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13803880 No.13803880 [Reply] [Original]

>In comparison with Mussolini, Hitler made upon me the impression of a sort of scaffolding of wood covered with cloth, an automaton with a mask, like a robot or a mask of a robot. During the whole performance he never laughed; it was as though he were in a bad humor, sulking. He showed no human sign.

His expression was that of an inhumanly single-minded purposiveness, with no sense of humor. He seemed as if he might be a double of a real person, and that Hitler the man might perhaps be hiding inside like an appendix, and deliberately so hiding in order not to disturb the mechanism.

With Hitler you do not feel that you are with a man. You are with a medicine man, a form of spiritual vessel, a demi-deity, or even better, a myth. With Hitler you are scared. You know you would never be able to talk to that man; because there is nobody there. He is not a man, but a collective. He is not an individual, but a whole nation. I take it to be literally true that he has no personal friend. How can you talk intimately with a nation?

What did Jung mean by this.

>> No.13804056

He had autism

>> No.13805155
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>wood covered with cloth
Hitler was guided by the tree spirits, like the greatest Western leaders, this manifested physically
>automaton with a mask
Hitler recognized his own lack of will regarding his choice in what he wills, he was an avid reader of Schopenhauer
>He showed no human sign
Dissociated from the need to perform signs for the purpose of social acceptance, highly individualized
>single-minded purpose, no sense of humor
Pure tragedian, and his story is an echo of the same
>double of a real person, hiding
Hitler locked away his weakness within his subconscious
>you would never be able to talk to that man; because there is nobody there.
Jung is basically repeating the same things in this paragraph, for Hitler there is Will and Belief, his goal was to embody belief and to be guided by will. Read some non-dual tantras.

Hitler is a fascinating case because he is individualized, distinct, apart, and yet he contained the will of his race, which is an extremely rare combination, and yet his example creates more like him. Hitler picked up on the clues his subconscious gave him and followed it to its end.

What I typically hear from most Aryan-leaning individuals is that "Jung is better than Freud," but that there's something still "off" about him, I think Serrano explained it as the psychological methodologies as being analytically focused.

>> No.13805165

this sounds a lot like what Serrano said about Hitler

>> No.13805185
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>With Hitler you are scared. You know you would never be able to talk to that man; because there is nobody there
Hitler-san is just like me desu....

>> No.13805267
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Yeah that sounds exactly like me too

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.13805283

you can just tell exactly how this girl's life went down in her 20s

>> No.13805292

I can see the panic in her eyes of fertility levels sinking.

>> No.13805601

Read Savitri Devi. Hitler WAS a motherfuckin deity.

>> No.13806458

didn't he compare hitler to muhammad(pbuh)?

>> No.13806475

Good post.

>> No.13806477

Hitler was just a neet that followed his dreams.

>> No.13806531

Bunch of incoherent babble and mixing of metaphors, clearly Jung must have been retarded.

>> No.13806564

why did so many people find hitler so mysterious? to me, he just seems like a lunatic ranting and raving.

>> No.13806569

have you seen any of his speeches? The guy had this sort of magnetism to him

>> No.13806572

>Dissociated from the need to perform signs for the purpose of social acceptance, highly individualized
How do I become like this.

>> No.13806575

Or even teens.

>> No.13806580

You can see all the stages of grief play out in female dating profiles. Once they hit their late 30's they change "Want children someday" to "Does not want children".

>> No.13806581

Hitler and Jesus were the closest people to the Ubermensch
Prove me wrong

>> No.13806641

Hitler was an introvert with a high degree of social anxiety and a troubled past. He was constantly worried about his friends and at times intervened in their personal lives simply because he could not stand to see disorder in the people around him. He even managed to hold Goebbels' marriage together despite the husband and wife hating and cheating on each other constantly.

Mussolini was a good natured extroverted and idealistic man whose adult life had literally been one long story of success and popularity. He was trusting and believed that good people (those who were his friends) must necessarily be effective people as well. He had a strong faith in his own people to the point of ignoring their faults, and he had the suicidal courage and abandon of a man who has never considered that his life might not end in joy, but in tragedy. And from reports of his death, he died instantly, thinking himself courageous and a hero.

It actually makes perfect sense, because the two embodied much of the national characters of their respective peoples.

>> No.13806662

He also had just one testicle.

>> No.13806674

the virgin hitler vs the chad mussolini

>> No.13806679

Alexander the Great?
The entire Borgia familly?

Nigga, Hitler isn't even top 5 historical leaders out there. He just took control of a idiot-proof country through mindless populism and drove it to a collapse.

>> No.13806725

Mussolini was far more rational than Hitler

Hitler that that creepy sperg energy

>> No.13806733

Lots of meditation is doing it for me.

Especially meditation out in the wilderness.

>> No.13806759


>> No.13806775

Not gonna lie bros I'd follow a man like Mussolini to death and disaster rather than one of the politickers or elites of today to a great future.