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File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1568169575299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13821969 No.13821969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's with the rise of midwits wanting fascism and autocracy?

>> No.13821979

People want simple solutions to complex problems. It's unbelievable that people are unironic marxists and fascists again. Why would you not focus on fixing the status quo instead of doing away with it? Christ.

>> No.13821980

It's literally nothing. Their whole movement is just another part of the spectacle and they are too dumb to realize it. There is nothing revolutionary about them.

>> No.13821984


too much credit

>> No.13821988

Just one of many phenomena that happen when things take their natural course. In this case,
sheep who want their shepherd back.

>> No.13821994

I think the perception that drives that is that liberal society is incapable of solving existential problems on an acceptable timescale, so they look to a dictator who can snap their fingers and fix things.

Of course irl it's not that simple or that easy, but it's very easy to be frustrated with today's systems and look to alternative solutions.

>> No.13822007
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>ASS isn't a simple solution

>> No.13822016

>liberal society is incapable of solving existential problems
Fixed that for you

>> No.13822020

They are not manly enough to desire freedom so they latch on authoritarian daddies to control their lives. These faggots don’t realize how authoritarian the state and the big corporations are. Neoliberalism controls everything.

>> No.13822023

>Why would you not focus on fixing the status quo instead of doing away with it?

>> No.13822025

Well, that's not entirely wrong.
Liberalism has devalued everything people used to hold dear. An obvious step towards remedying this problem is to stop clinging to liberalism.

>> No.13822030

The status quo is unfixable. Nothing short of complete obliteration of the system we have now will suffice to bring about meaningful change.

>> No.13822047
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“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

Despite what the media says, right now is the most peaceful and best time to be alive in all of human history.

>> No.13822058


Philosophy of the World

Oh, the rich people want what the poor people's got
And the poor people want what the rich people's got
And the skinny people want what the fat people's got
And the fat people want what the skinny people's got
You can never please anybody in this world
The short people want what the tall people's got
And the tall people want what the short people's got
The little kids want what the big kids got
And the big kids want what the little kids got
You can never please anybody in this world
Oh, the girls with short hair want long hair
And the girls with long hair want short hair
Oh, the boys with cars want motorcycles
And the boys with motorcycles want cars
You can never please anybody in this world
It doesn't matter what you do
It doesn't matter what you say
There will always be
One who wants things the opposite way
It doesn't matter where you go
It doesn't matter who you see
There will always be
Someone who disagrees
We do our best
We try to please
But we're like the rest
Whenever at ease
Oh, the rich people want what the poor people's got
And the poor people want what the rich people's got
And the skinny people want what the fat people's got
And the fat people want what the skinny people's got
You can never please anybody in this world


>> No.13822063

>Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.
What a stupid saying.

>> No.13822067

>why not focus on fixing absolute monarchy before doing away with it?
>why not focus on fixing the slave state before doing away with it?
>why not focus on fixing feudalism before doing away with it?

>> No.13822070

>>why not focus on fixing absolute monarchy before doing away with it?

That's how we ended up with constitutional monarchies, and they were based.

>> No.13822071

>What a stupid saying.

That's a funny way of saying "I'm dumb and don't have a counter argument"

>> No.13822086

what do good times have to do with strong men?
good times are due to a good economy.

>> No.13822103
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>a good economy is due to a good economy
The absolute state of the moderns.

>> No.13822109

I don't believe fascism or autocracy are the solutions for our problems.
That said, liberalism has failed. Families are broken, people are increasingly isolated, anxiety and depression is on the rise. And I'm not sure how liberalism can fix itself over this.

For liberalism to work you need virtuous people, but liberalism has led to a culture where the virtues are mocked and the vices are praised.

>> No.13822110

Do you think an economy is a force of men or a force of nature?

>> No.13822115

Some of them are just along for the LARP, but the ones that actually believe some sort of authoritarian state that conforms to their personal morals and ethics can be installed in place the existing state haven't done very much reading or thinking into the manner.

>> No.13822117

For liberalism to work you need a socialist structure

>> No.13822123

Yeah no they really were not

>> No.13822128

Brought about by the actions of strong 'willed' men. It doesn't refer to physical strength but strength of character to do whats right.

The weakness of men caused autocrats to take control and cause the second world war, which was ended by strong men who stood up for what they believed in, bringing good times (post war economic miracles), which in turn bread weak men who stopped standing up for what was right, which brought the hard times we currently are in (multinational corporations buying votes and making laws, deregulation and such).

