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/lit/ - Literature

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13807169 No.13807169 [Reply] [Original]

tfw only read non-fiction

>> No.13808035


>> No.13808871

Literally me, I keep reading history and philosophy. Even if it's just five to ten pages day, it has improved by a great margin. Meanwhile fiction does nothing to me.

>> No.13809545

Based but add some science in there too.

>> No.13810393
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>I only read nonfiction. Reading fiction is impractical and if I'm being honest it's really just a form of escapism no different from watching movies. When you read nonfiction you acquire all sorts of tidbits of information that give you the edge at trivia night.

>> No.13811527


>> No.13811540
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, D6BDE67E-80AA-4394-A1D7-E237CC7F41C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I do only read books if the author has been dead for at least 100 years

>> No.13811546

You haven’t read the right fiction then. If Tolstoy doesn’t get to you then you’re subhuman

>> No.13812539


>> No.13812692

Knew an Iranian kid who was like that
He was something like 190cm tall

>> No.13812700
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>Non-fiction? Fiction? I don't read either; I'm too busy writing.

>> No.13812832
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tfw only read poetry

>> No.13812836
File: 62 KB, 500x725, American Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw only read research articles

>> No.13813570

lol epic dude!! fiction sucks!! Non fiction makes you SMART. I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE BTW. just finished jacking off to a picture of john stuart mill. shit was so cash.

>> No.13813575

Shut up