fact that one is an often incurable, external physical issue. you only get fired for being a tranny if you actually put on the dress.

>> No.13822524


>> No.13822546

No, it's mental illness due to trauma most of the time. The majority of trannies were raped or molested as young boys and the entire, "but I'm a woman though," is a delusion and coping mechanism to make that experience okay.

>> No.13822563

Gebaseered en roodpilled

>> No.13822565

that is actually depressing as fuck

>> No.13822571

>don't understand how gender dysphoria is worse than just being really ugly.
Because you can be attractive and still feel dysphoric. You can look at yourself in the mirror and think "I'd fuck it," or even "I'd want to fuck it," and still feel dysphoric enough to not want to be it. Having a phantom limb between your legs isn't the same as feeling ugly.

>> No.13822575

Yeah I work at a drug rehab and my gf works at a psych ward. Most crazy people who aren't schitzos were raped or molested. One girl who tried to kill herself constantly got Chinatowned by her dad at age 12 and still says she loves him. They aborted it though.

>> No.13822584

Die, late

>> No.13822589

turns out raising boys to be masculine and normal beats raising them like leftist social experiments

HALIFAX, N.S. - Elliott Sweeny loves dogs, banana bread, Beyonce, sometimes wearing skirts, and pink rain boots.

In the Halifax six-year-old’s words, Elliott also says they have a “boy body and a girl brain.”

While Elliott often used blue (he), pink (she), or yellow (they) bracelets to show Kym which pronoun they preferred before they started school, after a “rough” first couple months in primary they decided on “boy” clothing and “he” pronouns after being teased.

Curled up on a large couch with their mom Kym Sweeny at the South House Sexual and Gender Resource Centre, Elliott said they usually don’t mind explaining how they identify as gender fluid and gender-nonconforming, or use “they/them” pronouns -- but kids don’t always believe them and can say mean things.

The next day Elliott asked for magazines to make a collage about things people should know more about, adding glitter and photos of Beyonce and trans actress Laverne Cox next to words like bodies, consent, racism, gender, and decolonization -- which they asked for help writing.


>> No.13822596

They don't only because they haven't read her, thinking she's just another yes-man for their last-mannery

>> No.13822644

again, you only get fired if you put on the dress. seems that not putting on the dress is easier than not having a fucked up, grotesque appearance. both things result in crushing despair but one is pure feels and one is feels fueled by some hefty ass reals and consequences.

>> No.13822670

The "people didn't know lead was poison" thing kills me. Like the women who used lead paint to cover up their faces knew that lead would kill them, bitches just wanted to look twilight pale and sparkly in the candlelight.
As for what the buzzwords in quotes will be written as, have you ever read Victorians explaining the difference between classy whores and cheap whores, or about how habros differs from hubris in that it doesn't revoke your citizenship for being too gay. I'm thinking it'll be like that. They'll see it like the story about bacchanals in the forests outside Rome right before it became illegal for widows to inherit or like Clodius Pulcher dressing in drag for the women's festival. We'll be the reason why they are more progressive than the current progressives. The boot isn't going to stop stamping any time soon.

>> No.13822682

Although you are, quite blatantly, baiting, there are undoubtedly many newfriends on this board who genuinely hold a similar view on the topic, so for their sake I'll explain this. Gender and sex, although closely linked, are separate concepts. Gender is rooted in cultural norms and values, hence why genders have different roles associated with them in different cultures. Often people are unhappy with the gender role imposed on them because of their sex, desiring to be treated more like a person of a different gender, or even to transcend gender norms completely. Others are physically uncomfortable within their biological sex, and crave to be of a different sex. ''Gender reassignment surgery'' is a made up term, sex reassignment surgery would be the correct term to describe the phenomenon.

>> No.13822686

Sex isn't the same thing as gender. there you go

>> No.13822690

Sex, too, is a construct, dixit Judy.

>> No.13822697

I think a closer parallel to these people are the russian skopsy or the roman era priesthood of cybeles who also practiced ritual genital mutilation out of religious fanaticism.

