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13808096 No.13808096[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do I stop conceiving everything in terms of hierarchies? my life has been reduced to sizing people up and engaging an endless series of micro competitions. this is not the way it should be.

>> No.13808106

Check out 1000 plateaus and start conceiving of everything as rhizomes ;^)

>> No.13808122
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>ngaging an endless series of micro competitions
>this is not the way it should be.
And yet it's the way it is.

>> No.13808126

Daddy lobster says it is the way it should be, anon

>> No.13808130
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>hehe lobster xDdddd

>> No.13808150

it is extremely cold and alone, and counter to all public notions of community and morality.

i used peterson as a clickbait and for his popularizing dominance hierarchies, but my own hierarchical neurosis has mostly come from reading nietzsche and foucault.

foucault in particular is of interest to me because he has this nietzschean master/slave consciousness yet allies himself with the progressive left who largely would not have shared his nietzschean perspective. foucault was never interested in creating leftist future, but exposing fascistic attitudes and institutions. it seems he was exposing himself by and large, offering the innerworkings of a fascist mind to those who fought the fascists. was it bad conscience? or is this whole universal-hierarchical way of thinking wrong?

i hope it is.

>> No.13808247

I think you're reading a lot of stuff into things that isn't entirely there.

As personal advice, you're too stressed out and on edge to take a step back. If you could calm down for a second you might be able to get some perspective. Peterson is an interesting propounder of "hierarchies" and incessant competition because he has obvious selection bias: he hears about this stuff from people he's seen in a clinical setting (and others have seen in a clinical setting too). People in that setting are highly stressed out, they're not happy, they need to be told to do extremely basic crap like "spend time with your family".

I feel like the culture of the last few decades has pushed this a bit too, if you check out the films of the 60s like The Apartment with Jack Lemmon where the guy who's always competitive and hardworking and gunning for promotion is shown as a stressed out doormat, or How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying where a trickster hero lies his way to the top (something I imagine would really get under "don't lie" Peterson's skin), these are much more realistic portrayals. The guy who works 100 hours a week for a boss, is a dick to the people around him for his boss, and sees a therapist because he doesn't like his life is NOT anywhere near the top of a "dominance hierarchy".

>> No.13808260

Learn to love competition.

>> No.13808273

ego death

>> No.13808319

simply accept where you are in the hierarchy

>> No.13808421

Seek therapists who are familiar with the work of Alfred Adler. They should be able to treat your inferiority complex.

>> No.13809538

>community and morality.
That is just the weak sticking together to form a new hierarchy based on numbers. And it breaks all the time. The universe is metaphisically hierarchical in nature because existence or the thing in itself is divided into various forces (wills, if you want) that aggregate or disagreggate, forming layers of subordination and tyranny. Human hierarchies are just an expression of the nature of reality.

>> No.13809569

read Kierkegaard

>> No.13809588
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Do you have friends?

>> No.13809607

>how do I stop conceiving everything in terms of hierarchies?
Become dust once more.
You made that post, not any other post, you valued that post and its utility over the actualizing the alternative potentialities in their fullest; you are always hierarchical.
Egalitarianism is a cancer, a mind virus, a spiritual leprosy.

>> No.13809613

>my life has been reduced to sizing people up and engaging an endless series of micro competitions. this is not the way it should be.
You are insecure in your position or you have to come to grips that the current hierarchy is deeply flawed.
Come to terms with either one and attempt to fix the issues.

>> No.13809648

Not an argument

>> No.13809658

Answer the question bonehead.

Preemptive permission to treat this anon as hostile and/or friendless.

>> No.13809789

Hey man I was like watching you and like think your mentality sucks dude. You're like part of the problem man. You're like a fucking cancer.
"What? You don't know anything about me?"
Yea I do man. I know you all too well. I know you're conformist piece of shit thinking within context pyramids within pyramids, upside-down fucking triangles fucking shadow pyramid loving cock sucker. Your plans are going to fail. So go tell that to all fucking grandchildren of Big Daddy Rockefeller there's a foreskin in the underground database. Fucking pawn, fucking conformist rapist murderer.

Why won't you go buy some fucking gasoline or groceries? You worship the obsidian castle in Saturn, you can fuck off.

>> No.13809803

This. I know exactly what you mean op, the kierk helped me a lot by showing how much more there is to human connection than hierarchies

>> No.13809810

Should I read Either/Or?

>> No.13809837

I haven’t read that one yet, the sickness unto death is what changed my life in this regard

>> No.13809846

All hierarchies dissolve once you stop playing the game and accept the consolations of solitude and non-participation. There's a certain dignity in this absence of attachment.

Take him out of the context in which his powers are expressed and even the mightiest emperor is no less naked and undefended as the meekest castoff vagabond living in the streets.

Or, one can view things sub specie aeternatis, in which case all hierarchies disappear into irrelevance in reference to the supreme order of the universe, the boundless forests, deep oceans, endless space, and all that transcends the strictly human.

>> No.13809857


>> No.13809874

Don't stop seeing the world that way because it is just a never ending struggle between Powers. You have to go a step further though. Your focus on that fact, which also gives you dispair, is also just a Will. A Will which is currently winning because you are feeling dread. You want to transcend this Will and the feeling it brings? Then start willing an other interpretation. Start willing another model of explaination. Is this new model even true? Who gives a fuck. If you sincerely Will it it dominates. Full stop. Only if you transcend Nietzsche and reject him performativally you understand him. Or in his words reject him - "umso besser"

>> No.13809921
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>> No.13809950

I lived in New Zealand for a few years and spent a lot of time with the Maori. Now, the modern Maori is as whitewashed as they come, but there are a few fragments of their culture which are still known if not practiced. I was introduced to the idea of "mana." Mana is power, influence, prestige, soul-energy, "ascendance in the dominance hierarchy," whatever. In traditional tribal society the two main ways to gain mana were by sleeping with a high-status woman and by killing enemy warriors. But the idea is obviously generalizable: a man should seek to conquer the beasts he can, gain expertise and mastery so that he can obtain more mana. It doesn't have to be a competition (though it can be and sometimes will be); your primary goal is the development of your own soul-energy.
Yes, but Either/Or isn't about hierarchical relations at all, it's about the esthetic versus the ethical.