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/lit/ - Literature

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13817742 No.13817742[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did her pics get leaked on /lit/?

>> No.13817752

*suck suck suck*

>> No.13817757

That’s not her :)
t. Jannie / programmer

>> No.13817787


>> No.13817792


>> No.13817805

Someone took stills from that video several years back and posted them here. Whether the video is somehow Butterfly is what's in doubt, but the default guess is probably that it was a shitposter making a joke that dumb people took seriously because a: they wanted to believe, and b: the girl in the video is the kind of plausibly butch-and-not-very-attractive-but-technically-female that one could see being Butterfly.

>> No.13817807

iirc that person is a completely straight man. everyone just assumed it's a woman because of the way he posts.

>> No.13817814

which video?

>> No.13817830

Butterfly is definitely a woman. Nobody misses jokes and gives off such a "dull, flat" humorless aura like that, other than a woman. Only a woman can completely neutralize good humor and banter the way she does, like a bunch of outdoor construction noises muffling and smothering out the sound of a nice song you were just beginning to enjoy. If Butterfly isn't a woman I'll fucking eat my hat.

>> No.13817846

she used to be in old /lit/ tinychats

t. been here since day one and sadly so has she

>> No.13817851

tell us more

>> No.13817887

Enlighten us old one

>> No.13817899

doesn't look like a 47 y/o to me

>> No.13817906

Some please post links

>> No.13817918

honestly, I respect her more knowing that she has big titties

>> No.13817928

This honestly

>> No.13817961

It's a tranny... her shirt is stuffed, she (male) is flat-chested in other pics

>> No.13817967 [DELETED] 

Enlighten us elder.

>> No.13817984

illuminate us, o ancient one

>> No.13817986

Who cares post pics

>> No.13817987


>> No.13818004
File: 150 KB, 576x902, 1567957483227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13818007

Yall know surprisingly little about butterfly. She's a tranny.

>> No.13818036

Album link?

>> No.13818039


>> No.13818045

Wanna suck on that belly button

>> No.13818052 [DELETED] 

If you're a jannie why don't you delete her posts?

>> No.13818055

haha, this

>> No.13818067

Butterfly is an eternally recurring curse upon this board. We're on our fourth butterfly, one of which might be also the second, and that's not including the casuals or the evil twin. One dies, and a worse one returns. Within ten years, /lit/ will cease to be a pure sapphic well read haven of autists, and will be entirely populated by straight but willing to be pegged to end the loneliness comic book reading m*les who put the soifaec smilie at the end of "extrovert!" on their okcupid profiles right before they type in "well read". Every butterfly that dies the awful death tranny versions 2 through 4 deserve, the closer we come to that sausagefest hell, and the further we stray from the original butterfly we could truly love and talk about French literary politics with at night.

>> No.13818109

Sprich, o uralter Anonymus.

>> No.13818140
File: 166 KB, 500x775, 67AC971B-E381-45AF-8B72-43059438D0DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took them (originally for another purpose) and posted them to /lit/ myself. It was a different board back then, but I soon regretted it. There’s nothing lewd. I’d rather you not post them, but I can’t do anything about it of course.
One stalker seems to have found several years ago in a public place, but he faded away and I moved anyway.

Interesting bluff.

Old pics

Fake and gay poster.

>> No.13818181 [DELETED] 

Enlighten me O' old one, was there ever a good butterfly?

>> No.13818212

The first one talked about Yourcenar (basically to the exclusion of most all other authors) and didn't engage in /soc/ shit. It left because we didn't talk about books so it went to talk to its gf about history books instead. Then the tranny trip butterflies started.

>> No.13818233
File: 26 KB, 200x280, 1617BF26-ADEE-4BB4-A6DE-4A455EBECDCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Memoirs of Hadrian in 2016, the year I was mostly away.
You’re very confused or you just like to make shit up

>> No.13818241
File: 8 KB, 223x180, mernow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i remember the utopia that was 2016 /lit/

>> No.13818267

Not true. Butters is a confirmed TERF

>> No.13818275

Truth. She's clearly a fatty and not a lesbo like she claims though.

>> No.13818281

>the year I was mostly away.
Yes, that was the best version.

>> No.13818300

Holy mammaries, I want to get a mouthful of that Bjork looking hoe

>> No.13818308

Jesus, butterfly how old are you. Why are you still posting on chans for attention, you know 90% of us are somewhat disgruntled 16-21yo males, right? I just want to talk about books to escape from this nightmarish world. I don't want to see your face and unrelated posts but filtering you would leave a big chain of hidden posts beckoning me to unhide.

>> No.13818325

To help you out of being so disgruntled and stupid.
Cloisters of stupid boys and men come up with the worst ideas

>> No.13818333

Remember blob, the Estonian girl from /lit/ tinychat? I liked her.

>> No.13818340
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>> No.13818352

if not ironic:
you're retarded

>> No.13818362

Wow, you were there? I must have chatted with you without even realizing it. I remember all of them. I had a major crush on blob. Wonder if she's still around. I'm lonely. Orfeo makes youtube videos about literature.