>> No.13822710

Supporting gender reassignment surgery makes sense from a performative point of view: it's solely about appearances. It's the same as an actress dying her hair to match the shade of the character she is performing, or a cosplayer paying extra attention to the authenticity of their costume. Stuffing socks in your shorts is also a performance of gender: it does not make your dick bigger, but it makes it appear bigger.

>> No.13822736

And why should we accodomate these people and pretend they're somehow a different sex?

>> No.13822748

that's assuming these people are rational and aren't motivated by a desire to always be the center of attention, self righteousness and the performative transgression of what they perceive as hegemonic social norms.

>> No.13822786

Unless you are willing to make a metaphyisic arguement that their splintered from the all soul legitimately was planted in the wrong vessel at the end of the day you are just enabling self destructive maladjusted delusional behavior that is present as a coping mechanism for sexual trauma. And in any psychotherapy the entire process is to confront and go through traumatic memories not run away from them into delusion and certainly not permanent mutilation during this delusion.

>> No.13822855

Why not just figure out what actually "makes" trannies and just diminish this in society? Or is having some novel weirdos worth it?

>> No.13822863

Trannies are the ultimate cumbrains

>> No.13822872

Anti-Depressants make waaaayyyy too much money to diminish their distribution in society, in fact it's only a matter of time before prescriptions become state mandated.

>> No.13822875


>> No.13822908

Paedophilia is already illegal anon. That doesn't stop men from diddling little boys.

>> No.13823163

Fuck antidepressants.

>> No.13823207

I don't see why you wouldn't if they're not obnoxious and militant about it.
If somebody is a nice, kind person and also a tranny you'd have to be a cunt not to accommodate them.

>> No.13823219

This exactly right. Trauma is at the root of all this (and many, many other problems in our society unfortunately). Being "transgender" does not get to the root of the problem

>> No.13823235

except for the part where there are a bunch of trannies who have never been raped and just saw it on the internet, or eight year olds who get MSP disorder'd into it. I don't care for trannies but this idea that they're all rape victims is just a stank pile of dumb that you could solve by talking to a single tranny IRL, come on bro

>> No.13823249

Most arent nice people, though. And i dont go accomodate a schizo's delusions either, just because they happen to be nice people.
The next step to this is that im forced to be attracted to them (they're "women", after all), because doing otherwise would be transphobic, and there's no way im going near a dude's necrotic fleshwound.

>> No.13823256

The majority of trannies have sexual trauma. The others also have a dysphoric delusion that may be attributable to maternal neglect. If a child is seeking maternal interaction and has none then latching onto the anima could cause one to be possessed by it as a kind of security blanket.

>> No.13823261

How many trans do you know?

Also you aren't forced to be attracted to them.

>> No.13823294

This doesn't invalidate my point at all.
If they're being shitty about it, you have no ethical obligation to accommodate them.

>> No.13823296

Ive "known" about 4 IRL, and encountered a lot online. The ones i knew IRL all had mental issues to a certain degree.
>Also you aren't forced to be attracted to them.
Im fortunately not the target of these people, since most are "lesbians" (as in, just dudes attracted to women while also pretending to be women themselves) and apparently it's a pretty big issue in lesbian communities that you basically get dudes there who demand that you find them attractive or else you're a transphobe.
The more i got to know these people, the more i came to realize that it's just histrionic bait for mentally damaged people.

>> No.13823305

Except it does, because even if theyre nice people i have no obligation to accomodate them. I might use the proper pronouns to evade a fuss, but there's no way i'll regard them as fully female, nor will most people.

>> No.13823341

Do they really expect you to think of them as fully female or just to act as if?
Never met a tranny somehow even though I frequent raves and degenerate shit like that so I genuinely don't know.

>> No.13823354

White men are fucking stupid, they're all fucking their sisters and irreparably emotionally damaged, I know this because I've met 4 of them.

>> No.13823360

White men are a far larger and more diverse demographic than trans people, not really a valid comparison.

