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13813410 No.13813410 [Reply] [Original]

This kills the atheist.

>Inb4 a flood of seething and coping atheists. I warned ya.

>> No.13813417

>accusing others of cope
>when all of this sophistry is posted out of fear of dying

>> No.13813425
File: 88 KB, 960x698, 1563327430658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fear death because Christ has conquered death. Your atheism is cope because pic related is your fate if the afterlife exists.

>> No.13813432


>I don't fear death because of my coping mechanism
>I don't fear it so much that I need to actively defend my coping mechanism, even if no one mentioned said coping mechanism against its opponents, that how confident I am

>> No.13813440
File: 429 KB, 649x366, 1566287629259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evangelism = Coping
The coping atheist mind at work. Repent, for you know not when the master will return. Btw, you still haven't addressed the OP image.

>> No.13813444

>tfw christian but don't really want the eternal life bit

>> No.13813482


I thought adressing it was le cope lelele, but okay, here I go. The thing he mentions is a bunch of hearsay that was held as true by his mindless followers. His idea of keeping a story straight is comparable to the Heaven's Gate cult keeping their story of the recycling of earth straight. It was considered as doctrinal requirement to remain part of the cult. This is why you always have independent witnesses to corroborate the evidence, preferably people with no stake in the story. This is why textual sources from around the same time, preferably written down right after the event, are much better than oral sources, which are notoriously unreliable. Yet here we are, with the word of some of his mindless followers, and a book written decades after the supposed facts took place. Not a very solid case if you ask me

>> No.13813532

Atheistcels in absolute SHAMBLES and massive retreat.