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/lit/ - Literature

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13804366 No.13804366 [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you read in a year

>> No.13804376

Anywhere from 30 to 60. I wish I didn't have a job.

>> No.13804387

one less than enough

>> No.13804743

5 years ago, I would read between 25-35.

Now, maybe 15, tops.

>> No.13804765

Like 30-40
Last year I read 45 though but I was still in school

>> No.13804775

I don't keep track, but not enough. Probably like 15-20

>> No.13805510

I don't actually read any books.

>> No.13805526

I try to read at least 20 (not counting texts for school), it used to be around 50.

>> No.13805575

I don't count them because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.13805581


>> No.13805597

Bout 4 or 5 a year

>> No.13805602

This is the only right answer you abject failures.

>> No.13805614

Right now I'm on my 23rd for 2019

>> No.13805615

I just wanted to say that I'm very proud of you for not being a faggot. I know that it's difficult and the other boys will be mean to you if you come across that way, but you're doing a good job. You come across as a very straight and very masculine man :)

>> No.13805624

I read around 20 books the first half of the year and haven't read anything since

>> No.13805629

What kind of books do you read to read that many?

>> No.13806212

7 to 8, depending on how many classes I am taking.

>> No.13806224

If I recall correctly, I've read two books this year cover to cover.

>> No.13806252

Maybe one on average

>> No.13806261

>tfw reading about Louis XVI reading about 12 books a week in the lead up to his execution cause he had nothing else to do
>I read about 12 books every 6 months

>> No.13806382


>> No.13806395

No one on /lit/ actually reads

>> No.13806402

I've read 20 so far.

>> No.13806414

About 50, one every 6 days. Which is entirelly too few.
Mine are made of paper, about 300 pages and have funny drawings on the cover.
What is this question even supposed to fucking mean.

>> No.13806422
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He reads less than 450 wpm

>> No.13806442

Over 30 normally but this year I’ve been working part time while studying full time. My only free days for sustained reading are the weekend and the first half of Thursday. I still read about ten pages or so on the bus ride into town though.

>> No.13806444

Used to read 5-10 but after I started browsing lit its gotten to 15-20

>> No.13806802

Anon is looking for some arbitrary thing you slap scoffingly on your books to cope with the fact that he reads almost nothing.

>> No.13806838

I've read ~15 books this year so far. Never was a reader until recently.

>> No.13806918

About 150. I'm up to ~30,500 pages and 116 books so far. The key is to break up stints of longer books with novellas, so you get a change of pace and not burn out on a series of doorstoppers.

>> No.13806951

40+ but I’m trying to set a goal to read at least 1 book more each year than I did the year before

>> No.13807216

Do you read children's books?

>> No.13807225

Honestly though as a slow reader it kind of baffles me that some people can actually read 40 a year. It takes me a good 2 weeks to finish a book but I take my time and get tired out easily. Probably because electronics have fried my attention span

>> No.13807231

I read all of Hegel's works in a day. 15 hours give or take. Sorry you'll never be smart.

>> No.13807241

I’m not very good at math, I’m not sure

>> No.13807303

I only read when I'm on the toilet, so around 5-6

>> No.13807319

Anywhere from 30 to 60. I wish I had a job

>> No.13807323

If you spent less time masturbating to porn and browsing 4channel you could read a lot more. Even if you're actually mentally retarded you should be able to finish a book in 12 hours so one book a day is reasonable if you have no job or other responsibilities.

>> No.13807339

About a novel a week but sometimes I'll go a week or two after finishing a series maybe once or twice a year so it's probably about 40. On a similar note how fast do you read novels? I've timed myself a few times and it's pretty steady at 40 pages an hour, any faster and I'm not really visualizing.

>> No.13807347

I'm aware of that , I've spent 3 months without internet and managed to read 31 (from the 36 this year), but I haven't touched a book since I got it again

>> No.13807353
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i read 11 last year, just finished my 5th this year

>> No.13807373

How do I read really fast? should I get ADHD meds?

>> No.13807375

I had a lot of free time when I was a hghschooler. I remember spending an entire holuday weekend reading Critique of Pure Reason in Junior year. Something like16 hours of reading in two days. Didn't do that every weekend but I also read in the evening.
This year I've tried to keep an average of one book a week, it's not easy but I'm not too much behind.
As fo what book I read, my fifteen last books have:
>Lawrence Durrell's The Curious Story of pope Joan
>Habermas's Philosophical Discourse of Modernity
>Henry Miller's Black Spring and The Books of My Life
>Lafforgue's Legendary Moralities
>Darius Rejali's Torture and Democracy
>Villiers de l'Isle Adam's The Future Eve
>all novels of Bioy Casares (8 novels in total, all rather short)
Only Rejali's, Habermas' and Miller's second book were more than 300 pages long, but the first was 600 pages and rather fact-oriented, and the second is focused on German and French philosophy.