>> No.13823382

The percentage of mental illness amongst trannies is waaaaaaay higher than the number of white people fucking their sisters. They have giant comorbidity with autism, borderline personality, depression, histrionic personality disorders, etc.

>> No.13823424
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>Gender is rooted in cultural norms and values, hence why genders have different roles associated with them in different cultures.

Why not just call it a "societal role" then?

>> No.13823432

Holy shit, is this the bitch that made a huge stink about those dental students?

>> No.13823442

jesus, pol has poisoned me. every damn time

>> No.13823444


Sure, but my point still stands. It's a ridiculous reason to think that way without any real exposure or much evidence.

>> No.13823451

>Why not just figure out what actually "makes" trannies and just diminish this in society?

Removing xenoestrogens from the water supply would cost too much money.

Besides, if you have depressed trannies, you can sell them SSRIs and sex-reassignment surgery.

>> No.13823459

Yeah, I was just pointing out that the comparison doesn't help your arguments.

>> No.13823460

Except ive had exposure, and there's also plenty of evidence for this comorbidity.

>> No.13823463

Gender dysphoria has apparently been treated successfully IIRC
However, I believe there's just too much societal support for these poor deranged folks to do damage to themselves

>> No.13823492

Because it's a societal role that's assigned to you because of your sex. Gender is a social role given to you because of your sex. It's more specific.

>> No.13823494

>Gender dysphoria has apparently been treated successfully IIRC

I read that study too. What the fuck did the doctor dose them with again?

>> No.13823530

What about the grandmother who takes care of her children's offspring?
What about a eunuch who guards his master's harem?
What about a scribe who regulates the state's religion but has foresworn all sexual congress?
What about the soldier who goes off to fight and then immediately dies without reproducing?

These are all roles that depend on sex.

>> No.13823551

ummm sweaty *smacks lips* i identify as a celibate scribe mmmmkay?

>> No.13824149

>>13822165 Correct.
>>13822335 It's called sex reassignment surgery or SRS. OP is just a brainlet.
>>13822380 False.
>>13822386 Correct.
>>13822445 There's no real explanation of the etiology of gender dysphoria yet, but comparing it to being ugly is as silly as comparing anorexia to ugliness. And no, trans people aren't more accepted if they act cis.
>>13822453 Correlation doesn't imply causation. The comorbidity of gender dysphoria and depression, bypolar disorder and other affective disorders, which in turn cause social exclusion has been shown time and time again.
>>13822501 And you're wrong to think so. The first transition cliniques such as those of Harry Benjamin and Christian Hamburger were extremely busy, 40 years before the Internet became widespread. Transgenderism was studied for the first time in the 10's, and there are numerous historical examples we can point to.
>>13822546 There's no evidence to suggest this, as far as I know.
>>13822596 >Last-mannery
I smell a slave.
>>13822644 You're being overly simplistic. What leads you to think ugliness is more real than transness?
>>13822736 Nobody is asking that of you, although there are points to be made regarding the biological sex of trans people.
>>13822786 >Sexual trauma. No evidence to suggest a link between sexual trauma and gender dysphoria.
>Self destructive. Social ostracization correlates pretty substantially with suicide among trans people, and in fact, a combination of HRT, SRS and social transition in trans people with supportive families is directly linked to a decrease in their suicide rates.
Also, lol @ your idea of psychotherapy.
>>13822855 Twin studies have shown a genetic component to gender dysphoria, along with physiological differences. There's not a single reason to transgenderism that you can pin down and eliminate.
>>13823341 No, they don't, as biological sex rarely comes up in day to day life. Just keep in mind the difference between sex and gender and they will be comfortable around you.
>>13823382 How does this help your point?
>>13823424 Why not call a toe a ''foot finger''?
>>13823463 >Too much societal support.

>> No.13824223

learn to format your posts, r*ddit

>> No.13824276

>I don't understand how gender dysphoria is worse than just being really ugly
It isn't any worse than body dysmorphiha or actual ugliness. In fact, these two probably plague more people than gender dysphoria, but nobody gives a shit because its not an epic meme identity.

