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13807396 No.13807396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books can I read that will reaffirm my position that Neo-Liberalism is the best system for a society? Why would I go more left than this?! Are you crazy? Look at how well off Western counties are. We're in such a great position with the status quo (you might think I'm joking here when I am not). I will defend democracy and Capitalism with my life! Fascism is anti-democratic, and so is Communism! We need a state. The state we have is fantastic. I am grateful for being born in America.

>> No.13807563
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>> No.13807566

this is anti-neolib though

>> No.13807580

I recall a Scott Bakker novel where a city is falling to hordes of horrible monsters, and the men of the city were smashing their own childrens' brains out against the cobblestones to spare them the fate of being raped to death by the invading horde.

And then I recall the abortion rates and the pitiful birthrates of "Western counties," and I must pose a simple question. There are reasons why a man might murder his own children. One is that he is evil, and the other is that they face a fate worse than death.

The West has decided that extinction is better than posterity. I do not envy nor seek to emulate people who crave extinction. The West is evil, and it is obviously a miserable place to live because its people literally kill their own babies rather than subject them to being born there.

Since I believe that political proclivities are heritable, I do not weep for the children--if they had lived, they probably would have been leftists, and so their murder was just--but I must ask why anyone would choose such a disgusting path in the first place.

>> No.13807589

>black cover
>red letters
This book has an left bias, doesn't it?

>> No.13807593

do you know why people make kids in the first place

>> No.13807597

Based bakkerposter

>> No.13807602

Which faggot concocted this shit?

>> No.13807607

What are Butterfly's political views anyway? Is she a leftist? Socialist? Anarchist? Marxist?

>> No.13807621

Because they ran out of Creampies-Without-Consequence pills?

>> No.13807791


>> No.13807969

do you even know how rare abortions are?

>> No.13807972

>Contraceptives are bad
Based caveman

>> No.13808064

Neo-liberalism is not very democratic, though. It's effectively a rule of elites and big capital. That's not necessarily bad, but let's call it what it is.

>> No.13808071

the system relies on individuality and democracy

>> No.13808079

It relies on the illusion of democracy.

>> No.13808095

demonstrate how

>> No.13808134

For example, many actions that the US government takes (like bombing of foreign countries which kill many innocent people) would not be possible in a democratic US, if the voters were given a choice on the matter.
They are only possible because of a system of deception, which involves the two main parties effectively agreeing on these issues and the media and big capital playing along.

>> No.13808135

Libertarianism is the best ideology. Liberalism is leftist shit. Take the libertarian pill

>> No.13808141

Imagine wanting to read neoliberal apologetics. You'll get basic econ 101 arguments trying to justify no minimum wage, free trade, open borders, etc... Neoliberalism is cancer.
Kys, Libertarian clown. You're worse than neoliberals.

>> No.13808142

ye but the government is voted into office

>> No.13808145

Western society is in a great place right now because of neolib

What are you anyway? Some kind of anarchist?

>> No.13808149
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Living like a liberal doesn't make me rich.
Living like a lolbert does.

>> No.13808151
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>Western society is in a great place right now because of neolib

>> No.13808162

It is tho

>> No.13808164

Because the population is systematically deceived, the media is corrupt...
We can perform all kinds of mental gymnastics to explain this stuff however we want. But the simplest and most effective explanation is that a very small percentage of the population effectively dictates the policies.
We don't really have direct democracies in the West anymore, but the US in particular is a bad case. It doesn't even have referendums like most European countries.

>> No.13808167

>we aren't genociding other human beings like we were in 1750 so the world is shit now
How does it feel to be evil?

>> No.13808168

640,000 a year are rare?

>> No.13808179

Out of 350 million yes.
Anyway I think you're just angry that you'd have been aborted if your mother had access to the pill on time.
Imagine being so unwanted.

>> No.13808184

>because of neolib
It's because of the technological advancements, military and economic power etc. You could have a neo-nazi government in the US and you'd still have high standards of living. Correlation =/= causation.

