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13817112 No.13817112 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13817115

I've never heard anyone outside of this board even mention it

>> No.13817126

My psychology teacher used to praise it a lot. I think I was the only person who actually read it because of his recommendation tho.

>> No.13817135

What did you think of it?

>> No.13817161

wow book title says F*CK XD

>> No.13817171

Because normies are incapable of introspection

>> No.13817176
File: 2.52 MB, 712x400, Stealth elephant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because such books are band-aids designed to keep people ignorant of the more systemic issues at the heart of neoliberalism by giving the illusion of control. It's what all self-help books are. Theyve taken the role that religion once had.

>> No.13817219

Eh. I felt like it just wasn’t for me. I don’t feel like give any less fucks than I did before I read the book, but then again I didn’t give too many before I read the book either so...

Really the main thing that bugged me was how the author kinda seemed like he wrote the whole book to reaffirm to himself that he doesn’t give a fuck. He spends the whole book pretty much just talking about himself and his “cool” life experiences, and all the girls he fucked and drugs he did (and how he realized that he doesn’t need that stuff, because Buddhist principals... idk. Go read their books I’m gonna keep talking about myself) and it really all just feels like he himself gives waaay too much of a fuck about himself, at a level that he wants everyone to give a fuck about him too.

>> No.13817222

Why do people swear so much? It's really immature.

>> No.13817230

The fact that he still needed to censor "fuck" tells me all I need to know.

>> No.13817235

Normies dont like books, they take pictures of the them and post them on Instagram

>> No.13817255

Stoicism isn't usually taught in schools. I mean you'd usually have to study history/philosophy to even hear of it. Most people don't learn about stoicism, since the humanities are discouraged/mocked in modern capitalist society.

So when normies first hear of it, they think it's the greatest thing in the world.

>> No.13817274

Stop giving a f*ck, /lit/. Just live in the moment. Something about Buddhism and balance and some shit. Be one with the world. Accept your place. Change. Lift. And most importantly, don't give a f*ck. Stop giving a sh*t. Like a famous philosopher said, "You are the world, the balance, let go of your fear, and be one with nature". Do yoga. Go for walks in nature. You'll learn to stop giving a f*ck.

>> No.13817468

Thanks. This post changed my life.

>> No.13817480
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Pic related is the non normie version. I saw it in another thread and appreciated the smugness

>> No.13817750

It reinforces their pride and abolishes humility from the soul. Everyone who reads it will, rightfully, go to hell if they persist in its horrible advice. If you stop giving a fuck, then you have hardened your heart and filled it with prideful treachery. As the Apostle says
>They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: their feet are swift to shed blood: destruction and misery are in their ways: and the way of peace have they not known.

>> No.13818974
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Poor vocabulary

>> No.13818995

because they've been brainwashed by capitalist neoliberalism and have convinced themselves that their problems are their own fault and not the anomie caused by late capitalism

>> No.13819146

Interesting observation.

>> No.13819680

Same reason why normies buy thug kitchen or whatever

>> No.13819683

They don't, your'e just making it more popuar with a shitoist.

>> No.13820885

elephants are cool

>> No.13820898

do you even use social media?

>> No.13820911

Because normies are too stupid to comprehend what stoicism is but still yearn for it nonetheless.

>> No.13821209
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If you keep posting it I'll just have to become one.

>> No.13821287
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sure are

>> No.13821332
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because it says bad words on the cover

>> No.13821445

great stuff; the only post worth mentioning

>> No.13821487

It was in the remainder bins of local book stores for 90% off, 8-10 months ago. They couldn't even give that shit away. Now, it's not even on the shelves.

>> No.13821501

I just felt myself reach enlightenment as soon as I read that.

>> No.13821506

>Judging a book by its f*cking cover

>> No.13821519

>that bonk at 0:01

>> No.13821541


Girl at work offered this book to me as a gift but i politely declined.

>> No.13821545

They don't give a f*ck

>> No.13822038

seems like normie shit with no philosophical depth

>> No.13822105

If I didn't know what an elephant was I'd be terrified

>> No.13822148

Because normies care about what other people think about them more then anyone else. that's possibly what seperates normies from the rest of "us" i guess. They do everything to fit into the structure that has been created to profit off of them. I would like to think by reading a book like this they would become better people, But I sort of doubt it since it's rare anyone actually changes.

