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13805732 No.13805732 [Reply] [Original]

>In physics as in chemistry, in biology as in mathematics, the grand masters are dead”
Spengler said this when Einstein, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Bohr, etc. were all still alive.
>“The very possibility of a real philosophy of today and tomorrow is in question”
Spengler said this in the time of Whitehead, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, etc.
>”after Wagner no great musician”
Spengler said this in the time of Mahler, Stravinsky, Debussy, Prokofiev, etc.

>> No.13805753

Typical German pure speculation nonsense. Pay no attention to Spengler.

>> No.13805782

I will sit down and wait the arrival of the Spengler-anons, they always have good replies that are interesting to read to this sort of things.

>> No.13805789

what is conservatism

>> No.13805794

I saw a cool spider today, is that interesting?

>> No.13805800

spengler sounds like my dad

>> No.13805810

no, spiders were cooler 200 years ago

>> No.13805817


>> No.13805818

>Spengler said this in the time of Whitehead, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, etc.
What’s the context of the quote? The existence of certain luminaries and thinkers does not necessarily produce what can be called “the philosophy of tomorrow.”
>Mahler, Stravinsky, Debussy, Prokofiev, etc.
Bourgeois kitsch...

>> No.13805822

While you are right that Spengler's statements were premature, i cant help but feel like he was correct for philosophy and music. Heidegger was probably the last greatest continental philosopher, and Witty the last analytic. Everything after them has been either derivative or just minor commentary, and after the fall of communism, philosophy is just fucking dead. I dont essentially agree that there are no great musicians anymore, but that's a matter of taste.

Science is an interesting problem, because Spengler wrote that in a time of unparalleled optimism that everything could be solved or measures, and everything could essentially be 'known'. This was before Gödel took a giant shit on mathematics and before the quantum uncertainty principle. Nowadays the age of 'great' scientists is over. The fields have become far too complex and differentiated, and sciences like physics are starting to reach the limits of fundamental discoveries.
Banana spider venom can give you an extremely painful erection that can last up for hours. It's like Satan's viagra.

>> No.13805829

>he was correct for music

>> No.13805830

bro we live in the age of mumblerap and Dua Lipa