>> No.13807387

I'm around that speed as well, for the same reason (though I find myself rereading more and more lately, when I like a page I can read it three times before turning it).

>> No.13807405

Was my first reading year. Read 23 books from april to now

>> No.13807497
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>> No.13807511
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twelve 1000 page non-fiction books

>> No.13807519 [DELETED] 
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i am currently reading these. i rotate between them

>> No.13808848

You probably have more to do than a guy waiting for death.

>> No.13808900


>he's well read
>off with his head

>> No.13808915

16 this year
a bunch of short things in there though

>> No.13808921

I make it a goal to read 100 but I usually falter and make it to 70-80.

>> No.13809174


>> No.13809539

I don't get it.. I mean I could read books really fast and finish most in a day but what's the point without being immersed in the book and taking your time. It's like trying to speed-run a game you're playing for the first time.

>> No.13809610

So far 18, I'm currently reading the 19th book. I have to divide my time between books and videogames.

>> No.13809616

i never read for personal enjoyment until this year. so far ive read 4 books and im on my 5th

>> No.13809627

Heh, pathetic.

>> No.13809636

>it's reasonable to read 12 hours a day every day
No lmao. There have been times when I've been really into a fiction book and read for 9-10 hours that day but doing that everyday is not healthy.

>> No.13809637

About 10, I could probably do 3-5 times more if I really tried but I can't really doit for some reason

>> No.13809644

yep lmao. i didnt care about reading until like 4 months ago when I finally found my niche (surrealism)

>> No.13809897
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Here's every book I read in 2014.

>> No.13810149

a lot of novels are around 300 pages which are easily doable if you have good reading pace

>> No.13810172

Reading 200 pages of fiction in a single day is no accomplishment.

Also it seems obvious nobody here actually reads plays or poetry.

>> No.13810226

>reading plays

massive plen

>> No.13810230

Yea yea ofc. Reading Racine is shameful indeed.

You guys are absolute plebs, was my point.

>> No.13810232

I bet you don't even read screenplays.

>> No.13810246

Go finish your 10th novel of the year

>> No.13810254

I'm reading Voices from Chernobyl.

>> No.13810259

Even worse lel. Svetlana. Wasn’t lying about the plebs...

Try Müller next if you want womyn nobels.

>> No.13810264

Used to get 50. Now as a wagecuck around 30. Ebooking nonfiction on commute helps.

>> No.13810268

Before that, I read Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger and Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves.

By all means, keep pretending reading plays has merit.

>> No.13810278

Racine > all the artists you named so far

Imagine thinking Junger is better than Arrabal. Typical canon pleb, most likely anglo too.

>> No.13810284


bet you never even read any Holberg


you wish, kælling

>> No.13810295

Literal scaruffi-core. Fucking teens mane...

>> No.13810310

Get a room you two.

>> No.13810323

LG Jensen has written more prestigious works than any of that pretentious chimney soot you've managed to puff up.

>> No.13810329

stop arguing obscurity you utter plen

>> No.13810338

Not until we agree that reading plays is no better than reading a screenplay. And pretending that plays are somehow of more merit than a fine fiction novel is absolutely herringbrained.

>> No.13810341

Right back at you, jabroni.

>> No.13810355

>Not until we agree that reading plays is no better than reading a screenplay
you are dumb, are nobody implied that second sentence

Naming Racine to defend theater... so obscure... Arrabal ! And a nobelized writer ! Beckett soon !

>> No.13810360

you sure did imply that this place was a plen haven because noone read your silly costume dramas

>> No.13810372

Forget the name - clearly it's too much for you. You simply discredited all reading of plays with a sick greentext. Only defending it's legitimity. I don't hierarchize between forms : you do, actually.

>> No.13810378

I do indeed. Plays are for wimps.

>> No.13810387

Ofc I know that. I browse this board, ljust like you. Long live Infinite Jest. And Joyce. Etc. Serious forms, serious thinking.

>> No.13810391

I don't read but I listen to over 150 audiobooks a year.

>> No.13810397

Sebald is serious thinking.

>> No.13810398

Plays dont count as they are supposed to be staged, not written.

inb4 closet dramas - everything can be staged

>> No.13810408

>Plays dont count as they are supposed to be staged, not written.
This is why I named Racine and not, say, Beckett. But whatever. Great pint man !

Ofc Sebald is legit... although throwing another name in the mix is... w/e

>> No.13810433

They don’t count ! Stop padding your goodreads stats, ok ? What’s next, poetry ?

>> No.13810451

About this. This year I read less because I wanted to clear a video game backlog instead.

>> No.13810462

Glad to hear you found the joys of reading anon.

>> No.13810467

The sun also rises is such a shitty fucking book. Then again I was fucked by it with a professor in university fixated on how unfair life was for the totally-not-hemingways-waifu bitch in it.

>> No.13810502

>disliking a book because you were forced to read it

are you in middle school?