>> No.13818368

case in point

>> No.13818369

Nagarjuna was the man. Coolest guy I met from /lit/.

>> No.13818387

I wish I lived in her country so I could murder this fucking cunt

>> No.13818388

I wonder if she still posts. Also are your tits really that big irl?

>> No.13818392

two facts: posters used to "like"(dont know wich word to use) butterfly, (she)(he) is cancer

>> No.13818394

Does he? Nice.
We might have

He was nice too.

>> No.13818409
File: 170 KB, 326x281, 1557374535366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do pepo not like butterfly? is it just women hate or lefty hate or sumn?

>> No.13818412

A lot of us like her.

>> No.13818420
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>> No.13818427

Your country?

>> No.13818428

I just hate tripfags in general

>> No.13818430
File: 59 KB, 638x576, 1557378992798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally, but what about the people who don't?

>> No.13818433

Because she's genuinely retarded, We mainly loath her for her dumb dog shit opinions. Also she[male] is a gross tranny

>> No.13818437


>> No.13818442

based. can't wait for the coin flip that is tranny suicides to land on heads

>> No.13818446

Tripfags are always detested for betraying the 4chan ethos.

>> No.13818448

I don't understand. Because you relish in anonymity, others must as well?

>> No.13818453

I've had some real heated debates with you, butterfly, cuz sometimes you say some wildin shit. But this is based

>> No.13818454

this coming from an unironic epicurian wew

>> No.13818456

/b/ ethos

>> No.13818459

/b/ gone you fucking loser.

>> No.13818460

I suppose that makes sense.

>> No.13818480
File: 197 KB, 620x339, Nakamura looks down on you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you so starved for attention that clinging on to a pseudo-handle is the only thing you can do to fill that void? Does being so hated fun for you? I'd be more forgiving to a regular tripfag if you weren't such a low IQ'd dumb ass. Unironically have sex, dilate, and kill yourself.

>> No.13818482

>Does being so hated fun for you

>> No.13818492

Wow, you got me. I'm am defeated and beat. You forgot your tripcode though so I guess it doesn't count

>> No.13818493


First part: Okay then.

Second: Why the vitriol? I thought /lit/ was for the sensitive intellectuals, not crude asshats.

>> No.13818495

fuck, I wasted so many nights in college in fucking tinychat

>> No.13818504

>if you weren't such a low IQ'd dumb ass

>> No.13818507
File: 182 KB, 1110x1400, Battle.Angel.Alita.full.870876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nakamura sweating beads of low self esteem

>> No.13818511

I hate them because how narcissistic they are and how they bring nothing to discussion of a thread. I mean look at Butterfly for example or better yet Quentin. The only exception was that scooby person that used to to /fit/.

>> No.13818512

In the /lit/ tinychat?

>> No.13818514
File: 95 KB, 780x750, pag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>femcel dont exi-

>> No.13818517

It's the paradox of the board. The only reason the conversation occasionally, and I mean occasionally, dips into thought provoking territory is the elitism that charges all the bile

>> No.13818518

no, in the /co/ and /tv/ tinychats

>> No.13818524

Hating trannies is a very enlightened perspective. You can have bad opinions, but we oft expect those who come here to learn from their mistakes by berating them. Butterfly's refusal to improve himself by continuing to spout retarded nonsense is frustrating because it fuels the notion that you can't teach an old dog new tricks because, by his using of a tripcode, we can see that despite the last time we saw him, being stumped and called out for his idiocy, he is still at it. Does he do it for attention? Or is he simply brain dead? Regardless how could you not hate such a man?

>> No.13818531

That might be the biggest reddit word in existence.

>> No.13818538

Perfectly said

>> No.13818542
File: 64 KB, 1554x883, F02508B2-7C38-4E4D-9CFF-C2079C190AFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the stirner posts
No thanks

>> No.13818546

Butterfly is a middle aged lesbian female, not a tranny.

>> No.13818554
File: 421 KB, 651x517, Nakamura slapping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another brain dead response form a brain dead man
Amazing comeback Sir Butterfly. You have bested me with your wit. I quite liked the part where you said nothing of substance and exposed how slow in the mid you are. A classic move of yours. Despite it being so integral to your character I never manage to see it coming.

>> No.13818555
File: 2.40 MB, 2300x7450, lit_bane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly i was just trying to sick burn on butlerflye

you have a point, but i recall there being at least one actually funny stirnerpost. some fanfic about opening a milk shop. doesn't compare to 2015 lit though.

>> No.13818566
File: 64 KB, 581x753, DQN4GayVAAUS5tJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a tranny.
You don't actually think that, right?

>> No.13818574

Yeah, a lot of people complain about invoking the /pol/ bogeyman but there genuinely was a /pol/ invasion in 2015 or so that changed /lit/ forever, mostly in a negative manner.

>> No.13818575

It’s the truth, off-boarder.

>> No.13818576

Let's say she gives bad takes. Is the board really harmed by it? At worst she offers variety that you can easily ignore.

And why is anonymity even so desirable in those your talking with? Don't you want to know the person with which you're having discourse?