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13818189 No.13818189 [Reply] [Original]

Why has this continent not produced anything of literary worth since WWI? America has Pynchon, David Foster Wallace, Vonnegut, Heller, etc while this continent has written nothing since WWII. Was it the post-WWII midwit explosion that happened here? Is that why they are all secular humanists who hate America?

>> No.13818197

Wallace and Vonnegot are pseuds.

>> No.13818202
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But anon

>> No.13818213

>Why has this continent not produced anything of literary worth since WWI?
Nabokov, Houellebecq, Kafka, Perec, Calvino, Zweig, Sebald, Marías, Krasznahorkai, Kundera, etc.

>> No.13818284


>> No.13818286

Had to escape to America, presumably due to European midwittery

French diaspora from an island off the Madagascar coast

meme for midwits


More liked in America than Europe

Fled Europe

Massive meme

Never herd of him/her, not going to bother a google search

Jewish midwit

Czech Orwell, but somehow midwittier

So all of Europe’s recent writers were either midwits, Jews, or fled elsewhere. It probably is because of Europe’s suffocating midwittery

>> No.13818291

Depends on whether you consider Russia to be part of Europe or part of Asia.

>> No.13818303

>meme for midwits
Stopped reading right there. Opinion disregarded.

>> No.13818305

Is this how you cope? You have continent of 500,000,000 people yet you produced nothing of worth that stayed, it all fled elsewhere.

>> No.13818309
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>Had to escape to America, presumably due to European midwittery
Sweet lovely irony.

>> No.13818321

I imagine it's less owing to Europe's output than it is to America loving to thump its chest even if all it has to offer is mediocrity. Not a single American listed in OP is on par with the Americans who've come before them--Melville, Hawthorne, Stegner, Hemingway, Faulkner; infinitely superior against the current crop. There are, at present, no popular literary writers worthy of note. My two pennies.

>> No.13818326

Artists can travel or immigrate to whatever place they want. Who gives a fuck where they live or whether they're Jews or not? It's the art that stays.

>> No.13818332
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>being of worth

>> No.13818345

Jewish culture produces Jewish writers, not Christian cultures, but I am simply remarking that this continent seems to not be able to produce one good writer who is undoubtedly theirs

>> No.13818347
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>Kurt Vonnegut
>George Orwell
>Aldous Huxley
>Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.13818405

>Had to escape to America, presumably due to European midwittery
Which is funny since Lolita had to be printed and published in France because Americans were so cringe, uneducated and prude that they thought it was pornography and wouldn't publish it. But of course now burgers suck his dick and claim him as one of their own.

>> No.13819907

What are you talking about?
Il Gattopardo Is the best novel since WW1 and it's European.

>> No.13819915

Bait thread

>> No.13819942

Mann and Bernhard alone surpasses everything the US has produced in the same period.

>> No.13819958

What did they write in WW1 that was so good?

>> No.13820219

downplaying Kafka is always a great way of showing how incredibly retarded you are. Greatest German writer of the 20th century and I say that as a germanophone from Vienna.

>> No.13820833
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>Why has this continent not produced anything of literary worth since WWI?
So that the rests of the world has time to catch up.

>> No.13820930

WG Sebald alone is worth more than all of american "literature" combined

>> No.13820978

Don’t forget that the British also refused to publish it, fuckwit.

>> No.13820989

>t. Th' eternal burger who relies on translations and is unfamiliar with the more occult epigones of the europäische Spätroman

>> No.13820991

I’ve been perplexed and amused by fabricated notions about so-called “great books.” That, for instance, Mann’s asinine Death in Venice, or Pasternak’s melodramatic, vilely written Doctor Zhivago, or Faulkner’s corncobby chronicles can be considered masterpieces, or at least what journalists term “great books,” is to me the same sort of absurd delusion as when a hypnotized person makes love to a chair.

>> No.13820996

Kundera is absolutely nothing like Orwell, and Zweig is a mediocrity.

>> No.13821000

Nabokov was not wrong about Pasternak, he was a poet first and foremost, Doctor Zhivago is an inside joke, and only burgers do not seem to get it to this very day.

>> No.13821027

Nobody gets it to this day because nobody bothers to read it. It was, is, and will always be pap, and the movie of it is even worse. Dr. Zhivago alone, by itself, is proof of Russian midwittery. It’s a massive black hole that has sucked in and destroyed much Russian literary legacy.

>> No.13821044

Movie is kino. Faggot.

>> No.13821115

The best and the brightest were mostly killed off in WWI. WWII finished off what was left of them, plus of course many exiled themselves to the US and elsewhere. All that was left in Europe was peasants and midwits, who then proceeded to produce more of the same.
>Lolita had to be printed and published in France
This is a pretty good example of midwit Euro “intelligence” right here, with its implication of “progressive” Europe vs. “prudish” America. Fact is, Lolita was despised in most of Europe and would never have been published in Germany, Italy, etc. even had these countries been technically capable of it. Lolita was banned by the British. Hilariously enough, Lolita was also banned by the French a year after it was first printed. The first American edition of the book appeared before the first French edition (as we really cannot consider Olympia Press to be French). All these Euro midwits do is repeat shit that they don’t understand; their ignorance of their own history (cultural and otherwise) is staggering.

>> No.13821118

The movie sucks, and so do you. Turbofaggot.

>> No.13821141

>Olympia Press was a Paris-based publisher, launched in 1953 by Maurice Girodias as a rebranded version of the Obelisk Press he inherited from his father Jack Kahane. It published a mix of erotic fiction and avant-garde literary fiction, and is best known for the first print of Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. Girodias was born Maurice Kahane in Paris, France, the son of Manchester-born Jack Kahane and a French heiress, Marcelle (née Girodias).[2] His father was Jewish and his mother was Catholic.[3][4]
Every, Gottdam, time

>> No.13821165

>Dr. Zhivago alone, by itself, is proof of Russian midwittery. It’s a massive black hole that has sucked in and destroyed much Russian literary legacy.
What happened?

>> No.13821180

Lawrence Durrell. Now fuck off

>> No.13821184

Nabokov is a well known player hater. Perhaps the worst there ever was.