>> No.13810596
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>> No.13810618

Tu lis Racine en quelle langue?

>> No.13810644

I read about 15 to 20 per year, a few of which will be pretty long reads (this year included Moby Dick and Vanity Fair). Regardless, I’m a pretty slow reader and most people would read much more if they had my commute.

>> No.13810661

I didn't like it either. One of his weaker books for sure.

>> No.13810698

I didn't hate it because I was forced to read it, I hate it because my university professor would only interpret it in one way, to the novel's detriments. It's also just a shitty story in general.

I don't as a whole enjoy Hemingway at all except for his short stories. I honestly think he was puffed up to fill a gap in american lit.

>> No.13810746

He was never as good as Faulkner.

>> No.13811764

this year so far 15, during undergrad it was 30-40 a year

>> No.13811816

how do I combine my time between reading books and playing videogames?

>> No.13811926

I've read around 40 so far this year. About a month ago, I started aiming to read at least 50 pages per day, which means I can finish most books in four or five days. A year of reading at that pace would equal 18,250 pages, which is a pretty hefty chunk.

>> No.13811932


>> No.13811945

I've only started a reading habit this year, 3 books so far

>> No.13811947

Back when I worked the night shift I would average 1.5 books a day... Those were the days.

>> No.13811961

don't let yourself play video games until you've done your daily reading

>> No.13811967

Pretty Good advice Thank you

>> No.13811971


>> No.13811973

even the gigantic retard george bush read 100 books a year, what's your excuse?

>> No.13811977

I was reading 2 or 3 books a week for a while. I don't know if I've ever hit 60 in a year but it's doable. Most books take like 6-10 hours to read. Spending 20+ hours a week on a hobby isn't unreasonable.

>> No.13811979

Usually around 50. I only have one functional eye, so my reading rate is super slow

>> No.13811990

If you read less than 40-50 a year you're not a serious reader

>> No.13811995

Just try to read more little by little, or have a speed reading course. Some work a bit. If you care about your reading speed that is.

>> No.13812132

Does anyone read a majority of a book and then never finish it?

I have like 11 open books right now. Mostly non-fiction.

>> No.13812149

only you zoomer

>> No.13812180

Bet you haven't even read 20 books this year. Post your goodreads, coward.

>> No.13813374

Between 30-40. Many of them are quite short though, as the average page count according to goodreads is about 286 pages.

>> No.13813565

It doesn't really matter as you should read philosophy 10 times slower than novels.

>> No.13814073

currently reading The Leopard.
Thanks to the anon that suggested i read it around this time of year.

>> No.13814079

like any other self respecting /lit/ browser, I generally read around 104 books a year. How about yourself, OP?

>> No.13814091

It depends but this year I think I would read about 20-30 books (I hope).

>> No.13814096

I've just really started reading and i'm reading maybe 20 a year because I keep re-reading lines and don't find the time with all the noise at home.

>> No.13814100

probably, yeah
or just continue to read and force yourself not to go back

>> No.13814103

are you me?

>> No.13814105

philosophy requires more reading yes, but if you're not annotating it's worthless anyways :dab:

>> No.13814220

>philosophy requires more reading yes, but if you're not annotating it's worthless anyways
>spending 10 mins per page scribbling on your book in order to gain deeper meanings on anything other than a project that requires cross references with other works

>> No.13814231

At the end of the day I can describe what i've read with clarity and if I can't I have my specially dedicated notepad which I use for annotations.

>> No.13814238

if you feel that justifies you reading a book in the same time you could've read four, then go you

>> No.13814308

I started reading books earlier this year because of this board. So far I read 17 books mostly fiction though.

>> No.13814610

since no one knows who I am I can say this here
It takes me 10-15 minutes just to read a page most times, I am just that slow reader and dumb.

>> No.13814632


>> No.13814708

1 per week more or less

>> No.13814753

I read one book a year.

>> No.13814892

as many as i fucking want

>> No.13814919

But anon, I read Britannicus and Phaedra last week.

>> No.13815829

Not a zoomer. Just employed.

>> No.13816281

>read to ruins
the thread

>> No.13816304


>> No.13816311

i try to read a book a week. just finished wonders of the universe by brian cox, a nice repeat lecture i suppose. now going through mirabell: books of number by james merrill.

>> No.13816326

This is a good goal, start realistically and then just try to read a little more each year, if you’re in it for the long haul eventually you’ll be reading 50-60 books a year which is respectable.

>> No.13817610
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This thread is definitive proof that /lit/ is full of plebs. Even with a fulltime job, going to the gym, getting a /fitlit/ gf, and working on your self-published burger PoMo novella you should easily be able to read at least 800 pages (~2-3 books) a week. 100 pages a day on the weekdays and at least 150 pages a day on the weekends. Come on lads - I know you can make it if you really try.

>> No.13819409

I read twice that, you pleb.