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/lit/ - Literature

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13818673 No.13818673 [Reply] [Original]

>No Longer Human, Dazai and his 3 women
>Romance intense enough to die for. An unbelievable true story

I guess I don't need to read the book now

>> No.13818870
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Looks like Mishima BTFOs Dazai even in the biopic department.

>> No.13819509

miss me with that gay shit

>> No.13819518

seeing this at the local film fest :^)

>> No.13819560

Just so you know, it sucks. Completely misrepresented Dazai. Literally turned him into a chad, and every women in the movie not only is okay with him cheating on them, but begs to have his kids despite that.

>> No.13819887

Looks great. I would love to see the movie, "Dazai the Chad".

>> No.13819902

Now that is some yikes phrasing.

>> No.13819910

dazai WAS a chad tho

>> No.13820135

>implying that wasn't how it went down with Chadazai

>> No.13820882

Just because I guy gets pussy doesn't make him a chad... If anything, he got pussy out of pity not respect

>> No.13820954

have sex

>> No.13821039

tell yourself whatever you need

>> No.13821077

Only if its with you

If you read the book you would understand what I mean. He has no self-esteem and only gets into relationships with particular women because they commiserate over depression and loneliness.

>> No.13822337

I hate this shit so much. Young and dumb people all talk like this. Everything is やばい! It's the only fucking word everyone fucking uses: this is why it's not fun to talk to japs, they don't have opinions, and they don't make interesting observations about anything, they don't comment on things - the best you can hope for in a conversation is that they repeat what you said in different words....

>> No.13822696

Where can I view it? I've been looking forward to it for months but I only pirate books and don't know anything about pirating movies, let alone Japan-release movies.

>> No.13822722

holy fucking cringe!

>> No.13823088

The only thing cringe here is the over-use of yabai. Just go on jap twitter

>> No.13823092

japs can't be chads

>> No.13823112
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go sodomize an "effeminate" japanese man

>> No.13823351

>Dazai and his 3 women
remind me of utamaro and his five women
good film that

>> No.13823357

wish i could speak japanese :(

>> No.13823512

just spend 2 years studying and you, too, can be 出来ない。

>> No.13823656

need to get good at french first then I'll put some effort into la langue japonaise

>> No.13824480

There is so much truth to this. I feel like I wasted years of my life to learn Japanese, because conversing with them is so unrewarding. Exactly, most of the time the best you can hope for is that they will parrot back to you with different words.

>> No.13825108

>on /lit/
>caring about living people
>not exclusively getting your social interaction from reading the works of dead authors