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1381019 No.1381019 [Reply] [Original]

Suggest an entry-level reader anything
my favourite book is George Orwell's Animal Farm... I'm reading a Clockwork Orange and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas now, and i've got to read New York Trilogy soon.

Anything else you can suggest, /lit/?

>> No.1381024

Incidentally I am rereading Burgess right now. What portion of 'Orange' are you up to, my droog?

And would you turn up your nose at some Nikolai Gogol? Dead Souls is worth a look next.

>> No.1381035

The /lit/ wiki has a bunch of the essentials lists.

>> No.1381041

is that the board recommendation wiki or is there a just /lit/ wiki

>> No.1381040

Just came back from a real horrorshow, doing a bit of the old in out on the Authors wife. I only began reading it a week ago.
How about you?

>> No.1381063



He meant this, which can be very readily found on Google.

>> No.1381061


spoilers, obviously.

Right now, Alex is listening to the Word of the Lord, as dictated by the prison charlie. He isn't really listening, but rather dictating to me the joys of slooshy holy music such as that of J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel.

>> No.1381082

Have you ever watched Kubricks film version?
I watched the movie before the book, which I'm somewhat glad I did, as I can get a visual of what's happening.

>> No.1381086


Nope. Inexcusable, given that I've watched Kubrick's 'Full Metal Jacket' [which is even based on a book as well ] about a hundred times, but I never really got around to it because I've always had the book.

>> No.1381097

>I've watched Kubrick's 'Full Metal Jacket' about a hundred times
Why? That movie gets progressively worse through each of the three acts. The end is almost unwatchable.

>> No.1381101

Full Metal Jacket is amazing.
I'd highly suggest seeing A Clockwork Orange, but I would finish the book first.

Is the Dead Souls book you suggested along the same lines of Clockwork?

>> No.1381107


I also think Star Wars is an acceptable form of cinema entertainment, so I have a higher tolerance to shittiness than you do.

The last thirds of the film are just a mishmash of Vietnam movie cliches, though. Right down to the VC Sniper. I am entirely okay with that, though.


I'm re-reading it so it's not like I'm in for a huge spoiler there, but yeah, I'm definitely going to finish it anyway before watching the film.