>> No.13822134

if i got paid 70k no hell 50k a year for doing my job and i had to hang a picture of my wall of the dear leader and sign songs about him you can be damn sure i would.
Fuck that jhonny rebel fairy tale bullcrap.

>> No.13822136

I don't believe an authoritarian state is a good idea for many reasons.

But to be fair to them, how do you fix liberalism and stop the moral decline of the West?

>> No.13822177
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>> No.13822196

>get forced to live in a bureaucratic nightmare of a state
>noooo you can't have extreme views we should just keep electing people to regulate everything until things gets fixed

>> No.13822208
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But anon, you already do that...

>> No.13822213

>right now is the most peaceful and best time to be alive in all of human history.
Which is why suicide is a leading cause of death, I suppose.
Before you respond with "that's because our natural causes of death are being eliminated by modern medicine" also consider that in many developed countries, suicide is now a significant problem among teenagers and young adults.

>> No.13822235
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>> No.13822236
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I don't think it can be stopped. I personally haven't been able to come to any meaningful conclusion on how the fundamental problems can be solved. It seems as if there is just far too much momentum behind the system at this point and it will continue to barrel along in the direction it's going until it crashes at some point. It seems that the best you can do is cut out a semi-stable niche for yourself within this system or jump ship entirely and establish an Amish like community deep in the wilderness somewhere. With ever increasing automation and artificial-intelligence looming in the near to semi-near future, it seems as if we are just going to have an incredible surplus of human beings without even busy work to distract them and give their lives meaning. The value for human life will be at an all time low and these people will no longer be seen as a resource, but a liability. The conspiratorial side of me thinks that the power elites, after they have comfortably nestled themselves into a self-sufficient global breakaway civilization, will implement a massive global depopulation program (either gradual or sudden) to rid themselves of the so called useless eaters and breeders. Sounds grim, but that's where I am currently at.

>> No.13822256

Or just disregard what I said, that's fine too.
Both New Zealand and Japan have awful rates of youth suicide. In New Zealand they're not even allowed to discuss it openly in the media for concerns that it inspires other teenagers to kill themselves.
Never mind the number of people who don't even have the guts to go through with it and settle for depression or drug or alcohol abuse instead.

>> No.13822273
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>Which is why suicide is a leading cause of death, I suppose.
>Before you respond with "that's because our natural causes of death are being eliminated by modern medicine" also consider that in many developed countries, suicide is now a significant problem among teenagers and young adults

It's not because 'natural' causes of death are being eliminated, it's because these same individuals would have gone to war and either died or returned home having accomplished something.

War is in our blood and young adults are the ones who historically would have gone and fought. The amount of suicides is still massively under the number of deaths that would have been caused by warfare.

As a whole it is the best time to be alive, but individuals are not the whole, they are a part of the whole, and sometimes the part that was left behind.

>> No.13822282

>t. larper who has never served, let alone actually gone to war

>> No.13822305

>t. larper who doesn't have a counter argument

I have not served yet, because we live in the most peaceful time and it is not necessary.

>> No.13822310
File: 78 KB, 500x690, 51c10effbe04c878029b3a1044e9805c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because monarchy is the oldest form of society.
There is and will always be a sovereign.
In our society the sovereign is merely hidden.

>> No.13822313

>good times are due to a good economy.
I've never read a more retarded statement

>> No.13822369


>> No.13822377

>monarchy is the oldest form of society

Family unit tribes have still been the main form of organization for 90% of human existence.
Everything else is just a blip.

>> No.13822394

People want a sense of order that aligns with their personal ideology

>> No.13822405

the earth is only 6000 years old.

>> No.13822426

>“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

There's no empirical evidence or scholarly work supporting this thesis, it's just a cringy reactionary phrase spouted by teens on the internet.

>> No.13822435

For me it's tribalism and a return to nature.

>> No.13822436
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Just here to remind you what the political model of the late 19th early 20th century lead to.

>> No.13822439
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>> No.13822447

I don't see how's that even remotely related to my post. Stop posting trash.

