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/lit/ - Literature

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13816661 No.13816661 [Reply] [Original]

some chicks are reading this for halloween in the office. i never read it. house of leaves thread, tell me what you think of it.

>> No.13816692

>chicks are reading it
thats how you know its garbage. soys, ugly women, and trannies will send their hate to this post.

>> No.13816709

what did you think of the book?

>> No.13816734
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didn't read it. i just know that women having awful taste is a scientific law of literature. look at female stacks.

>> No.13816735

Not that anon, but I never finished it. It's a bizarre rambling, disjointed, avant-garde project.

>> No.13816745

have sex

>> No.13816748

>having sex magically makes women's bullshit tolerable
never got this meme.
t. had sex

>> No.13816770

have a little more sex

>> No.13816782

but why would i do that when i can just masturbate and literally get the exact same benefit of blowing my load without performance anxiety, the emotional, financial, and physical wait of maintaining a romantic relationship, etc.

>> No.13816790


>> No.13817181

>would rather masturbate
Spoken like a true brainlet.

>> No.13818087
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>> No.13818145

it's a fun book. messy in some aspects, but i was usually enjoying all of the inventive formal stuff too much for it to matter

>> No.13818243

I read it in early high school like 10-12 years ago, so I probably had a similar vantage point reading it then as the girls in your office do now. What I got out of it:
>haunted house story that's genuinely kind of interesting and creepy
>le text is backwards or in weird zig zaggy patterns and words will be randomly highlighted and sometimes theres page long footnotes so you have to read some passages in a novel way
>theres a bunch of references to postmodern philosophy so reading it also makes you feel intelligent

It wasnt bad. I'm sure I'd have a completely different view on it now but I have no idea whether I'd love it or hate it.

>> No.13818413

I read it earlier this year. It's not good, but I liked reading it.

>> No.13818569

in was an entertaining love story. had some interesting structure ideas. the parody of scholarly essays is fun if you're a student.

>if you have nothing better to do, try it out.

>> No.13818578

high school for you was 10-12 years ago, and you’re still using 4chan?,

>> No.13818621
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Coming on here and shitposting about somebody's anecdotal evidence, instead of talking about the book the thread is about.

>> No.13820089

I'm halfway trough and kinda not interested. the fun stuff is fun but the rest and the hoss stream of conciousness sections can be really cringy. formattiğng can be very interactive and cool and it's not that long considering it is only half of what it looks like and of course that and the cover add to it's meaning but again... seems a bit wasted. I don't wanna keep going with that atitude though so hopefully it starts adding up.

>> No.13820093

fuck off zoomer