>> No.13824476

>Nobody is asking that of you

you're right, there is no "asking"

they're demanding it

>> No.13824477

Future historians will recognize it as an outgrowth of the Black Question and the British Liberalism of the Founders.

>> No.13824483
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>implying this next collapse won't be the last

>> No.13824527

I'm thinking more "Prof. Hideyoshi Nakamoto, U. Tokyo, expert on the latter American Imperial Period" here. Don't see the whole world collapsing. Actually I think all non-Anglosphere will be ok in the long run. Anglosphere countries are determined to annihilate themselves, nothing can stop this.

I think in the long run:
>The US will be seen as an outgrowth of the British Empire
>US psycho liberalism is a religious ideology
>It also has superficial similarities to Communism, e.g. the trajectory of history, dialectical progress towards realization of liberal values through the National Conversation, with the Black Question as the fundamental tension (obviously the White Man's Burden is implicit here) but it is an ethical theory rather than a "scientific" one
>US collapse will cause a period of instability that will be a chaotic time, but will eventually work itself out

>> No.13824593

That is the entire basis of traumatic psychotherapy. You go through the traumatic memories and attempt to rewrite their personal meaning to you.

>> No.13824656

Traumatic psychotherapy is horseshit, and so is Gender Theory.

>> No.13824665

there's nothing contradictory about that

>> No.13824736

So how do we cure trannyism if we can't provide therapy for the cause of it, that being sexual trauma?

>> No.13824868

Regular therapy.

And tell autogynephiles to stop jerking off so much.

>> No.13825044

It's impossible to trip these people up because they resolve every contradiction through ideology and moving goalposts, and because they have hegemonic control over the institutions that effectively decide who "wins" these meme debates
My personal favorite contradiction though is their flip-flopping relationship with essentialist arguments "you should accept gays because they were born gay"/"you should accept trannies because no one is born gendered (with the implicit assumption that gender and sex are non-correlative)/"you can't be born straight, society made you that way xD we're all queer you're just repressed!". This and the lack of an etiology of transgenderism that others herein have alluded to is just hilarious to me. Why don't trannies and queer theorists want to explore the socioeconomic or sociochemical context of transgenderism anyways?

>> No.13825050

Funny how she basically looks like a man.

TERFs are literally trannies in denial which is why coexisting with trannies is so painful for them.

>> No.13825054

u r*ddit bitch leave now

>> No.13825056

Spoken like a true keyboard warrior who doesn't know anything, good job!

>> No.13825065

>gender is performative
no shit, so's consciousness you dumb lesbian.

>> No.13825086

I have had to conclude, much to my genuine chagrin, that tribal identity always precedes logic. That's human nature for you. You see, this is clown world, those leftists are actively espousing deliberately retarded beliefs and making deliberately absurd demands and ''cancelling' anyone who asks questions', why? just in order to spite us, they are bent on escalating tribal conflict with the outgroup as a means of consolidating power within their ingroup, it's a power game, i mean I am just playing along with the game, acting in the rational self interest of all those accumulated cultural memes as well as my very own genetic legacy, what are trannies doing? are they acting rationally from an animal perspective? what is their endgame?

>> No.13825161

EPIC rebuttal, uploading this to chapo traphouse now another magachud pwned

>> No.13825179

Because their ideology is fucking stupid and they're all liars. They present their beliefs and ideological inclinations as intrinsic to their being because they know that 99% of the world population would call them retards. LGBT ideology is a cesspool of contradictions and it's incoherent in every way, not even they know what to agree on anymore. Just the idea that it isn't "gay" to have same-sex penetrative anal with a male as long as they don't IDENTIFY as a male is utterly insane to most people, but they'll try their hardest to have you believe it.

actual reddit response, this isn't resetera where you can reply with this and have OP banned

>> No.13825217

I didn't even know I needed this. Almost makes me glad that so much dumb shit is in academia and intellectual spheres, the future fuckers will be reading this shit astonished or laughing their asses off.