>> No.13808192

I, too, love stagnant wages, deindustrialization, and rampant wealth inequality.

>> No.13808198

And what sort of societies did these technological advancements come from?

>> No.13808206

White/European societies.

>> No.13808211
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No cradle of civilization in Europe though

>> No.13808219

No. They came from Capitalist societies. Take Japan for example. As soon as they became Capitalist, look at how much technology they started pumping out. So many Japanese cars in America..

>> No.13808227

>As soon as they became Capitalist
Which is also the same time they became Westernized/Europeanized.

>> No.13808256

>da asian become westernized but not da blacks

>> No.13808276

Well, blacks are dumb and all. Being westernized alone isn't enough.

Not even sure what we're talking about anymore. All I'm saying is there are many reasons for why a society is considered "developed/good" and neo-liberal capitalism is at best just one of many, but not sufficient and probably not even required.

>> No.13808289

So true nazism hasn't been tried? Kek

>> No.13808297
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>> No.13808337

Nazi Germany wasn't so bad until they started to chimp out and went to war with the whole world.

>> No.13808351

That's what nazism is. Communism okay till Stalin starved his land owners.
You're all the same anti-free demons.

>> No.13808388

Purely from the perspective of a modern neo-libera, who cares about economic growth and prosperity over anything else, Nazi Germany had one of the highest living standards in the world at the time.
Even the Jews were very reluctant to leave, as persecuted as they were.

(I'm not a Nazi sympathizer, FYI.)

>> No.13808391

She's a stupid cunt

>> No.13808402

neoliberalism has been dead for at least 10 years

>> No.13808409

Deng is synonymous with neoliberal reform you fucking moron

>> No.13808423


Neoliberals don't rule totalitarian dictatorships. The clue's in the 'liberal'.

Deng was a national capitalist, like Rhee Syngman.

>> No.13808430

lol you absolutely are a Nazi sympathizer you fucking Nazi pos.

the Jews WANTED to leave because the reason Germany was doing so well was that it was plundering from Jews and other ethnic minorities. by the end of the war, more than a quarter of the German workforce was slave labour. only a very specific demographic was "doing well" in Nazi Germany.

>> No.13808448

He was influenced by Friedman and Tobin, he was pro private enterprise, he propelled a decent amount of liberalization, he adopted Reagan-esque supply-side economics. It's generally accepted that he married Chinese communism with neoliberalism.

>> No.13808451

>the Jews WANTED to leave
So why didn't they?
The Nazis made it clear in the early 30s or even earlier that Jews aren't welcome anymore.

Well, one reason is that the vast majority of the world was a shithole compared to Germany then. That's just a fact.

>> No.13808455

>Out of 350 million
Why are you trying to deceive people? That's the total population of the US, half of which is male, and the remainder of women are not all in the age range for child bearing. The correct number would be the amount of pre-menopausal adult women. Abortion supporters always lie, and you're no exception.

>> No.13808456

>married Chinese communism with neoliberalism.

>> No.13808459

can i breed you?

>> No.13808472

It didn't work though.

Okay fine. 100 million or something. Happy?

>> No.13808515

>It didn't work though.
Because it fell apart? Every state and system in history eventually collapsed. Some lasted decades, others centuries.
The Western states in their current form are like 50 years old and because of inertia, some are only now starting to experience the consequences of post-nationalistic policies.

>> No.13808516

I looked it up and it's about 85,000,000. The last recorded amount for abortions I could find is 2015 with about 640,000 as the other anon noted. Reminds me of the old propaganda slogan "Safe, Legal, and Rare" which is how abortion was previously sold. This was a lie of course. If there's nothing wrong with it then why should it be rare? Any attempt to restrict it is fought tooth and nail.

>> No.13808592

Deng was state capitalist. That's why even to this day Chinese government exerts enormous amount of control over the corporations.