>> No.13822450

>As a whole it is the best time to be alive
This is just a way of avoiding the point that if things are bad enough that clearly even young people with everything (apparently) to live for are deciding to call it a day and kill themselves, then things are obviously bad enough in some way that we need to acknowledge.
Just saying "oh well if they didn't kill themselves they'd have died from other causes anyway" misses that point that people are now choosing to leave society through drugs, suicide, or are just going through minimal motions while being badly depressed.
If you look at a society where people are now fucking less (teenagers and young people not fucking is a general indicator something is wrong), feel less connected with friends and family, see no desire to form relationships (or strongly desire relationships but are incapable of doing so), are opting to waste away their lives, especially their youth, on video games, alcohol, social media, pornography, etc., or just get to the point and kill themselves, you can't argue that we're a healthy society just because by sheer force of numbers people are on average living longer. This is the mentality of the politician who runs a country like a business, and sees GDP growth as the highest good while neglecting how their decisions affect the threads of human lives which make up the social fabric, which they then end up destroying because they don't understand it.
There is, no matter how people may want to argue via statistical strawman that we live in the 'best' times, a sickness in modern society that we refuse to address. I may be biased because I knew two boys who killed themselves by 16 and a third who attempted suicide at 8 because his family was breaking up, but if you don't believe me, you can see it for yourself.
Simply ask yourself, or others ITT, how much you or they talk to the people they live with, and how deep your conversations are.
Do you think it's more common nowadays for people to come home and have a good chat with their family? Or would they probably watch TV like vegetables, while later regretting that they just didn't know how to connect with each other? Do you talk more to your flatmates, or spend more time online? Do they talk to you as much as the time they spend on their phone? Do you get the feeling people around you are happy with their lives?
The fact is your very identity is now a commodity, and that means breaking up your sense of connection to your common man will turn a healthy profit, so we live longer and longer but our lives are getting more and more dehumanised.
These ideas that these are the best times because you live longer, are healthier, have more material wealth, are all meaningless if people lack a fundamental sense of community and purpose.

>> No.13822456

sorry, do I need to write a thesis on how it's related for you to understand?

>> No.13822457

okay want me to spell it out for you?
What do you mean by good times are created by strong men?
Do you mean by men who do hard labor?
If we go by that metric third world countries should be doing better than first world countries as they have more men that do hard labor.
If we go by education attainment then millennials should be doing better than previous generations since they're the generation with the most degree holders.
>but hur dey din git stem dugrees
neither did most boomers
Which brings me to my next point
Do you think boomers were strong men?
That phrase is a load of macho bullshit.

>> No.13822466

>For me it's tribalism and a return to nature.
He said while posting on 4chan, sipping a chai mocha latte and thinking about his next Instagram post.

>> No.13822468

Yes, otherwise stop posting.

>> No.13822471
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Incels are into authoritarian collectivism because they know their selves are so pathetic so try to identify themselves more with the greater whole

>> No.13822472
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>> No.13822473

What's he say the main reason is?

>> No.13822487

I can't raise a family with the values I want. How is this any different and more "free" than how it was [a few centuries ago]?

>> No.13822489

>Oh, the rich people want what the poor people's got
What's that?

>> No.13822496

What do you mean? The main reason for the war?

>> No.13822498


>> No.13822504

>Implying removing the Status quo isn't improving it

>> No.13822514

If you had strength of character you could easily raise a family with the values you want. You are just a limp dick, pathetic loser that nobody wants to listen to.

>> No.13822528

>No you can you're just a weak loser
Great argument.

>> No.13822536

>ignores the part about strength of character
This is how I know you are a bitch

>> No.13822538
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>> No.13822542

There once was two tribes
One tribe was individualist that valued freedom above all else
The second tribe was collectivist that followed the orders of a leader
The individualist tribe would often mock the collectivist tribe calling them a bunch of conformist chumps
Until one day the collectivist tribe invaded the the individualist tribe
The individualist tribe was disorganized and had no military discipline
Whereas the collectivist tribe had a military hierarchy
Anyways the collectivist tribe killed all the men and enslaved the women
the end

>> No.13822545

>they know their selves are so pathetic so try to identify themselves more with the greater whole
I think most human beings want to be part of a larger group.

You probably live a very sheltered life and know very few parents if you believe this from the bottom of your heart.

>> No.13822549

I AM a parent you retard

>> No.13822551

What do you mean I ignore it? Are you retarded or trolling?

>> No.13822556

Just for the record, are you an individualist for everything, or do you miraculously support 'pride' and 'community' when it comes to non-whites, certain religions, or even homosexuals and trannies?