>> No.13825223
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>> No.13825228
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>> No.13825232

Your counter to their meme arguments is itself a meme argument.
It's probably to mind their own business without having neckbeards who shit their diapers bothering them, but look where we are

>> No.13825235
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Judith Butler is the epitome of the 25 year old dipshit self-aggrandizing graduate student who just so happened to have "research" interests that were perfectly in sync with the zeitgeist, so she got uplifted and got to live an entire life of people thinking she was a real scholar/thinker and naturally she also took herself to be a real scholar/thinker as a result, but underneath she's really just an old withered-up version of that same 25 year old graduate student posturing and trying to be "in" on the cultural moment, plus half a century of solipsistic self-reacting ingrownness built on that initial sophomoric kernel

There are so many of these fucking academics clogging up the works. You just HAPPENED to write a derivative, sloppy, half-baked, half-understood social theory dissertation on actor-network theory as it applies to transatlantic exchanges at just the right moment that the culture industry pachinko machine selected you to be one of its teeming thousands of faceless spokespeople for a generation, and again, not only do people at large think that you are a real thinker, YOU think you're a real thinker, because the Machine has verified you, and Verification is Verification, what do you mean I'm not Verified? But I was Verified. I got the Professor hat, so I must be the Professor. Brawndo's got what plants crave.

Tired of alienated nigger robot people.

>> No.13825239

>mind their own business

This is not what the LGBT movement aims to do these days, and you know it.

>> No.13825259

I guess I could concede that, if I was about to be murdered based on gender-identity or get doxxed I would want them to stop.

>> No.13825262

This is basically correct though everyone does it; over the years I've come to define /pol/'s "Degeneracy" as "that which is unhealthy for my group", that group being "the average white person in the USA". Conversely trannies have a group interest in furthering degeneracy because they are of a different tribe. Both groups act in brutal self-interest, but trannies (and blacks and mexicans and so on) get a pass from liberals because THEIR pursuit of tribal interest accords with the broader edicts of liberalism, and the huwhite anti-degenerate's tribal interests basically contradict those edicts. So yes, there is no logic, no good faith, no arguments to be had; authentic debate seems to demand some common ground between participants, and good luck with that in le 56% land, we can't even find organ donors for mixed-race people for pete's sake. What we are witnessing here is the morality of struggle on the abyss of contradictory group interests, or to put it more cleanly: war.

The kicker for the libtards though is that we of The Authoritarian Personality just love this shit. Group competition for scarce resources is what we were built for. All of you fags trying to end history because you can't cope with the permanent conflict that is the horizon of our time here, don't (you) me

>> No.13825265

Ever read Carl Schmitt's Concept of the Political? It's short.

>> No.13825296

Perhaps because reassignment surgery simply enables a more thorough performativity. After all, gendered clothing is designed to fill out either masculine or feminine body features-- male boxiness or feminine curves. To fill certain roles that people traditionally associate with a given gender, having the form of that sex is more conducive to filling that role.

Contrarian 4chan trannies like her.

>> No.13825307

>they tribe bad
>me tribe good

>> No.13825317

no but I have political theology bookmarked, and I'm pretty sure that I stole a Schmittian formulation that I read in another book relating him to the frankfurt school in my screed there

>> No.13825318
File: 29 KB, 286x421, GERyouth3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More people should embrace fascist and authoritarian ideas, which are, as it is obvious to anyone with even half a brain, perfectly natural and good and by far superior to the alternative. I mean, all this postwar democratic brainwash and ''well intentioned'' programs of democratic behavioural adjustment have really fucked with our natural animal instincts, our god given disgust and fear reflexes. I just think the freaks have had their run for too long, now it is time for normal people like us to show them who's in charge.


>> No.13825335

yeah we should totally just ignore tribal interests and come together as HUMANS man, and by that I actually mean that superordinate tribes should give up their resources to subordinate ones because of my prejudice against strength!

