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13811018 No.13811018 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts, experiences and literature recommendations about psychedelic drugs?

Do you think psychedelics are a miracle that everyone needs to experience? Or do they just lead to an inflation of your ego and a fake enlightened holier-than-thou personality? Or are they simply just a form of entertainment and not really a big deal?

>> No.13811052
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>literature recommendations about psychedelic drugs

>> No.13811070

>inflation of your ego
>he doesn't know what ego death is

>> No.13811099

I presume you have not taken psychedelics by the way you speak of them. Psychedelics have a proven use in society, being that they relieve anxiety and depression, and fear of death. Psychedelics also increase creative problem solving skills, they allow you to see the problem from new angles that you've never thought of before. They are great tools for introspection. There are people who say delusional things about psychedelics, but they do not take away of the proven benefit to society that these drugs would have.

>> No.13811124
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1P-LSD, 4-HO-MiPT, and 4-HO-MET are legal and can be bought with crypto on the clearnet.

>> No.13811139

I think Florida banned many obscure research chems years ago. Pretty dumb. 1P-LSD is way safer than morning glory seeds. If people are desperate they will choose the easiest option.

>> No.13811151
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I don't doubt people can have life changing experiences with psychedelics, they have a way of making you think about things your brain purposefully hides from you; LSD in particular seems to force you to reach certain conclusions about yourself, whatever they are. Though for me, LSD is just a fun thing to do with your friends while you watch a movie or listen to some music.

>> No.13811183

>do they just lead to an inflation of your ego
Only weed does this

DMT will fuck your ego up

>> No.13811290

sure, in the moment. But let’s not pretend there aren’t tons of pretentious psychedelic users. Joe Rogan comes to mind.

>> No.13811324

Psychedelia is the adolescent enthusiasm equivalent of actual insight. It is educational in its own right, and is therefore valuable, but every lesson taught by it can be taught by other things as well, and anyone who is mired in frequent psychedelic use overvalues psychedelia. It is something worthwhile to experiment with, but only viewable impartially after a gap of months or years, and often not even then, given all the gullible spiritualists who use it as a defense for their superstitious preconceptions. I'm glad for my years experimenting but it is all behind me now and not even terribly interesting in retrospect.

>> No.13811339

Everyone should use psychedelics bro, they expand your consciousness! You couldn't comprehend what they're like man. You this it's just funny colours and wonky visuals? Wrong! They're literally a gateway to God. I can't even begin to tell you all of the changes they've made in my life.

>> No.13811400

Joe Rogan at some point said that psychedelics aren't for everybody. Also you clearly haven't done psychedelics if you believe their only effect to be 'pretty colors.'

>> No.13811466

shut the fuck up fag

>> No.13811496

Compelling argument

>> No.13811505

Refute this: >>13811324

>> No.13811512
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Psychedelics are simply a catalyst for thought; whatever kind of mentation is going on in your head will get amplified and magnified depending on the dose. The perceived time dilation is your mind 'speeding up', so to speak. The typical high-dose 'spiritual experience' happens when your mental activity gets amplified to such a degree that you literally 'run out of thoughts to think'. This usually yields one of two results; either you become afraid and get stuck in a hellish 'thought loop', or you accept your newfound lack-of-thought and become enamored with the silence, typically accompanied by much crying or great laughter

>> No.13811526

>sure, in the moment
Not necessarily, there have been studies on shrooms which show people felt no difference directly after the experience. But a year later during follow up 80% showed some sort of improvement.

>But let’s not pretend there aren’t tons of pretentious psychedelic users. Joe Rogan comes to mind.
And what makes you think rogan is pretentious? Keep in mind he's 50, you're not gonna find that many older people as open minded as he is.

>> No.13811553

any tips so I can accept?

Meditation and letting go right?

>> No.13811575

He doesn't say psychedelics are bad like you seem to be implying. There is nothing to refute, him and I both have opinions with no factual basis behind them. I do agree that some of the benefits of psychedelics could be gained from practicing meditation, fasting, art, writing among other things, but these things have a milder effect in comparison to psychedelics. Psychedelics are more instant and apparent. I linked an analysis earlier in the thread on the effects of psychedelics on palliative care, and on depression and anxiety. Read that, then refute the facts found in the studies proving the psychiatric benefits to psychedelics.

>> No.13811589

I've been though a really hellish thought loop during an ayahuasca ceremony, the most scary experience I've been through in life and I've almost died in two car accidents, shaking a bit just thinking about it.

