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13809692 No.13809692 [Reply] [Original]

What are the differences I should watch out for?

>> No.13809756

New Age is a faggot movement with a whole range of concepts borrowed from the East. It also pulls ideas from Socialism, Communism and Anarchism with world peace and love as well meditation sprinkled on top. Never go near anyone who says they meditate on a daily basis and says their vibration his higher than yours.

>> No.13809785

New age lacks a coherent identity. It is a slapdash combination of various sources, rather than a single tradition with a clear intellectual lineage.

Eastern philosophy etc is the opposite. It is rooted, more organic rather than slapped together, and has a coherent lineage stretching back to its origins in antiquity.

>> No.13809787

There is no difference. New age is a combination of all the eastern religions.

>> No.13809815
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Actual Eastern religions are actually socially conservative compared to the Cultural Marxist/SJW versions of them peddled to New Agers. The Buddha, for example, thought that women are intrinsically less capable of enlightenment than men. Also, things like homosexuality are not approved of.

>> No.13809872

New Age is what you get when a bunch of Boomer Stoners who grew up under the Scientific Positivist/Utilitarian paradigm look at works from non-European religions talking about the universe, god, the soul, and somehow mix everything up with vaugely Christian statements about loving others and Existential shit about "bein urself".
Eastern philosphy is what people from the West call when they see tons of non Western stuff that comes from disorganized religions, cults, philosophical schools, etc. and see that they're somehow oddly non-Christian/non-Western in certain regards.
Wanna learn about Taoism? Read the Daodejing. Wanna learn about Advatism? Read Shankara's Upadesasahasri. Wanna learn about Islam? Read the Quran, pick a sect, and read commentaries on the Quran written by clerics from that sect.
There's no Perennial thought or philosophy. Maybe there's a few common thoughts about stuff like the space in which we like being all the space there is, or anger not allowing people to think clearly, but that seems to be more like general human thoughts than some kind of true sacred cult.

>> No.13810587
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>they are progressists (the opposite of what all traditional religion says)
>Their moral is usually the opposite of the traditional one
>They usually don't like religious institutions because they are leftist
>They don't have saints/spiritual fathers able to guide them on the dangerous spiritual path
>They are often materialist, meaning in this case that they are not able to see something universal beyond this material world. They are like materialist with feels and spirits.
>So it can be understood that they use traditional spirituel concepts only to deform it in order to please their horizontal appetite or inclination.
>They think they can reach the spiritual by themself, but because there is nothing spiritual, only sentimental and moral in their doctrine.
>Destroy everything they touch, they mix different religions together without coherence and understanding
>They are only a diversion to stop people from seeking the real spirituality
In orthodoxy there is a method (hesychasm), there are saints/spiritual fathers to guide you, there is a moral, there is a tradition (fathers of the church), there is real rites (unchanged since the 6th century after the fathers of the church gave them their definitive form), there is no homosexuality and progressism with only women praying (like in papism),...