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13806769 No.13806769 [Reply] [Original]

Experiences at the bookstore

>book store has a quiet area where you can sit and read however long you want
>studying there
>3 women walk in, in the 30’s age range, 2 with coloured hair, all hefty
>sit at my table
>they are discussing their writing and works in progress
>one of them breaks out a book on writing that she borrowed from someone
>”If you haven’t read Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Pride and Prejudice why do you even want to write?”
>they write for 5 minutes then break out a book and a deck of cards
>mfw its called “The Literary Witch Oracle” and the cards are tarot cards
>they predict each other’s future
>one of them gets “you don’t need to worry about money” and the other gets death
>they all start comforting her
>I get up, turn 360 degrees and walk out

Yup, should have brought my earphones today, could have listened to the truman show soundtrack again

>> No.13806783

>and the other gets death

>> No.13806788
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>go on LibGen
>book I want isn't there
my only experience at a book store

>> No.13806797
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>be me
>go on libgen
>it has the book i want
>it's only in epub form

>> No.13806859

That's a really pretty picture of you, do you want to exchange kik accounts?

>> No.13806876

Now you get the converter experience

>> No.13806883

Why give a shit about what they were doing? Why let that get in the way of your own enjoyment? Chill the fuck out man, nobody cares.

>> No.13806890

50% of the posts here are about judging other people and their tastes

>> No.13806895

Not OP but they were at the book store's quiet area. Quiet. Area. For reading. Reading books, not each other's Tarot fortunes or whatever.

>> No.13806924

it's just not the same ;_;

>> No.13806962
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>At bookstore
>Going up to the counter
>Fat man and cute lady both tending to customers
>Pray fat man gets done first
>QT calls me over
>Place book too aggressively on the counter
">Loooovecrrraft, can't go wrong"
>Y-Yeah you can't get that edition o-online
>"Really? It's a penguin classic I would have thought..."
>No the. . don't it's.. uh the edition it's the cover that
>"Sir that's the wrong credit card reader"
>Right! Right how right silly dumb
>Now sweating noticeably
>She bags my book but keeps it back and away
>"You can circle any three magazines..."
>No thank you
>Grab book, reaching over the counter and too far into her personal space
>Start speedwalking away
>"Would you like your receipt?"
>Think seriously for a moment, unable to push through the mental fog
>Can you pitch it for me?
>"Uh, yeah *slight giggle*
>Speedwalk to my car

>> No.13807038

This is based.

>> No.13807083

never paid attention to the soundtrack in the Truman Show but you bet your ass I'm about to listen to it

>> No.13807087
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I have trouble dealing with confrontation but I'm getting better. I've been looking clerks in the eye when I say I don't want to round up to a dollar for the stupid charity, and this has helped a lot. It seems as if I look like an easy mark, so women who work places try to pry on me. They can flounder and confuse me, but I don't get suckered into whatever. The anger I feel at them trying to use me helps me to finish workouts. We can make it bros.

>> No.13807098

DO NOT MOT 9-30-19

>> No.13807110

>One of the special "rewards" recognizable by all booksellers is that occasional encounter with good, well-meaning, dutiful but besieged parents on a desperate search, mostly on Sunday evenings, for a book needed for some school assignment generally due by the following day. Thus after verifying by phone that we did indeed have a copy of Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five," there was so much disruptive and simultaneous background chatter from several teen-age voices on what appeared to be a cell phone within a moving automobile that we could no longer hear the voice of the original caller; and thought that this was either a teen-age prank call or that we were somehow cut off. Five minutes later when what is normally a quiet, contemplative sanctuary of a bookshop was assaulted with such a barrage of frantic, frenetic and disruptive cacophony, we preferred to bequeath said book to restore peace and quiet here. Lesson to all other good parents besieged at the last minute with similar assignments: Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five" is "sui generis," stands alone, and is not part of a series called "Slaughterhouse One," "Slaughterhouse Two," etc.

>> No.13807120

>go to bookstore
>sale on fiction so pick up 8 books including LOTR, Kafka, and Robinson Crusoe for $5.50
>thought i left my debit card there, was just in my pocket
pretty wacky day today

>> No.13807334


Listen to this the moment you come to
an important realization about a story or a philosophy

>> No.13807571

Death is literally a great card though, it symbolizes rebirth. Women fucking up tarot readings

>> No.13807751

Death only means change, so it dosen't necessarily mean she will die.

>> No.13807759

>Experiences at the bookstore

>go to the bookstore
>browse through all the shitty fiction to find authors that I want to read
>poor selection of titles
>always overpriced
>turn 360 degrees and moonwalk home to buy books from amazon instead

>> No.13807765
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>>they write for 5 minutes then break out a book and a deck of cards

>> No.13807830

epub is superior to pdf you dum dum.

>> No.13807838
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>doesn't look like a real book
>ugly formatting
>no actual page numbers so you cant cite it
>literally useless
fuck epubs

>> No.13807851

What the hell are you reading on? I read on my phone and pdf is horrible because you can't adjust the formatting.

>> No.13807905
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Experiences at the book depository

>go to book depository
>decide to check out the live purchases map
>Australia is mostly self-help and pop-psy
>Singapore is the worst kind of business books
>Hong Kong is surprisingly patrician
>Ireland is mostly plant books
>Norway is a bunch of books about happiness
>UK is pop-non fiction
>Israel is mostly pop-sci
>US rarely pops up but when it does it is absolute dog-shit books

>> No.13807984

ePub is the best though. Best to read on phone and easiest to convert to .mobi for kindle

>> No.13808789

Epub is MUCH better than pdf and is supported by most browsers!

>> No.13808801

Why do you need LOTR and Robinson Crusoe?

>> No.13808815

Very kafkian

>> No.13808816

People in the US don't use Book Depository, they just use Amazon (which owns Book Depository). There's no reason to have books shipped from overseas when we can get them shipped from within our own country. It's retarded.

>> No.13808864

I honestly thought book depository was an extension of the running joke where people are unnecessarily verbose about stuff and it was just a stand in for a different website. literally never heard of it

>> No.13808876

Not bookstore exactly, but I ordered a copy of Lolita from eBay and the seller didn't pay the full delivery fee so I had to pay $3 to pick it up at the depot and the book was in a transparent envelope

>> No.13808878

No, it's real. I'm sure their "free shipping worldwide" thing is quite nice depending no where you live. But there's no reason to use it in the US for most people.

>> No.13809863

Because its funny nigger

>> No.13810066

Nice to have physical copies of them and they were only 50cents each.