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/lit/ - Literature

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13806103 No.13806103 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading ?
>imb4 it's right wing extremist shit
Not that. I mean as a book. I don't want to go through some huge boomer collection of nazi articles and waste my time on some propaganda shit when people call me a nazi anyway.

>> No.13806238

It's basically black pill: the book

>> No.13806262
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Not if you're a mailman

>> No.13806310
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This is a better right wing political uprising book.

>> No.13806470

Covington please stop shilling your book in every thread

>> No.13806540

I wish I was HC, but hes sadly dead. Gone to fight those damn kikes in the sky

>> No.13806599

I used to lurk /sig/ on /fit/ where people gushed offer how well written meditations and bronze age mindset were, and even the plebs there said the writing was pretty bad.

>> No.13806718

It’s a right wing version of catechism of a revolutionary but from a far right persecptive. The catechism is only 10 pages so give it a read and then decide if you want 500 pages of that + discussions on the past of historical nazi sectlets in the US.

The writing isn’t notably good or bad.

>> No.13806740

Lost my shit at pic, ty anon very cool

>> No.13806761

>bronze age mindset
actually not that bad there's a few gems in there

>> No.13806763

It’s a bunch of random short articles for a Nazi newsletter and called a book.

>> No.13807573


Turner Diaries are a much more entertaining read and don’t try to masquerade as a newspaper

>> No.13808509

the book is so redpilled it made me tat a swazzie on my chest and carve one on my forehead

>> No.13808593

It's like the anarchist cookbook, except far more violent and you cant console yourself with the lie that it might be an FBI psy-op

>> No.13808845

you just got put on a fbi watchlist. i am not even kidding

>> No.13808970

I'm probably already on a few.

>> No.13809059


>> No.13809210 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13809226
File: 1.42 MB, 3000x2055, choice natsoc or nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