>> No.13811613

I'm not the troll, I'm just trying to force people to respond to my posts :)
>Read that, then refute the facts found in the studies proving the psychiatric benefits to psychedelics.
Psychopharmacology can be a controversial field even in regards to well understood drugs like the amphetamines or SSRI's, and psychedelics have seen very little research. Although they should be researched more, and the lack of research has largely been due to arbitrary cultural/legalistic societal currents, and it is likely that at least some psychedelics will relatively shortly become Schedule II for use in psychotherapy, there is still a great deal of ambiguity involved, and holding up studies and crying, "Refute this!" is childish and not in the same vein of "refute this" I was indicating.
>I do agree that some of the benefits of psychedelics could be gained from practicing meditation, fasting, art, writing among other things, but these things have a milder effect in comparison to psychedelics. Psychedelics are more instant and apparent.
Just because they're more obvious doesn't mean they're more sustainable, or a better alternative to more slower burn approaches.

>> No.13811636

Why would you ask somebody to refute something if they don't necessarily disagree with you?
>Just because they're more obvious doesn't mean they're more sustainable, or a better alternative to more slower burn approaches.
Of course. You don't have to choose between one or the other, either. You can use them in conjunction with eachother.

>> No.13811652

if you think psychedelics automatically improve every mentally healthy person, you need to stop parroting Joe the moron Rogan and take a step outside in the real world. Psychedelics are recreational drugs for tons of people, and tons of people do not benefit from them in long lasting ways. Let’s stop the myth that they are some guaranteed magic solution to their problems.

I believe psychedelics have the POTENTIAL to impact you in a positive way, but just like any experienced user knows set and setting play a very big role. Not everyone who encounters psychedelics improves their life for the better. If I were to guess I would say most people’s psychedelic experiences were nothing more than good fun.

>> No.13811653

>Why would you ask somebody to refute something if they don't necessarily disagree with you?
We do disagree: you seem to think psychedelics are a panacea.
>Of course. You don't have to choose between one or the other, either. You can use them in conjunction with eachother.
And also any of another thousand things. Are psychedelics so indispensible that everybody needs to trip?

>> No.13811667

Additionally, the instant access to psychedelics may be useful to impulsive people who would have trouble starting those introspective habits/hobbies previously mentioned. Psychedelics might motivate them to pursue those activities when they may not have been able to prior to their psychedelic experience. Of course, no evidence supports this yet. There is evidence that psychedelics help addicts cease their drug use, I'm not sure what percentage of people cease their drug use for life, though.

>> No.13811677

>you seem to think psychedelics are a panacea.
Nowhere did I claim or imply this. Quote me where I said this. You are strawmanning me.
>And also any of another thousand things. Are psychedelics so indispensible that everybody needs to trip
I never claimed or implied this either. See my additional post about impulsive people.

>> No.13811691

I am not parroting joe rogan, I'm parroting peer reviewed research as well as my own personal experience with psychedelics.

>> No.13811700
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>tfw you're a pussy straight edge who wouldn't take this stuff even if you had it
I-I just wanna see the pretty colors and become enlightened or whatever

>> No.13811715

Can you not type like you're in a 19th century novel and use less words please?

>> No.13811726

Now I see which post you're talking about. Probably the post where the other anon claimed that 80% of people showed improvement from psychedelics. That wasn't me. You should reply to that post directly, instead of wasting my time and accusing me of things I haven't said, and only addressing it a dozen posts later within a conversation that is on an entirely different comment thread with a different anon, fucking retard.

>> No.13811730

Grow it yourself. Plenty of guides out their. Should be a relatively simple process, provided you have the cash.

>> No.13811758

If you've never experienced any inebriation before, it may be scary just because it's so foreign feeling. I would still try to do it though, just to know what it's like.

>> No.13811777

It can be highly uncomfortable at times. Don't take it unless you can accept the discomfort. I know a normie who took only 50 micrograms and was acting foolishly.

>> No.13811808

>these things have a milder effect in comparison to psychedelics. Psychedelics are more instant and apparent. I linked an analysis earlier in the thread on the effects of psychedelics on palliative care, and on depression and anxiety. Read that, then refute the facts found in the studies proving the psychiatric benefits to psychedelics.

>> No.13811834

The 19th century was the most literary century, and this is the literature board. If you don't like it, go boof a bong rip of DMT and salvia you massive pleb.