>> No.13822161


>> No.13822203

Because a lot of people do have trouble with acceptance. I'm not sure why everyone ITT is acting as if this is some easily overcome thing. I'm sure you all have your shit together LOL.

>> No.13822225

The most offensive thing about books like that is not what they're trying to do, it's how much they suck at that.

>> No.13822267
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I just gave a f*ck about it since I cant even remember
I don't need to read this book to realize that people are miserable and don't deserve a single bit of my concern

>> No.13822449
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That has unironically helped me so much.

>> No.13822475

Everybody tries to act nihilistic and misanthropic these days. I guess they think it is cool.

>> No.13822768

Or take a photo and send it to their status on WhatsApp if they are Brazilian.

>> No.13823691

I'm so sick of these edgy self help books. Every time I'm at the book store, I see shelves stuffed full of them. All of them have "fuck" or "shit" in the title, and it just makes me think the writer is a 14 year old who learned how to swear two weeks ago. I can't stand it. Who's buying them? Why are they popular?

>> No.13823702

my sister is an ultra normie and even she couldnt get through 10 pages of it. it's a reddit book that no one actually reads

>> No.13823717

That pic is some middle-aged wine mom on Facebook-tier garbage

>> No.13823729

>doesn't give a fuck
>censores the word fuck

>> No.13823968

It's for the non-conformist kids who believes with no matter how much they get showered with luxuries in life (even if it accommodates their likings), they have the need to exercise their inability to actually enjoy something unironically.

>> No.13824312

I read it and was just baffled the whole way through, especially when the retard started talking about what he was doing to his fucking child:
Like fuck off you stupid dipshit. You're depriving your son of a chance to be a normal human being and grow alongside other kids. What a faggot.

>> No.13824349

Normalfags are social beings. The way they dress and act are done to present a specific image they want to associate themselves with in the eyes of other people. Books like this are liberating to them because it encourages one to be faithful to oneself rather than merely putting on a mask for others.

>> No.13824354

why do you give so much attention to this one stupid book

>> No.13825450

Everyone loves pop psychology the first time they read it. It's all the same bullshit said in a different tone.

>> No.13825466

My mom read this. This is a mom book.

>> No.13825493

They don't, normies don't read self help books

>> No.13825509

Simulated rebelliousness. The reading equivalent of listening to ACDC or something

>> No.13826627

it's all over the front shelves in the bookstores

>> No.13826724

I am guessing this is some entry level stoicism?

>> No.13826829
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This, but instead of self-help broaden it to include the entire branch of psychology.
God is dead and we have killed him and all that, but most people didnt take it on their stride
They just replaced priests with psychologists so they have someone to direct their lives, they dont "confess" they just do "therapy" now
They still find "righteous" causes to take part and preach so they feel like they hold some sort of intimate truth and purpose and they follow these causes blindly and dogmatically, from animal rights to flat earth
Personality cults are popping everywhere left and right
They have replaced rituals like fasting with strict diets like veganism or paleo or whatever the fuck makes them feel like they are "cleansing their body"
Blasphemy is called non-PC and puritanism reigns supreme mostly through "feminism" and "body positivity" out of all fucking dogmas
Atheism was never meant to go mainstream, I want to go back to the good old days when all the retards applied on single dogma with set practices and one fucking head and could be played or side-stepped
I can't keep navigating around the myriads of dogmas and triggers and blasphemies that morph by the fucking day
I feel like I am walking in a fucking minefield on my day to day life

>> No.13826869

Designed by whom?

>> No.13826879

"Designed" implies there's a conspiracy going on. I should've said that these blooks exploit the feeling of hopelessness that people suffer from, but rather than aiming it at something collective and productive, it's reduced to the individual, almost blamed on the individual. "The world is a shitshow, but you can overcome all this, as long as you stop giving a fuck!"