>> No.13825378

Normal people have been thoroughly conditioned against the idea that normal people should have vanguard associations and that traditions need to be fought for. Group identities based on strength are anathema to the moral taste of normal people because normal people aren't brutal, I suppose we high RWA chads will have to work behind the scenes, though this is probably not atypical

>> No.13825426

Those are the two you should start off with for sure, and they're both very short. I would maybe even recommend reading Concept first. I think you'd find it interesting. You might also look into a book called Heidegger's Roots if you're into that sort of thing.

But yeah, that whole milieu of interwar quasifascist or philofascist types was interested in exactly this problem: what is a political, cultural, national unity or polity? How do they hang together and break apart, how do you found one? What is the relationship between a nation and various forms of internationalist ideology? Can you have a "liberal" or "open" polity, or is that a contradiction in terms?

The spoiler being that the Konservative Revolution decided very much against the "open" solution. You might find this essay interesting, "German Nihilism" by Strauss:
>Moral life, it is asserted, means serious life. Seriousness, and the ceremonial of seriousness—the flag and the oath to the flag—are the distinctive features of the closed society, of the society which by its very nature, is constantly confronted with, and basically oriented toward, the Ernstfall [the serious case, a central Schmittian concept], the serious moment, M-day, war. Only life in such a tense atmosphere, only a life which is based on constant awareness of the sacrifices to which it owes its existence, and of the necessity, the duty of sacrifice of life and all worldly goods, is truly human: the sublime is unknown to the open society. The societies of the West which claim to aspire toward the open society, actually are closed societies in a state of disintegration: their moral value, their respectability, depends entirely on their still being closed societies.

Strauss is basically diagnosing the German conservative response to what they perceived as liberal dissolution in the age of technics, mass parties, the death of meaning and so on.

>> No.13825434

Women should never be listened to or taken seriously

>> No.13825467

>me tribe good
>they tribe bad
>grog make tribe strong
>grog no listen to bad thing, make grog head hurt

>> No.13825825

I'm >>13824149 again, for some reason.
>>13824476 Good meme, buddy.
>>13824593 There's some truth to psychotherapy, or in general, to anything that allows you to revisit your past trauma, such as BDSM (there are studies on 'trauma play' alleviating PTSD on rape victims), but I wouldn't expect to cure, say, multiple personality disorder like that. And that's assuming gender dysphoria's source if is traumatic, which is false.
>>13824868 First of all, autogynephilia as a theory of the etiology of gender dysphoria has little to no importance in Academia as of now, and there's no trace of it in the DSM V. Second, even the proponents of that theory, such as A. A Lawrence propose HRT, SRS or gender transition as treatment for it. Third, I think it'd be a really fun time for me if you attempted to describe what 'regular therapy' means to you. Like AA except for trap porn?
>>13825044 I agree that the LGBT+ community is too often on the deffensive and it makes research on them and their own experiences a bit more complicated than other demographies, but there are lots of studies going on. Also, you seem to think a trans person should keep trans theory at hand in order to defend their existence in front of the skeptics at any given time, and that's a form of discrimination. If you wanna test the validity of ''trans theory'' you can go argue with someone who is educated in that topic.
>>13825086 Hey Stefan.
>>13825179 I know you're too far gone to try to convince, but the words 'man' and 'woman' in common parlance refer to secondary sexual characteristics and gender presentation, and not sex itself. Tl;dr, if it's cute, it isn't gay.
>>13825235 Take a chill pill.
>>13825262 Mambo jambo.

>> No.13825921

They'll tell you it's because gender isn't sex but that's retarded because gender correspond to sex 99% of the time.


Another bullshit ideas, Trans have nothing to do with the rest. It should be homo, trans and whatever else.

>> No.13825933

Tribal interest? Sounds more like maternal intimacy to me.

>> No.13825946
File: 1.82 MB, 2054x1683, 1549431911170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit tourist faggot

>> No.13825953

Who is this arian demi god

>> No.13825963
File: 524 KB, 1819x682, codreanu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leader of the Iron Guard, a mystic fascist movement in Romania that almost took over the country peacefully through public works and fair elections before he was assassinated by the government.

This is who took over after the war.