>> No.13822599

It's hard to imagine what they want or why they want it, they are not very smart. Their dogmatism, base sentimentality, yearning to be manipulated and antipractical nature as a functional group makes people like that amenable ideological cannon fodder. They don't have a logic guiding their affiliations. I think it's some kind of Oedipal Complex, “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” they wanna kill dad so they can fuck mommy.

>> No.13822608

>still reduces politics to Freudian sexual myths
Anon, it's hard to tell you this, but it is you who is the amenable ideological cannon fodder.

>> No.13822618

Nice try, but you and your nonsense objection mean nothing to me.

>> No.13822620

I can't understand how one can be anything but pessimist in terms of political-social issues of today. It feels like there's no way out.

>> No.13822621

Extremely based post

>> No.13822627

Midwits are opposed to these, brainlet.

>> No.13822628

>invokes the Oedipus complex
>accuses others of invoking nonsense
No wonder the left has no answer to the right anymore. They're just masturbating over outdated ideology.

>> No.13822633

High IQ and low IQ individuals want fascism and authoritarianism. Not midwits.

>> No.13822656

Alienation politics, if they had their fascist utopia they'd still feel alienated and be radical liberals. Not to say moral decline, disappearance of tradition/ local identity, mass migration, the lack of roles for young men and general lack of order is it going blow up in everyone's face tho

>> No.13822671

I used a Freudian concept analogically to make a point so far removed from childhood development and psychoanalysis that it is nonsense for you to object to it on those grounds. Also your objection is limited to dogmatically claiming that it(Freud's idea) a bad idea. You seem butthurt and are grasping at air. I haven't even read Freud, it's just some vague concept that lives in my mind.

>> No.13822684

This political system isn't getting back our city & it certainly isn't helping His message, that's what I know.

>> No.13822691

>I havent even read Freud but still use his concepts to sound smart
Ladies and gentlemen: Der Midwit

>> No.13822740

>Doubles down with another nonsense objection
You stupid dork. Do you see how and what you post? Are you really so unaware of your status that you think you can credibly diagnose someone as a 'midwit'?

>> No.13822924

Just because life can get better doesn't mean that we aren't living in the best period of human history.

All of the things you listed need to be addressed by politicians as our society progresses, but even the fact that we are able to have this conversation over the internet is proof in itself that this is the best time to be alive.

>> No.13822931


Since you clearly glossed over my earlier reply to someone saying the same thing as you:

Brought about by the actions of strong 'willed' men. It doesn't refer to physical strength but strength of character to do whats right.

The weakness of men caused autocrats to take control and cause the second world war, which was ended by strong men who stood up for what they believed in, bringing good times (post war economic miracles), which in turn bread weak men who stopped standing up for what was right, which brought the hard times we currently are in (multinational corporations buying votes and making laws, deregulation and such).

>> No.13822974


>> No.13822982

>constitutional monarchies

t. retarded anglo or frog

>> No.13823008

this is such a meme
he's saying 'best' society is meaningless and that's completely right
all we've done is exchange one form of shit (relative poverty of material) for another form of shit (psychological and emotional poverty)
That's why these arguments always rely on stats dealing with how much more shit you own now or how much more technology we have, because if you touched on psychological or emotional health this argument would instantly fall apart.

>> No.13823020

>implying you're not a slave to the lords of your land to begin with due to such corruption of power
>implying the peasant gets to own a slave
>implying most are not peasents

>> No.13823029

>r e d d i t term
go back

>> No.13823043

Humans used to work half as often and have twice as many rights, but ok fag. It's common knowledge that even in recent modern times the standard of living has been steadily dropping since about nine-teen seventy or so. Basically it's been getting worse and worse for people for half a century no matter how you look at it.

>> No.13823084

a virtuous dictator who is more powerful than everyone else combined who can and will destroy evil is appealing because it is less chaotic i think

>> No.13823085

it's the new trend

>> No.13823115


>> No.13823133


Deep seated depression and a lack of life experience creating the internalization of hateful worldviews as a coping mechanism.

>> No.13823829


>graph ends in 2007


>> No.13823939

Based but please stay on reddit

>> No.13825021

Because we live in a crisis of purpose. Society has become more and more atomized over the past 100 or so years. People no longer feel connected by race, nation, or religion, and in most cases are actively discouraged from doing so. The issue is that these structures have been replaced by nothing, leaving most people feeling alone and aimless. This naturally makes collectivist ideologies more appealing.

>> No.13825074

F@shism is based and redpilled lol guise join my "book club"