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13809372 No.13809372 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good post-apocalyptic books?

>> No.13809470

not that one. Either he or the translator can't write for shit

>> No.13809475


FUTU.RE by him is way better

>> No.13809496

Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.13809499

Some of the best dystopian or “post-acopalypse” novels are literature which isn’t actually genre fiction but are set in periods and settings of destruction and poverty, usually after wars. Examples of what I mean include:
Satantango by Krasznahorkai
The Cannibal by Hawkes
and The Foundation Pit by Platonov.

OP if you’re just looking for more sci-fi kind of post apocalypse (I don’t mean this to demean you) then ignore my suggestions. Otherwise if you’re open to more literary or substantial reads then consider trying these books. What I really enjoy about these kinds of dystopic novels is that when they’re actually set in real world eras, it makes you realize how people have actually had to live through horrific, miserable, apocalyptic conditions.

>> No.13809501

It's probably the translator. I enjoyed it regardless. I wasn't expecting pretty prose and dialogue in a series of novels about Nazis and commies and lolbertarians living in tunnels under Moscow.

>> No.13809510
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ive enjoyd Roadside Picnic very much. pretty uniqe and cold.

>> No.13809518

Canticle for Leibovitz, The Postman, Alas Babylon, Stand on Zanzibar.

More modern middle brow lit that isn’t genre fic: American War (El Akkad) and Station Eleven. Post apocalypse lit is getting co-opted a lot by non-sci-fi writers nowadays so there’s a lot of room to explore (although a lot of it sucks, I tried to keep it to a couple books I thought were half decent)

>> No.13810106

Earth Abides and I am Legend. One I never see people talking about is Swan Song. It's pretty good but a little silly in some places. There's a scene where one of the characters takes over leadership of a certain group and when he's searching in the former leaders closet he finds a Nazi uniform. When he puts it on he starts acting like a Nazi himself and declares that people with burned faces need to rounded up and shot in order to "make America Beautiful again." I think it was intentionally absurd because the author is an insane person.


>> No.13810141
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>> No.13810145

Day of the Triffids

>> No.13811406

Wool is a surprisingly good series

I was really bored at the start but then I realized what a living world it had created

>> No.13811524

The lord of the Ship Triology is quite good.