>> No.13826885

>people want bullshit
>you sell the bullshit
Typical snake-oil business, supply and demand, doesnt take a lot of "design" really

>> No.13827270

because it has the fuck word in it

>> No.13827291

"not giving a fuck" is how normies excuse their mediocrity.

>> No.13827313


because normies read garbage written after the year 1850 (thats based lit real lit i read only /true lit/ also i read epic philosophers liek JP hes based also im gay and retarded)

>> No.13827403

Just the very notion of breaking the programming is extremely provocative to the NPC, who never even thinks of doing so during his daily life. When all your thoughts are according to the mandated programming, even the slightest deviation is a massive rush to you. That's why normalfags love this kind of book so much. It's milquetoast rebellion against the programming, enough to give them the feeling that they are revolutionary individuals compared to their peers but nowhere near enough to be an actual breaking of said programming. A way to feel like a rebel while not being one and still enjoying all the usual boons of your programming.

It's like that kid with overly strict parents who thinks the world is about to stop because he dared say poop when they weren't around.

>> No.13827435
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do u realize how fucking gay u sound when u talk like this lol

pic related its u u fucking homo

>> No.13827455

because they find the combination of ¨subtle art¨ and ¨fuck¨ amusing

>> No.13827552

It's a book that has the word "fuck" on its cover.

A normies wet dream. I got it from a friend as a present and read it. It was nothing special, felt like it was a race on how many times the author can show you how he is not giving a fuck instead of actually teaching you how to do it.

But then...what would you people suggest in place of this book ?

Are there even any self-help books that are considered worthy by /lit/ standards ?

>> No.13827561

Back to chapo

>> No.13827567

fuck you

>> No.13827601


>back to chapo hahhhhahhahahahha owned libTURD roflcopter

sorry that u sound retarded using terms like "npc" unironically, u sound like an 85 year old dementia patient

retard fag

>> No.13828516

>using term used unironically by leftists
>dumb conservatard

>> No.13828766

It's the thrill of having a cosmic daddy around to spank them for saying fuck

>> No.13828958

What should I read instead?

>> No.13828986

>ignorant of the more systemic issues at the heart of neoliberalism
what are these systemic issues?

>> No.13829072

those feelings that you have inside, of loneliness, of directionlessness, of giving entirely too much of a shit about the little things in your life, these can be traced back to cultural norms that exist as a result of an economic doctrine. when >>13817176 invokes neoliberalism, they're trying to say that the epidemic of discomfort that modern people feel is a result of a more ruthless capitalism.

loneliness is a result of atomization at the hands of a system that would prefer that we by default view each other as competitors for various reasons (competition for wages drives wages down, genuine friendship and attempting to understand others makes you more likely to organize through realization that our various deficiencies are not so different and common in cause).
directionlessness as a result of living in a world in which the ostensible goal is to climb a ladder that is careerism and find the perfect romantic and platonic relationships, but these goals aren't everyone's desire but are nonetheless imposed upon them by a social order. often times you find that upon reaching some richer income bracket that person is still dissastisfied, but they supposedly have it all and it leads one to wonder what the point of the climbing was. i would argue that the main purpose of life is to forge bonds with others and spend time doing what satisfies you, but the ability to find what satisfies you is in conflict with the fact that what satisfies you might not be productive and won't lead you a smooth economic life.
giving too much of a shit about the little things is a result of the fact that we have little power to change the large things in our lives, namely the imposed order of following the production line from school to career to retirement to death. so instead we focus on the things we do have control over but have comparatively less impact on our lives and such.
i probably could've picked better examples of traits here. ultimately, just read marxists.

>> No.13829764

Gotcha, so you're just saying this book is a bs answer to face the life weve created, rather than forge a better one.

>> No.13829925

correct. in general >>13817176 has it right. there's an umbrella term in marxism for all of the sorts of feelings that self help is meant to solve called alienation. alienation is something that most everyone seems to feel unless capitalism is a perfect fit for what they desire in life. zizek said it quite well in his debate with peterson, something like "what if in the quest to clean my room and myself, i find that the reasons why i feel this way are the result of outside society." people are so much a product of their environment that you need to examine environments first to understand why individuals think and act the way they do.

>> No.13829945
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Insta occasionally
Not at my bookstore