>> No.13811842

A high-dose psychedelic trip is the penultimate test of your character and nothing can really prepare you for it. That said, I would recommend taking a light dose (1-2g mushroom or 50-100ug lsd) and see how you react, and go it alone as other people can introduce some serious ego games. You can research set and setting and all that but don't buy into the new-age bullshit too much, like I said it's just a catalyst for thought. Some people use psys to inflate their thought-bubble but never actually 'pop' it, which yields evangelist shit like >>13811339. Other than that, my only advice is to bear in mind that these drugs are utterly non-toxic and completely safe, having a lower LD-50 than basically every other drug

>> No.13811850
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I miss the times when I could drop 300 micrograms of LSD like it was candy, but now I can’t even get through a third of a coffee cup without becoming an anxious mess.

>> No.13811940

I never said psychedelics would be a perfect, flawless medicine that works for everybody without side effects. I have admitted multiple times that psychedelics might not be a permanent solutions to problems. I can say "benadryl can be used to treat allergies." Does that mean benadryl is a panacea that cures allergies perfectly without side effects? No. In the article I linked they mention that bipolars and schizophrenics are contraindications for psychedelic administration. You're strawmanning me. Now, show me again where I implied psychedelics were a panacea.

>> No.13812053

Same, man. I think I took too much 2C-E when I was 17-18 and it's definitely had long-term effects I feel 8 years later. I was very comfortable with taking any drug before then, and maybe a bit after, but I havent been able to smoke weed in a few years and coffee fucks with me, too. Sux

>> No.13812069

you'll feel like you're on to something while tripping, but never grasp it, then feel happy for the next two days, and then go back to your normal everyday misery

>> No.13812092

That's because you're probably thinking using vague ideas. You might not have enough information or life experiences, or intuition to be able to put the pieces together. I haven't done psychedelics in a few years but last time I did DMT I recognized mechanisms of my ego.

>> No.13812098

I wrote under the influence of LSD once, with an interest in self-documenting its phenomenological effects. I found it to suppress subvocal speech and sharpen sensory acuity.
I was sitting near a pond during the experience and saw tiny fluttering tadpoles. Their delicate see-through bodies seemed to float on the rays of light cutting through the water. Their transparency seemed to articulate a perfect metaphor for how my self was at that time, transparent, cut through with cosmic rays just the same.

The dosage I took was too small to induce hallucinations, so instead, in small doses LSD might be thought of as a nootropic drug, a means of sensory enhancement. It strikes you how little you actually observe when your mind is "under the influence" of sobriety

None of this I was able to write down in the moment. But I was left with my memory of the event entirely intact and crystal clear.

>> No.13812113

The most obvious answer would probably be The Doors of Perception by Huxley. It wasn't mind-blowing, but it's cool to hear the guy's thoughts on his experiences with psychedelia, especially because before he wrote it he'd had no prior experience with taking the drugs.

Psychedelics are like any belief system, in my opinion--they can provide useful insight in moderation. I've only taken them once, last spring, and I took notes on what I was thinking. The trip lasted about ten hours in total, from me actually taking the drug to fully coming down.

It was a really cool experience, for me, at least. A lot of the thoughts I had mirrored what I've read in philosophy on the sublime or the absolute. Reading about those things is one thing; feeling them, feeling a closeness to things, all things, is something different entirely. That's what it felt like to me, at least.

Not to say that psychedelics are the road to truth--they're not, and if you rely on them too heavily, they never will be, and you'll fuck yourself up beyond recognition both chemically and psychically. My best advice would be to try them at least once, with someone you trust, and see what happens. The risks are great, that's for sure, and anyone who tells you otherwise isn't taking into account that ANYTHING can happen on a trip. I experienced moments where I started to spiral--you have to be able to pull yourself back, or else you'll be consumed by yourself.

The rewards, though, are all up to you. And they can be pretty great too.

>> No.13812367


>> No.13812555

teehee I was le trolling you le entire time, I wasn't actually retarded, SEE! I said "trolled" at the end! that means everythin I said before was a troll and not serious!

>> No.13812570


>> No.13813195

kill yourself fucking faggot

>> No.13813209

Compelling argument

>> No.13813373

Borehole by Joe Mellen

Holy shit read this book lads

>> No.13813421
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Psychedelics showed me how to save my life and charter a new course for myself professionally. I'll spare you my boring personal story, but I do recommend, aside from >>13812113 , that you check out Terence McKenna & Paul Stamets as two guys who have a lot of useful things to say about human consciousness and the psychedelic experience. Remember, there is no definite psychedelic dogma.


>> No.13813635

how do you mean ego games?