>> No.13808611

look up a guy named Pinochet, anon

>> No.13808615
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>ye but the government is voted into office

>> No.13808620


>> No.13808622

Adam Müller

>> No.13808657

Oh no out of 85 millions only 600k are aborted how sad. We totally need those human beings right? I believe in the freedom to kill parasites in your womb that are dependent on you. Freedom is freedom.

>> No.13808678

>Humans are parasites and genocide is okay as long as we legalize it
This is what leftists really think

>> No.13808716

>based libs
>Shit libs
Everyone else

>> No.13808763

Whenever a person uses the concepts of "neoliberalism" and "leftism" in the same sentence, you know that dumb piece of shit is American.

>> No.13808779

>Which is worse — neoliberalism or leftism?
Perfectly cromulent sentence, buddy boy. Looks like the dumb, unimaginative piece of shit is YOU.

>> No.13808796

Dumb American detected

>> No.13808797

But then people should be free to not pay for that. Why should taxes exist?

>> No.13808806

Freedom is the ability to pass laws restricting and banning abortion.

>> No.13808813

Generally anarchist. For further hyphenations I could tell ya, but I’d have to tickle you

Libertarian is a party. Their ideology is neoclassical liberalism, or right-liberalism. A dumb nostalgic strain. Libertarianism is a type of socialism

We’re talking about economics, anon.

>> No.13808822

What’s it like to be from such a shitty country that the US lives in your head rent-free? Especially when your cranial capacity is pretty tiny to begin with? Do you find that your pointless obsessions push you closer and closer to retardation as they consume what little innate brainpower you have?

>> No.13808826

>Libertarianism is a type of socialism

>> No.13808838

u dumb or what nigga yo country full of them dumb-dumbs misusing words and tinkin they smart lmao read a book hahaha open your eyes nigga

>> No.13808844

I’m not shitting you.

>> No.13808858

Sorry but I'm a libertarian. I believe in freedom. Women shouldn't have to carry babies for 9 months for free. Either pay them minimum wage for doing free work to produce kids for your white race or let them cut off an organism that would be better of dead anyways. If you want meat for the meat grinder you should pay for it kiddo.

Yea sure I am in favour of cutting off all government spending on health care. Government has nothing to do with health care.

Government doesn't belong in peoples wombs.

Libertarianism is the furthest thing from socialism. We don't give welfare to anybody.

>> No.13808862

In the whole world it is, only dumb Americans think otherwise, and it's because Americans are so incredibly dumb that they started equating liberalism to leftism. It's sad, really.

>> No.13808868

>Sorry but I'm a libertarian. I believe in freedom.
>Government doesn't belong in peoples wombs.
I'm perfectly fine using government power to ban abortion and take your freedom away. If you think it's wrong that's too bad. You follow some powerless ideology that only exists for arguing online, so what you think doesn't matter or affect anything.

>> No.13808872

Well my point is that socialism is the abolition of private property when libertarianism is Capitalist

>> No.13808887

The Libertarian party is neoclassical liberalism. But they wanted to distance themselves from the Rooseveltian liberals who accepted the need for government to smooth over the harshness of rabid ever collapsing capitalism. They’re sure it was the central bank and fiat currency that makes corporations greedy, or they just don’t care. Hard to tell if they’re devious or stupid sometimes.
They’re rightwing liberals who rebranded as “Libertarian”

>> No.13808894

butterfly did you read the poem i wrote for you and if so can you give me your thoughts?

>> No.13808916

The term "neoliberal" was used by Hayek/Mises and the circle surrounding the mont pelerin society even though those types don't use the word any more and like to pretend it wasn't their coinage.

>libertarianism is Capitalist
You're hiding a lot of presuppositions there. Capitalism presupposes many rules and their enforcement which only work if you sneak in metaphysical ideas of natural harmony of interests and such. I can say capitalism is the abolition of private property since share capital socializes ownership of the economy.

>> No.13808932
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Yeah that's the point. But libertarians are the freest of all.

>> No.13808951

>believes in companies and legal fictions


>> No.13808966

>reason is that the vast majority of the world was a shithole compared to Germany then

Based illiterate poster.

>> No.13809697
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