>> No.13825985

>almost took over the country
Let´s be honest, they were bunch of useless tards fracturing the nation and wreaking havoc when they were supposed to stand united and prepare for Barbarossa.

>> No.13826004

Yes, peacefully. The monarchy was completely corrupt and incompetent, and wantonly interfering in free elections to prop up sham "liberal" minority parties it created from scratch every time it needed a political instrument. Even if you don't like fascism, the Romanian monarchy and its crony politics were a joke. Codreanu's party would have won the election by a landslide, like Hitler did. He was cooperating with all the other populist movements and had their blessing.

That's why the government imprisoned and killed him, and then forged a false compromise with the thugs claiming to be his successors, degrading the Legion, smothering its idealism, and using it to kill Jews like a pathetic street gang.

The monarchy was caught between fascism and communism and instead of allowing for a peaceful transition to fascism (a pro-monarchist fascism, as Codreanu was very reluctant to jettison the historic monarchy) they chose to hold onto power pointlessly and rule corruptly, effectively handing the country over to the Bolsheviks with every year they delayed.

>> No.13826024

Gender correlates with sex 99% of the time therefore they aren't... the same?

>> No.13827224

if they are 'nice people' or 'pass' as normal, then they are all the more dangerous, for they will always be of the enemy tribe and that only means they are better equipped to subvert our tribe from within

>> No.13827465

all the other tribes do it so why shouldn't we? leftist ideology boils down to tribalism for me but not for thee.

>> No.13827496
File: 255 KB, 1536x1536, 1561206940072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they know what they were doing when they decided to claim the already used term "gender" to describe this concept of personality and style of dress? Do they know what they're doing when they use this concept to deconstruct sex and sexual differences and then retreat back to personality and style of dress when challenged? Do they think that we had gender segregated sports because we had to keep the athletes who did the dishes away from the ones who didn't?

>> No.13827506

Imagine being this ignorant of genetics.

>> No.13827512
File: 19 KB, 300x400, 1555213911435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another "r/chapotraphouse tries to raid /lit/ episode

>> No.13827514

of course they did, shitlibs rightly understand this as a war, a struggle for domination beyond truth and falsity, while the right for the most part still is naive enough to believe this is about consensus and finding out the truth. If we are to survive as a culture and as a people, we must be militant, we must strike at the enemy without quarter and without mercy, and rest reassured they would do the same if they were on our place.

>> No.13827523

Idealism. A materialist feminist made a very convincing argument against performative gender theory.

>> No.13827546

Because it's not a genuine attempt at clarifying anything.

>> No.13827648

The proliferation of statistics will damn us all

>77 percent of adults in America believe angels are real

>> No.13828573

Pretty good.

>> No.13828678

But it is, and pretending otherwise does not have a net benefit on society.

>> No.13828709

Regardless of sex, if someone is perceived to be a man/woman that's what they will be to other people.

>> No.13828811

>gender is a social construct which is why we need to physically alter you to change your gender

>> No.13829864

Secondary sexual characteristics are the most common source of gender dysphoria, although gender also plays a role. Where's the contradiction?

>> No.13829879

If you assume that Judeo-Leftists are lying about everything they say, and that their actual goal is to simply hurt white people, it actually makes substantially more sense than if you try to make sense of it literally.

This is true not only in what they believe, but also how they act and how they respond to the results of their behavior.

>> No.13829903

That is at least an article of faith that cannot be tested scientifically.

"Race is only skin deep," and "Women are just the same as men" can both be tested empirically and are objectively false. Yet it is unacceptable to point this out, to the point that credited scientists are ruined for doing so.

>> No.13830106

So they're not transgender? They're transexual?

>> No.13830432

what the fuck does mentally ill tranny ideology have to do with "racism"?

>> No.13830475

kys faggot tranny

>> No.13830484

discrimination against short people is just as bad or worse and short people will NEVER be a protected class. its actually really fucked up

>> No.13830805

They don’t. A lot of trannies believe they were born trans, and obv this goes against what Butler writes