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13813258 No.13813258 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys it's me, Ananda Coomeraswamy, just busted a thick one in my tantra session.

>> No.13813307
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He was cucked by Aleister Crowley

>Coomaraswamy asked Crowley to help promote his wife Alice Ethel's performances in 1916. Crowley wrote reviews of her in Vanity Fair and offered letters of introduction for her. She and Crowley quickly became lovers and magical partners, engaging in sexual magic by April of 1916. Alice became pregnant.

>Crowley [whose version was of course partial--Ed.] says that Coomaraswamy was quite aware of their affair and had even encouraged it, wanting Crowley to take on her living expenses while in New York. Crowley, in exchange, introduced Ananda to Gerda Maria von Kothek, a prostitute and former Crowley lover. Coomaraswamy and von Kothek were soon living together.

>[Again according to Crowley--Ed.], when Alice Ethel's career began to take off, Coomaraswamy wanted her back. Alice Ethel loved Crowley, but, for whatever reason, decided to return to England with >Coomaraswamy. She had a miscarriage as a result of sea sickness on the voyage. Crowley blamed Coomaraswamy for the death of his child and hated him for it."

Crowley himself described Ananda "The Worm" in his magical diaries and considered him a "Black Brother" (Meaning an adept, achieving certain state in magical initiation corresponding to the Sephira of Chesed, fails to make the plunge to Binah, or the Supernals, and remains in towers of egoism and knowledge of the false sephirah of Daath)

>> No.13813346

>according to crowley
> [whose version was of course biased]
take that with a grain of salt
The whole story sounds dubious.

Anyway, Coomeraswamy's son turned out far better, a devout catholic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-IFdz1Gp7A

>> No.13814129

gj bro

>> No.13814232
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>> No.13814307
