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/lit/ - Literature

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13804469 No.13804469 [Reply] [Original]

maybe literature about achieving goals as a mankind.

>> No.13804473
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>man’s duty

>> No.13804479

Self-help is for bugs.

>> No.13804481
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Stay mad buckos.

>> No.13804490

Way of the Superior Man
Mastery by Robert Greene

>> No.13804876

Can confirm. It's also a good place to get some ideas for further reading if the writing resonates with you.

>> No.13804978
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>> No.13805158 [DELETED] 

Having read a lot on the subject I can tell you that there is no book that will convince anyone to do anything. Most especially about developing themselves. There are only a handful of men in the world who care about themselves enough to truly develop them selves. Everyone else is just in the process of mimicry, role-playing, keeping up with the playbook. True development is the highest form of self sacrifice. A man who wants to develop himself will have to prepare to change his mind every hour, to inspire himself at every wrong turn, to pick himself back up at every fall, to do this by himself for himself alone. This man is on fire. A man like this reading books about discipline or self-improvement is redundant. As far as my understanding of great men girl, men like this never even chose that for themselves, they feel burdened to be the way they are, they wish they had it easier, and more often than not they are seen by others around them as stupid and lazy. As far as my understanding of great men girl, men like this never even chose that for themselves, they feel burdened to be the way they are, they wish they had it easier, and more often than not they are seen by others around them as stupid and lazy. I am quite convinced now that it is some sort of epigenetic thing, that there was a switch that was flipped by some occurrence that began the unzipping of X. Leary talks about this, something about the eight parts of enlightenment, the last final number eight is a person coming face-to-face with a life-threatening experience. Something literally is conjured up in this person that makes it impossible to return to the life they once had. They are the kind of people who are surrounded by not friends, not colleagues, but people who can keep up with him. It is not that he is running away from death but that he has stolen the clock that destiny holds in its skeleton hand. When he tries to let people hear it or to describe it to others it cannot be described. I will prove this now by failing to do so myself

>> No.13805182

Having read a lot on the subject I can tell you that there is no book that will convince anyone to do anything. Most especially about developing themselves. There are only a handful of men in the world who care about themselves enough to truly develop them selves. Everyone else is just in the process of mimicry, role-playing, keeping up with the playbook. True development is the highest form of self sacrifice. A man who wants to develop himself will have to prepare to change his mind every hour, to inspire himself at every wrong turn, to pick himself back up at every fall, to do this by himself for himself alone. This man is on fire. A man like this reading books about discipline or self-improvement is redundant. As far as my understanding of great men go, men like this never even chose that for themselves, they feel burdened to be the way they are, they wish they had it easier, and more often than not they are seen by others around them as stupid and lazy. I am quite convinced now that it is some sort of epigenetic thing, that there was a switch that was flipped by some occurrence that began the unzipping of X. Leary talks about this, something about the eight parts of enlightenment, the last final number eight is a person coming face-to-face with a life-threatening experience. Something literally is conjured up in this person that makes it impossible to return to the life they once had. They are the kind of people who are surrounded by not friends, not colleagues, but people who can keep up with him. It is not that he is running away from death but that he has stolen the clock that destiny holds in its skeleton hand. When he tries to let people hear it or to describe it to others it cannot be described. I will prove this now by failing to do so myself

>> No.13805254
File: 39 KB, 330x499, finite-infinite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duty is an infantilizing and enslaving concept. Self-improvement is about your relationship with potentiality.

>A finite player is trained not only to anticipate every future possibility, but to control the future, to prevent it from altering the past.”

>Infinite players, on the other hand, continue their play in the expectation of being surprised. If surprise is no longer possible, all play ceases.

>> No.13805296

Potentiality is connected to Duty. Read Aristotle

>> No.13805309
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Eat beans.

>> No.13805321

It does not follow that play will lead to development. Sure, no one would involve themselves with play that weakened their powers, but it doesn’t follow that play will heighten them. Play is inherently reflective. Where’s as development is intentional and it’s anything but playful. I too thought that thinking about development in this way, that is playfully, would help alleviate the fear and anxiety around it, whereas now I’ve come to realize that the fear and anxiety are where the development is taking place and now away from it. Play is extremely important, especially to NPCs whose emotional cries for help have been completely taken over by their ideological autopilot cues, learning how to play is key to reorienting yourself to the world as you really are in it. But development is inherently more ripping of the flesh, those extra reps that your not sure you can do, that memory that is too heavy to face alone, those people you need to set the record for, that heavy stomp on the ground when enough is enough, that apology from your squirming guts to make amends. Development is strength training, it’s serious work, it hurts. it’s done alone, where no one is there rooting for you, no one sees you. If there is someone there, and they are rooting for you, and they do see you, and they are trying to make you happy as you are going through the shit, you make sure to appreciate that person and love that person because that person really gives a fuck about you

>> No.13805331

>When he tries to let people hear it or to describe it to others it cannot be described. I will prove this now by failing to do so myself
This line gives me some strong David Foster Wallace vibes. I definitely relate.

>> No.13805406

How can someone type 261 words without saying something meaningful by accident? I'm amazed.

>> No.13805416

Inoperatize the economy of duty and will. Read Agamben

>> No.13805469

That went over your head? Lol

>> No.13805561

Stick with Tony Robinson

>> No.13805667

Matthew Arnold and Nietzsche are two of the most obvious things that spring to mind.

>> No.13805728
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>> No.13805745

>man’s duty

>> No.13805751

it dind't work so well for himself lmao.

>> No.13805764

He did extremely well all things considered.

>> No.13806266

There is someone there rooting for you and he loves you

>> No.13806300


>> No.13806334

Is it you? Are you a fellow homosexual male?

>> No.13806403

It is I, Dumbledore

>> No.13806991

On Duties

>> No.13807048

who is this? tried reverse image search and nothing came up . . .

>> No.13807151


>> No.13807677
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>no one mentioning japanese diaper man
Come on lit, he was all the rage six months ago

>> No.13807948


>> No.13808020

I wonder how many formerly closeted gay guys have diaries where they try to convince themselves they're straight and write about "Becky's ass" or "Stacie's tits" so it sort of reads like them being gay is a retcon (even if the heterosexual stuff is unconvincing).