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13808722 No.13808722 [Reply] [Original]

So now that the dust has settled, will it be part of the canon?

>> No.13808728

Just slid in.
The last of the straight white men.

>> No.13808741

Post-modernism will never be canon

>> No.13808747

I wonder if he'll be part of the nu-canon. Along with feminist friendly Homer and blachilles

>> No.13808754

what about post-post-modernism?

>> No.13808792
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Nah IJ is too bloated, this and Oblivion will be canon though

>> No.13810156


ummm pynchon, delillo, and gaddis are already part of the canon, sweetie

>> No.13810165

I'm a straight white male if beating it to traps doesn't count.

>> No.13810282


>> No.13810390
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Underworld sucks cock

>> No.13810402


>> No.13810513

Have you read it? It certainly should be. It can be self indulgent but self indulgent =! Bad. The White Album by the Beatles is self indulgent and it’s insanely good.

Not sure if it actually will end up in it though.

>> No.13811917

It already is, and if Bloom wasn't autistic there wouldn't even be a discussion

>> No.13811952


>> No.13812186

If Bloom’s goofy ass didn’t hate on it without reading it this wouldn’t even be a question.

>> No.13812239

The fact that people still defend this pile of self -indulgent masturbatory drivel is proof enough that true literature is dead, so sure throw it in.
It'll go in the canon right alongside harry potter.
And self-indulgence isn't bad, but when you have zero intelligent ideas for an entire lifetime, it's not something to write a book about.
This bullshit has damaged literature with its prevalence.
>inb4 hurr durr harold bloom
suck a dick fags, try reading a real book

>> No.13812275

>uhhh be sincere guys and stop being an intellectual
>btw here's a subpar bloated collection I wrote with a Replace With Thesaurus plug-in I found online
Hideous Men is great but IJ is doodoo

>> No.13812373

The opening scene at Dodger Stadium was great.

>> No.13812376

Only realism and modernism can be canon

>> No.13812392

What about postrealism or postmodernism?

>> No.13812765

>t. Harold Bloom
Reminder to everyone to mention this book to an art hoe so they can seethe at you.

>> No.13812776

why would they seethe?

>> No.13812786

You don't even get the book man. It's meta-satire.

>> No.13812793

>he hasn't seen the hordes of womyn English majors write their twitlongers about David Foster Wallace and Infinite Jest

>> No.13812800

Yeah, too bad there are 750 more pages.

>> No.13812825

>google infinite jest
>one of the first results is "Why Insufferable People Love Infinite Jest"
Literally everyone I've met who reads DFW are really chill, humble people. He doesn't even get talked about that much from what I've seen. What do people have against him?

>> No.13812844


>> No.13812850

it's mostly art hoes with inferiority complexes directed towards their male counterparts.

>> No.13812853
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Can't wait for the 1500 page meta-ironic litero-slapstick of The Family Circus.

>> No.13812854

book to big for small brain

>> No.13812931

t. Pynchon

>> No.13812964

Since this is a meme book thread, might as well ask here.
I'm 420 pages into Gravity's Rainbow and I'm not enjoying most of it. I'm on a boring Pokler chapter aobut designing the Rocket. Does it pick up again later, like it did at the Casino part? Or should I just drop it and move on to Infinite Jest?

>> No.13813156

keep going with GR, it just gets crazier and more fun.

>> No.13813189

English departments across the country are attempting to self-destruct by hating everything canon or canon related. DFW represents the last of the evil old guard.

>> No.13813255

no he needs to have been dead for 150+ years to be canon

>> No.13813268

I'll force an erection and have a fau 2 drop on your house within 4 days if that's bullshit, anon

>> No.13813286

No. I like that book, but you've already read a representative chunk. It will go off the wall, becoming more fragmented and unpredictable, and a lot more ridiculous. but if you don't like it so far, those bits will mostly just annoy you.

>> No.13813877

That's jews deconstructing our history and literary culture from the top down, it's very intentional.

>> No.13814086

>you don't get it
Why is this always your faggots response as well.
Surprise motherfucker, I read the book, guess what, it fucking sucks and none of the shit you morons claim to be intelligent about it was original or creative. In fact, DFW shows a clear misunderstanding of proper thematic elements anytime he tries to be sincere, which is disgustingly ironic considering he whined about the lack of sincerity non-stop.

>> No.13814272
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Can writing ever be "sincere", since you're essentially trying to manipulate the reader in some way?

>> No.13814675

You're nearing the end of the comprehensible, and shit is about to get zany.

>> No.13814713

Beating it to traps doesn’t count as straight but being a sexually dominant bi male is close enough

>> No.13814881

Have not read this book, but if a writer misunderstands the tools needed to communicate a theme but is also interested in being sincere, that is not in any way ironic, it is only unfortunate.

>> No.13814894

>he didn't get it

>> No.13814956

I'm further than you, almost out of the Zone and I'm going to have to disagree with the others. If you haven't enjoyed most of it up to that point I don't think "shit getting crazy" is going to turn your opinion around. On the other hand you're more than half way done, might as well finish it unless continuing to read it makes you suicidal or something. It does "pick up" soon in terms of Slothrop's plot continuing in interesting ways.

Also that "boring Pökler chapter" is one of the best, and isn't just about "designing the Rocket" so at least finish that